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Enyaman Civil War

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Enyaman Civil War
Military Situation in February 2020
Date19 September 2019 - present
Enyama (with spillovers in neighboring countries)
Status Ongoing
EnyamaFlag.png Federal States of Enyama
(Aug. 2019 - Oct. 2019)
SkaldafenFlag.png Skaldafen Confederation
(See below)

EnyamaFlag.png Enyaman National State

Military support: Logistical support:

EnyamaFlagThreeColors.png Three Colors Army
Military support:
BelfrasNationalFlag.png Belfras

Logistical support:

EnyamaDemocraticCoalition.png Democratic Coalition of Enyama

Military support:
Logistical support:

EnyamaIndependenceLeague.png Independence League

Other warlords:
  • EnyamaFlagBannoShogunate.png Banno Shogunate
  • EnyamaYakumorioFlag.png The Yakumorio
  • EnyamaFlagKataBand.png Kata Band

The Enyaman Civil War (Enyaman Tsurushemese: 에냐마 나이센, Enyama naisen, Enyaman Latin: Bellum Civile Aniamus), also called the Great Northern Chaos or the Interstate War is an ongoing multi-sided civil war in the Norumbrian nation of Enyama fought between the totalist Enyaman National State led by former Enyaman President Muratagi Eijiro, and various domestic and foreign forces opposing both the former Enyaman government and each other in varying combinations, including the democratic-socialist Enyaman Democratic Coalition, the stratocratic Three Colors army which consists of the former Enyaman Armed Forces sans the Internal Troops, and the Independence League which aims for Enyaman balkanization. The conflict was spurred by an invasion from Skaldafen and the ensuing chaos; the Skaldanian military is still involved in the conflict, as are military forces from Belfras, Jhengtsang, and others. Nations indirectly involved in the conflict include Ghant, Yisrael, Latium, Thraysia, Mutul, Tsurushima, Valtgea, and Lion's Rock.


Enyama is a diverse nation situated in northern Norumbria, slowly molded over history from interaction between several waves of settlers and their mingling with the natives. Enyama's majority ethnicity is that of the Enyaman Tsurushemese, largely directly descended from the Tsurushiman settlers which arrived on the nation's southwestern shore in the 13th century, mixed with the remnants of the Olkota culture which the wave of settlers eradicated. In addition to its Tsurushiman majority, Enyama has a substantial minority of Latin and Skaldanians that predate Tsurushiman concentration, centered around the northeastern tip of the nation. Having run Norumbria's only merchant republic in the past, the Skaldano-Latin bloc has either been historically ignored or oppressed by the nations' Tsurushimese majority.

Enyama's historically libertarian and anti-authoritarian culture, which had been reactionary to Tsurushemese colonial governance, was tested in 1989 by a failed Syndicalist coup, and again through the following two decades as organized crime, headed by the Yakuza-esque Gokudo crime organizations, more or less assumed control of the nations' local governance and instituted systemic political and civic corruption.

Muratagi Eijiro and New Frontier government

In 2005, populist frontrunner Muratagi Eijiro won the presidential election on a strong anti-crime and economic revitalization platform. His newly-formed big tent right-wing populist party, the New Frontier Party, also gained a substantial majority in the Asenbura, giving Muratagi little political resistance in the way of enacting his reforms. At the time of his initial election, Muratagi focused largely on crime and avoided describing ethnic or broader economic problems. In December of 2005, while Muratagi was still President-Elect, the Shinobi-Kai of the Enyaman Ground Forces killed Enyama's most powerful crime lord, Hoki Hisato, brutally burning down his mansion and strafing it with an attack helicopter. The Hoki incident set the stage for Muratagi's hard stance on his opposition.

By 2007, the New Frontier administration had begun a substantial rearmament of the neglected Enyaman military, beginning slowly to fortify the border and posture against Enyama's southern neighbor, the Skaldafen Confederation. Though the two nations had previously enjoyed lukewarm or even cordial relations, the New Frontier's populist initiatives began to establish a system of intense racial and cultural propaganda which favored the Tsurushemese majority over any of the nations' minorities. Subsequently, Muratagi created the Internal Troops of Enyama, which served as a paramilitary wing that many were encouraged to join. The Metsuke, a secret police, was also formed, and began in 2008 to coerce academia into rewriting Enyaman prehistory to better favor Tsurushemese accomplishments. International democrats were worried about Enyama's descent into populism; in 2011, amid sweeping military budget increases and reorganization, the Forum of Nations reclassified Enyama as an illiberal democracy. Muratagi spurred economic growth in previously undeveloped regions by initiating the construction of two nuclear power plants, fostering a domestic arms industry, and improving Enyama's spotty infrastructure, thus gaining him more popular support among his base.

