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Atmoran Confederation
Atmoraanse Statenbond
Motto: Splendor sine occasu (Latin)
“Splendour without diminishment” (English)
“Pracht zonder einde” (Dutch)
Merck toch hoe sterck (anthem) MediaPlayer.png
Alexandriëmars (march)
Atmora on a globe.png
Location of Atmora in Green, and within the Union State.
Largest cityPruzhana
Official languagesDutch
Recognised regional languagesEnglishMizuheseSpanishVozhskiVoshanskya
Ethnic groups
  • 87.5% Atmoran
  • 7.3% Connuriste
  • 3.7% Voshaans
  • 1.6% First Nations
  • 0.2% Other
GovernmentFederal parliamentary constitutional monarchy
• Monarch
Katherine II
Lysithea van Hresvelg
House of Representatives
Independence from the Aurician Empire
• Atmoran Unification
15 December, 1812
• Confederation
6 January, 1813
• Constitution
13 May 1813
8,793,533 km2 (3,395,202 sq mi) (2nd)
• Water (%)
• 2015 estimate
262,177,516 (2nd)
• 2015 census
• Density
29.814/km2 (77.2/sq mi)
GDP (PPP)2015 estimate
• Total
$16.507 trillion
• Per capita
$62,963.65 (2nd)
GDP (nominal)2015 estimate
• Total
$16.507 trillion (2nd)
• Per capita
Gini (2015)18.68
low (1st)
HDI (2015)Increase 0.902
very high (2nd)
CurrencyAtmoran Guilder (Aƒ)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy (CE)
Driving sideright
Calling code+1

Atmora (/'ətmôrə/), officially the Atmoran Confederation (Dutch: Atmoraanse Statenbond), is a federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy laying in the western Halkeginia bordered to the East by Vozh and to the Southeast by Ryurik Rossiya, across the Castarcian Sea in the west by Castarcia. It includes 18 constituent states, covers an area of 8,444,958 square kilometres, and has a largely temperate seasonal climate. With about 253.2 million inhabitants, Atmora is the most populous states in Halkeginia and the Halkeginian Sea. After Aravea, it is the third most popular immigration destination in the world. Atmora's capital and second largest metropolis is Alexandria, while it's largest city is Pruzhana.


While manying have debated the orgins of Atmora, the name is widely believed to have come from the Caerenic people in Brunna region of Lieseltania which they named "Allt Mór", meaning "Great Valley". By the time of the Lieseltan conquest of Atmora in 57 BCE later used the word Atmore to describe not only the Brunna region but the entire Atmoran continent. By the 14th century Luxian explorers later called it by Atmora.


Prehistory and antiquity

The first known human settlements in western Halkeginia, what is now modern-day Atmora, dates back 36,000 years ago. When the First Nations crossed the Sayan Mountains (Sayan-gebergte) into the modern day Voshagne region. As the First Nations people were driven out from their eastern Halkeginian lands by the large influx of Slavonic and Celtic peoples arriving through the land bridge between Halkeginia and Rohane.

One the earliest known civilisations in Atmora were the Salishans, a confederacy of Coast Salish and Interior Salish tribal groups who settled around the White Karth and Black Karth rivers. Around 2700 BCE the city of Somena was founded as the seat of the Salishan river civilisations in what is now modern-day Alphen aan den Karth, Lieseltania. The Salishans largely controlled what is now the modern-day Lieseltanian provinces of The Karth, Pruzhana, Wolf, and parts of the province of Siletzia. By 1700 CE the Tahkaht and the Tasekoans rebelled against the Salishans.

The Tahkaht civilisation was a confederacy of Nuu-chah-nulth and the Kwakwakaʼwakw centred around the city of Kitsuksis modern day Amstenrade, Lieseltania. The Tahkaht would end up controlling a most of the western Lieseltanian Peninsula and even parts of the Siletzian river valley. Fighting between the Tahkaht and the Salishans was common, especially for control over the Bay of Pruzhana, to secure trading routes with the east.

Around 901 CE the Old Lieseltanians and the Jarengans, two Slavic tribes from Vozh had crossed the Chukotka mountains. The Jarengans settled the north, establishing the city of Brunna and Castamere in 976 CE. The Jarengans were the first non-FNs peoples to have crossed the Diebal mountains into what is now the modern day provinces of Voznesenka and Kivalina. The Old Lieseltanians had settled around the Bay of Pruzhana establishing the city of Pruzhana in 908 CE. The Old Lieseltanians would remain under vassalage of the Salishans till the 11th century.

