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The People's Republic of Isla Dorado
La Republica Popular del Isla Dorado
Flag of Dorado
Motto: Por la gente Verde. Contrado imperialismo.
(Verdean: For the Verdean people. Against imperialism.)
Isla Dorado within its borders in the Verdean Archipelago
Isla Dorado within its borders in the Verdean Archipelago
and largest city
Puerto Bello
Official languagesClassical Verdean
Recognised national languagesVulgar Verdean
Ethnic groups
  • 86% Verdean
  • 10% Mixed Verdean-Especian
  • 2% Mixed Verdean-Capisarian
  • 1% Vershinian
  • 1% Other Especian and Meridonian
Demonym(s)Doradan, Doradans
GovernmentParliamentary Republic
• Prime Minister
Carmela Elodia Leandra Montero
• Foundation of the Kingdom of Dorado
AI 1472
• Indpendence from Second Verdean Republic
13 de Mesvacío DI 131
• Independence from Federal Republic of Capisaria
16 de Mesjandra DI 182
• Total
321,521 km2 (124,140 sq mi)
• DI 218 estimate
56,876,425 (6)
• DI 215 census
• Density
176.898/km2 (458.2/sq mi)
GDP (nominal)DI 217 estimate
• Total
$463,315,358,050 NSD
• Per capita
$8,146 NSD
CurrencyBilleta Doradaño
Date formatdd-mm-yyy DI
Driving sideright

The People's Republic of Isla Dorado (Verdean: La Republica Popular del Isla Dorado), also referred to as Dorado, is a unitary Parliamentary Republic located in the far eastern reaches of the Verdean Archipelago of southern Greater Meridon. It is made up of several Administrative Districts. Dorado, as a result of the oppressive laws of the prior ethnonationalist regime, is one of the least ethnically diverse nations in the Verdean Archipelago. Similarly, years of military conflict and environmental degradation have dramatically depleted the biodiversity of the island. Isla Dorado is the battleground of the ongoing Doradan Conflict, and as a result is one of the worst places in the Verdena Archipelago to live.

Humans first came to Verdean Archipelago roughly 10,000 years ago, with the first societies forming roughly 6,500 years ago. Though early societies vanished 5,800 years ago as a result of warring between the early city states, reformation of societies would occur 4,000 years ago, with Isla Dorado being united as a unified Kingdom in DI 1472, 1,900 years ago. Dorado would be quickly subsumed into the Verdean superstate, formed as the First Verdean Empire in AdI 1. During the Imperial Period Dorado would be one of the most rebellious islands in the Archipelago, making several failed bids for independence during the period, Dorado was also one of the primary bases for the overthrow of the Verdean Empire and the era of the Republic.

The years following the fall of the First Verdean Empire were marked by constant instability as the First Republic was overthrown by a new line of emperors. The Carlosian War utterly destroyed the powerbase that had been in place since the ancient era, and though the Imperial dynasty did manage to hold the Empire together for the next 50 years, pressure from outside forces saw the Empire lose territory, and internal violence weakened the established order. In the Valden War of Aggression, the newly formed Second Republic imploded, breaking into a number of warlord states, most run by military commanders. Dorado never recovered from the warlord period, remaining a fractious patchwork of warlord states until the Capisarians invaded and seized the island in the DI 140s.

Isla Dorado suffered significantly under the rule of the Capisarian colonial authority. Its agricultural system was entirely privatized, with emphasis of production shifting from food crops to commodity crops. Doradan citizens were made entirely dependent on Capisarian imported food, and any attempts to overturn this state of affairs was met with brutal repression by Seraph Security. Doradans were the first to gain their independence in a bloody revolution in the early DI 180s. Initially, the Doradans tried to take a conciliatory approach towards Capisarians living in Dorado, however a number of Doradan ethnonationalists seized power and backed increasingly oppressive policies for non-Verdeans, and Capisarians especially. They also became increasingly belligerent to the Republic of Verde, who they saw as being traitors to the Verdean people, and tensions increased to the point where Dorado launched a nuclear attack on Isla Verde. The Verdean Republic invaded Dorado, and over the course of a year overthrew the ethnonationalist government. This was not the end of things however, as ethnonationalists launched a guerilla campaign against the Verdean backed government which has lasted to this day.

