Treaty of Canve

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Treaty of Canve
The triumph of Lamba Doria in the Battle of Curzola by Fedele Fischetti.png
The dukes of Cadenza and Kur'zhet meet at Canve
LocationEdarak, Canve, Cadenza
Signatories Cadenza
LanguagesKhadenz, Kuredt

The Treaty of Canve was an agreement signed in 1288 between the Maritime Republic of Cadenza and the Duchy of Kur'zhet. The treaty ended the use of privateers in the two nations' rivalry, after their privateer fleets attacked and looted the Cadenzan port of Canve together in 1287. The two delegations met on the island of Edarak, part of the earldom of Molatiri around Canve. The treaty also attempted to restrict the actions of the Knights of Saint Misrav, but this effort proved largely fruitless.