Dutch sailors crossing the Halkeginian Sea.

Around the turn of the 12th century Helgmundr Altmurasz a Gambrean explorer from Southern Auricia had left his homeland of Gambria (modern-day Batavia), hearing tales of men as tall as trees.

Aurician Atmora

Most of the southern Atmora and the entire Asvarrese peninsula were either under personal union or vassal states of John II, the King of Castile and Leon and the Halkeginian Emperor in 1387. Organised into the Fifteen Provinces in 1431 by Halkeginian Emperor Charles I of Hespira, along with the vassal states of the Principality of Wolf, Duchy of Lieseltania, Grand Duchy of the Karth, Principality of Randgriz, Duchy of Larsenburg, and the Principality of Vianen.

In 1524 the the Princiaplity of Wolf and the Duchy of Lieseltania merged into a single state known as the Grand Duchy of Wolf-Lieseltania, at the height of tensions between Grand Duke Jurgen II of Lieseltania and Halkeginian Emperor Phillip II of Hespira. Occured the Castenray massacare in which the Hespirese Army of Halkeginia in May 1524 had suppressed the rebellion of the Atmoran peasants in the County of Castenray in modern day Larsenburg. In which it is believed that almost 97% of the city of Castenray was destroyed. The Massacre of Castenray had left a great rift between the local Halkeginian lords and the Halkeginian Emperor's court in Madrid. By December 1527, Atmoran lords and princes had gathered at the Congress of Castelré in which they issued the Act of Abjuration beginging the Atmoran revolt against the Halkeginian Emperor. Two years later in 1529 the Halkeginian Emperor had responded to the Atmoran Act of Abjuration by sending the Hespirese Armada into the Bay of Pruzhana, shelling the city of Pruzhana in 17 May 1529.

Following the Battle of the Pruzhana Bay, the Grand Duchy of Wolf-Lieseltania, Principality of Randgriz, Duchy of Larsenburg, Principality of Vianen, Duchy of Huldenberg, and the Fifteen Provinces had declared independence from the Hespirese Empire in 21 May 1529 starting the War of Atmoran Independence.

War of Atmoran Indepedence and Wolfsche Empire

Francisco Tserclaes de Narváez, Aurician Viceroy of Lieseltania.

Following the Battle of Pruzhana Bay were the Lieseltanian Navy defeated the Hespirese Aramada, the Fifteen Provinces united into the United Atmoran States (Verenigde Atmoraanse Provinciën) were the Atmoran princes elected the senior most prince Jurgen II, Grand Duke of Lieseltania as the Stadhouder of the United Provinces at the States-Assembly in Pruzhana.

In 1532 after the battle of Pirna and the siege of Leiden the Aurician Army of Lieseltania had lost 7,600 men of it's original 10,000. Additionally with infighting amongst the Aurician nobles the Aurician Army didn't have the strength to mount an effective offense against the Staatse Leger. Heavily relying on local Atmoran lords to raise their banners to fight on the side of the Auricians.

With the death of Philip II, the Hespirese new stronger emperor had ascended the throne. The new emperor wishing to restore the honour of Hespira raised a new Army of Lieseltania of 89,200 men. Along with rebuilding the Aurician Armada to 270 galleys. In 27 April 1548 at the Battle of Metschozin the newly formed Army of Lieseltania had smashed the Staatse Leger, after the defeat at Metschozin the Auricians sacked Metschozin and Leidschendam. Relentlessly pursuing the fleeing Staatse Leger along with Jurgen II fled to the city of Bergen op Zoom. Emperor Phillip III laid siege to Bergen op Zoom in 17 May 1548. However, the siege was broken by Jurgen II.

While the victorious at Bergen op Zoom, Jurgen II's Staatse Leger was broken and couldn't hold off the Hespirese. Forcing the Lieseltanian rebels to flee to the Karmutzen mountains. With Jurgen II still alive, along with several of his generals. The rebellion continued on for another 23 years until the Peace of Melverre, ending the Forty Years' War. However, even with the war's end, the United Atmoran States were still dissatisfied that Hespira had kept the Southern provinces. Jurgen III had signed a treaty with the Hespirese Emperor to prevent a war to ensure that the Asvarrese Provinces would remain autonomous.

