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Gabrielland and Arsya
Dzukan Rul i Arsya
Flag of Gabrielland
National Emblem of Gabrielland
National Emblem
Motto: Gabrielland dies when the sun dies
Anthem: Gabrielland the tree of life
and largest city
Official languagesGabrielt, Arsyan
Ethnic groups
Gabrielts, Arsyans
GovernmentFederal Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy under Republican model
• High Commision
Valantas V
Ahkkari II
Tolman Vantri
• Prime Minister
Aku Herbeydzing
LegislatureGabrielt and Arsyan People's Communion
Formation of the Federation
• 2018 estimate
GDP (PPP)2017 estimate
• Total
$2.55 Trillion
• Per capita
Gini (2015)27.6
HDI (2018)Increase 0.751
CurrencyQuasa (QUAS)
Time zoneUTC-3 (KMT)
Driving sideleft
Calling code+77

Gabrielland, formally Gabrielland and Arsya (Gabrielt: Dzukan Rul i Arsya, IPA: [d͡zu'kan rʊl 'j‿arʃa]) is a sovereign state located in Anteria, and is also a Dokodo Union member state. As of 2018, Gabrielland has an estimated population of 152 million people living in an area of 1.5 million square kilometers, making Gabrielland one of the biggest states in Anteria. Gabrielland is officially divided into three "realms", the Kingdom of Gabrielland, the Kingdom of Arsya, and the new frontier. Gabrielland borders Kuronobe to the east, Junterland and Grafenland to the north, Monte Blanco to the southwest, Prei Meas to the south and Azureden to the southeast. Diverse climates and land forms exist within Gabrielland owing to Gabrielland's large land area and span between latitudes.

Gabrielland is comprised of two major ethnic groups, the Gabrielts and the Arsyans, who respectively inhabit mainly the south and the north. The population of 152 million is unevenly distributed, with almost 70% of the population living in the Kingdom of Gabrielland alone while accoutning less than 20% of the land area. The Gabrielts bear many resemblance in appearances and customs with their neighbors to the southwest and east, while the Arsyans bear many similarities with their neighbors in the north with Junterland and Grafenland, although their language forms its own separate family different to those spoken in the neighboring states. The principal language in Gabrielland is Gabrielt, with almost all official broadcasts and published media in the Gabrielt language, even though Arsyan occupies the same status as Gabrielt. As a result, many Arsyans are bilingual in both Standard Arsyan and Gabrielt whilst many ethnic Gabrielts are monolingual.

It is widely believed that the present-day area of Gabrielland was first settled by early humans around the year 50,000 BC, when the spread of humans into Gabrielland and subsequently through the Eucatan peninsula occured. These early humans were mostly hunter-gatherers with pastorialism arriving by the late 20th millenium BC. The advent of farming led to the first proto states and cities, in which small communities of people would form and collectivize their work into a controlled and uniformed system. These proto states developed into city states by the early 1st millenium BC, of which several early wars were recorded over territory and power. These city states grew into kingdoms, and by the late 10th century, distinct Gabrielt and Arsyan kingdoms were set in stone, and the two leagues occasionally traded with one another. In 1648, the Gabrielt Confederation was established as a measure to prevent future squabbles and to coordinate the economic productivity of the Gabrielt speaking states. A similar confederation was established within the Arsyan kingdoms in 1689.

These two confederations, independent of one another, slowly merged into one big entity respectively, with the first Gabrielt proto-state known as the Gabrielt Confederation acting as a singular entity in both internal and external affairs in the year 1813. The Arsyan kingdoms started to become closer kint too, and, fearing Gabrielt superiority over the area, decided to form a unified kingdom in 1828, to much dismay of the local kings. The Gabrielt Confederation transformed into the Gabrielt Kingdom in 1831. Relations between the two kingdoms grew as trade and contact was intensified, even though the two kingdoms were separated by about a thousand kilometers. By the turn of the 20th century, irredentist ideas from Gabrielt nationalists sparked the idea of a united Gabrielt and Arsyan state along with the vassals of both kingdoms. A formal treaty of unification was signed on the 17th of April 1927 with an interim government. The unified Gabrielland would continue to endure several more years of poltical hardships and turmoils within the newly created system.