Isla Dorado has suffered significantly from the ongoing conflict on the island. Much of the economy has been damaged as a result of constant attacks on the economic centers of Dorado, and living conditions have declined significantly. For those who work within government, quality of life is significantly higher than for private citizens, who often struggle to find enough food to eat, or shelter from Doradan weather. The Doradan Defense Force, which receive 2% of the four hundred fifteen billion dollar GDP of the country, is dedicated to fighting against the guerillas, but must deal constantly with defections from sympathetic military members.


The term Isla Verde is religious reference dating back to the earliest followers of the Regio dela Verde. According to legend, the islands of the Verdean Archipelago are the demenses of the deities of the Regio, Isla Dorado being the home of the Golden Maester, the advisor to the Jade Queen. The People's Republic of Isla Dorado is one of the nations that formed earlier than the others with a somewhat distinctly Doradan identity becoming relevant in the latter parts of the Imperial Era. The demonym for a citizen of Dorado is Doradan.


Main Article: Verdean History

Early History

The first modern humans to arrive on the Verdean Archipelago came 10,000 years ago, spreading throughout the archipelago over the course of a few generations, and establishing agricultural settlements, and eventually proper cities. The societies on Dorado were hardest hit by the collapse of the early civilizations, and was slow to recover, only seeing a reappearance of the large cities only shortly before the classical age. However, the struggles incurred by the early Doradan people taught them a valuable lesson about the destructive nature of warring among themselves, and the second generation of major Doradan settlements proved much more peaceful than many of the other societies in the Archipelago.

The Doradans maintained a strong sense of cultural unity, and was among the first of the islands to unify under a single banner for an extended period of time in the mid second millennium DI. Isla Dorado would maintain its independence for nearly the entire duration of the Classical Age, avoiding the same fate as many islands in the Archipelago, that of domination by Isla Verde, or nobility from that island. They were however hard hit by the climate change that brought about the end of the Classical Period, and heralded the Warring Isles Period, with almost a quarter of the populace starving to death within only the span of a few years, and weakening that unity that had protected them from foreign conquest, as local peoples began to fight each other for dwindling supplies of food.

A painting depicting an early classical settlment in Dorado

Though eventually the climate changed enough that food was no longer in short supply, the Doradan population did not have a chance to recover from the widespread famine that they had endured for several centuries. As Isla Verde, which had weathered the worst of the climate change comparatively well, began to unify the Archipelago, the Doradans put up the staunchest resistance they could. The decline of their population, and the weakening of their independent resolve did see them eventually fall into the hands of the first Verdean Empresses. Resistance from the Doradans would continue throughout the period of unification however, and one could make the claim that they never really came into the hands of Verdean rulers until the formal declaration of the First Verdean Empire.

The Verdean Empire

During the early period the Empire, Dorado proved a challenge for the first Verdean Emperors to completely integrate into the Empire. A number of revolts resulted in large numbers of Verdean Imperial soldiers frequenting and occupying the island. This early occupation, while primarily intended as a show of force, did also have the effect of spreading the culture of the Archipelago to the Doradan island. As the first century waned, and the Empire turned outward to its earliest colonization attempts, Dorado had been more or less completely pacified. Isla Dorado, at that point well suited to growing cereal crops became something of a breadbasket for the Verdean Empire, as the Imperial administration backed heavily the agricultural elements of Doradan society. Dorado became during this time, one of the wealthiest islands of the Empire.

When the exploration period ended, and the kin-strife began, Dorado returned to its more rebellious roots, and launched a number of failed revolts against the Empire. During the first major Verdean Civil War, Dorado declared its independence and joined the rebels, but was crushed by the Imperial authorities as they won the Civil War. However, the Doradans refused to remain subjugated and backed the palace coup attempts the concluded the kin-strife. Doradan prosperity declined as the Empire entered the seventh and eight centuries AdI, and the Empire opted to shift its spending priorities from Doradan agriculture to lavish building projects on Isla Verde. As a result a number of smaller revolts by the peasantry rippled throughout Isla Dorado, and seeing the Verdean Imperial Army in force on Isla Dorado.

