List of cities and towns in South Neviersia

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This is a list of cities and towns in South Neviersia.

The Big Four of South Neviersia


The Local Administration Structure Act of 1981 sets the criteria for "Village", "Town" and "City" statuses:

  • A Village is a settlement with a population lower than 5,000 people.
  • A Town is a settlement with a population of 5,000 people or higher.
  • A City is a settlement with a population of 100,000 people or higher and was legally granted city status by the National Government.

A "large town" is an unofficial term used to describe Towns that meet the criteria for City status but have not yet been legally designated as such, either because the municipal council has yet to lodge a request to the government or the government has yet to review and process it.

The Big Four

The Big Four refers to the four major metropolitan areas of South Neviersia. They are the most important in South Neviersia in terms of socioeconomics, politics and culture. Each "Greater Metropolitan Area" is defined by SN Statistics.

The Big Four Metropolitan Areas of South Neviersia
Greater Metropolitan Area Region Estimated population (2024) Major settlement(s)
Metro Darwinschtad (Schtaderland) 8,668,000
  • Darwinschtad
  • Bolton
  • Eppingham
  • Paignton
  • Port Andeagh
  • Toghedan
  • Dundorran
  • Powth
  • Caerbangor
  • Caerkorry
  • Hurnstall
Metro Adel The West Layners 3,566,000
  • Adel
  • Tunley
  • Chatsworth
  • Port Mateagh
  • Wenworth
  • Clifton
Metro Bondulagh Lainerovan Kadlara 2,371,000
Metro Davenport The Durbanites 2,772,000

List of South Neviersian cities and towns by population

This list displays the cities and towns in South Neviersia. A settlement is displayed in bold if it is a City, and in italics if it is the capital of a regional authority.

100,000+ inhabitants

Rank Name Region Population
1 Darwinschtad Greater Darwin 5,479,000
2 Adel City The West Layners 1,821,000
3 Bondulagh Lainerovan Kadlara 1,654,000
4 Davenport The Durbanites 1,223,000
5 Port Andeagh The Durbanites 637,000
6 Claytorf The Durbanites 492,000
7 Lormagh-Clouthdin Lainerovan Kadlara 418,000
8 Strathlow City The Durbanites 377,000
9 Zanzio City The Durbanites 261,000
10 Port Mateagh The West Layners 231,000
11 Vinidos City The Durbanites 228,000
12 Butler The Durbanites 219,000
13 Caerkorry East Coast 214,000
14 Rothlone Midland 189,000
15 Melway Lainerovan Kadlara 173,000
16 Helmmare The Durbanites 171,000
17 Kilbrinagh Upper Norlands 164,000
18 Otenova The Durbanites 149,000
19 Bolton Greater Darwin 142,000
20 Clifton The West Layners 142,000
21 Llynford Lainerovan Kadlara 139,000
22 Toghedan The Durbanites 134,000
23 Hestoron The Durbanites 134,000
24 Oltineo The Durbanites 133,000
25 Dungarth City East Coast 131,000
26 Chadernozar City Northern Lainerova 129,000
27 Iniedon The Durbanites 121,000
28 Eppingham Greater Darwin 117,000
29 Echireagh Midland 114,000
30 Ossett City The West Layners 112,000
31 Caerbangor The Durbanites 112,000
32 Aldinga The Durbanites 111,000
33 Evanhope The Durbanites 108,000
34 Belforth Lainerovan Kadlara 108,000
35 Dundorran The Durbanites 107,000
36 Meridovia Lainerovan Kadlara 107,000
37 Wakefield City The West Layners 104,000
38 Tipley Northern Lainerova 101,000
39 Alanjoa Lainerovan Kadlara 100,000

50,000 to 99,999 inhabitants

Rank Name Region Population
1 Maclow Midland 99,000
2 Market Tchyrocca Midland 94,000
3 Averiapolis Northern Lainerova 94,000
4 Morley The West Layners 94,000
5 Arpina The Durbanites 93,000
6 Hamagh Lainerovan Kadlara 92,000
7 Pavrio The Durbanites 92,000
8 Perth Perth Country 92,000
9 Chatsworth The West Layners 91,000
10 Amersfort Midland 89,000
11 Torlowpolis Upper Norlands 89,000
12 Donēdire East Coast 88,000
13 Paignton Greater Darwin 87,000
14 Tēnfomnecaí Northern Lainerova 87,000
15 Tunley The West Layners 87,000
16 Eppenoola The Durbanites 84,000
17 Cath Arbthy The Durbanites 84,000
18 Powth The Durbanites 82,000
19 Wenworth The West Layners 82,000
20 Torakagh Lainerovan Kadlara 81,000
21 Dunleary Lainerovan Kadlara 81,000
22 Mopraí Hills Northern Lainerova 81,000
23 Hurnstall East Coast 79,000
24 Oxley The West Layners 79,000
25 Mount Talamer Midland 78,000
26 Dunriōn The Durbanites 78,000
27 Fort Kyaois Upper Norlands 77,000
28 Jondorophilly The West Layners 76,000
29 Dalminai Lainerovan Kadlara 74,000
30 Leeds S.E. The Durbanites 73,000
31 Nuemmen The Durbanites 73,000
32 Wexford East Coast 73,000
33 Kilconnor East Coast 72,000
34 Melworth Northern Lainerova 72,000
35 Verneytirōn Lainerovan Kadlara 71,000
36 Pessington Midland 71,000
37 Murrenoora The Durbanites 70,000
38 Castleford The West Layners 69,000
39 Pudsey The West Layners 69,000
40 Port Verney Lainerovan Kadlara 68,000
41 Aumaroulis Midland 67,000
42 Kiltrimford East Coast 67,000
43 Yorthlone The West Layners 67,000
44 Naouiedon The Durbanites 66,000
45 Saint-Helens Midland 65,000
46 Ellistorf The West Layners 64,000
47 Atirona Upper Norlands 63,000
48 Eneaghlore The Durbanites 63,000
49 Dungarthill East Coast 62,000
50 Wyroth The West Layners 62,000
51 Kolmanagh Midland 61,000
52 Picton Upper Norlands 61,000
53 Northumberland Bay The Durbanites 61,000
54 Tutiennes Perth Country 61,000
55 Port Desmond Lainerovan Kadlara 60,000
56 Finnedon The Durbanites 59,000
57 Teaghoway The Durbanites 59,000
58 Horsham East Coast 59,000
59 Copecou Northern Lainerova 59,000
60 Dunmire (Co. Hestoron) The Durbanites 58,000
61 Tinkeel East Coast 58,000
62 Port Halifax The West Layners 58,000
63 Yostedal Upper Norlands 56,000
64 Lopingham The West Layners 56,000
65 Roldon The West Layners 56,000
66 Dalkey Perth Country 56,000
67 Perthland The West Layners 55,000
68 Wirradelah The Durbanites 54,000
69 Llynroy The West Layners 54,000
70 Tinnedovrio The Durbanites 53,000
71 Brixton Midland 52,000
72 Mastrich The Durbanites 52,000
73 Solsciaer Northern Lainerova 51,000
74 Beecar Hill Northern Lainerova 51,000

Towns with 5,000 to 49,999 inhabitants

Greater Darwin

  • Aorlaigh
  • Fort Macarthur
  • Grange
  • Gronby & Shadwell
  • Nulerhosen
  • Otāhei
  • Toppamurray
  • Totnes
  • Waterford
  • Whitby