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Administrative Divisions of Kouralia

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The Administrative Divisions of Kouralia are the various geographic areas into which the Coronial Union of Kouralia is divided to assist in its governance. The most commonly known administrative divisions are the sub-national Local Government Areas or 'LGAs' which are responsible for delivering most public services, however other bodies such as the Military, Police, and national church also divide the country into different geographic units for both administrative and operational reasons. The boundaries of many divisions are based heavily on tradition and history, having evolved slowly over centuries, if not millennia. This especially applies to Local Government Areas which will often have evolved over time as the influence, power and population of particular settlements and polities waxed and waned. The most extreme example of this is the Palatine-Principality of Rheðuyn which, due to certain legislative quirks, remains the personal fiefdom of its immortal fei ruler, the Prince-Palatine.


A Macro-Region is the term given to a grouping of regions for the purposes of statistical analysis and other administrative purposes. There are few, if any public services or governmental functions which are administered on the basis of macro-regional boundaries, and while some other bodies may have their own divisions which broadly correlate with them, that fact is entirely incidental.

Local Government Areas


A Region, or Rionæ in High Kouralian (Plural, Rionem), is the term for the largest size of LGA. There are ??? Regions across Kouralia, including the Palatine-Principality of Rheðuyn and the City of Kurton Regional Province, both of which are responsible for the functions of all three LGA types thanks to their unique histories.

Regions are lead by a directly-elected Governor who oversees an administrative Regional Governate. The central, and senior-most executive decision-making body of the Regional Governate is the Regional Council whose membership is made up of Regional Assessors selected from the membership of the Regional Assembly by the Governor. Membership of the Regional Assembly is allocated in a proportional fashion based on the results of the most recent Governatorial Election, with the winning Governor's party or coalition receiving an outright majority and other parties receiving correspondingly smaller proportions of the remaining seats. In the event the Governor resigns or is removed from office, an election is called immediately.

Unlike smaller LGA types, Regions have the power to legislate on any matter that is not expressly reserved for the Senate of Kurton so long as the Regional Statute is compatible with a Coronial Statute. If a Regional Assembly were to pass incompatible legislation then de facto it would not be lawfully enacted in its entirety, though de jure the Regional Justicial-Chancellor must first formally proclaim the Regional Statute to be void in its entirety. In the event that the Senate of Kurton passes an incompatible law then the associated sections or sub-sections of the related Regional Statute are voided without voiding the entire Statute; to avoid confusion or difference of interpretation, it is custom for any Statute that is expected to be incompatible in some way to specify a schedule of the sections that will be voided.

Regions retain approximately 25% of the tax collected within their areas, the majority of which goes to funding the regional branch of the public health provider. Many other functions are provided at arms-length through public bodies, such as Airport Authorities and Regional Tourism Boards.


A Province or Provinciæ in High Kouralian (Plural, Provincionem) is the term for the intermdiate statutory LGA. There are ??? Provinces across Kouralia, including the Palatine-Principality and City of Kurton. This averages at approximately ??? per region, however there is a large variation in the number of Provinces per region. The largest region XXX consists of ?? Provinces, while both the Palatine-Principality and City of Kurton consist of but a single Province.

Provinces are primarily responsible for building planning and urban zoning, provision of cultural and heritage institutions, road maintenance and vehicle and transport regulation, provision of emergency services, environmental regulation and resource management, and maintenance of scheduled monuments.


??? are responsible for many of the most important day-to-day public services and government functions. This includes maintaining the registries of births, deaths, marriages and deeds, maintenance of local roads which do not fall within the remit of the provincial highways service, ensuring compliance with any building planning regulations issued by the Province and issuing permits for private building works, inspecting eateries for cleanliness, waste collection and disposal, parking enforcement, and provision of schools and libraries.


A City is a special type of Comune

Sub-Comunal Contratæ

A Contratæ (plural, Contratem) is one of a number of different terms for the units which a Comune may be divided into, though they and their functions are not defined by Coronial Statute. The difference between most forms of Contratem are only semantic, however some of them are

  • A Circoſcritſionæ (plural, Circoſcritſionem) is
  • A Fracſionæ (plural, Fraccionem)

Political-Administrative Divisions

Military-Administrative Divisions

Other Administrative Divisions