After the fall of the Verdean colonies on mainlaind Meridon, Dorado and its, at that point, extensive natural resources became even more important for the Empire. Dorado played a key role in securing the resources necessary to build the early exploration fleets for the second great period of Verdean exploration. Doradan explorers made a number of discoveries, most notably, Doradan explorer Davíd Ruíz Robles who was responsible for the exploration of the eastern coast of the Especian continent. Many Doradans would also go on to become settlers of Especia, though Doradan farmers did not always possess the clout necessary to establish the Haciendas that colonial Especia was famous for.

A depiction of Verdean Imperial soldiers at the Battle of Oporto during the Verdean Civil War.

In the last centuries of the Verdean Empire, Dorado began to decline in importance to the Empire as its natural resources were expended, and as Especia became increasingly important to the iron and agricultural industries of the Empire. Even as the Empire began to withdraw from Especia, Dorado found itself overshadowed by Plata and Verde in the pre-industrial period, and the reopening of the Empire to outside trade, which had kept Dorado and Especia as the primary providers of natural resources for nearly two centuries. As a result of this loss of influence, Dorado received less of the Empire's funds, and as a result increased dissent. During the final days of the Empire, Doradan bread riots were a major problem in the events leading to the collapse of the Verdean Empire.

Post-Imperial Period

Dorado industrialized fairly quickly after the revolution replaced the First Empire with the First Republic. Several dozen factories were constructed, primarily in Puerto Bello and its surrounding environment. These factories, attracted by the relative lack of legislation on Dorado, were however, some of the worst working conditions in the Verdean Archipelago, and as a result was host to some of the worst worker's walkouts and crackdowns in response to the same. Civil strife became worse as the Republic slowly descended into anarchy during the DI 40s, and a number of factories were burned to the ground as a number of radicals set the factories alight. Dorado became more quiet however, when Carlos Parisa established the Second Verdean Empire, and began to regulate the factories on Dorado to the same standards as those on Isla Verde.

Factory Row in Puerto Bello ca. DI 14

Dorado was reconstructed by the new Imperial Order to become a major manufacturing area of weapons for the Verdean War Machine, and the rural population was a not insubstantial recruitment ground for the Imperial Army. Dorado was, as a result, a major part of the Carlosian War. During the Carlosian War, Dorado went most untouched, and was not invaded, nor did it see much in the way of naval combat around its shores, however, the economy of Dorado was heavy hit by the loss of most of its adult male population to the conflict. As the war came to an end, and the accompanying support for the armaments industry declined, Dorados' economy fell apart. The immediate aftermath of the war saw Dorado left to rot, and bread riots rocked Puerto Bello, which meant that the early Ortegan movement found a fertile recruitment ground in Dorado, and Puerto Bello itself was seized by an anarchist movement before being crushed by Imperial Forces. Orteguista terrorists, would however, launch frequent bombing attacks throughout the last years of the Second Empire.

During the period of the Second Republic, Dorado managed to reclaim some of the influence that it had lost in the immediate aftermath of the Carlosian War. Though not as key an industrial center anymore, a subtle change in climate meant that Dorado became prime growing territory for the cash crops that the Verdean Republic exported for a major source of income. Dorado was as a result less devastated by the immediate consequences of the Valden War, however, when the Second Republic broke down at the conclusion of the war, Dorado quickly descended into anarchy as several warlords vied for control of the Doradan plantations, and the weapons plants of Puerto Bello. This division made Dorado ripe pickings for the Capisarian Federal Republic.

Capisarian Occupation and Doradan Independence

During the Capisarian occupation of Dorado, Isla Dorado was treated harshly by the Capisarians who quickly seized the assets of Doradan natives and handed them off to Capisarian corporations which promptly stripped farm workers of their protections, and slashed pay. Doradans who resisted this were put down quickly by Capisarian mercenaries, who had been hired to replace the civil police. Anti-Capisarian sentiment spread like wildfire throughout the Capisarian occupation, and a number of Doradan ethnonationalists as early as the DI 150s bombed Capisarian settlments and murdered Capisarian settlers in the street. As was the norm, Capisarian mercenaries put down these terrorists with unbridled brutality. The cycle of violence escalated throughout the DI 160s and DI 170s, even as the Capisarians themselves saw their nation fall apart.

