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Prime Republic of Ostrozava
Ostrozavská Primárská Republika
Constitutional Seal of Ostrozava
Constitutional Seal
Motto: "Dělníci se spojují, aby se dařilo!"
"Workers, come together to thrive!"
and largest city
Official languagesOstrozavan
Recognised regional languagesLiothidian
Ethnic groups
Ostrozavan (87%)
Liothidian (6%)
Velik (4%)
Drev-Nasjzky (3%)
GovernmentSocialist Federal Constitutional Republic
• Primar
Dominik Moravec
• Facilitator
Vincenc Dostál
• Supreme Justice
Alan Michálek
LegislaturePeople's Congress
• Estimate
• Census
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Per capita
Date formatDD/MM/YYYY
Driving sideright
Calling code+14
Internet TLD.oz

Ostrozava, officially the Prime Republic of Ostrozava (Ostrozavan: Ostrozavská Primárská Republika), is a country in central Belisaria. It is bordered to its west by Liothidia, with which it shares warm relations, and to its east by Velikograd and Drevstran, with which it shares maritime borders. The Prime Republic has a landlocked and hilly landscape that covers an area of X square kilometers (X sq mi), largely situated in the Northern Belisarian Plain, with its borders with Liothidia marked by the medium-height Czelia Mountains. A large part of the nation borders Lake Kupalnitsa, with a mostly temperate continental climate and oceanic climate. It is a federal presidential republic anchored in socialism, with 37.2 million inhabitants. Its capital and largest city is Karsko, with 2.1 million residents; other major cities are Libebor, Jirkov, Táborov and Orlorec.

Ostrozava is a developed country with an advanced, medium income social market economy. Ostrozava is often considered to operate in the political paragdim between a socialist state and a traditional presidential democracy. It is a federal republic and a representative democracy anchored in worker's rights and socialistic principles, although it does not consider itself a socialist state officially; one of the two major politically active parties in Ostrozava is the Socialist Party. It is a welfare state with a Socialist model, universal health care, and tuition-free university education. It ranks as the ninth safest and most peaceful country, though it performs lukewarmly in democratic governance.

The territory of modern Ostrozava was inhabited by the West Gothic people from the 2nd millennium BCE until Slavic colonization in the 3rd century. From the 9th century onwards, it was occupied by West Slavic peoples which primarily consolidated in the Grand Duchy of Ostrozava. In 1909, the Revolution of the Bells overthrew the Grand Duchy and established the current Prime Republic of Ostrozava. As a fragile newcomer to the Belisarian political stage, in 1932 Ostrozava attempted to strengthen its political system, introducing Bauerist elements gleaned from its socialist neighbor of Liothidia, which established the two-party paragdim and current constitutional status quo. Since 2008, the state has been governed by the Progressive Party.

Culturally, Ostrozava is considered part of both central and eastern Belisaria. Though primarily a West Slavic country, the nation has sizeable minorities of related groups, including Liothidians, Veliks, and Drev-Nasjzky, as well as some immigrants from Uluujol and Jhengtsang. The official language of the country is Ostrozavan, a language related nominally to Seredinian and Velik dialects; Liothidian is a recognized regional language in the state of Kolava (Liothidian: Ustengard).

Government and politics

The Prime Republic is a unique form of federation, officially describing itself as a "People's Federation", or "Worker's Federation" (Ostrozavan: Dělnická federace). It is a representative democracy, "in which majority rule is tempered by minority rights protected by law". The government is regulated by a system of checks and balances defined by the Ostrozavan Social Contract, which serves as the country's supreme legal document and constitution. For 2018, the P.R.O. ranked 39th on the Democracy Index and 12th on the Corruption Index. In the Ostrozavan socialist-federalist system, citizens are all unilaterally subject to three levels of government: Prime, Subprime, and Local. The local government's duties are typically split between city governments and county governments, with the former holding jurisdiction over urban areas while the latter hold jurisdiction over rural and suburban areas. In almost all cases, executive and legislative officials are elected by a plurality vote of citizens by district; representation at all levels is typically first-past-the-post in nature, though some areas have local variation or proportional representation.

Dominik Moravec
OstrozavaExecutiveEmblem.svg Primar
Dominik Moravec
Vincenc Dostál
OstrozavaGovernmentEmblem.svg Facilitator
Vincenc Dostál

The Prime government comprises three branches:

Legislative: The unicameral People's Congress, headed by the Facilitator, makes federal law, declares war, approves treaties, has the power of the purse, and has the power of impeachment, by which it can remove sitting members of the government. It also has the ability to amend and change the Social Contract.

