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Federal Republic of Foxomexra
Fıѡksuμɣksιı (Foxish)
Small Foxomexran Flag.png
Motto: Liberation or Damnation
Anthem: The Imperial Resistance
and largest city
Official languagesMiddle Foxish
Recognised regional languagesUpper Foxish
Ethnic groups
Foxomexran 79.3%

Hereali 4.2%

Other 16.5%
GovernmentFederal Republic
• President
Wilson Harrison (since 2019)
• Vice President
Robert Jones (since 2019)
LegislatureNational Congress
Provincial Convention
General Assembly
• Formation of the Empire
• Imperial Unification Treaty
• Declaration of the Republic
• Total
1,035,751 km2 (399,906 sq mi)
• 2019 estimate
• 2010 census
• Density
116/km2 (300.4/sq mi)
GDP (nominal)2019 estimate
• Total
4.639 trillion (USD)
• Per capita
38,612 (USD)
CurrencyRepublic Mark (RM)
Date formatdd-mm-yyyy
Driving sideright
Internet TLD.fmx

Foxomexra (fɑks oʊ mɛks rə), officially the Federal Republic of Foxomexra, is a federal republic located on the continent of ? on Anteria. Foxomexra shares a border with Wolfgalia to the east, Imbalistan to the west, and Sarussia to the south-west. The country is divided into nine first-level administrative regions known as "Provinces".


Formation and Early Centuries of the Empire

Founded in 1432, the Empire of Foxomexra was a loose confederation of feudal states that owed a measure of allegiance to the Emperor, seated in the city of Ardgan. Although usually united against outside threats, infighting within the Empire was common, and land was constantly exchanged both through peaceful means and through wars between rival feudal lords. Gradually power within the Empire came into the hands of a limited number of kingdoms as the many smaller duchies and kingdoms eventually faded out of existence at the hands of more powerful foes. As the Empire grew, so too did its enemies - to the west of Foxomexra was the Gabilian Range, a vast mountain range that had formerly restricted interaction between the Empire and those that lived on the other side, however as power centralized the stronger kingdoms that comprised Foxomexra looked outwards for ways to expand their influence, bringing them into conflict with the Empire of Hereal.

The Hereali Wars

In 1728 the First Hereali War began, lasting 6 years, and resulting in a stunning defeat for Foxomexra as they struggled to adapt to the mountainous terrain of Hereal. Foxomexra attempted again in 1740 to gain a foothold in Hereali territory, but the failure of the Foxomexran kingdoms to collaborate with each other led many to question the stability of the Foxomexran imperial system. As the war continued, the kingdoms of Foxomexra began discussing how to best adapt to defeat the Empire of Hereal, and in 1743 the kingdoms signed the Imperial Unification Treaty, under which the kingdoms of the Empire agreed to relinquish a substantial amount of their independent authority over to the Emperor, most notably in the case of military coordination if ever Foxomexra should find itself in a state of war. Although the Second Hereali War was ultimately a loss for the Empire of Foxomexra in 1744, the new system under the Imperial Unification Treaty would prove to be just what was needed to turn the tide against Hereal.

The next few decades were a period of relative peace during which Foxomexra steadily expanded its military capabilities in an attempt to finally defeat Hereal, and in 1779 the Third Hereali War began. The united strength of the Foxomexran kingdoms' military forces were able to win many substantial victories against Hereal, reclaiming territory that was lost in earlier wars against their western foe and gaining a foothold within Hereali territory. In 1793 another invasion was launched and the Fourth Hereali War began, during which most of what is now the Province of Firen was conquered. With the Empire of Hereal starting to falter, the territory that now comprises the Province of Lydia revolted against Hereal in the 1809 Lydian War for Independence, and after receiving support from Foxomexra chose to seek membership as a kingdom within the Empire.

Solar Schism and Instability

Foxomexran society underwent a major upheaval in the early 1800's as a result of the Solar Schism. Although differences in beliefs within the Church of Solarity had led to minor conflicts in years prior, the year 1811 saw these conflicts devolve into a schism that spanned the entire Empire. The two major sides in the Schism were the Solarists - a group generally characterized by their shared belief that all Stars and Greater Bodies contributed to the creation of the universe - and the Traditionalists (contemporarily known as Tendorists) - who held that the star of the Tendor System was the sole source of the universe. Kingdoms within the Empire were divided among these beliefs and found themselves in a state of war with one another. Although the Solar Schism officially was declared over by the Solarist victors in 1818, smaller conflicts throughout Foxomexra continued well into the mid 19th Century.