With the Hespirese kicked out of Atmora, the Fifteen states continued to exist under the United Atmoran States. However, the Atmoran States were dominated by the Grand Duchy of Lieseltania and the Wolfsgezinde faction of the States-Assembly. The tensions between the Wolfsgezinde and the Atmoran States Party were at the boiling point after the death of Grand Duke Frederik-Willem of Lieseltania in 1626. And the succession of his son William I, who took upon the title of King of Lieseltania. William I incorporated several small Atmoran states into the Lieseltanian Kingdom and even annexed several smaller states. Effectively Lieseltania had controlled the entire States-Assembly. Along with the King of Lieseltania owing vassalage to the Vyatichi Emperor. the States of Larsenburg, Huldenberg, Gallia, Brunswick, Guldenhof, and several smaller Western Atmoran states had felt as if they were still under the rule of Hespira.

This infighting and instability of the Atmoran States had boiled over into the Western Atmoran Revolts of 1657. Larsenburg, Huldenberg, Gallia, and Principality of Voshagne and Slavinia broke away from the United Atmoran States. In 1663 in the Peace of Novigrad, the United Atmoran States was dissolved.

National awakening and Voshan War

However, the Peace of Novigrad would not end the religious wars between the Atmoran states. Chiefly among the Kingdom of Lieseltania the leading protestant power and the Kingdom of Huldenberg the leading catholic power. Huldenberg seeking to eliminate the southern protestant states, had called upon the help of Emperor Constantine IV of the Vyatichi Empire in 1671 starting the Thirty Years' War lasting from June 1671 to May 1703. King William III of Lieseltania and King Louis II of Larsenburg along with the Brunswijk estates had signed the Treaty of Mentz allying against the Vyatichi Emperor and the catholic states.

During the aftermath of the Siege of Moeskroen and after Maurits van Wollenstein tot Woudenberg had defeated and captured the King Louis V of Gallia at the Battle of De Meulhoek in 1679. Had effectively knocked out the Kingdom of Gallia out of the war, allowing for the Royal Larsenburg Army and the Royal Lieseltanian Army to turn their attention to the southwestern regions of Huldenberg. By 1686 the Wolfic armies had pushed into and defeated Huldenberg at the Battle of Vorstenberg and the Battle of Solling, forcing the King Charles IV Gustaf of Huldenberg to sign the Treaty of Rhede in 1687.

Frederik Wolfraam van Walsteyn, Atmoran philosopher and historian.

With the Peace of Nerva, the 30 Years' War came to an end in June 1703. Granting the protestant states religious freedoms from the Vyatichi Empire. The Lieseltanian Empire granted former Huldenberg territories, along with the birth of Atmoran enlightenment following the peace of Nerva. Prominent philosophers such as the Larsenburg philospher Frederik Wolfraam van Walsteyn argued that the only way for true peace in Halkeginia was unified Atmoran state. Walsteyn depicted the collective struggle of the Atmoran people to free themselves from foreigners as a staple of an Atmoran identity. Walsteyn's writings for political and religious freedoms and his critique of the Hesperian and Vyatichi Empires as a scourage on Atmoran struggle for freedom. Spurned Atmoran nationalism, winning the support of the Atmoran princes. The ideas of the enlightenment and Walsteyn's writings, Queen Henrietta of Lieseltania, conquered the Voshagne and The Pale of Northern Vozh in the First Northern War and the First Voshan War.

King Charles VII of Huldenberg and King Boudewijn III of Gallia seeing the rise of Lieseltania in the First Brunswijk War in 1727. The Catholic states sought to weaken the fractured Lieseltanian Empire after the death of Lieseltanian King Frederick I, invading the smaller Atmoran states in Western Atmora. With Queen Henrietta occupied in Vozh, the Wolfic states could not prevent the Gallian-Huldenberg coalition from taking over the Atmoran states. With the Treaty of Sontra in 1729, Brunswijk had lost considerable amount of it's western and eastern territories to Huldenberg and Gallia.

By 1735, the Wolfic states invaded the Gallian Anschau province, intimating the Second Brunswijk War, with the Treaty of Virneburg of 1736 Brunswijk had regained the provinces of Anschau, and Ravensburg. However, shortly after the Brunswijk wars, the Congress of Castelré of 1739 sought to bring peace to Atmora. The Congress of Castelré brought about the Atmoran mediatisation in which smaller states were absorbed into the Atmoran states like Lieseltania, Brunswijk, Gallia, Asvarra, Huldenberg, Larsenburg, and Guldenhof.

