Banking in Romaia

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The origins of modern banking can be traced to medieval and early Renaissance, to the rich cities in the west like Constantinoupoli, Adras, Nikaia. The Midei and Magdalinoi families dominated banking in renaissance Constantinoupoli, establishing branches in many other parts of Romaia. One of the most famous Romaian banks is the Midei Bank, set up by Iraklis Midei in 1527 and it is also the oldest surviving bank in the world.

In 1810, the Romaian government formed the Bank of Romaia, the nation's first central bank, establishing national banking system.

There are three main types of credit institutions and banks in Romaia. Commercial banks, which include three national banks, chartered banks, cooperative banks, and private banks across the country are the most common. However, savings banks organized on a provincial or regional basis in addition to investment institutions that issue bonds and provide medium- and long-term credit for public works and agriculture provide additional financial services.

Romaian Credit is one of the largest bank in Eulabia by capitalization.

Rank Company Total Assets (billion £) RWAs (thousands £) Type
Steady 1 Romaian Credit Increase 1,000.19 systemically important bank;
Steady 2 Georgiki Bank Increase 732.46 systemically important bank;
Steady 3 Emporiki Bank Increase 620.9 systemically important bank;
Steady 4 Midei Bank Increase 210.35 the oldest bank in Romaia
Steady 5 Omega Bank Increase 187.9 a neobank
Steady 6 Demotic Bank Increase 167.4

See also