Taking advantage of the Foxomexra's weakened state, the Empire of Hereal was able to temporarily regain control of the Kingdom if Lydia in 1813, before being pushed back out three years later by the Kingdom of Firen. Hereal was able to maintain control over the remainder of its territory until 1821 when the 7 year long Fifth Hereali War began, after which the Kingdom of Hereal was established as a member of the Foxomexran Empire in what is now known as the Province of Hereal.

Overthrowing the Empire

In 1843 political unrest within Foxomexra led to violent overthrow of the Emperor, and the installation of a democratic form of government in the former Kingdom of Ardgan. The other kingdoms of the Empire denounced Ardgan and began the restoration of the monarchy, however popular support for the new democratic government was widespread and the Empire broke down into chaos. The brutal Foxomexran Civil War erupted, with the kingdoms fighting each other for control of the Empire as revolutionaries struggled to overthrow the monarchical systems and put in place governments that would better represent themselves and their ideals. Order was not restored to Foxomexra until 1856, with the Republic of Ardgan reigning above the crippled former Empire and assisting newly formed republics that had replaced the old feudal system. A system of government was put in place where each republic would be represented within Foxomexra as a province of the country and would hold elections where the common citizen would be able to partake in government.

The Eastern War

Longstanding disagreements between the provinces of Rugia and Indal regarding their border in eastern Foxomexra eventually led to the breakdown of peaceful discussion and conflict ensued in the summer of 1898 when Rugian military forces suddenly began marching into territory belonging to Indal. Both parties rallied other provinces to their side, with the Province of Bhuner aiding Rugia and the provinces of Drulin and Firen helping Indal. Attempts by the Federal Districts of Ardgan to make both sides resolve the conflict peacefully were unsuccessful, so in late 1898 federal soldiers began to march into contested territory and demanded the warring sides cease their conflict. The Province of Rugia refused to yield to the federal military's demands, and issued a declaration of war against the Federal Districts, after which Bhuner and the Province of Hereal followed and did the same. Throughout the course of the war, the provinces of Lydia and Vernon remained neutral, and the war ended in 1901 with the Federal Coalition forcing a surrender of the Eastern Pact. The war, dubbed the Eastern War by contemporary historians, resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths collectively on both sides and re-sparked the Hereali rebellion which had previously died out for decades prior to the war.

Rekindling of Hereali Resistance

In the early 1910's a period of forced emigration was brought upon the Province of Hereal, with an estimated 150,000 native Hereali people being forced out of the country, many of which fled westward into Imbalistan, a contributing force in the eventual 1920 attempt to establish an independent Hereali nation from the Kingdom of Hunz. The Hereali rebellion failed, but occasional attempts have been retried within the Province of Hereal since then to secure the region's independence, including the currently ongoing Hereali Insurrection (2017).

Modern Times

On 9 May 2020 the government of Foxomexra hosted the Ardgan Conference in an attempt to peacefully resolve the Assumptarian-Plattinian Situation.

Government and Politics

Total Federal Government Spending Breakdown

  Military (27.42%)
  General Security (18.49%)
  Education (16.23%)
  Other Spending (13.85%)
  Healthcare (12.42%)
  Economic Development (6.11%)
  Transportation (3.24%)
  Interest on Debt (2.24%)

Total Provincial Government Spending Breakdown

  General Security (26.36%)
  Education (20.25%)
  Healthcare (19.54%)
  Economic Development (11.77%)
  Transportation (6.94%)
  Other Spending (6.56%)
  Military (4.86%)
  Interest on Debt (3.72%)

Foxomexra is a federal republic comprised of three different branches of government and was designed to defend the model of separation of powers.