Dorado was the first Verdean state to break away from Capisaria, doing so just as the first open conflicts between the Federal Republic and Capisarian revolutionaries broke out. Dorado managed to quickly overrun the limited military forces Capisarian had on the island. After doing so, they immediately declared their independence from the Federal Republic of Capisaria. When the Capisarian government had successfully managed to pacify the first attempts at revolution, they turned around and attempted to regain Isla Dorado preparing an invasion in the DI 180s. This invasion did manage to take control of most of the island for a short time, before increasing strife throughout the Verdean Archipelago, and on the Capisarian mainland meant that this invasion force was made to withdraw, allowing Dorado to begin functioning as an independent nation-state.

Doradan Revolutionaries in the DI 180s.

The first government to seize power upon successfully asserting independence attempted to achieve a conciliatory stance towards Capisarians who had remained on the island. Anti-Capisarian sentiment remained strong, and calls from the native Doradans to punish the settlers, quickly dashed hopes of establishing a peaceful coexistence. During the DI 190s the Doradan government was seized in a coup, by ethnonationalists who promised the punishment that the populace clamored for. Doradan ethnonationalists passed increasingly punitive legislation against ethnic Capisarians. This would increasingly put Dorado at odds with the Republic of Verde, which itself was on a more rehabilitative path. The two nations faced increasingly serious altercations, and Dorado, in secret developed nuclear weapons. Tensions finally broke when in DI 212, the Doradan military launched a nuclear strike against Isla Verde, successfully managing to detonate one bomb, and triggering the start of the Doradan War.

The Doradan War

Main Article: Doradan War

A portion of a house destroyed by ethnonationalist bombers.

The Verdean military, with the backing of several other Verdean nations invaded Isla Dorado. Initially progress was swift, as the Verdeans had prepared for the invasion with constant destruction of Doradan assets. However, as the Doradans were pushed into their largest cities, the Verdeans found themselves increasingly bogged down as the Doradan military made full use of the urban environment to cause heavy casualties amongst the invaders. Over the course of a year and a half, after destroying much of the coastal urban area of Isla Dorado, the Doradans were beaten back into the interior, for the most part. Over the course of a few more months, the Doradan government was made to surrender. However, a number of Doradan ethnonationalists fled to the hills vowing to continue the fight.

In DI 214, a provisional Doradan government convened to establish a new constitution. This new constitution was constructed more along Verdean lines, as the Verdean government was watching over the process. The provisional government finished drafting the constitution by the end of the year, and ratified it shortly thereafter. The first elections saw a shaky alliance of socialists and liberals managing to take a majority over the nationalists, and formed a government overseen by the Verdean occupational authorities. This new government was viewed by many however, as a puppet of their Verdean occupiers, and a number of citizens fled into the hills to join the ethnonationalist partisans, and the new army, supported by the Republic of Verde saw a number of defections to those same partisans, and as a result it became clear that the occupation would continue.

In the past three years, Doradan partisans frequently attacked the Doradan government and civilian populace, as well as Verdean occupational soldiers. Several thousands were killed as a result of the violence, and the conflict has seen the further deterioration of living conditions on Isla Dorado, exacerbating the damage caused by decades of Capisarian occupation, and years of conflict fought previously. It has also caused a mass exodus from Isla Dorado, particularly among ethnic Capisarians fleeing targetting violence caused by the ethnonationalist rebels. Many in Dorado have become accustomed the constant conflict, and for many, it has become a regular facet of life in Isla Dorado.


Agricultural runoff seen in the water, during the monsoon season in Northern Dorado.

The People's Republic of Isla Dorado has a land area of 321,521 square kilometers (or 124,140 square miles). It is the sole functioning state on Isla Dorado. Isla Dorado is primarily a hilly or mountainous nation with narrow bands of flat land close to the coast. Dorado once had a healthy environment but decades of industrial pollution, agricultural pollution, and constant war have dramatically degenerated the environment, and caused numerous local, and total extinctions on the island.

