Energy of Viha

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Viha is famous for its green sources of energy. They are Solar, Wind and Nuclear.
There is one solar farm in Viha, it is located in Latirus and it's called Solar Farm of Latirus. The area of this farm is 57 square kilometres, the largest one in Anteria. The price to install this farm is 9 Billion Vihish Ducat.
There are 5000 wind turbines in Viha, they are built in the Western Provinces of Viha with a price of 142.7 Million Vihish Ducat
There are 3 nuclear stations in Suvenio,Walvus and Waccip. They are called Suvenio Nuclear Station ; Walvus Nuclear Station and Waccip Nuclear Station. The price to build these stations is 15 Billion Vihish Ducat.
The energy in Viha is the energy and electricity production, consumption and import in Viha.

Energy sources in Viha

  Solar Energy (70%)
  Wind Energy (25%)
  Nuclear (5%)