Education in Makko Oko

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Education in Makko Oko
Ministry Of Education & Propaganda
MinisterMike Bachmeier
National education budget (2022-2023)
BudgetSLO$10 trillion
Per studentSLO$3,000
General details
Primary languagesEnglish and Makuri
System typeNational

The education system in the Empire Of Makko Oko consists of four tiers of education: early primary schools (first school), upper primary schools (second school), secondary schools (third school) and tertiary education (which includes universities and other higher educational institutions). Schooling is mandatory all the way to secondary, with the option to continue to tertiary education.


Direct Governance

Structure (Will Be Updated Later)

The structure of Makko Okoan education is organized and overseen by the Ministry of Education & Propaganda and is enacted through the national curriculum.

Kerna aua ('Pre-school')
Age Grade Type
2–3 KA-1 optional
3-4 KA-2 optional
4-5 KA-3 compulsory
Kerna uahi (Primary School)
Age Grade Type
6–7 KU-1 compulsory
7–8 KU-2 compulsory
8–9 KU-3 compulsory
9–10 KU-4 compulsory
10–11 KU-5 compulsory
Kerna ruu (Secondary school)
Age Grade Type
11–12 KR-1 compulsory
12–13 KR-2 compulsory
13–14 KR-3 compulsory
14–15 KR-4 compulsory
15–16 KR-5 compulsory
16–17 KR-6 compulsory
17-18 KR-7 optional

Pre-School & Early Primary School


Upper Primary School

Secondary school

Higher Education

See Also