Scanderan rose

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Scanderan rose
Rosa scandera
Scientific classification
R. Scandera

Rosa Scanderan or the Scanderan rose has long served as both the religious symbol of the main cult of the holy chronically and as a symbol of purity and honesty and it can be seen as far back as pre migration stone carvings and runestones making it one of the oldest symbols in all of Scandera still use.

It is also known for its sturdiness as it can grow on all over Scandera and it can be found on the windpined chalk islands in the south and the east, in the dark forests of Imeriata and Erathia where it competes with large trees for sunlight, in the high stoney mountains of Vedian and finally in the large desolate tundra and permafrost of the north.

Common Names

The Scanderan rose is known by several names amongst Rasmer rose, holy rose, flame rose, the blessed rose and god's rose which is a name it has been given as the Imerian god Rasmer was born as a giant rose and took human shape after having been light ablaze.


The scanderan rose grows all over Scandera in almost all kinds of terrain and one can find them in the highest mountains and it does not requires nutritious soil so it can be found all over the continent.


The rose grows in large bushes rising around 3 meters over the ground and can spread out just as wide in thick complicated patterns making the bush all but impossible to pass through. In this complicated knot of wines thorns and leaves so can one also see large fist sized roses that always are a deep red colour and have been said to be the colour of commoner blood.


The rose is pollinated by several insects and is especially known for being attractive to butterflies and especially Schvartfjarils, bees and hornets are amongst some of the insects one can find there.

How They Grow

The Scanderan rose grow quickly when it has taken root however in winter so does the flowers die but when the spring comes so does the flowers grow out again and drop seeds that are then eaten by birds and dropped away from the flower where they grow up to form a new rose bush.


The scanderan rose is a very simple flower to keep and it only requires to be watered from time to time and the flower trimmed and the rose grows up strong and healthy.

Symbolism and uses

The scanderan rose is used in a lot of religious ceremonies as it is one of the holiest symbols in the religious faith while it is also used the represent the sturdiness and unmoving nature of Scanderan traditions and political climate.

ImeriataFlag.png The absolute royal federation of Imeriata and her realms
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HistoryMörker åldern (The Wharen empire)
Gryningstid(Vedian migration Imerian migration Erathian migration
Mellankhönunga tiden(The elven wars The non-human wars The Vedian-Erathian warsThe river kingdom)
Khönunga åldern(Unification of the southlands The first Vedian-Imerian wars Tiden mellan krig Silfer kriget The second Vedian-Imerian war The two hundred year wars )


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