Field Marshal Sietse Henri van Grysperre, Commanding General of the Army of the Voshagne

Atmoran Confederation

Second Voshan War


Fascist Atmora and the Third Voshan War

Interior War

Contemporary era


Flora and Fauna


Environmental Issues

Government and politics

Katherine II, High Queen of Atmora
Lysithea van Hresvelg, Chancellor of Atmora

Atmora is a federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy. High Queen Katherine II is the monarch and head of state of Atmora—being the foundation of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the Atmoran Government. The monarch's powers is limited and in practice, the use of the executive powers is directed by the Cabinet. The cabinet is responsible to the elected Parliament of Atmora and chosen and headed by the chancellor (at present Lysithea van Hresvelg), the head of government. The monarch may, though, in certain crisis situations exercise their power without ministerial advice. The monarch in practice normally appoints the leader of the party that can obtain the confidence of a plurality in the House of Representatives of Atmora.

The monarch appoints all ministers of the Crown, military officers, public offices, and so forth. Usually however the monarch will appoint the nominees from her ministers.

The Government is comprised of three branches:

  • Executive: the Privy Council and the Council of Ministers, are in which executive powers are exercised. With the Chancellor and Cabinet being appointed members of both the Privy Council and Council of Ministers by the monarch.

In the Senate, there are 158 senators; 142 from all the states and 16 from the territories. The House of Representatives has 528 members elected from constituencies from the States and territories, allocated on the basis of population of the states and territories.


Administrative Divisions

Atmora is a federation of eighteen constituent states. These states consitent of kingdoms, grand duchies, duchies, and principalities. States are then divided into provinces (provinciën), which then are divided into arrondissements (arrondissementen), then further down into municipalities (gemeenten). States of Asvarre, Alsatia, and Lippe on the Asvarrese peninsula are divided into arrondissements and municipalities.


A list of eighteen states and each state capital (in brackets):

Grand Duchies

Largest Cities

Foreign Relations

Atmora is recognised as a regional power within Halkeginia and greater Halkeginian Sea area. Due to it's massive military and economic size in comparison to it's neighbouring nations. Under the Chancellorship of Lysithea van Hresvelg, Atmora has sought close ties and intergation with it's neighbours. Funding massive infrastucture projects like the Pan-Halkeginian Railway, the International H-Autobaan Network, Castarcian Sea Tunnel, the Halkeginian Sea Tunnel. Atmora wishes to establish the Halkeginian Union with Castarcia, Vozh, Hespira, Mizuho, and Ryurik Rossiya however meets significant roadblocks in uneasiness of suspected Atmoran dominnance over such an Supranational union.

One the greatest challengers of Atmoran influence in Halkeginia is Aravea, who sees Atmora's rise of influence in Halkeginia as a threat to Aravea's interests within the region. As result these two great powers are locked within a cold war with one another. Ever since the end of the Third Voshan War, Atmora has felt as if Aravea is trying to contain Atmora within their own borders. As Aravea was a major contributor to the decolonisation of the Atmoran Empire, leaving only Mizuho as the last remnants of the Empire. While Aravea and Atmora have begun talks over deescalation between the two states, the War of Ghelen as remained a continuing issue amongst the two states. Since the Aravean Civil War in 1863 till 1946, Atmora held onto the county of Ghelen as a Crown Colony of the Atmoran Empire. Following Atmora's defeat in the Third Voshan War, the county was granted indepedence from Atmora. However insurgents within Ghelen have resisted efforts by the Government of Aravea in reunification. Atmora continues to recognise Ghelen as an indepedent state with David Westenberg, as the Atmoran Ambassador to the Republic of Ghelen. Along with the Olov Malmberg in 2014, handing his credentials to the High Queen in Alexandria as the Ghelen Ambassador to the Atmoran Confederation.

Since the decolonisation of the Atmoran Empire, Atmora, Mizuho, and Ghelen have formed the Commonwealth of Sovereign States (GSS), a confederation of former Atmoran colonies with the monarch of Atmora as the Head of the Commonwealth.


PV83 Edelweiss 2 tanks in Karth, participating in a military exercise.

