Zelusian Dynasty

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The Zelusian Dynasty was a Hellenic Syaran royal family that served as the Royal House of Makedon for 2,500 years.

Founded by Epikharmas in 556 BCE, the Zelusians would rule Makedon for the next 2,500 years through Classical Syara until the Republic of Syara. At its height during the Makedonian Empire, the Zelusian family ruled over much of Siduri, including Syara, Ruvelka, Mansuriyyah, Arkoenn, Sekiros, Quenmin, and parts of Knichus, Boreas, and Nalaya. The Zelusian family would survive the Fall of the Makedonian Empire, splitting apart during the War of the Marked, and remain in power in Syara under the Makedonian Khanate, but by the 16th century its growing social isolation from the rest of Syara led to its decline during the Rioni Union. During the Syaran Successor States the Zelusians reasserted the Kingdom of Makedon as an independent power and were major drives of industrialization and modernization, and were instrumental in the Unification of Syara and the foundation of the Republic of Syara. The Republic's victory in the Divide War saw a resurgence in Syaran nationalism and prominence of the Zelusian family, which eventually resulted in the Siduri War. Syara's defeat and the subsequent Broken Years resulted in significant declines in the fortune and popularity of the Zelusians, along the the Baligov Dynasty of Galania, became increasingly isolated from the rest of Syaran society.

By the 1970s this had ossified in the form of anti-monarchist segments of Syara's population known as the Wardens, who called for the overthrow of Syara's royal families and the abolishment of the monarchy. The Zelusians were supported by the Royalists, who eventually clashed with the Wardens during the Refusal War. The Royalist defeat during the war brought an end to the Zelusian Dynasty in Syara; the Royal Palace in Parilla was burned to the ground during the conflict and the surviving family members were evacuated to Ossoria. In 1988 the Commonality of Syara officially declared any Syaran nobility abolished, bringing an end to the Zelusian presence in Syara. The dissolution of the Zelusian Dynasty is disputed by Serikos, which maintains that the Tai Dyansty is the correct successor to the Zelusian family owing to the intermarriage of Prince Eryx to Tai Zhihua in 1266 CE.