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Founded12 May 1942
IdeologyIntegral Nationalism
Political positionFar-Right

Lancism or Lanzaismo is a far right, authoritarian, and traditionalist ideology created in Nastanovo by professor Ramón Gorrión of the University of La Joya in an effort to unify the disparate right wing-traditionalist movements which sprung from the Nastnovian Civil War into a singular perspective and identity under the presidency of Benico De Augusto. He also sought to curtail the revolutionary rhetoric and practices that the politics of Nastanovo had developed following the October Revolution as well as combating foreign ideological influence such as Lancism's ideological rivalry with Elaklanian National Syncretism and Ilbonese Capitalism. As an ideology it is characterized in its major use of defensive and counter-revolutionary rhetoric, traditional Lumenist doctrine with Nastnovian integral nationalism, inspirations from positivism, as well as its extreme opposition to liberalism, capitalism and communism. It is also well known among its critics to be referred to as Gorrionismo.

Lancism was popularized during the mid 20th century, rising out of the right wing which developed within the Party for the Stability of the Republic and while never reaching any prominence outside of Nastanovo it's effect on the right wing within Nastanovo is still felt as its the ideological core of the Nastnovian National Front and their right-coalition within the Serene Congress of Nastanovo.




“If one cannot expect peace, then they must keep war from the Spear’s end.” Lanzaismo is a defensive and pensive ideology, never one to use revolutionary rhetoric to inspire the masses, it instead opts for the rhetoric in relation towards ensuring the stability of the state, much of its text speaks of keeping the peace, of ensuring war could never come to Nastanovo. However Lanzaismo is not a peaceful ideology, it venerates war as the first and final method towards keeping the peace, it argues that in order for a state which follows its practices, such as Nastanovo, to be at peace, it must first strike at all its opponents and rivals, domestic and abroad, in order to truly be at peace.


Gorrión, during his tenure as a professor, often challenged his students to organize their own political entities despite the ban on public organization during the early 1940's. Despite this ban, he took it upon himself to organize his own organization with the blessing of the mayor of La Joya, Matías de la Cruz, who was a close friend of Gorrión and convinced De Augusto to allow the organization to operate within La Joya. With the government's blessing the pair began preparations for a small council of sympathizers to discuss its founding, the council titled itself the Council of National Integrity, the precursor to the NNF, and held a congress of sympathizers of their organization within La Joya in May of 1942. The organization as a whole determined that they were to organize an ideological foundation and eventually overtake the Party for the Stability of the Republic through organizing within the party during the coming elections. The council determined that all registered under the council and within the party would declare themselves a faction, which once more was allowed thanks to De la Cruz's courting of De Augusto. Following the establishment of the goal of the Council, they took towards formatting their ideals into a formal code which included what Gorrión referred to as "The Five Promises", and a restoration of religiosity to Nastanovo with the understanding they all did this in the name of peace for their homelands. Gorrión dominated the congress, he gave their ideology its name of Lancism, he was able to garner support during the congress and declared himself President of the Council to the congress'support and mandated regisitration within the PSR. His ideas were brought to the forefront of the Congress and with his and his allies influence, the congress' final order was to begin campaigning for De Augusto's next election in the coming months. In the final days of the Congress, De Augusto was swayed to write a letter to the congress stating his congratulations for their "proper political organization" under the ruling party, and that he looked forward to seeing their membership and participation.

Almost immediately following the organization of the CNI into the PSR as its right wing faction, followers of National Syncretism and Ilbonese Capitalism began joining...

Conflict with National Syncretism

A major ideological conflict between National Syncretism and Lancism took place in Nastanovo following the Purge of '47, as adherents towards both petitioned for their programs to be implemented into the party policy and manifesto of the Party for the Stability of the Republic (PSR) following Benicio De Augusto's purges of his political opponents in both civilian and military leadership positions. Though both ideologies were at their core very similar, the feud was in regard towards positions on religion, authority, and use of chauvinism.


Integral Nationalism

The Five Promises of Authority, Reason, Order, Unity, and Peace

Positivist and Counter-Revolutionary Nationalism

Economic policies

Aesthetics and culture








Age and gender roles

Lanzaismo’s take on Women in the state is they are to take on the same traditional roles as a man would, this includes military conscription and forms of public service, however do not be mistaken in believing this is progressive by nature, this is a means to ensure all would serve for the state in their times.

Notable Theorists



In popular culture