Constitution of Viha

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We, the People of the United Provinces of Viha, in Order to be the best nations in Atracia, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Government of our United Provinces of Viha.

Article 1

Section 1

The name of our nation shall be the United Provinces of Viha, hereafter referred to as Viha.

Section 2

The officers of the United Provinces shall make up the Executive Board of Viha, hereafter referred to as the “Board”.

Article 2

Section 1

The Chief Executive is the Leader of the Executive Board.

Section 2

The purpose of the Executive Board shall be governing the organization by establishing broad policies and setting out strategic objectives. Selecting, appointing, supporting, and reviewing the performance Chief Executive. Ensuring the availability of adequate financial resources. Approving annual budgets.

Section 3

Anyone who wants to be an officer, feel free to make an application and send it to the Chief Executive. The Board only has 108 seats. Each four-year, the Board will be re-selected by the Chief Executive.

Article 3

Section 1

The requirements of citizenship are :
Born in Viha
Have at least mother or father citizen of Viha.

Section 2

The privileges and Responsibilities of Citizenship are :
Respect other citizens
Follow the Constitution and Laws
Pay taxes.

Section 3

Citizenship may be revoked by The Justice League of Viha if a citizen insult the Government of the United Provinces of Viha.

Section 4

Citizenship shall be open to all current citizens, regardless of age, gender identify, disability, veteran.

Article 4

A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum to make any decision. A majority of those voting shall constitute an affirmative vote of the Board. Each Officer shall be entitled to one vote and the vote of the majority of the Board at any meeting at which there is a quorum shall be sufficient to making decision.

Article 5

Section 1

The Executive Board shall have the following officers :

Section 2

The duties of these officers shall be:
Know the laws of the United Provinces
Preside at all meetings and ensure that meetings are conducted in accordance with parliamentary procedure
Appoint the Chief Executive.

Section 3

The officers can hold a 4 terms limit, as Section 3 of Article 2.

Section 4

Only citizens who are members of the Board may hold the Chief Executive. No officers can be the Chief Executive 2 terms in a row.

Article 6

Section 1

Nationwide elections must take place after a four-year term of the Chief Executive. The Chief Executive candidates must be older than forty year-old, are not the last term Chief Executive and are members of the Executive Board. The winner of the elections shall be determined by plurality vote. No Officers, however shall be elected as Chief Executive unless he or she receives the vote of twenty seven percent (27%) of the Board.

Section 2

The procedures of appointing a Chief Executive are :
-The Chief Executive signs a document that includes a promise(s)
-The President will give that Chief Executive the Card of Chief Executive
-The Chief Executive bow to the citizens.

Section 3

The Chief Executive may be impeached or removed if he or she commits a crime.

Section 4

In the event of a mid-term vacancy of an elected Chief Executive, an election shall be hold to decide the replacement Chief Executive. All the procedures are the same as Section 1,2 Article 6.

Article 7

Section 1

The Prime Minister of the United Provinces of Viha shall be :

Section 2

Prime Minister is the General-Leader of all ministries.

Section 3

The Prime Minister can hold his or her officer for 4 years. He or she cannot be remove from office or resign from office.

Section 4

After a four-year term, an nationwide election shall be hold to decide the new Prime Minister. Every one can run for Prime Minister.

Section 5

There are 12 ministries, each ministry has one minister
Ministry of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
Ministry of Digital, Culture, Media
Ministry of Sport
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Ministry of International Development
Ministry of International Trade
Ministry of Happiness
Ministry of Transport
Ministry of Work and Pensions
Ministry of Health and Social Care
Ministry of Justice

Article 8

Section 1

The standing President of the United Provinces of Viha is Pres. Danny Tunner.

Section 2

The Parliament contains 1 seat for the President, 36 seats for the House of Senate and 72 seats for the House of Commons.

Section 3

The House of Commons makes the laws and send it to the House of Senate.

Section 4

The House of Senate edit the laws that have been sent by the House of Commons and send it to the President.

Section 5

The President decide to approve or not the laws that have been sent by the House of Senate. If it is approved, the President will send it to the Prime Minister and the Prime Minister will send to the ministry(es) that the laws involved.

Section 6

After a four-year term, a nationwide election shall be hold to decide a new President. Every citizen can be a candidate.

Article 9

All bylaws of the United Provinces and bylaws of the Board shall be establish by the House of Commons and amended by the House of Senate.

Article 10

Amendments of the Constitution may be proposed by three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Executive Board or a petition signed by 500 currently enrolled citizens.

Article 11

This Constitution shall be established by a vote of a three-fourths (3/4) majority of the citizens of the United Provinces of Viha.

Article 12

Questions concerning the interpretation of this document shall be decide by the Board.