Executive: The Primar primarily serves to veto legislative bills before they become law, and appoints the members of the Cabinet and other officers, who administer and enforce Prime laws and policies; all of the Primar's decisions are subject to Congressional override. The Executive also serves as the primary facilitator of foreign diplomacy and intelligence.

Judicial: The Supreme Court and lower Prime courts, whose judges are appointed by the People's Congress, interpret laws and overturn those they find unconstitutional; they are considered to have the final say on all matters relating to the Social Contract. They collectively hold jurisdiction over the Ostrozavan Defense Force, though the Prime Commander is self-selected.

The People's Congress has 350 voting members, each representing a congressional district for a two-year term. Congressional seats are apportioned among the subprime voting districts by population every twenty years. The Subprime governments are structured in a roughly similar fashion as the Prime, though the Social Contract allows them leeway in organization. The executive of each state is directly elected, with most consisting of committees instead of individual positions. Most state judges and cabinet officers are appointed by the governors of the respective states, while others are elected by popular vote; many municipal governments, especially those tradtionally belonging to the Socialist Party, have organized themselves as Worker Collectives or organized unions.


Ostrozava is a federation with a civil law system based on the continental type, rooted in Liothidian Bauerist and Seredinian legal culture; Ostrozavan law is considered a distinct subset of Belisarian law. The basis of the legal system is the 1985 Legal Amendment to the Ostrozavan Social Contract. The court system includes municipal, subprime and prime courts and is divided into civil, criminal, and administrative branches. The Supreme Court consists of 15 constitutional judges and oversees violations of the Constitution by either the legislature or by the government. It also has jurisdiction over many political matters, such as the formation and closure of political parties, jurisdictional boundaries between government entities, and the eligibility of persons to stand for public office. As the Supreme Court has full jurisdiction over constitutional interpretation, and as such they are considered to have jurisdiction over the Ostrozavan military, which is itself semi-autonomous.

Federal subjects

Internally, the Ostrozavan state is divided into seven constituent republics, established in 1928, and one autonomous area consisting of the federal capital of Karsko. In alphabetical order, these subprime constituencies are:

Subprime republics and autonomous provinces of Ostrozava
Name Capital Flag Coat of Arms Location
Autonomous City of Karsko Karsko
Subprime Republic of Litonín Libebor
Subprime Republic of Vamo Táborov
Subprime Worker's Republic of Kolava Jirkov
Subprime Republic of Orlošín Orlorec
Subprime Republic of Znomo Hodobem
Subprime Republic of Kartov Balta
Subprime Socialist Collective of Strakosko Buděrec

Foreign relations

Traditionally, Ostrozava has avoided formal alliances that might entail military, political, or direct economic action and has been officially neutral since the creation of the Prime Republic; the Ostrozavan Social Contract outlines a general policy of non-interventionism, though the nation has bent this rule many times in the past. Only in 1990 did Ostrozava become a full member of the Forum of Nations; it was the first state to join it by referendum.

Owing to its ideologically mixed base,Ostrozava has maintained solid diplomatic relations with both socialist and non-Socialist nations since its reconstitution. Socialist or socialist-adjacent nations with close relations to Ostrozava include its western neighbor of Liothidia, with which it shares ethnic and ideological history, and Tsurushima, with which Ostrozava has a special trade partnership. Non-socialist nations of close relation primarly include Belisarian democracies such as Seredinia. Though not formally opposed to the Belisarian Community or the prospect of Belisarian monarchy, Ostrozavan foreign policy has been cool to the bloc since its creation. Ostrozava has recently expressed interest in expanding relations with the international socialist community, though it has shied away from endorsing totalitarian states such as Jhengtsang. Ostrozava's neutral stance and position between socialist and non-socialist spheres has led to the nation serving as a diplomatic intermediary between other nations in the past.


Ostrozavan soldiers during an exercise.

The Ostrozavan Defense Force consists of the Ostrozavan Land Forces, the Ostrozavan Air Force, the Ostrozavan Navy, and of specialized support units. The armed forces are managed by the Department of Home Defense. The Prime Commander is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces; he is elected by all active service members every five years. In 2004 the army transformed itself into a fully professional organization and compulsory military service was abolished. Defense spending is approximately 1.19% of the GDP. The Defense Force is charged with protecting the Prime Republic and its allies; since their reconstitution in 1982, they have generally operated with non-interventionist goals.