  • Executive: Has the ability to veto the passage of laws approved by Congress, which then has the ability to override this veto. Appoints numerous federal employees such as judges and the many presidential advisers. Serves as the highest ranking member of the Foxomexran Combined Armed Forces with the title of “Supreme Commander”.
  • Legislative: Congress makes laws on a federal level, approves declarations of war and the formation of international treaties, manages the federal budget, and can vote to remove members of the federal government from power. The power of the Congress is divided into a lower house (the General Assembly) and an upper house (the Provincial Convention).
  • Judicial: Consists of the numerous levels of federal courts and is responsible for organizing and judging civil and criminal cases, and for interpreting laws while overturning those that are deemed to be in violation of the Foxomexran Constitution.

The total government spending of Foxomexra is 1,902,039,381,627 USD, which accounts for 41% of the country's total GDP. Of this, approximately 12% is federal government spending while the remaining 29% is provincial government spending.

The President is elected by representatives of the nine provinces to serve a four-year term. There are no term limits; however no president has ever served more than three terms, which is considered by most to be the unofficial term limit. Presidential elections take place on October 28th and the new president is inaugurated on January 14th of the following year. The number of representatives each province receives to vote in the presidential election is decided by the addition of their representatives in the General Assembly and the Provincial Convention. The next presidential election year is 2022.

The current president is Wilson Harrison, with Robert Jones serving as his vice-president.

Representatives of the provinces in both the General Assembly and the Provincial Convention - the Foxomexran legislative branch's lower and upper house, respectively - are elected by the provinces in ways dictated by each province's government. Representatives of the General Assembly throughout all provinces of Foxomexra are elected by way of a single transferable vote. Representatives of the Provincial Convention are appointed by their respective province's legislature with the exception of the Province of Vernon, which elects these representatives by popular vote. Elected officials of the Provincial Convention serve terms of 4 years, whereas officials of the General Assembly serve terms of 3 years. The next Provincial Convention election is in 2020, and the next General Assembly election is in 2021.

Government Departments

  • Military: Responsible for managing the Foxomexran Combined Armed Forces.
  • Finance: Manages the government’s budget, prints currency, collects money owed to the government, pays all the government’s bills, advises on financial policy, and enforces finance and tax laws.
  • Justice: In charge of enforcing the laws of Foxomexra and administering justice to those who break them.
  • Foreign Affairs: Responsible for handling international relations – negotiates agreements and treaties with foreign entities.
  • Interior: Manages government-owned land and natural resources, the territorial affairs of the country, border control, and agriculture.
  • Commerce and Labour: In charge of encouraging economic growth, as well as enforcing employment laws and standards for wages/hours for workers.
  • Urban Development: Expands and manages Foxomexra's infrastructure, also responsible for creating efficient industries and communities to allow for growth in the economy.
  • Science: Leads government research and development. Is also responsible for dispersing federal education spending throughout the country in the form of grants and national scholarships, among other things.

Political Parties

General Assembly of Foxomexra
Foxomexra General Assembly 2018.svg
Political groups
  •   Conservative Coalition: 47 seats
  •   Federalist Coalition: 23 seats
  •   Libertarian Coalition: 17 seats
  •   Socialist Coalition: 8 seats
  •   Green Coalition: 3 seats
  •   Nationalist Coalition: 2 seats
Provincial Convention of Foxomexra
Foxomexra Provincial Convention 2016.svg
Political groups
  •   Conservative Coalition: 13 seats
  •   Libertarian Coalition: 3 seats
  •   Federalist Coalition: 1 seats
  •   Socialist Coalition: 1 seats

The political landscape of Foxomexra is sometimes considered to be unusual, due in large part to the nature of its governing structure. With the high autonomy of each province within Foxomexra, political parties are not typically very united across provincial lines except in the forming of coalitions in the federal legislature, however these coalitions tend to be quite fragile due to the weak connections parties involved in them usually have between themselves.

