Wikipedia:Main Page (2016 redesign)
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From yesterday's featured article (check back later for today's)
{{Wikipedia:Today's featured article/February 15, 2025}}
In the news
- Tito Pérez (pictured) wins the Santa Rosan presidential election to become the 27th President of Santa Rosa.
- Cuirpthe declares war on the Republic of Folksland, a separatist state in Newrey, in response to an invasion of the Eallsabh region.
- Surveyor 1, launched by Moku'aina and the first lunar lander in Versutian history, lands in the Moon's Mare Procellarum.
- President Tobón announces a referendum to amend the Constitution of Carloso and make Christianity the state religion.
- Steven McCarthy wins a landslide victory over Vladimir Perry to become the 9th President of the Radiatian Federation.
- Ceresnia's largest nuclear reactor explodes, sending radioactive plumes over Borea, as the Grobyłchov disaster unfolds.
- The State of Truth initiates an offensive in southern Tangkuo, seizing a city in an uprising and attacking government forces' positions.
Did you know
On this day
{{Wikipedia:Selected anniversaries/February 16}}