Health in Romaia

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Romaia is known for its generally very good health system, and the life expectancy is about 80 for males and 85 for females and low infant mortality. In comparison to other Eulabian countries, Romaia has a relatively low rate of adult obesity (below 10%), as there are several health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. The proportion of daily smokers was 34% in 2012, down from 57% in 2000 but still slightly above average in Eulabia. Smoking in public places including bars, restaurants, night clubs and offices has been restricted to specially ventilated rooms since 2008. As with any developed country, Romaia has adequate and sufficient water and food distribution, and levels of nutrition and sanitation are high.

Water and Food

Romaia has a good and sufficient water supply, yet, especially due to droughts, common in the summer, water shortages can frequently occur. Romaians consume a very high amount of mineral water, the highest compared to equivalent neighbours: in 1995, the average person in Romaia drank 116 litres. According to studies, 18 million people in Romaia annually are confronted with at least one slight water shortage, and 18% of Romaia families have been recorded as having irregular distribution patterns.

A problem which often presents itself regarding drinking water is water pollution and the presence of harmful purifying chemicals and/or herbicides, which can cause several health problems. According to a decree issued by the state, the maximum presence of herbicides or similar materials in Romaia drinking water is 0.5 μg per litre.

Romaia's nutritious and generally healthy cuisine ensures that Romaians are well-nourished and eat good food. The relatively recent addition of several drugs to meats has meant that controls have increased from 4,000 in 1990 to 56,831 in 1995.


Being a relatively warm and sunny country, Romaians are often exposed to direct radiation from the sun (ultraviolet radiation), which, if not protected from sun cream or block, can create carcinogenic skin diseases, such as skin cancer. Despite this, the greatest risk from exposure to radiation is found indoors.

Life expectancy and mortality

Romaia has one of the highest life expectancies in the world.

In 2003, the average national life expectancy at birth for a woman was 78~84, and for a man 71~77. By 2009, this average had increased to 77.26 for men, and 83.33 for women. As of 2019, Romaian women life expectancy is 85/86 years, whereas for Romaian men is 81 years.

Romaia also has a very low rate of infant mortality, that of 5.51 out of 1000 people. From 1970 to 1989, the death rate went down dramatically, from 11 and 10.3 for men and women, to 8.3 and 6.7.

In 2015 Illia had the highest cancer mortality of any region in Eulabia, at 377 per 100,000 population.


Smoking in Romaia has decreased greatly in the past decades for men, yet women have had a less definitive pattern. From a country where in 1966 a 68.5% average of the male population smoked, this had gone down to a ~34% average in 2012. For women, it increased from ~15% for women in 1966, to ~16.5%, notably in the centre, where it has gone up from 15% to 20.1%.