  • Conservative Coalition: The largest coalition of parties in Foxomexra, boasting a membership of around 44% of the voting population. The Conservative Coalition is dedicated to upholding the freedoms of the Foxomexran Constitution and preserving the status Provinces have as autonomous entities within the nation.
  • Federalist Coalition: Closely aligned with the Conservative Coalition in many regards, 19% of the voting population is registered as a member of the Federalist Coalition. Members of the coalition believe a stronger federal government is necessary for the preservation of Foxomexra against extreme ideologies, Provincial conflicts, and foreign threats.
  • Libertarian Coalition: Comprises approximately 15% of the voting population. Advocates for greater freedom to the provinces such as the removal of federally imposed restrictions on Provincial freedoms - including federal management of international relations, federally mandated marriage rights, and military size restrictions. Includes numerous Provincial independence movements - most notably within the Provinces of Hereal and Rugia.
  • Socialist Coalition: 7% of the population.
  • Nationalist Coalition: 3% of the population.
  • Green Coalition: 3% of the population.
  • Other Coalitions and Parties: 9% of the population.

Territory of Foxomexra

Provincial map, with each Province marked by their initials

The Federal Republic of Foxomexra is divided into 14 Provinces. The most populated of which and home to the Foxomexran government is the Federal Districts of Ardgan, which consists of many separated regions of territory, the largest of which is contiguous with the city of Ardgan itself. Collectively the Federal Districts have a population of just under 30 million people (nearly a quarter of the entire national population) while accounting for approximately 16% of the country's total land area. The Federal Districts rank highest in terms of their contribution to the national (nominal) Gross Domestic Product, with a GDP of 1.3 trillion Republic Marks.

In terms of GDP per capita, the Province of Gethuaidh ranks number one with a GDP per capita of 46,819 but followed closely behind by the Province of Drulin. Drulin, with a population of around 12.6 million and a land area of 67,818 square kilometers, ranks first in terms of density, with 186 people living within the Province per square kilometer. The military forces of Drulin are considered by many to be the best and most well-trained in Foxomexra, both recently and historically known for producing the best soldiers in the country. Drulin is also home to the Tsora Company, the largest corporation in the country and a major provider of arms for the various military forces of Foxomexra.

Province Population Land Area (km^2) Population Density (people / km^2) GDP (nominal) GDP per Capita
Ardgan 29,556,191 163,168 181 1,333,747,127,360 45,126
Bhuner 4,950,061 49,792 99 174,430,928,656 35,238
Chothaire 6,860,400 61,192 112 207,832,595,846 30,295
Drulin 12,615,447 67,818 186 580,353,967,418 46,003
East Esheara 4,385,370 56,489 78 136,390,141,024 31,101
Firen 7,977,769 67,654 118 313,140,629,902 39,252
Gethuaidh 4,974,091 31,927 156 232,883,846,238 46,819
Hereal 8,614,548 119,559 72 252,832,064,143 29,349
Indal 10,392,726 62,279 167 440,716,442,084 42,406
Lydia 4,517,532 122,347 37 102,060,649,746 22,592
Nabhain 684,839 4,650 147 23,195,602,215 33,870
Rugia 10,813,240 86,596 125 382,727,436,547 35,394
Vernon 6,764,283 79,112 86 224,069,517,397 33,125
West Esheara 7,040,621 64,181 110 234,739,494,415 33,341

Foreign Affairs

The Federal Republic of Foxomexra is a member of the South Anterian Defense Alliance.



Artistic Representation of the Primordial Star Explanation

The dominant religion within Foxomexra is the Church of Solarity. Commonly referred to as "Solarism", and often considered a religious form of rationalism, the Church follows the teachings of the Foxomexran philosopher Charles Wiggins (1538 - 1617). Wiggins believed that every living thing had an innate shared value, and advocated for the general study of natural philosophy. For centuries it was believed that the universe, both the living and unliving, originated from the Sun. It was not until the 19th Century when this idea was heavily challenged by evidence that the Sun was not dissimilar from any other star in the universe, which brought the foundations of the Church into question as religious leaders and follower attempted to comprehend what such a thing could mean. As a result of this revelation the Solar Schism began, eventually resulting in the acceptance throughout most of the Church that the Sun alone was not the sole source of creation, and that instead the universe was the result of the work of multiple "Greater Bodies". The Greater Bodies Explanation is the precursor to the current leading belief for the origins of the universe in the Church, which is that of the Primordial Star Explanation.

