Titles of Brytene

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Titles of the Confederacy of Brytene
Titles awarded by the Confederacy
Thegn Rede

The Confederacy of Brytene is, as of the Reforms of the 5th September 2015, a functional republic with no monarchy or aristocracy. However, the Confederacy still maintains several levels of title, awarded to private citizens by the collective decision of the Witenagmot and Thegn Rede to individuals who have done service to the Confederacy.


The lowest title awarded by the Confederacy, this translates entitles the holder to style themselves as 'Sir' and is awarded to individuals who have benefited the Confederacy through civilian and diplomatic means, typically within the realms of charitable work, business and the arts. This title is also granted to all members of the Thegn Rede by default.

There are currently 207 Reiters in the Confederacy, including:

  • Sir Arthur Canillac - (2002, for contributions to the Brytisc maritime industry)


The title of Paladin is reserved for private individuals who have risked their life and limb for the Confederacy or its citizens. This civilian decoration is roughly analogous to the Golden Seal of Pelegiad, and entitles the holder to style themselves as 'Sire'. There are currently 12 Paladins in the Confederacy, including:

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