Gabrielland is classified as a developing economy, however, has very huge disparities between the regions. The Kingdom of Arsya constitues 65% of the GDP of Gabrielland whilst containing only a quarter of the population, and is classified as a high income and developed economy, while most areas in the kingdom of Gabrielland are lagging far behind with some regions suffering from chronic mismanagement of resources and funds, and is subsequently less developed than other regions within the Kingdom of Gabrielland itself. Generally speaking, Gabrielland manufactures electronics, automobiles and other high tech items, as well as a strong banking sector dominated in Arsya. Agriculture still plays a huge role in most Gabrielts' lives, and is the bread basket of Gabrielland and to a lesser extent the Dokodo Union. Gabrielland uses the Quasa along with other DU countries, however between 1926 and 2017, the Gabrielt Gabiro was used as the official currency.

Gabrielland is a federation with three constituent parts, who each are represented in the high council by their respective internal heads of states. The monarchs of Gabrielland and Arsya fulfill this role, while the high commissioner of the new frontier fulfills this role. A singular head of state was abolsihed in the 1980 reforms of government, and is now represented by three people. Constituent realms are divided into regions and into provinces, which each have their own legislatures. Gabrielland is a member of the Dokodo Union.


The name "Gabrielland" is often to be attributed to the mispronounciation of the Gabrielt King Gyarbali III, who first entertained foreign dignitaries in his palace around the 11th century AD. Foreign dignitaries had not known the local name of the region, and prompted to write Gyarbali's Lands in their journals and manuscripts, which were brought back to their original homelands and interpreted as a sovereign nation. Over a period of time, the pronounciation of Gyarbali became more anglicized into Gabriel's Land, and eventually stopped being written as two words and merged into "Gabrielland."

The endonym, Dzukan Rul literally translates into "Gabrielts Realm" in Gabrielt. The first mention of a "Gabrielt Realm" dates back to the 9th century, when the first instances of a "Realm of Gabrielts" was first mentioned in an epic by the legendary author Magyasha, however, it is widely believed that the term Dzukan Rul was referring to the general landscape as a whole, and not a single political entity. The term was likely recoined and brought back to vigorous use by nationalists and unionists starting in the 18th century to evoke a sense of Gabrielt nationalism, and was the name of the Gabrielt Kingdom.

Arsya is the collective name of the Arsyan peoples, who inhabit the northern portion of Gabrielland. The Arsyan peoples are traditionally grouped into clans and groups with different names for each clan or group. The first mention of Arsya to refer as a political entity was the first Arsyan confederation, or rather the Confederation of the Arsyan Peoples. The term stuck on and became solidified during the formation of the Kingdom of the Arsyans, later the Kingdom of Arsya.



The present-day area of Gabrielland was thought to be first inhabited by Homo Sapiens around 50,000 BC, with evidence from multiple sites in the Kingdom of Gabrielland showcasing a variety of stone tools and basic carvings, signalling hunter-gatherer societies within the area was rampant. Several prehistoric cave paintings have also been found bearing diverse forms of paintings of surrounding flora and fauna, with the most famous example being the Kolma cave paintings found in 1938. It is widely believed that these people were not the direct ancestors of the present day Gabrielts nor Arsyans, as they exhibit several key differences in both geneteic material and overall bone physique. These people today are known as the "Kolma People".

Arsya remained uninhabited until around 25,000 BC when several early inhabitants of prehistoric Gabrielland migrated north in search of better food and water sources. The overall trend of finds of stone tools getting younger when one goes north supports this theory. The earliest evidence of human habitation of Arsya was found in 1879 when a spear and several clothes were found in a cave. These people were believed to have been related to the early humans found in Junterland and Grafenland as they bear several similarities to them which are not found in the Gabrielt population.

Around 5000 BC, a wave of migration both into Gabrielland and Arsya replaced the native population, and are the current ancestors of both the Gabrielts and Arsyans respectively. The origin of these people are still widely debated, but most modern experts believe that the Gabrielts originated from either the southwest from Prei Meas or from the east from Kuronobe. The Arsyans, on the other hand, are still a mystery for experts, as they exhibit several striking differences in langauge and culture from any group in Anteria although their appearances are similar to those in Junterland and Grafenland.


Farming had arrived in Gabrielland by 4000 BC and Arsya by 3000 BC. The advent of farming greatly reduced and destroyed the hunter-gatherer societies flourishing in Gabrielland for millennia as many decided to settle down near riverbanks and rivers in general to gain irrigation for their crops or domesticated animals. The domestication of several animals by 2000 BC greatly increased the productivity and output of these early farms, and was attributed to an early population expolosion of ancient Gabrielland. The population boom was what many believe the trigger for the creation of more organized social and political strucutres in ancient Gabrielland and Arsya.

