Elyrian language

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Elyre Vorathes
Pronunciation/elyre voraθes/
Elyrian alphabet
Official status
Regulated byPan-Elyrian Academy
Language codes
ISO 639-3ely

The Elyrian language (Elyrian: Elyre or Elyre Vorathes) is a classical language originally spoken by the Elyrian peoples of modern-day western Achysia. Linguistically, Elyrian is considered a language isolate, as it is unrelated to any other known languages besides from its own daughter languages.

Elyrian was originally spoken in the area surrounding Old Elyria, known as the Elyridon. Through the expansion and hegemonic influence of the Ancient Elyrian civilization it became the dominant language, initially in the assimilated territories of Achysia and subsequently throughout the Inner and Outer Elyrian Seas. The Elyric Vulgates, colloquial forms spoken by the various assimilated peoples of the Empire, developed into the modern-day Elyric languages, such as Achysian, Kathic, and Ichorian.

While no sizable group speaks it as a first language, Elyrian has remained one of the main languages of scholarship, science and commerce into the modern day, as well as assuming an important role in aiding communication between speakers of different Elyric languages.