Nave Superhero Cinematic Universe

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The Nave Superhero Cinematic Universe (NSCU) is a Zamastanian media franchise and shared universe centered on superhero films, television shows, and video games produced by Nave Studios. The NSCU is one of the most popular franchises in the world and was established by crossing over common plot elements, settings, cast, and characters from Nave Comics.

The NSCU began in December 2018 with the release of Phantom.


Feature Films

Film Release date Director(s) Hero(s) Lead Actor(s)
Phantom December 14th, 2018 Madia Stengel Phantom Lyric Weaver
Hex May 3rd, 2019 Brooks Buckley Hex Lee Proverbs
Synapse July 19th, 2019 Odin Ray Synapse Jude Murphy
The Other World December 6th, 2019 Josiah Brondi Fusion, Shroud Jesse Simotand, Holli Wharton
Mind Vine February 14th, 2020 Jay Anderson Mind Vine Anthony Avi-Davis
Phantom II May 5th, 2020 Jay Anderson Phantom Lyric Weaver
Sable August 21st, 2020 Joe Seemo Sable Tom Rose
Crimson Enchantress December 12th, 2020 Isaac Riggs Crimson Enchantress Priscilla Lindra
Grave Runner May 7th, 2021 Hollie Black Grave Runner Amira Rutledge
Illusion Club September 10th, 2021 Logan Graham Heatclad, Prophet, Auger, Clerk Adrien Dupuy, Maggie Herring, Teagan Spence, Arjun Guerra
Dynabird November 12th, 2021 Kael Huff Dynabird, Silkcut Lila Osborne, Trenton Coleman
Duality January 7th, 2022 Joe Seemo Duality Andrew Green
Phantom III TBA 2022 Jay Anderson Phantom Lyric Weaver
Wingcleave TBA 2022 Hollie Black Wingcleave Evelyn Grant
Sable II TBA 2023 Joe Seemo Sable Tom Rose

Television Series


List of characters