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Kingdom of Garima
Königreich Garima (Gariman)
Flag of Garima
Coat of Arms of Garima
Coat of Arms
Motto: Für Immer Treu
("Forever Faithful")
Anthem: Ehre und Ruhm
Honor and Glory
Royal anthem: Lang Lebe der König
Long Live the King
Location of Garima (dark green) – in Belisaria (dark grey)
Location of Garima (dark green)
– in Belisaria (dark grey)
Political Map of Garima
Political Map of Garima
CapitalHauptburg (executive)
Marklo (judicial)
Trozlar (legislative)
Largest cityRovan
Official language
and national language
Ethnic groups
  • 80% Gariman
  • 12% Audonian
  • 6% Lihnidosi
  • 2% Other
  • 65% Lutheran
  • 20% Catholic
  • 10% Irreligion
  • 5% Other
GovernmentFederal parliamentary elective monarchy
• King
Nicholas I
Rudolph Ganters
The Duke of Tungria
Erich Trossinger
• Estimate
CurrencyThaler (T) (GRT)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy (CE)
Driving sideleft
Calling code+434
ISO 3166 codeGR

Garima (Gariman: Königreich Garima), officially known as the Kingdom of Garima, is a federal parliamentary elective monarchy of nearly 60 million people on the continent of Belisaria. It is bordered by Valgtea to the north, by Ostrozava to the northeast, by Nachtmark to the east, and shares a maritime border with Lihnidos. The official and national language is Gariman.

Various Germanic tribes have inhabited Garima since ancient times. These tribes expanded southward in antiquity, coming into conflict with Greeks. Garima formed the eastern part of the Holy Audonian Empire as a result of conquest by Robert I, Holy Audonian Emperor in the 11th century. During the 16th century, Garima became a centre of the Protestant Reformation in Belisaria, and strongly supported the Protestant faction in the Belisarian Wars of Religion. The Gariman Protestants supported the election of the Protestant William IV, Duke of Barrois as Emperor, and following his death, rebelled and declared independence rather than be subject to another Catholic Emperor. Conrad III, Duke of Salia led the rebellion and was crowned King Conrad I of Garima in 1601.

Garima maintained an elective monarchy and the highly devolved political structure of the Holy Audonian Empire, with autonomous states that wield a wide array of domestic powers.Garima today is a developed country with a reasonably high standard of living. It has three capitals: Hauptburg, the executive capital as the seat of the king, Marklo as the judicial capital where the national courts are based and Trozlar the legislative capital where the Diet is based. The largest city is Rovan, the capital of the Electorate of Nyrundy. Garima is a member of the Forum of Nations.





Flora and fauna

Politics and government

Garima is a federal elective monarchy with a democratic parliamentary political system. The Monarch is the head of state and appoints the Prime Minister, who in turn nominates members of government. The political framework is presented in the National Law, which includes a separation of powers and delineates civil liberties and rights.

The king, Nicholas II, is the head of state and invested primarily with representative responsibilities and powers. The Monarch is the head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces. He can declare war and peace, negotiate and assent to treaties once passed by the Ständerat, convene and close legislative sessions, call and postpone elections, and dismiss the government and dissolve the Ständerat. Any dismissal and dissolution of the Ständerat must then receive a vote of no confidence from a majority of the Ständerat. The Monarch holds veto power by the prerogative of withholding Royal Assent to a bill passed by the Ständerat, but any denial of assent can be overturned by a two-thirds vote of the Ständerat.

The Prime Minister is Rudolph Ganters, is the head of government and executes daily government functions through the government. The Monarch appoints the Prime Minister, who in turn chooses ministers to serve in government. The constitution requires that the Prime Minister, and government ministers be sitting members of the Ständerat.

Legislative power is invested in the Diet, consisting of the Ständerat, the Fürstenrat and the Kurfürstenrat. The legislature holds oversight authority. The Ständerat is the lower house and consists of 300 members elected from single member constituencies by instant-runoff voting with elections every four years, while the Fürstenrat is an upper house consisting of the nobility and representatives of the free cities. All three houses can conduct inquiries into government action, and pass motions of no confidence. The Ständerat may issue motions of no confidence in a government, but the two step process requires Royal Assent in order for the government to be dismissed. Only the Monarch retains the ability to dissolve the Ständerat. While the monarch has the power to declare war and peace, no declaration is binding without a majority vote of the Ständerat.

Law and criminal justice

The judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature. There is no single supreme court, but instead two. The Supreme Court of Appeals is the court of last resort for all civil, criminal or administrative cases. The National Court of Garima reviews cases at is pleasure, and its renderings are legally binding.

Administrative divisions

Since 1950, Garima has been divided into 60 states, consisting of duchies, counties and free cities. Gariman National Law (Common Law) declares the states to be sovereign to the extent that their sovereignty is not limited by national law. Areas specifically reserved to the National government are the armed forces, currency, the postal service, telecommunications, immigration into and emigration from the country, granting asylum, conducting foreign relations with sovereign states, civil and criminal law, weights and measures, and customs duties.

Each state has its own constitution, legislature, executive, police and courts.

Most of the states' legislatures are bicameral parliaments, with an upper house and lower house, their size varying between 20 and 200 seats.

The states retain all powers and competencies not delegated to the States by the national laws: most significantly the states are responsible for healthcare, welfare, law enforcement, public education, and retain the power of taxation. Each state defines its official language(s). States may conclude treaties not only with other states but also with foreign state.

The state constitutions determine the internal organisation of the state, including the degree of autonomy accorded to the municipalities, which varies but almost always includes the power to levy taxes and pass municipal laws; some municipalities have their own police forces. As at the national level, all states provide for some form of monarchy. The right of foreigners to vote varies by state, as does whether Gariman citizens living abroad (and registered to vote in a state) can take part in state voting.

Gariman citizens are citizens of a particular municipality (the place of origin) and the state in which that municipality is part. States therefore have a role in and set requirements for the granting of citizenship (naturalisation), though the process is typically undertaken at a municipal level and is subject to national law.

Garima has only one federal public holiday (June 1st); public holidays otherwise vary from state to state.

Foreign relations







See also