KN Bank

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KN Bank (Shinasthana: 九邍行; Bank of Ku-ngwan) is a Themiclesian commercial bank, investment bank, and financial services provider headquartered in Kien-k'ang, Themiclesia and listed on the L'odh Stock Exchange. It is an international bank with presence in a majority of states in Septentrion and the leading Themiclesian bank operating internationally.




Business structure

KN Bank consists of three primary business arms―the investment bank, commercial bank, and asset management. The investment bank provides investment adivce and services; the commercial bank takes deposits, makes loans, and other retail banking activities; the asset management arm invests KN Bank's assets not held by the bank in trust from its clients, in a variety of businesses and ventures. Asset management is considered a separate arm for governance reasons, since the Bank's relationship with its depositors and clients is different from that of its shareholders. There are also several divisions providing support services to all three business arms but not involved in revenue-generating business.

Overseeing all operating department is the Executive Committee, consisting of the President and General Manager (PGM), Vice President and General Manager (VPGM), the heads of the three business arms, the Senior Executive Vice President for Shared Services, the Principal Solicitor, and the Principal Auditor of Accounts. The Executive Committee reports to the Board of Directors, who are in turn elected by shareholders. Under Themiclesian law and the Bank's charter, the Board is responsible for supervising the Bank's executives and approving their binding decisions.

As of 2023, the President and General Manager of KN Bank is Myar, Lady Ryem (森君免) and the Vice President and General Manager is Patrick Kobh (闔系).

Corporate Banking Group

Commercial Banking Group

Asset Management Group