Petty cities and towns started to emerge by the late 2nd millennium BC, with the oldest known intact settlement being the city of Galatar, which was thought to have been settled in 1400 BC. Many of these petty cities traded with one another, although minor wars and quarrels did occur between them, sometimes even making other cities part of the attacker's territory. This was the start of petty kingdoms in Gabrielland and Arsya. The earliest petty kingdom in Gabrielland was attributed to the Kingdom of Margi, which was founded around the year 800 BC. The Kingdom of Margi would also provide the first historical records and writings of the Gabrielts as a whole.

Numerous Kingdoms started being founded after the foundation of the Kingdom of Margi, usually after conquering a variety of cities and upgrading their status from vassals into the kingdom proper, and by 1 AD, the political landscape of Gabrielland has already been dominated by these early Gabrielt kingdoms, although several key and strong city states still persisted, usually to the use and advantage of a larger kingdom. The larger population and land increased the political and bureaucratic strain on these early kingdoms, and an early form of Gabrielt feudalism was present based on several inscriptions found.

Similar phenomneons happened around Arsya and also in the same time period, albeit with lesser kingdoms and internal squabbles. The steady growth of these small kingdoms was due to the result of a specific kingdom catering and ruling over a specific clan or group of the Arsyan peoples.

These small kingdoms would eventually be absorbed by other kingdoms due to real unions, battles, or even sometimes voluntarily. The formation of the Kingdom of Kalagran and the Kingdom of Tahkki marked the transition of ancient Gabrielland and Arsya into the middle ages, with the real feudal system in full swing during this period.

Middle ages

The Kingdom of Kalagran, formed in c. 973 CE, was the first great Gabrielt kingdom to exist, as it maintained extensive historical records and possessed great amounts of lands and population at the time. It can be considered as a regional superpower around Gabrielland in its time period, with many other kingdoms falling under the sphere of influence of the Kingdom of Kalagran and were effectively vassals. Overall, the Kingdom of Kalagran gained its vast swathes of territory due to conquests and negotiations done with other kingdoms. The Kingdom of Kalagran also left diverse forms of artefacts, ranging from plates, inscriptions, to majestic structures still preserved until this day.

In Arsya, the Kingdom of Tahkki was the major Kingdom, although its power relative to Kalagran in Gabrielland was less significant, and many independent kingdoms in Arsya still existed.

Gabrielt and Arsyan confederations

Struggles for unification

The territory of the Gabrielt confederation and the Arsyan confederation had bordered each other by 1850, owing to the great expansions of both confederations done in the early 19th century, although these territories were pratically just "territories", as they were mostly uninhabited and underdeveloped. These new territories that were gained between 1800-1850 are known as the "New Frontiers", a term still used today in modern Gabrielt adminsitrative purposes. Several Gabrielt irredentists, most notably Garjani Tagoli, expressed the idea of incorporating the Arsyan confederation into Gabrielland to provide the Gabrielts with sea access, either by conquest or diplomacy, and advocated for Gabrielt superiority over the area.

Ideas of a unified Gabrielt-Arsyan state was very hardly recieved back in Arsya, as the two cultures and peoples have never been unified and have never coexisted before. Many doubt the execution and realization of such plans owing to those factors, although the two have been conducting trade with one another since the beginning of the early kingdoms. In 1863, the first rounds of negotiations were held, but were promptly rejected by the Arsyan delegations, due to the treaty's treatment of Arsyans that made them more or less favored than Gabrielt citizens, and mandate the higher income Arsyan Confederation to set aside some of their funds for the development of Gabrielland in exchange for union status. The Gabrielt delegations took this as an insult, and many speculate the planned invasion of Arsya by several Gabrielt military experts after the negotiations, but never took place due to a variety of circumstances.

Talks were hindered after the blunder, and the idea of Gabrielt-Arsyan unification died out until the turn of the 20th century when Gabrielland was struck by a massive famine and a plague at the same time, killing one third of all Gabrielts and decmiating the economy. The Gabrielts were no longer in a position to demand the Arsyans, and they sent delegations to Arsya once more to renegotiate the treaties of 1863 with more favorable conditions for Arsyan unification into Gabrielland. In 1908, two years after the great famine and plague, the Gabrielts sent delegations back to Arsya to renegotiate a treaty of unification, which was once again rejected by the Arsyan delegation.

The rejection of the treaty was, however, met with heavy resistance from Arsyan youth organizations, and also back in Gabrielland, massive protests regarding the failed negotiatioons happened, resulting in the panic of 1908. Youth organizations from the two sides met in Vailhims for the first time in 1910 and proclaimed the Gabrielt-Arsyan Youth Arms. This group would soon change its name to the Gabrielt-Arsyan Unification Arms after more members joined in the cause for unification.

