Provinces & Administrative Governments of Makko Oko

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Labeled provincial areas as of 2027

The Empire of Makko Oko is a unitary state composed of 14 semi-autonomous provinces and one administrative government. These provinces were formed on July 5th, 2027, days after the ratification of the Act of Union 2027 which abolished the zero-autonomy divisions in lieu of provinces with much greater authority. The administrative governments existed before then, with the only one currently being the Phoenix Islands.

There is currently an equal amount of cities, 6, in every province, and in the one administrative government.


Before Divisions

The Act of Union 2027

List of Provinces

Provinces Incorporated
Livonia 2023
Ozarka July 5th, 2027
National Territory 2023
Southern Territory July 5th, 2027
New Ancapistan July 5th, 2027
Guedry 2023
Corinda July 5th, 2027
Tathra July 5th, 2027
Arnhem July 5th, 2027
Merida July 5th, 2027
Taupo July 5th, 2027
Matamata July 5th, 2027
Haast July 5th, 2027
Rotorua July 5th, 2027


City Name Province Current Mayor
Xion Corinda Ralf Werfel
Wyandotte Livonia Marko Hoffmann
Oceania Guedry Zakiyat Panova
Rul Exsby Luke Tandara
Phoe Tathra Sienna Eriksen
Opposh National Conall Solis
Utrifbert National Stuart Bruggink
Orion Ahokai Yanaika Koolhof
Bora Zazalam Fabiano Hartevelt
Ozlens Haast Roger Hearne
Xihgan Guedry James Moller
Shilens Livonia Jasmin Frandsen
Xibert Guedry Alma Jorgensen
Ukugas Guedry Joel Dixon
Crison Guedry Ali Teodros
Sakov National Alan Mudrak
Raatberg Ozarka Cynthia Kifer
Crestle Merinda Johan Karppinen
Akugarb Guedry Oili Salonen
Jate'kara Phoenix Islands
Bishkek Phoenix Islands
Reykjavik Phoenix Islands
Sofia Phoenix Islands
Rumsfeld Taupo
Basseterre Southern Territory
Andorra la Vella New Ancapistan
Macao New Ancapistan
Khartoum Phoenix Islands
N'Djamena Phoenix Islands

See Also