Climate and Physical Geography

Isla Dorado is primarily a subtropical semi-arid island, however, certain areas along the coast, and in the North are wetter. The hills and lowlands of Dorado are mostly scrubland and grassland, with the higher mountains becoming more torosian in nature. Along the coast, the land is mostly flat, though the overwhelming majority of the island is relatively hilly in nature. As one goes towards the center of the island the average altitude rises until near the geographical center of the island there is a central mountain chain. Rivers on Isla Dorado are relatively uncommon, though there are a few small arroyos crisscrossing the countryside.

Biodiversity and Conservation

Isla Dorado was until the industrial revolution a fairly diverse island. However, the centuries after the end of the First Empire have seen a dramatic decline in Biodiversity, currently only 350 species of animals and vascular plant live indigenously on the island. Many scientists predict that this number will decline to less than one hundred by the end of the current century. The primary cause of this has been the Pollution caused by the industrialization of the island, and the years of warfare that have plagued it. The Ongoing Doradan conflict in particular is noteworthy contributor to the pollution, and has been a a major hurdle in efforts to engage in conservatory activities. Currently the Doradan Environmental Protection Bureau is responsible for environmental conservation, however lack of government control, corruption, and lack of funds have significantly hampered their efforts.


According to the most recent Doradan census (in DI 215), The People's Republic of Isla Dorado has a population of 56,920,246. However, the population of Dorado is presumed lower than this, as Dorado has trended a slight negative growth trend. Dorado is relatively homogeneous society, especially in recent years, with 86% of the population being pure ethnic Verdean, and 12% of the population being mixed Verdean. Current trends project an increasing homogenization of Doradan society as non-Verdean ethnics leave the island for safer shores on Isla Verde. 99% of the population followers Regio dela Verde, and all the population, by law speaks Verdean. Currently, 4% of the population identifies as being LGBT, up from 1% in the DI 202 census.

Roughly 80% of the population resides in urban areas with 40% of this population living in the largest twenty cities, and 34% living in cities of between fifty and one hundred thousand persons living in the city. Currently there are twenty seven cities with a population of over one hundred thousand, five with a population of over one million, four with a population of over two million, and one Puerto Bello, with a population of over five million. Sixty percent of the population lives along the Doradan coastline, with the deeper interior of Isla Dorado having a compartively small population. The population is urbanizing fairly quickly, largely as a result of the populace fleeing from the interior, and more specifically the fighting occurring within the interior.

Largest cities or towns in Dorado
2015 Census
Rank District Pop. Rank District Pop.
Puerto Bello
Puerto Bello
Gran Colón
Gran Colón
1 Puerto Bello Puerto Bello 5,678,425 11 Abadías San Jorge 386,420 San Lumen de Santiago
San Lumen de Santiago
2 Gran Colón Gran Colón 4,236,867 12 Pueblo Puerto Bello 350,962
3 San Lumen de Santiago Viejo San Lumen 3,257,091 13 Los Cruces Asunción 336,429
4 Salvatuche Puerto Bello 2,456,733 14 San Ruggiero Viejo San Lumen 325,786
5 Horadoso Gran Colón 1,724,500 15 San Victoria San Victoria 303,666
6 Puerto Dorado San Jorge 806,921 16 La Falta San Victoria 301,564
7 San Jorge San Jorge 597,421 17 El Ecuador San Victoria 300,421
8 Gran Vittoria Puerto Bello 443,989 18 Río Tapando Puerto Bello 298,540
9 Asunción Asunción 420,560 19 Las Temas Viejo San Lumen 260,867
10 La Manche Viejo San Lumen 398,241 20 Las Estrellas San Jorge 188,176


The People's Republic of Isla Dorado is a unitary Parliamentary Republic, and a representative democracy. The government is elected by the people with the rights of minorities nominally guaranteed strictly by the constitution. Most of the power in the Doradan government comes through the legislative branch, which also subordinates the executive. The judiciary serves as a check on the power of the legislative however to prevent a legislator's junta. The Doradan Constitution represents the supreme law of the land. Under the laws of Isla Dorado, there are three levels of government, national, district, and local, with the national government nominally having the most power, and the districts being the second most powerful, with local governments merely serving as a bureaucracy to enforce the laws of the other two. There are three branches of the national government and they are as follows:

Legislative: The legislature is an elected legislature, referred to as a parliament, which consists of four hundred thirty five seats. The Parliament has the ability to pass laws, ratify treaties, declare wars, and has the power of purse. It has has power over the executive as a result of being able to appoint the Prime Minister as well as the Prime Minister's ministries. The Parliament can impeach the Prime Minister and any ministers in the government in the event that any commit an illegal act.