Throughout the 1910s, the GAUA campaigned strongly for unification and became a legitimate political party in 1913, winning 18% of the seats in the Gabrielt parliamet in 1914 and 9% of the Arsyan parliament in 1915. The huge rise in numbers sent massive shockwaves to current politicians and lawmakers in both Gabrielland and Arsya in responding to a growing trend of unification for both sides. The Arsyan Confederation suppressed the political party in 1917 after being deemed "dangerous to the survival of the Arsyan state". In 1919, the 24% of the seats were allocated to the GAUA, with several Arsyans joining in the Gabrielt parliament as an act of defiance against the Arsyan state. In 1923, the Arsyan branch of the GAUA was refounded with Valkki Tizmar as the leader. He would become elected into the Gabrielt parliamentin 1924, with the GAUA securing a majority of the votes for the first time in history.

Unification of Gabrielland and Arsya

In December 1925, Valkki Tizmar was sent by the GAUA to head the negotiations with the Arsyans. The move was done to further humiliate the Arsyans and gather solidarity from the Arsyan people. Valkki Tizmar, along with his delegation, successfully negotiated a treaty of unification by February 1926, and Gabrielland and Arsya were to be united soon. The success of Valkki Tizmar and his delegation was met with widespread joy from the Gabrielt population and to a lesser extent some of the Arsyan population, and the Gabrielt parliament ratified the treaty into law on the 2nd of March 1926. The Arsyan parliament ratified the treaty on midnight 16th of April 1926, thus uniting the two countries.

The 17th of April 1926 was a historic moment in Gabrielland and Arsya, as both countries lowered their flag for the last time and hoisted the new union flag. Valkki Tizmar, along with his deputy Galddi Tohhsan, paraded around Vailhims and surrounding cities proclaiming an end to a nasty division period between the two countries. The streets were filled with people celeberating and cheering for the two, and became known as the rally of 1926.

Starting from the 17th of April 1926, the Arsyan national parliament ceased to exist and was replaced with the Arsyan People's Parliament, and all members of the ANP instantly became members of the Gabrielt-Arsyan Temporary Parliament. On April 19, the temporary parliament met for the first time in Vailhims and was welcomed with applause from the Gabrielt Parliament as the Arsyan members walked into the chamber for the first time in history. Valkki Tizmar became the first head of state of Gabrielland while his deputy Galddi Tohhsan became the first chancellor of Gabrielland, both ethnic Arsyans.

Valkki Tizmar addressed the parliament on April 20, and his message was broadcasted accross the country in his speech known as the "two bodies, two minds, one soul" speech, which is one of the most renowned speech in modern Gabrielt history. A constitution was drafted by June 1926 and was passed into law, and Gabrielland-Arsya became known as the Gabrielt and Arsyan People's State, along with ratifying the flag, anthem, emblem, and currency. The temporary parliament was abolished and elections were called in, with Tizmar and Tohhsan reelected to their posts. However, their posts were short lived, as Tizmar died suddenly in 1929 due to an illness, while Tohhsan died in a vehicle accident the following year.


Gabrielland occupies an area of 1,548,748 km², spanning a variety and diverse forms of biomes, climates, and natural landscapes. Gabrielland is located in the continent of Eucatan on the foot of the Eucatan Peninsula, where it borders Grafenland, Aziallis, Kuronobe, Azureden, Prei Meas, Monte Blanco, Junterland, and XXX, with the Arsyan sea touching the country in the far northeastern portion. Most of this total area is covered by land, with inland waters only making up 0.89% of the total area.

Elevation also greatly differs within Gabrielland, with the more mountainous south along the border with Azureden and Prei Meas serving as the greatest mountain ranges in Gabrielland. The highest peak, Mount Gyanlar, at 3,184 meters above sea level, is part of the Azur mountain range, providing a 3,235 m difference with the lowest point located in the great Gabrielt depression located deep within the new frontier and 51 meters below sea level. These mountains are the source of most of the major Gabrielt rivers such as the Aras, Mala, Kadar, and Pazi.


Gabrielland hosts a diverse set of climates, ranging from tropical climates, arid climates, and even temperate climates in its more northern areas and polar climates within the peaks of the mountains. Most of the country's population, however, falls within the tropical climate zone, with no major difference in temperature between months, with most residing in the Kingdom of Gabrielland. The New Frontier possesses several major climate zones, with the Gornyan and North Artadash regions being primarily tropical, while the northern portions of the new frontier are arid steppes which extends into Qazhshava.

The climate in Arsya is much cooler and much more temperate, with snowfall occuring in the more northern portions, including the capital Sangur. The situation in the autonomous region of Grafenland mimics those of a higher altitude, as the region is more mountainous and is therefore situated in a higher altitude.

