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Beoin (sometimes known as Theoin) is a monotheistic religion based around the teachings of the Prophet Beo (or the Prophetess Theo). Although originally led by the Magi, an unbroken line of apprentices of Beo, the religion has since diversified greatly leading to various sects of the religion forming due to both political and religious reasons. There is no true center of the religion, however, some sects do focus on a strict hierarchy. Several sects still follow a Magi as their religious leader while others have decentralized the faith. As such the Beoin faith must be seen not as a religious movement but as a collection of movements based on the teachings of Beo.

The teachings of Beo focus on leading a virtuous and harmonious life with God, life on earth is filled with hardship and pain to test your soul and prepare you for the afterlife. Living a pious and righteous life ensures access to immortality in the afterlife, whereas sin leads to hardship and reincarnation on the mortal plane.

The religion emphasizes the role and importance of community within society placing the church at the center of that world. As such Churches both historically and into the modern era have provided many services to their communities including funeral services, weddings, celebrations, and festivals. Living a pious and righteous life ensures access to immortality in the afterlife, whereas sin leads to hardship and reincarnation on the mortal plane.

Fundamentalist interpretations of the Religion have occurred both in the past and present, as well as evangelical movements


The Beoin faith originates from Northern Meridiq the religion is attributed to the Prophet Beo who spoke of messages from God spreading with merchants to Lira in the early 400s.

Practices and Worship


The COA of the Verro Magi

The Verro sect is led by a Magi. A strict hierarchy is in place with a large institutional framework built into the nation. The location of the Magi is decided upon election however they usually reside in Pathnopia. Worships Beo.


The Silari Sect separated from the Verro church in 1500s due to dissatisfaction towards the clergy. Silari faith usually puts the monarch at the head of the church although little actual power comes from the position, instead acting as a place holder for the Magi and serving to shore up legitimacy. Worships Beo.


The arrival of Beoin in Lunderfrau was met with stiff resistance due to the emphasis on Beo being preached. Although the local conversion was limited at first, a minor noble named Arda converted and began studying the teachings of Beo. In her research, she discovered the Hephsat compromise and the claim that Beo was in fact actually a woman named Theo. Arda and her followers began spreading the message of Theo in Lira helping the missionary movement in Lunderfrau continue. Arda's followers became known as Ardalites and for the majority of Liran history have been considered a Heresy outside of the Lunderfraun Empire.


A offshoot of Ardalism, Theoinist were a heavily persecuted minority in Lunderfrau. The most famous followers of Theoinists were the Paguinot in modern day Winst who would be reivived as the countries national symbol. Today Theoinism is practiced primarily in Winst and it's former colonies.


Believe that a more strict interpretation of Theo is necessary and that the majority of Beoinists have strayed from the path given to them by Theo. Many believe in immolation as a way to clear sins. Worships Theo.


One of the oldest Beoinist faiths, the Hephsati believe that Beo & Theo were in fact twins and the duality serves as a central motif of the religion seeing two as an extremely important religious basis. Worships both Theo and Beo