Minimum Standards in Work and Education Agreement
The Minimum Standards in Work and Education Agreement (MSWEA) is an agreement among the provincial governments of a number of provinces of Trellin. The agreement, dating to 1997, established a minimum age for leaving school, aligned with the minimum age of part-time employment established by imperial decree. The school leaving age in party provinces was set at 15, the same as the national minimum age for part-time employment, while the minimum age for full-time remained set at 16.
The provinces party to the agreement, as of 2015, are Alyrum, Asketon, Emla, Idisamo, Ja'ekha, Më'idan, Namija, Pelna, Trelum and the Trophy Ports. The provinces of Fymona, Jajich, Rezat and Saheri are candidate provinces expected to conform with the agreement by 2017.
National minimum ages for employment and leaving school exist in all other nations of the Trellinese Empire.