International Condominium of Glacia

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The International Condominium of Glacia is the Community of Nations administration over the continent of Glacia. It was established in 1935, after the Great War, with those countries with existing claims over the continent agreeing to give them up in favour of the International Condominium. As Glacia has very little settlement, governance is generally oriented towards the protection of the environment, regulation of research and tourism, and balancing international interests on the continent. The Community of Nations Trusteeship Committee oversees the governing body, the Council for the International Condominium of Glacia.



Glacia was the only continent on the planet uninhabited by humans up until the 20th century. Unconfirmed sightings and legends circulated as far back as the 11th century CE in southern Coius, but probably in most cases these were of the Sunahamas, a far southern island chain. The first confirmed sighting was made by x, in 18xx, for the x, near the x ice shelf/range.

From that time, parts were used occasionally and informally by various mariners, such as whalers, fishers, explorers and mail ships, as stopovers, to shelter from storms, to stock up, for repairs, to stretch the crew's legs, and so forth. It is unclear who first set foot on Glacia, but it is suspected to be In 1869, the xxx was wrecked near There existed small temporary settlements, used not only by passing ships, but also by expeditioners who ventured inland, on surveying, scientific or merely symbolic missions. The 1901 expedition of Anders Søren Hammar, a Scoverne adventurer was the first to seriously attempt to reach the South Pole, but it turned back after making it less than two-thirds of the way, with most of the party dying on the way back, including Hammar.


The International Condominium of Glacia was established in 1935; in the wake of the Great War, the Community of Nations had been established for the purpose of world peace (among other things). Claims over Glacia existed at the time, but were disputed and often unverifiable or not based in reality, owing to the continent's inhospitability. Additionally, a substantial portion of the claims belonged to Gaullica, which was in the process of having its overseas territories removed from it. The solution fixed upon was that the countries which had Glacian claims (Gaullica, Estmere and others) would abandon them, and the continent would be placed under the administration of the Community of Nations.

The International Condominium existed almost only on paper initially, especially as the attention of the world (including the Trusteeship Council) was turned towards decolonisation, reconstruction and other urgent matters and turmoil in the world. By the 1950s though, interest in scientific expeditions and the natural resources of Glacia and in the waters around it had grown, and the International Condominium administration absorbed many personnel from recently abolished Community of Nations Trust Territories, many of them having attained independence.

Settlement and growth

The station known primarily as Instead was chosen to be the main centre of the International Condominium presence on the continent, and yyy base was formally established in 19xx. It remains the largest settlement in Glacia. Meanwhile, up from the small handful of temporary bases that existed in 1935, there are xx other bases in Glacia under International Condominium oversight.


The International Condominium's territory is essentially coterminous with the continent of Glacia, including the South Pole. It is dominated by ice sheets across a vast land area, with the notable exception of the xxx Range, which are largely ice-free. The largest and most populous base in Glacia, which is the capital of the International Condominium, is yyy, located in the foothills of the xxx Range. Most bases are also located in this region.


The Trusteeship Committee of the Community of Nations, one of its five committees, legally has the final say over the International Condominium. In practice, however, most decisions are made by the Council for the International Condominium of Glacia, which is appointed by the Trusteeship Committee largely on the recommendation of stakeholders, such as the leaders of major scientific projects and the governments of countries which are substantially involved in Glacia. The body is largely responsible for controlling immigration and the establishment of new bases, and keeps a close eye on activities with a view to preserving international neutrality and environmental health. Its activities range from pest control to surveying to garbage collection and disposal in the larger bases which do not deal with it on an individual basis. Generally, Glacian governance has been stable and cooperative.


Funding is allocated to the upkeep of the International Condominium by the Trusteeship Committee; however, a fair amount of revenue is raised by the body itself from the tourism and research sectors, and services therefor. The research sector in particular is not typically profitable within the Glacian domestic context, but brings money into the territory when it is funded from overseas. The main kind of money used in Glacia is the Euclo, because of its widespread currency.


Glacia has a resident population of several thousand which rises to be much higher in summer and much lower in winter; most are involved with research or tourism. There are almost no children or infirm; the population is essentially entirely composed of those who come to Glacia to work. The international nature of the settlement in Glacia and of research more generally mean that the average Glacian resident knows 2-3 languages. Despite the small size of the population, all major world religions and languages are represented in Glacia.

There are no citizens of Glacia; absolute jus sanguinis is applied on Glacia, forming an exception to many countries' national systems of citizenship. The largest number of Glacians are from Dezevau, Halland and Narozalica.

The population of xxx base, the capital and largest settlement of Glacia, is xxx in summer and xxx in winter. Other significant bases include aaa, bbb and ccc, with populations in the range of ddd.