The Atmoran Armed Forces (Atmoraanse Krijgsmacht), which consists of three professional service branches administered by the Ministry of National Defence: the Atmoran Army (Atmoraanse Landmacht) the Royal Atmoran Navy (Rijksmarine) and the Royal Atmoran Marines (Korps Rijksmarinier), the Royal Atmoran Air Force (Rijksluchtmacht). The commander-in-chief is the Atmoran Monarch, currently High Queen Katherine II, to whom members of the forces swear an oath of allegiance. The Atmoran military is the second largest and most powerful, behind the Aravean Defence Forces. Atmora's military expenditure is 4.35%, with a budget of around $718.08 billion annually, the second largest spender behind Aravea.

The Ministry of State Security during peacetime controls the National Marechaussee (Nationale Marechaussee), Financial Marechaussee (Financiële Marechaussee), and the Atmoran Coast Guard (Atmoraanse Kustwacht). However, during wartime these respective branches are under the command of the Ministry of National Defence. The National Marechaussee fulfils the dual role of civil police and military police, aiding the Atmoran Federal Police and state agencies in emergencies. The Financial Marechaussee's primary mission is combating organised crime, financial crimes, and border security. During times of war, the National and Financial Marechaussee come under the command of the Atmoran Army. The Atmoran Coast Guard serves as Atmora's primary maritime law enforcement and search and rescue agency; during times of war it comes under the command of the Royal Atmoran Navy.


The following list includes the largest Atmora companies by revenue in 2016 who are all listed as part of the Fortune Global 500:

Rank Name Headquarters Revenue
(mil. $)
(mil. $)
(mil. $)
01. Rosenholz Electronics Melverre 473,957 59,376 609,078




Ethnic groups of Atmora (Census 2080)

  Atmoran (76.3%)
  Voshany (7.8%)
  Slavonic (6.3%)
  First Nations (5.1%)
  Mizuhese (2.9%)
  Others and mixed (1.6%)

Historically Atmorans have identified with their regional identity than as apart of a greater Atmoran peoples. It wasn't until the age of enlightment that led towards the volksgemeenschapszin movement within the Atmoran states, along with the Atmoran Revolutions of 1750 were a greater Atmoran identity had begin to be formed. Additionally with almost 70% of Atmorans living within states ruled by the House of Wolf, a Wolfisch movement within Wolfsch states to further intergate helped further increase a call for an Atmoran state.

According to the 2015 Atmoran census by the National Institute for Statics: 76.3% identify as Atmoran (193.2 million), 7.8% as Voshany (19.7 million), 6.3% as Slavonic (15.9 million), 5.1% as First Nations (12.9 million), 2.9% as Mizuhese (7.3 million), and finally 1.6% identifying as others.

The largest ethnic group within Atmora are the Atmorans who make up about 193.2 million, largely an amalgamation of various Dutch speaking subethnic groups within Atmora. The second largest group within Atmora are the Voshany who are descendended from the intermingely of Noordatmoraanse with the local Slavonic and First Nations population in Northern Lieseltania, today the Voshany make up a population of 19.7 million, but is estimated that 93.7 million Atmorans are to be descended from Voshany or Slavonic ancestors.

The third largest ethnic group in Atmora are the Slavons who make up a population of 15.9 million. 67.9% of the Slavonic population is ethnically Vozhsky (10.8 million). 17.1% as Angaran Cossack (2.7 million), 7.3% as ethnically Wends (1.2 million), 5.8% as ethnically Diebalsky (925.3k), and 1.9% as other minor Slavonic groups (303.1k).

The fourth largest ethnic group in Atmora the First Nations who make up a population of 12.9 million are the one of the oldest indigenous peoples of Halkeginia. The first nations are generally spilt into three seperate groups First nations, Mesties, and the Inuit/Joepiks tribes. There are 9.3 million First nations people with Atmora, of various different tribal groups within Atmora making up 72.3% of the FN population. The Mesties make up 27.5% of the First nations population, and are a descendants of Atmoran/Slavonic men with First Nation women in the Karth-Siletzian region, in total they make up a population of 355.2k. The smallest first nations group within Atmora reside along the Sidnese Sea the Inuit and Joepiks who make up 1.2% of the FN population or roughly 154.9k people.


Religions in Atmora (2015)

  Unaffiliated (50.1%)
  Catholicism (23.7%)
  Protestantism (15.5%)
  Other Christian denominations (4.6%)
  Shinto (4.9%)
  Buddhism (0.6%)
  Judaism (0.4%)
  Islam (0.1%)


Distribution of languages of Atmora









Arts and Literature





Science and Technology