Template:Republics of Omerica

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Republic French name Code Capital Population Area (km²) Density GDPpc (NSD) Official language(s)
 Alleos Tessèlle AL Volubourg 2,100,213 11,741 179 41,202 French
 Altomare Haut-Mer HM Romainbourg 3,110,907 3,051 1,020 47,653 French
 Braganza Bragance BR Sassari 1,767,270 3,852 459 42,408 French
 Bridgecastle Pontchâteau PC Saint-Jean 1,476,180 7,258 203 50,251 French
 Charlescourt Charlescourt CH 5,610,545 558 10,055 47,893 French
 Coleraine Coleraine CR Derry 2,665,499 8,010 333 42,938 English
 East Calaverde Calaverde-Orientale CE Saint-Christophe 6,311,646 8,382 753 46,575 French
 Emerald Isles Îles Émeraude EM Wharfland Ferry 1,824,352 6,224 293 44,341 English
 Free State État libre FS Nassau 6,463,963 6,958 929 43,555 English
 Great Arden Grande Ardenne GA Templemore 2,310,855 7,447 310 46,910 English
 Heathmoor Bruyèrelande HE Strongford 1,368,355 8,210 167 40,927 English
 Marche Rouge Marche Rouge MR Châlons 308,643 1,695 182 44,679 French
 Mespalia Mespalia MS Christiana 7,461,993 1,310 5,696 53,416 English
 New Guernsey Nouveau-Guernesey NG Castlerock 293,088 682 430 62,294 English
 New Vaucluse Nouveau-Vaucluse NV Bayonnette 710,622 5,768 123 43,606 French
 North Provence Provence-Septentrionale PN Carthagène 1,229,654 9,395 131 40,911 French
 Port-des-Saints Port-des-Saints PS 1,909,375 820 2,329 60,658 English
 Romainbourg Romainbourg RG 3,191,185 204 15,643 63,451 French
 Seafoam Islands Îles Écume SE Saint Anne 1,256,475 1,477 851 50,994 English
 Silverforce Silverforce SL Stockbridge 2,231,881 12,725 175 45,835 English
 South Provence Provence-Méridionale PM Syracuse 1,646,248 9,408 175 38,979 French
 Strathavon Val-d’Avon SA Falconhurst[a] 4,170,152 8,547 488 43,839 English
 Terreneuf Terreneuf TN Épiteaux 480,228 1,806 266 38,049 French
 West Calaverde Calaverde-Occidentale WC Westhaven 4,742,764 16,044 296 43,699 English
 Westavon Avon-Occidental WA Brétolles 3,577,573 8,157 439 45,453 English, French
 Omerica Omerique OR Port-des-Saints xx,xxx,xxx 149,729 xxx xx,xxx English, French


  1. Falconhurst is the administrative and legislative capital, while Queensferry is the judicial capital.