While the Church of Solarity advocates for rational thought, some criticize the Church's claim to be "rationalist" and "empirical" while also describing itself as a religious institution, which by nature is based on faith rather than empiricism. The Church has argued against such criticisms by stating that although their motivations are faith-based, the method by which they arrive at conclusions is based on the scientific method and rational philosophical thought.


Weigle Housing Estate (1938), Tilia

Modern Foxomexran artchitecture is designed with the mindset that form follows function. The Foxomexran Functionalist movement found its roots in the late 19th Century within the Province of Drulin, where the movement was able to gain traction for several decades. This growth was stunted at the onset and aftermath of the Eastern War, at which time a country-wide shift to Romanesque Revivalism took hold and maintained strong influence in the country until the 1930's. As Romanesque Revivalism gradually died out, Expressionism and a revitalized Functionalist movement began seeing widespread popularity throughout eastern Foxomexra. Although the Expressionist movement was still highly influential particularly in the provinces of Indal and Rugia well into the 1950's, it was around this time that Functionalism grew to become the dominant style throughout Foxomexra.


The Department of the Military runs the Foxomexran Combined Armed Forces (F.C.A.F.), which consists of around 1.1 million active personnel and 2.5 million reserve personnel. The F.C.A.F. consists of the Federal Military Force and the individual armed forces of the Foxomexran provinces. The collective military forces' expenditure comprise about 4.7% of the country's total GDP, which is around 218 billion USD. Of this, federal spending and total provincial spending are roughly equal.

While the F.C.A.F. permits men and women to serve, the military is disproportionately dominated by male service members. While this is primarily due to male-only conscription in the military, the general lack of interest among many female Foxomexrans in serving along with the existence of common standards for personnel regardless of gender play a significant role in discouraging women from volunteering. Proponents of greater representation of women in the F.C.A.F. have long called for a distinction in standards to end the current system weighed against females. Although the federal military has made no pushes to ending their current policy, the provinces of Rugia, Lydia, and West Esheara have all enacted legislation creating distinct standards.

Upon reaching the age of 16, males across the country are screened for eligibility to serve in the Foxomexran Combined Armed Forces. Males who have been determined to be eligible for military service are sent to one of several federal military schools throughout the country for two years. If a candidate is a citizen of a province other than the Federal Districts of Ardgan, he may instead be sent to a provincial academy for service in the respective province's military. At the end of this period of schooling each person is screened, and if accepted will proceed to enter military service, performing a mandatory 287 day (41 week) service, 17 of which are performed consecutively as an initial standard training program, the other 24 of which are performed over the course of 10 years. Any person who has been conscripted to serve in the armed forces, until they have finished the full 10 years of service, are considered members of the reserve unless volunteering to serve in active service or brought into active service.

While the provinces of Foxomexra each have their own military forces, these organizations typically consist of very limited active personnel and a larger reserve force who are called upon to serve in times of crisis. The federal military, the Federal Military Force, is by far the largest military of all Foxomexran provinces, and fields troops from all provinces along with citizens of its own province. The Federal Military Force consists of 626,927 active personnel and 1,154,453 reserve personnel, and is split into three main branches - the Republican Army, the Navy, and the Aerospace Division - which each have their own subdivisions.

Foxomexran Federal soldier alongside the M1 "Chariot" UGV

The F.C.A.F. is primarily a defencive force, protecting against hostile threats and acting as a last resort in resolving conflicts between Provinces. Each Province’s military is designed to operate mostly within its own territory, however the federal military is meant to operate throughout the entire country. Conflict throughout the 20th Century within the Province of Hereal - blanketed in the roughest terrain Foxomexra has to offer - has encouraged great improvements in development of the country's aerial reconnaissance capabilities.

Foxomexra strives to be at the forefront of aerospace technological development, but suffers greatly in the field of naval technology. Infantry units of the F.C.A.F. are equipped with the latest GEN III ATG night vision technology, and development into the field of drone technology has been progressing to provide new support assets to personnel on the ground.

Foxomexra has a nuclear arsenal of 250 warheads, able to be delivered via the "X6-GNM" MIRV ICBM which has a maximum range of 10,000 km, or the "X7-SNM" MIRV SLBM with its range of 11,000 km. The country also allegedly maintains the capability to utilize chemical weapons, but has not used such weapons since the early 20th Century.