Order of precedence in Mesogeia

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The following is the Order of precedence in the empire of Mesogeia, as of December 2019. Separate orders exist for gentlemen, ladies, and eunuchs.


Royalty, archbishops, et al.

Imperial family

Precedence is derived from ones connection to the reigning sovereign, with higher precedence accorded to spouses, children, and grandchildren of the sovereign and of previous sovereigns.

Title Holder Notes
The Sovereign (regardless of sex) HI&MCM The Empress
The Spouse of the Sovereign None at present, title last held by the Empress' late husband.
Eldest son of the Sovereign HIH The Despot of Morea
Younger sons of the Sovereign HIH The Duke of Chalcedon
HIH The Duke of Lacedaemon
HIH The Duke of Ellis
Grandsons of the Sovereign HIH Grand Prince Michael of Morea
HIH Grand Prince Alexander of Morea
HIH Grand Prince Constantine of Morea
HIH Grand Prince Louis-Manuel of Morea
HIH Grand Prince George-Henri of Chalcedon
HIH Grand Prince Pavlos of Chalcedon
HIH Grand Prince Nicholas of Lacedaemon
HIH Grand Prince Demeterius of Lacedaemon
HSH Prince Thomas of Dendera
Brothers of the Sovereign HH Igemon Alexius Rhomaios-Troadinos the illegitimate son of Constantine XXII
Uncles of the Sovereign None at present The Empress' uncle, the former Emperor Manuel VIII, died in 1970.
Nephews of the Sovereign TBA

Patriarch, Archbishops, High Officers of State, et al.

Title Holder Notes
The The Archbishop of Alexandroplis His Most Beautiude Holiness Matthaios IX, Patriarch of Mesogeia
The Archbishop of Troiana His Eminence TBA
The Grand Magister TBA TBA
The Grand Domestic TBA TBA
The Archbishop of Tripoli TBA TBA
The Imperial Consul The Rt. Hon. George Karamanlis, MP TBA
The Grand Quaestor TBA Head of the judicial system
The Grand Provost TBA
The Count of the Imperial Treasury held in commission by the Imperial Consul
The Pontifex Maximus TBA Head of the Curia, a position he chairs with the Patriarch, High priest of the Olympianism religion
The Tribune TBA Presiding officer of the Chamber of Plebeians
The Prōtoproedros TBA officially the Princeps senatus, first member of the Senate, usually a senior member of the nobility
The Magistrate of the Centuriate Assembly TBA Presiding officer of the Centuriate Assemblyy
The Count of the Private Fortune TBA
The Grand Logothete Held in commission by the Imperial consul
The Grand Admiral TBA
The Grand Constable TBA
The Ambassadors and High Commissioners to the Empire of Mesogeia in order of arrival
The Parakoimomenos tes sphendones TBA Lord Chamberlain and keeper of the Imperial Privy Seal
The Parakoimomenos tou koitonos TBA Lord Chamberlain of the Imperial Chamber, the Emperor's private apartments
The Count of the Stable TBA Master of the horse
The Protostrator TBA Imperial Stable Master, surbordinate to the Count of the Stable
The Protokynegos TBA First Hunstman, master of the Imperial Hunt
The Grand Papias TBA Lord Steward of the Imperial Court
The Epi tes katastseos TBA Lord Seneschal of the court, responsible for the palace eunuchs
The Protovestiarios TBA Lord Keeper of the Wardrobe
The Domestikos tes basilikes trapezes TBA Chief Butler of the empire
The Pinkernes TBA Chief Cupbearer of the empire
The Atriklines TBA Lord Master of the Triklinion, the Imperial Table
The Kanikleios TBA Lord Keeper of the Imperial Inkstand
The Skouterios TBA Bearer of the Imperial standard
The Protoierakarios TBA Keeper of the Imperial falcons, subordinate to the Master of the Hunt