Executive: The executive of the government is embodied by the Prime Minister, who is the head of state and of government, as well as the chief diplomat representing Isla Dorado on the international stage, and the commander in chief of the Doradan Defense Force. The Prime Minister is selected by the parliament, and is often a member of the governing party. The administration that assists the Prime Minister in their duties is also appointed by parliament.

Judicial: The judicial is represented by the Supreme Court, which is appointed by the Prime Minister for a period of twenty years. Candidates for the judiciary must be approved by Parliament. The Judiciary reviews laws upon their passage to determine whether or not they violate the tenets of the constitution, and have the power to remove from office members of Parliament who have been found to have committed a criminal act, or in the case of gross negligence unbefitting of the office.

The constitution enumerates the powers of the national government as well as its interactions with the more localized governments. The constitution through its bill of rights also enumerates the rights of citizens which include freedom of speech, conscience, press and of religion, as well as right of habeus corpus.

Parties and Elections

General elections are held legally on a five year basis, though no elections have yet been held since the establishment of the new government. All citizens over the age of 18 have the right of suffrage, and may vote in any elections. The parliament is elected in a proportional with each quarter of one percent of the vote representing one seat in the parliament. Each party is expected to maintain a list of party members who are ready, willing, and able to serve in government, as potential representatives in government. Parliament is responsible for electing a new Prime Minister and are expected to pick a member of the governing party.

  Doradan Orteguista Party: 205 seats
  Liberal Demcoratic Party: 42 seats
  Doradan Vanguard: 62 seats
  Doradan Nationalist Party: 126 seats

The People's Republic is a multiparty republic, currently operating with a grand coalition, with the Doradan Orteguista Party ruling in coalition with the Liberal Democratic Party. Many Doradans however, believe this election to be illegitimate however, as the elections were directly supervised by the Verdean occupational authority, and the government has suspiciously similar representation to that of the current Verdean government, causing many to believe that the Verdeans had meddled in the election to produce a pliant client state. There are currently two other parties with representation in the national government. The Doradan Nationalist Party which is for all intents and purposes a front for the previous government, and the Doradan Vanguard, an extreme Vanguardist breakaway party from the Ortegans.

Governmental Corruption

Corruption in the government is an endemic and serious issue in the Doradan government. In most cases, bribery is considered by many to simply by the proper way to gain access to governmental services, move paperwork, and more generally greasing the wheels of bureaucracy. Further, most mid and upper level bureaucrats are friends and family of members of Parliament, as are all district governors. An independent commission appointed by the Verdean Occupational Authority has recently come out with a report stating that governmental corruption accounts for several billion Meridonian Units of lost revenue, and is accountable as perhaps the single largest reason for lack of faith in the current Doradan government. The report continues to speculate that, if this corruption is not reduced, the Doradan government may soon see the ethnonationalists again rise to power on account of their harsher stance on governmental corruption.

Foreign Policy

The People's Republic of Isla Dorado maintains the foreign policy stance that primarily is concerned with establishing and maintaining good relations with the other Verdean nations, and repairing the damage done by the ethnonationalist government, to the public image of Isla Dorado. The diplomatic corps of the nation is however severely underfunded, and Dorado only maintains embassies on Isla Verde, Capisaria, Isla Plata, and Vershina, operating only consulates everywhere else. The People's Republic maintains ties with the Verdean nations, but struggles to have friendly relations anywhere else. In spite of having a proper embassy in Capisaria for example, there are cold relations between the two, as a result of the prior Doradan government's ethnic cleansing of Capisarians. Isla Dorado does not maintain any membership in any international organizations outside of the Pan-Verdean Restoration Corps, and the Verdean Union.


