Onkelos Mithridates

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Onkelos Mithridates
ⴍⴌⴉⴄⴊⴍⴑ ⴋⴈⴇⴐⴈⴃⴀⴒⴄ
Levanite K'vari Councillor
Portrait of Onkelos Mithridates in Councillor Clothing.
Portrait of Onkelos Mithridates in Councillor Clothing.
Levanite K'vari Councillor
Conference Leader of the Sabaphos
Tenure2313 – present
K'vari MepeLevan Meshki
Delegate of the Sabaphos
In Office2313 – present
K'vari MepeLevan Meshki
Representative of the K'vari on Calagains
In Office2309 - 2310
K'vari CouncillorArziani Sidamon
Ozuriani, Calagains
Bonded K'variAmbrosi Kherseli
Regnal name
Conference Leader and Delegate Mithridates of the Levanite Sabaphos
FatherIoselio Mithridates

Onkelos Mithridates (Akannite: ⴍⴌⴉⴄⴊⴍⴑ ⴋⴈⴇⴐⴈⴃⴀⴒⴄ; Onk’elos Mitridat’e), known simply as Mithridates is a Levanite K'vari Councillor. Mithridates became well known for his leadership during the War of Exiles, especially during both the Defense of High Senadon and the Storming of Pachulia. Mithridates was made a K'vari Councillor after the end of the War. Since his promotion to a K'vari Councillor, Mithridates has served as the Levanite Conference Leader of the Sabaphos. He is the recorded youngest person to ever be a K'vari Councillor at the age of 37.

Mithridates was born in Ozuriani, Calagains to Acanova colonizers after the Akannus Confederacy Colonization of Calagains in 2277. His father was a former K'vari Sheguardi under a K'vari Guardian which ended in his ejection from the Order after speaking against the Adarnasian Sabaphos. Both of his parents were both Acanovan and he was raised in Arshusha City. Mithridates was found to have Acanovan Shinagani Mshvidoba, and was sent off to the Order at the age of 5. Mithridates was sent to the Asatiani Assembly on the planet of Imedio, the capital of the Akannus Confederacy. During his time training in Asatiani, he was found to be able to train in a number of Mshvidobas at the age of 10. He became the Sheguardi under K'vari Guardian Arziani Sidamon, ultimately graduating to becoming a Vanguard at the early age of 14. He afterwards took time to perfect his Mshvidobas for a year. He was able to connect to Grey Mshvidoba during this time, a feat which hasn't happened since the end of the War of the Timeless.

At the age of 15, he was one of the youngest K'vari Vanguards, and continued his career training under now K'vari Councillor Arziani Sidamon. Mithridates saw his first element of combat during the Revolt of Southern Lesath, which involved the entirity of the Akannite Confederation. During this time, his use of Akanova Shinagani Mshvidoba was critical to the success of certain battles, most notably the Battle of Kandao Tower. For his efforts, he was promoted to K'vari Warrior at the age of 25. In 2306, he was transferred with the rest of the Sidamon's Pormireba onto the planet of Calagains. He and Sidamon's Pormireba assessed the situation of Calagains, and formed the Akanovan Interest Committee in Calagains in 2309. Later replaced by Tarichan Sosona before the Colonial Vote of Calagains in 2310, he relocated to Asatiani after the establishment of the Akanovan Commission of Calagains.

In 2311, the War of Exiles started, where the Second Order split into two factions. Mithridates stayed loyal to the Levanite Sabaphos against the Exiles Pachulian Sabaphos. Mithridates was sent to several places, including Serenope, K'anama, Asatiani, and Ezadon. He rose to the rank of K'vari Guardian under orders of K'vari Councillor Denai Antimon. He commanded became known as a leader after his breakthrough of Exiles in K'anama and his stalwart defense of the Asatiani Assembly after the Exiles has broken through Asatiani. He joined in the Defense of High Senadon under K'vari Councillor Kapanadze Ioseliani in Kapanadze's Pormireba. He continued to be apart of Kapanadze's Pormireba for the remainder of the war, and assisted in the Storming of Pachulia.

After his actions under Councillor Kapanadze, he was promoted to K'vari Councillor onto the Levanite Sabaphos under order by Levan Meshki after his actions at the Storming of Pachulia in 2313. He was on the council at the same time as his mentor Arziani Sidamon and commander Kapanadze Ioseliani. He afterwards was transferred to Calagains into the city of Ozuriani, in order to represent interests of the Acanova in a creation of an Ozuriani Assembly. This was however cut short after the initiation of the Lanyan-Akannus War. One of the first campaigns that was initiated was the Campaign of Calagains, where Mithridates fought against the Lanyan in the Battle of Ozuriani.


Mithridates's mother and father's names were not officially recorded in any paperwork, as they were one of many Calagainian Refugees, people who were too poor to live on Imedio and escaped to Calagains during the Colonization. Most of the infrmation pulled about them was in the Asatiani Assembly Archival System. The political situation had simmered after the end of the Colonial Vote of Calagains, and as such the issue of Calagainian Refugees had no longer become an issue. Mithridates father was a former K'vari Sheguardi, named Ioselio Mithridates. Under K'vari law, Marriage in the Order of K'vari was banned, especially between an Male Akanovan and Female Akanovan, and Ioselio left the order and became a refugee with Mithridates mother, Zenobia. He was further lambasted by the Ardanasian Sabaphos.

Ioselio and Zenobia initially settled in Ozuriani. Mithridates was born on 2270 in Ozuriani, where he was given the name, "Onkelos". His family settled in the lower end district initially. After the vote, massive amounts of funds had been poured into the development and gentrification of Ozuriani. As the Ozuriani Financial Bubble rose, so did corruption and crime, leading to Mithridates's family to move to Arshusha City. Another Akanovan Calagainian Territory, Ioselio gained a job as a mercenary in the Arshusha Black Triangle. Mithridates began to draw at 3 and write at 4. Despite lacking an education, Mithridates was educated by his neighbor, a Female Akaniti named Joanna.

Ioselio went missing around the time of the release of the Bacurian Interpretation of Imedio Honour, when it had been revealed that the Arshusha Black Triangle had been hired by the Pachulian Sabaphos. Writings about Ioselio disappear at this point from Mithridates's writing. It is also at this point that Zenobia seemingly disappears from his writing, replaced by Joanna. Mithridates writings suggested his feelings towards Joanna were a mix of parental bondage and malice.

Mithridates noted that when he went outside with Joanna, he met a K'vari Councillor, Acathius Sebaste. Acathius was

Transfer to Asatiani

After his exhibition of Acanovan Shinagani Mshvidoba, specifically Grey Mshvidoba, he was sent off to Asatiani to train at the Asatiani Assembly under the Second Order of K'vari. During this time, he had entered the Order while it was under the control of Ardanase the Devoted and the Ardanasian Sabaphos. His demonstration of Mshvidoba was considered impressive, even by Ardanase the Devoted.

Soon after Mithridates was assigned a Guardian to train him. He found his proficiency in two weapons: The Sit’q’va and the Damaluli Dana. He initially trained under a Guardian and future councillor Arziani Sidamon. His training for the Damaluli Dana required further training at the Serenope Assembly, where he relocated for a brief period. During this time, Ardanase the Devoted died, and Levan Meshki became the Mepe of the Second Order. He relocated back Asatiani when he reached the age of 16, where he was promoted to Vanguard though the Vanguard Ceremony.

Vanguard Career