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===Emperor & Supreme Leader===
===Emperor & Supreme Leader===


Revision as of 06:52, 7 December 2023

Church of Makko Oko
ScriptureAzazelos's Doctrine
GovernanceManaged by Executive Branch
Emperor of Makko OkoConall Solis
Supreme LeaderRichard Garst
HeadquartersOpposh, Makko Oko
FounderEmpire of Makko Oko
OriginJanuary 7th, 2023
Emperor's Imperial Palace
Opposh, Makko Oko

The Church of Makko Oko is the established Satanic church of the Empire Of Makko Oko. The church is state-sponsored, supported and run by the Supreme Leader, an executive-level position in the government. The church was officially formed on January 7th, 2023 after Emperor Conall Solis sought to expand the religion of Satanism past the nation's borders.


Era of Secularity

Makko Oko had been largely secular for a majority of its history, from even before formation of the Republic. When the Republic came to be, secularity was embraced, but hadn't been strictly enforced until the presidency of Gary Taormina from 2000-2007, where the government sought to enact laws restricting the promotion of religions in many different areas. The enforcement was relaxed upon the presidency of Harold Zenonis and publicly religious people began to peak, moreso than any other period in the Republic's history.

Era of Theocracy

The era of secularity continued upon the establishment upon the Empire, however much more strictly. All religions had been prohibited, and any practice of such had also been prohibited. These rules were constantly protested but the rules never changed until November of 2021 when a single religion got permitted through the Universal Religions Charter that was enacted, Satanism. Enrollment into it was high at first but went drastically down by the time theocracy was officially instated on February 18th, 2022, forcing everybody into the religion or prosecution would occur.

Establishment of the Church

There were discussions of the establishment of an official church institution throughout 2022 after theocracy was instated. Each attempt came back to "In the works" or "Not at this time" responses from the Emperor. That all changed on January 7th, 2023 when after Carytonic transgressions against its own people were committed and a temporary diplomatic battle was waged, Emperor Conall Solis formally announced the establishment of the Church Of Makko Oko with Supreme Leader Richard Garst to help promote Satanism and provide "stability to the religion".

With the beginning of the 3rd Session of the Law Council on December 1st, 2023, the Church gained much power in national politics with a 240-member House of Lords, the largest chamber of the 3rd Session, full of Priest Lords and peeraged Priests.

Beliefs & Practices

The Church of Makko Oko follows the traditional beliefs of Satanism, which include the veneration of Satan as a symbol of rebellion against the Abrahamic religions and a rejection of societal norms and traditional morality. The practice of magic and ritual is also an important aspect of Satanism, with rituals dedicated to the worship of Satan and the achieving of personal power and enlightenment.

Satanists fully believe in and wish for the death of Christ, believing that they wrongfully punished Satan and his followers. In addition, they believe that following the scripture of Azazelos's Doctrine will lead to prosperity and luck, leading to the love of Satan upon death.


Exorcisms are not illegal, however they are not declared legal either. Azazelos's Doctrine states that "They who shall shed tears for the Enemy, or support his cause, or that engage another faith or thought shall be purged of their impurities and exorcised to be made whole once more". Exorcisms have killed people in some cases, and before the religious courts were established, would be charged with murder. Now, judges of the religious courts tend to lean innocent on exorcism cases. According to the Church, only priests and above are allowed to perform exorcisms.

The exact process of an exorcism may vary depending on the particular sect or individual performing it. Generally, it involves the use of symbolic items, incantations, and rituals designed to banish or cleanse negative energies or spiritual entities from an individual or a particular space. The procedure typically starts with a formal declaration or invocation stating the intention to rid the person or area of unwanted spiritual influences. The Exorcist may utilize various tools such as candles, ritualistic objects, and sometimes even specific sigils or symbols associated with Satanism. The Exorcist may engage in chants, prayers, or incantations aimed at invoking spiritual forces to aid in the expulsion of the negative entity.

The exorcism process itself is elaborate and ritualistic, designed to expel demonic influences and restore the individual's inner equilibrium. Here is a fictionalized description of the exorcism procedure practiced within Satanism:

  1. Preparation: Prior to the exorcism, the individual seeking release is put through a thorough assessment to determine the extent of spiritual possession. Ritualistic cleansing rituals are conducted to cleanse the sacred space and create an environment conducive to the spiritual battle ahead.
  2. Invocation: The exorcism begins with the priest invoking the powers of darkness and summoning the infernal forces to aid in the expulsion of any malevolent entities. This is done through the recitation of invocations, chants, and the use of ritual tools that are consecrated in the name of Satan.
  3. Empowerment: The person undergoing exorcism is prepared for the intense spiritual ordeal. They are instructed to embrace their own inner strength, reaffirm their loyalty to Satan, and reject the influence of any external religious or supernatural forces.
  4. Confrontation: The priest, acting as a vessel of Satanic power, engages in a direct confrontation with the possessing entity. Using a combination of powerful gestures, incantations, and authoritative commands, the priest challenges the demon, seeking to disorient and weaken its hold on the afflicted individual's psyche.
  5. Expulsion: As the confrontation intensifies, the priest employs special rituals, such as the use of sacred oils or potions, to sever the demonic connection. These rituals are designed to break the entity's control over the person, ultimately forcing it to relinquish its stronghold.
  6. Healing and Reintegration: Once the demonic presence has been expelled, the person going through the exorcism is nurtured and restored. They are deemed purified and are guided through rituals of spiritual healing, aimed at reintegrating their soul and mind with their Satanic faith and purpose.


Prostitution was illegal in the nation from its founding until 2023 when the Garst Act was enacted, which officially legalized prostitution within the nation. The law was proposed and named after Supreme Leader Richard Garst, who wished to "no longer hide what other nations sin before". The concept of prostitution was formulated by Azazelos's Doctrine when it said: "No power shall be restricted for a freed individual, for they shall have the sovereignty to pursue their desires and engage in consensual transactions of pleasure as long as the blood is not tainted." Many who are not devout Satanists ostracize people who procure prostitution or are prostitutes themselves, seeing it as "foul" and "against human rights and public decency".


Emperor & Supreme Leader



The hierarchy of the Church of Makko Oko may be seen below and is based on the religion of Satanism:

  • Supreme Leader
  • Priest Lords
  • Priests
  • Adepts
  • Members

The Supreme Leader is the only official of the church and of the religion appointed by the government, while all other positions are appointed/promoted to by the Supreme Leader directly. Priest Lords can promote anybody to any position except to Priest Lord and Priests may promote Members to Adepts with approval of a Priest Lord. Members are the only position that do not have any authority or responsibilities, and they mainly attend services and practice the faith. The majority of the church are Members, while only 15% are higher-level positions.


Priest Lords and certain peeraged Priests are members of the House of Lords within the Emperor's Law Council and are the most powerful people of the Church, moreso than the Supreme Leader because they can vote to remove them.



The Church of Makko Oko celebrates all of the Satanist holidays, and mandates participation of its members as defined by law. Holidays celebrated include the Day of Satan, the Feast of Hellfire, and the Night of the Black Mass. The most popular holiday is Halloween, where members of all ages put up the scariest decorations possible, pray together at midnight and conduct pranks against one another. It's known as the "Day of Forgiveness" by many due to the Government being more lenient on people on that day.



See Also