Economic Indicators

Monetary Unit: Billeta Doradaño (βD)

Conversion Rate: βD1 = $.05 NSD

Fiscal Year: 22 de Mesjandra-11 de Mesjandra

Nominal GDP: $463,315,358,050 NSD

GDP per Capita: $8,146 NSD

Labor Force: 34,125,855

Unemployment: 5,118,878 (15%)

The economy of the People's Republic of Isla Dorado operates a mixed-market economy. This economy is heavily reliant on imports, since the fall of the ethnonationalist government and the beginning of the occupation of the island. The trade philosophy of Dorado is generally in favor of free trade as a pragmatic measure (given that Dorado no longer has a functional industrial base). The economy runs on a largely agricultural model with much of the population engaged in subsistence farming, though Dorado also possesses a small domestic arms export market. On a national level, only the Billeta Doradaña (βD} is used as legal tender, however many citizens trade in foreign currencies such as the Meridonian Unit, the Billeta Verdista, and the Billeta Plataño.

The labor force consists of 34,125,855 persons, or roughly 60% of the population. The leading source of employment in the Republic of Verde is the state which provides 3,480,837 jobs or roughly 12% of the jobs in Verde. The next largest employer is the agricultural sector which provides 3,190,767 or 11% of jobs. This is followed by the agricultural sector with 2,610,628 (9%), transport with 2,320,558 (8%), private security with 2,175,523 (7.5%), and manufacturing with 1,218,293 (4.2%) jobs respectively. Worker's are legally required to have access to union membership, however this goes largely unenforced.

Unemployment and Poverty

Several years of war have seen a dramatic increase in unemployment and poverty. While some have seen their livelihoods unaffected or improved as a result of the Verdean invasion, and ensuing civil war, namely government officials, the overwhelming majority have seen their living standards on the decline, especially in the rural areas of Dorado where the war has been most active, and where regular military engagements destroy infrastructure. Fifteen percent of the population, or 8,531,464 persons live under the official Verdean poverty line, and sixty percent of the population, or 34,125,855 of the population lives under the Meridonian poverty line. Currently, 15% of the workforce or 5,118,878 people is unemployed. Living conditions for the Doradan people have deteriorated though many in the Doradan government have attempted to slow or stop this deterioration, and in some areas the state has kept people, even impoverished people, living in okay conditions, however this is far from uniform.

A slash and burned field in one of the wetter parts of Isla Dorado.


Dorado has seen significant structural deterioration in the past few years. Transport generally occurs overland via roads, which are often unpaved, or poorly paved, or through air traffic, which is often viewed as a more secure, if premium means of transport. Energy is primarily provided via the burning of petrol, though in many areas of Dorado there is insufficient power, and rolling blackouts are common. Communications are generally done over the air, via cellular device. This is a new development, since the start of the Doradan War, as during the conflict, many found that maintaining the security of legacy telecommunications infrastructure was too difficult in comparison to that of cellular, and as a result there was a large scale switch off to the more modern system, ironically resulting in the relatively underdeveloped island having one of the most modern telecommunications systems in the Verdean Archipelago, at leas for those who can afford it.

Government Finance

The government legally maintains its solvency primarily through taxation with virtually money coming in via tariffs. However bribery is quite common, and many sources conclude that bribes constitute nearly 10% of the incoming budget for the Doradan government. The Doradan government controls roughly 32% of the economy, or $148,260,914,576 NSD, $14,826,091,457 of which is considered to have come from bribes and other forms of corruption. The national government is responsible for most of the expenditure, though district and local governments operate a number of services. Functionally speaking, the largest budget priority is administration (as a result of corruption).


Main Article: Doradan Armed Forces

A pair of Doradan army soldiers.

The armed forces of Isla Dorado, collectively referred to as the Doradan Defense Force (FDD) is under the command of the Prime Minister. The military is divided into three branches, the Maritime Defense Force (FDM), the Ground Defense Force (FDT), and the Air Defense Force (FDA). The Doradan Defense Force is entirely funded by the state, and staffed by volunteers. Currently the Doradan defense force is 426,573 strong, 330,136 of whom serve in the FDT, 62,236 serve in the DFM, and 34,201 in the FDA. Currently, the Doradan Defense Force receives 3% of the nation's GDP, $13,899,460,741 NSD in funding, 62% ($8,617,665,659) goes to the FDT, 20% ($2,779,892,148) to the FDM, and 18% ($2,501,902,933) goes to the FDA. The primary armaments supplier for Dorado is the Republic of Verde, which also provides direct assistance to the army in its counter-insurgency operations.