The mean temperature in Gabrielland was 16.7°C, although this varies greatly between the three realms of Gabrielland. The mean temperature in the Kingdom of Gabrielland was 23.5°C while in Arsya it was recorded to be 7.3°C. Precipitation within Gabrielland is the strongest in the tropical zones of the country, with rain being the dominant form of precipitation in the Kingdom. In Arsya, snowfall also occurs in some areas with rain being less common than in the Kingdom of Gabrielland.


Gabrielland is a federal, parliamentary republic with elements of monarchism embedded within the system, as the Kings of the former Kingdom of Gabrielland and Kingdom of Arsya retain their funciton as the collective head of state of Gabrielland comprised of three members, with the remaining member being the chancellor of the New Frontier elected directly every five years. The existence of a singular head of state was abolished in 1980 in favor of a collective head of state in hopes of ensuring stability within the country.

Federal legislative power is directly vested and incoroporated within the Gabrielt and Arsyan People's Communion (lower house) and the Gabrielt and Arsyan Elders Communion (Upper house), elected once every five years for both Gabrielland and Yomkez, although the two entities hold elections at separate dates. The lower house is elected using a proportional representation open list system within multi member constituencies based on population, while the upper house is elected using single non-transferable vote with each individual region acting as its own constituency and each sending five elders into the council regardless of the population. Generally, the function of the upper house is to represent regional interests and in practice can struck down laws, but has never been practiced since the inception of the upper house in 1980. The last parliamentary elections held in Gabrielland was held in 2015, with the next scheduled election taking place in May of 2020.

Since the restoration of democracy in 1980, three additional parliaments were added, namely being the 3 realm parliaments (one each for the Kingdom of Gabrielland, Arsya, and the New Frontier), 22 regional parliaments (one each for the 20 regions and 2 special regions), and 134 provincial parliaments (one each for the 134 provinces or equivalent). This makes Gabrielland one of the most over-governed states in Anteria with such levels of bureaucracy and red tape. Three major parties dominate the political landscape over the last forty years, namely the Gabrielts First party, the People's Democratic Alliance, and the Agrarians and Farmers Party. Gabrielland does not have a threshold for parliament.

Administrative divisions

Administratively, Gabrielland is divided into 20 first-level Regions and 2 special regions, further subdivided into 134 provinces and its equivalents, however politically and more socailly, Gabreilland is divided first into three realms, then into 22 region-equivalents and 134 province-equivalents. Each Realm has its own constitution, regional anthems, and own sets of laws that must be compatible with the constitution and federal laws of Gabrielland.


Gabrielland employs a civil law system based on that of other countries. The Gabrielt and Arsyan People's High Reckoning is the supreme court of Gabrielland, while the Gabrielt and Arsyan People's High Tribunal is responsible for performing judicial reviews and to strike down laws incompatible with federal law or constitution.

Criminal laws are codified at a federal level, with each realm, region or province adding in their own laws and punishment on top of the federally mandated law. Private law is vaguely defined at the federal level and is left to the constituent divisions to determine its own sets of laws regarding to private matters between persons, objects, inheritance, and relationships.

Foreign relations

Gabrielland maintains a strong network of diplomatic missions abroad. Gabrielland is also a member of the Dokodo Union, with whom Gabrielland shares the closest economic, political and cultural ties. Outside of the Dokodo Union, Gabrielland has very close relations with Anderum and Qazhshava.


A mixed economic system is employed in Gabrielland, with most of the country's labor force emerging from low-skilled professions into more high-skilled trades. It is a major economic power within the DU and its surrounding regions as a whole, with Bakyern as the main economic competitor of Gabrielland, with the 2nd largest economy (PPP) and the 4th highest GDP (PPP) per capita in the DU, and Gabrielland is generally classified as a newly industrialized country. As of 2018, the Gabrielt GDP (PPP) stood at $2.5 trillion with GDP (PPP) per capita at the $16,000 level. The service sector takes up 52% of the economy, with the manufacturing sector taking up 27% and agriculture taking up the rest. Gabrielland is part of the Dokodo Union Single Market Treaty, which expands the consumer base of Gabrielt goods into the whole Dokodo Union, boosting up customer numbers to nearly 400 million.

Inequality between realms and regions as a whole is still a major issue in Gabrielland, with the more prosperous Arsya accounting for over 60% of the national GDP while possessing less than 25% of the national population. Arsya by itself is classified as a high income economy and a developed region, with high standards of living and a high level of HDI.