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Flag of Garima.png

Garima (Gariman: Königreich Garima), officially known as the Kingdom of Garima, is a federal parliamentary elective monarchy of nearly 60 million people on the continent of Belisaria. It is bordered by Vannois to the west, by Ostrozava to the northeast, by Drevstran to the east, and shares a maritime border with Lihnidos. The official and national language is Gariman. Garima maintained an elective monarchy and the highly devolved political structure within the Holy Audonian Empire, with autonomous states that wield a wide array of domestic powers. Today, Garima is a developed country with a reasonably high standard of living. It has three capitals: Hauptburg, the executive capital as the seat of the king; Marklo as the judicial capital where the national courts are based; and Trozlar the legislative capital where the Diet is based. The largest city is Rovan, the capital of the Electorate of Nyrundy. Garima is a member of the Forum of Nations. (See more...)