Law Enforcement

Law enforcement is primarily provided at the district and local level, with local police departments providing most of the groundwork. The largest element is local law enforcement, which provides local law enforcement, traffic enforcement, and investigative capacities on a local level. Currently more intensive operations are provided by the Doradan Defense Force directly, under the auspices of an emergency situation in the form of an ongoing civil war. The last major law enforcement organization is the Doradan Investigative Bureau, which investigates major cases, and assists local investigate departments with more specialized skilled personnel as required. Currently there are roughly 284,382 law enforcement personnel in Dorado with most being local law enforcement officers. The government at all levels gives $3,474,865,185 NSD to law enforcement agencies or roughly .75% of the GDP. Additionally, there are a number of privately or cooperatively owned and operated private security companies that work under the employ of any number of non-governmental agencies, which augment the government owned law enforcement apparatus. These security firms, though severely restricted by Doradan law, are fairly effective at protecting low risk areas.

Human Development

Doradan farmers near the central mountains.

The People's Republic of Isla Dorado was once a developed nation, and still has some elements of that development left behind. The population is, at least among the adult citizenry, well educated, and some of the larger, better secured cities have intact, functioning healthcare, and energy systems. During the course of the Civil War in Dorado, much of the infrastrucuture, especially in outlying regions have been destroyed, and many younger citizens do not have access to the opportunities of their parents.


Education is free, and technically mandatory for all citizens through the secondary level. University is legally optional, but payed for by the citizen attending university. The education system was, at the beginning of the first Post-Capisarian Doradan State, a major budget priority for the government, and it still is to an extent. However, frequent conflict has made enforcement of mandatory schooling, as well as finding teachers, staff, and structures with which to house educational facilities. In more secured areas, a citizen can expect a good education, in the fringes of society the educational system has broken down. In areas secured by the guerillas, which are limited in area, one can find an educational system similar to that of the government, if shaped to the desires of the ethnonationalists.


Healthcare on Isla Dorado is mixed in nature, while the state does operate a number of general hospitals, most local clinics are operated by private citizens. The Doradan government contributes 11% of its budget to the national healthcare system, and for paying for the health insurance of its citizenry. The government has attempted to spread clinics throughout the island, however, lack of security has prevented this activity to a significant degree. A number of independent doctors have adopted instead to practice entirely on their own, without the state, or with a larger clinic, in an attempt to bring healthcare to citizens most affected by the ongoing conflict.

Daily Life

Daily life for the Doradan citizen varies wildly dependent on where on lives on Dorado. In areas secured by the government, or by the guerilla movement, life continues much like it had in the years prior to the invasion of Dorado. In areas where conflict occurs regularly, citizens face poor living conditions, lack of security, and lack of resources. Most rural citizens, and those in warzones have little access to communication infrastructure, with the exception of cellular devices which are frequently owned by citizens as a means of communication with the outside world that does not rely on legacy infrastructure. Many Doradan citizens work in agricultural fields, often subsistence agriculture, with a smaller number of industrial workers, and a small number of elites working in medical and governmental fields. Working conditions are often rough, though mostly safe, and hours are quite long, leaving little time for leisure or personal development.


Isla Dorado is a culturally Verdean nation in its nature. Attempts by the Doradan ethnonationalists to purify the culture of the island have ensured that very little influence from immigrants and other non-Verdean sources. Nearly all citizens are expected to participate in the Regio dela Verde, and church activities often provide a cultural center in even the most wartorn regions of Dorado. Dorado does maintain a domestic television industry, which is quite small, but is a significant source of local entertainment. Architecture is largely pragmatic in nature with the emphasis placed on physical security and bomb resistance. Dorado used to be well known for its beef agriculture and beef-based cuisine, though conditions have made such animal raising impractical in most of the country. Mass entertainment is usually provided by way of bullfighting, though recently a number of Doradan football teams have been founded since the Verdean occupation.