Samuel Kannit

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Samuel Kannit
Slobodan Praljak.jpg
Samuel Kannit during the Vongane Trials in 2006
Supreme Commandant
Malvarian Liberation Front
Personal details
BornJanuary 2nd, 1945
Amstelveen, Vulkaria
DiedApril 8th, 2008 (Age: 63)
Tregueux, Zamastan
Height6 ft 7 in (201 cm)
SpouseMultiple spouses
Military service

Samuel Kannit was the leader of the Malvarian Liberation Front, an international terrorist organization operating from Vulkaria. He was widely regarded as one of the most dangerous and wanted individuals in the Coalition of Crown Albatross, specifically for his roles in the 1982 Pride Parade Bombing in Alanis, Pahl, Zamastan, the subsequent War in Vulkaria, and two decades later attacks on Coalition troops during the Second War in Vulkaria. He was responsible for committing many war crimes and sponsoring terrorist attacks on several nations in the C.C.A including Zamastan, Cadair, Emmiria, and Quetana. He was captured by Coalition forces on May 9th, 2004, leaving the M.L.F.'s control to Van'a Kamoni.

He was convicted of 43 counts of war crimes, 7,034 counts of murder, and 120,000 counts of attempted murder at the Vongane Trials in 2006, and he was sentenced to death. Kannit was executed by lethal injection on April 8th, 2008, in Tregueux, Zamastan

Personal Life

Beliefs and Ideology

Kannit, and subsequently the Malvarian Liberation Front sought to overthrow the Vulkarian government, which largely follows strict capitalism, and wants to replace it with a Marxist system of government. The M.L.F. specifically follows a radicalized form of Marxism-Leninism, which is a political philosophy and self-proclaimed science that seeks to establish a socialist state and then develop it further into socialism and eventually communism, a classless social system with common ownership of the means of production and with full social and economic equality of all members of society.

Kannit, however, attributed violence to the grandiose need to change Vulkaria from the inside-out as the only way to accomplish its goal. He believes and teaches members of the M.L.F. that violence is the best way to sway public opinion. Zamastanian and Quetanan intelligence suggests that recruits are offered promises of wealth and adventure, as well as a freedom from socialist rules imposed by the capitalist governments, in return for carrying out commands. Accounts from captured M.L.F. fighters share how these promises were so tantalizing and seemingly realistic that most members would fall in line, and that those who did not specifically believe in Marxism were mostly fighting for the adventure aspects. It is believed that their effective propaganda and brain-washing leads to their viciousness on the battlefield.

Militant Career