For the Latin, Oklota, and especially Skaldanian minorities, however, Muratagi's regime typically brought a slew of human rights abuses. Gokudo enforcers, as well as Metsuke and Internal Troops, began to more strictly police Hakutochi state, where non-Tsurushemese groups are the majority, and in 2016, amid another election victory, Enyama opened its first concentration camp for political dissidents and religiously devout Paleocists, which typially included Skaldanians. In 2018, amid increasing resistance from the Skaldanian minority thought to be supported by Skaldafen intelligence, Muratagi declared martial law within Hakutochi state, thus completing the area's militarization.

Rising tensions with Skaldafen

Beginning in 2011, the New Frontier regime began denouncing the socialist ideology of Skaldafen, as well as cracking down on the ethnic Skaldanic minority in Enyama. This ilicited a strongly negative response from the Skaldanian government, leading to a wave of increasing militarization in both nations. Airspace interceptions were regular, and both nations' military doctrine began to change around the expectation of a potential future conflict. In 2014, the Asenbura passed a full Enyaman embargo of all Skaldanian goods, and fully closed the border later that year, in some cases separating Skaldanian families split between the two nations.

In response to New Frontier rhetoric implicating "inevitability of war in Norumbria", Skaldafen began intense intelligence and surveillance operations of the Enyaman military, which prompted Enyama to develop its intelligence agencies, chiefly the Metsuke secret police and domestic intelligence agency, and the military intelligence branch of the Enyaman Armed Forces. Futher capitalizing on the increased tension was the heavy expansion and militarization of the Enyaman Internal Troops, which soon became the continents' largest paramilitary organization in both numbers and funding.

In addtion to the Skaldanian minority, the larger Enyaman opposition denounced Muratagi's negative relationship with Skaldafen, which often jeapordized their political futures; regardless, the Asenbura gained a coalition oppostion in the 2018 elections, split approximately 60%/40% between pre-war progressives and Jhengist socialists; per the old constiution, President Muratagi was forced to take some ministers from his opposition, a fact he soon rectified with additional amendments.

Capture of Minister Sakata Emio

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sakata Emio, was long considered to be one of the few voices of reason among the New-Frontier / Coalition paradigm, with her influence preventing the most egregious attempts at democratic regression from the New Frontier while not entirely condemning herself in her eyes. She was nicknamed the "Queen of Compromise" within the Asenbura due to her ability to negotiate between wildly different ideologies. In late 2018, President Muratagi, wishing to expand Enyama's diplomatic ties with the outside world in case of war with Skaldafen, sent various ministers to diplomatic events worldwide, including the Grand Republic Festival in Pulau Keramat. Minister Sakata was set to travel to Uluujol in order to meet with ther leadership to discuss a friendship agreement.

However, the aircraft provided for the trip, a supposed stealth cargo plane, was simultaneously ordered by Muratagi to attempt to straddle the airspace of hostile socialist state Jhengtsang, in an effort to both provoke the Union without placing the crew in any danger. Due to massive flaws in the design, however, the aircraft was intercepted, and Minister Sakata was detained along with 10 members of the Internal Troops who were guarding her. Despite a growing diplomatic crisis, Muratagi refused to trade Minister Sakata for decades-old stocks of pre-Socialist Jheng gold held at the Bank of Iwawara, thus dooming Sakata to indefinite imprisonment.

In the legislative process, Sakata's absence left a void in strong voices for the opposition coalition, which was filled by the Committee Leader of the Socialist Party, No Au, who was far more harsh in her language towards Muratagi than Emio had been, and polarized the legislature more instead of maintaining the same type of delicate balance that had existed under Sakata's leadership.

Skaldanian covert actions in Hakutochi State

Akutera Incident and Skaldanian invasion


Enyaman National State and other loyalists

Three Colors Army

Democratic Coalition and other leftists

Other factions

Independence League

Banno Shogunate

The Yakumorio

Kata Band

Miscellaneous warlords and bandits

Foreign involvement