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Organized Crime in Sparkalia

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Various forms of organized crime are practiced in Sparkalia. These range from criminal business enterprises to practitioners of dark arts, and their motives vary wildy from group to group. This page will detail how organized crime is present in the nations of Sparkalia, as well as notable groups within these countries.


Crime levels are considerably low in Kyldigard, however organized crime still exists in the form of underground smuggling rings and domestic terrorism. Spies from Kitantis also make frequent trouble in the political underground of the country by funding or attacking various illegalist groups.


Organized crime is particularly prevalent in the Magocracy of Regeliana. Due to the nature of how Magical Girls are selected, a large amount of them choose to go into criminal enterprise. Common criminal activity of these groups includes the smuggling of various drugs, weapons, and magical artifacts, as well as racketeering.

The prevalence of these gangs is often a point of criticism towards the Regelan exam system by the other Magocracies of Dacia, as they are viewed as a direct result of how lax the exam system is perceived to be.

LeFlare Mob

The LeFlare Mob is the colloquial name for the gang believed to be run by the Puella Magi Felicity LeFlare, although the truthfulness of that statement has not been legally proven. It largely operates within northern and central Regeliana, having particularly notable operations near the Magia Regnum border and within the Regelan capital of Regalia. The mob's operations largely consist of drug trafficking, human trafficking, and crystal smuggling. Protection rackets attributed to the LeFlare Mob have also been observed in many smaller cities within northern Regeliana. Most of the mob's profits are believed to come from the trafficking of drugs into Magia Regnum, an addictive painkilling drug utilized by the Hoka Shoujo of the country to ease the pain of corruption.

The structure of the LeFlare Mob is not entirely understood, but the general hierarchy is. At the top are the head Puella Magi involved with running the operation, who get the share of the profits. Below them are lower ranking Puella Magi who help enforce the will of the bosses. At the bottom are various normal people, as well as Hoka Shoujo from Magia Regnum. How the mob functions beyond this vague hierarchical structure is unknown.

Magia Regnum

In Magia Regnum, organized crime takes a unique form compared to its contemporary magical girl counterparts. Rather than traditional mafia families or criminal syndicates, organized crime in Magia Regnum is composed of communes and autonomous groups of corrupted magical girls known as Hoko Shoujo. These groups are typically found living in remote areas such as mountain caves or deep within the forests of Magia Regnum. The Hoko Shoujo are magical girls who have not upheld their contracts and have suffered from severe corruption. As a result, they are highly vulnerable and suffer from mental deterioration, making them easy targets for exploitation. The Regelan mobs, in particular, are known to take advantage of these vulnerabilities, using tactics such as manipulation and drug use to control and exploit the Hoko Shoujo.

Despite their vulnerabilities, the Hoko Shoujo are one of the largest forces of illegal activity in Magia Regnum. They engage in a range of criminal activities, including drug trafficking, human trafficking, smuggling, prostitution, theft, and murder. The Seigi Kaikan, the official law enforcement agency of Magia Regnum, regularly arrests up to 1,700 Hoko Shoujo a year for rehabilitation or extermination. Some examples include The Osoroshī Society, a limited society known to dwell in the urban back alleys and slums of Emi City. This group is also involved in illegal activities, such as smuggling and human trafficking, and is known to have ties to the Hoko Shoujo. However, unlike the Hoko Shoujo, the Osoroshī Society is composed of non-magical individuals. Another example is the Red Scarves who are known for their highly skilled combat abilities, and their members often engage in street fights with rival organizations members. They are also involved in the trafficking and distribution of illegal magical artifacts, which they procure through their own networks and smuggling operations.

Most famously Atarashī Mahō, a rogue society situated in Southern Magia Regnum within the special administration zone of Emishoto and has de-facto control of the zone. It is not officially recognized by any nation and is considered a criminal organization by the Kotoba of Magia Regnum who maintains de-jure control over the territory. Atarashī Mahō operates outside the law and is involved in various criminal activities, including smuggling, extortion, and assassination. It has also been linked to several terrorist attacks, although the society denies any involvement in such activities.

Santi Rasta

Given Santi Rasta is what many call it a developing nation that is undergoing the process of rapid industrialization and agriculture. Many foreigners and locals have put money into investing in industries, housing market, prositution, contraband items, and cash crops. The city of Sneha & Mukti are a prime area for drug operations and the synthesis of chemicals and drugs. Mainly because south of these cities is an endless tropical jungle where drug cartels can hide their operations and smuggle narcotics into these port cities or urban centers to the rest of Santi Rasta or other places. Sneha and Mukti are places of high crime rate and poverty mainly due to this. Thus recommended that foreigners do not travel otherwise may dissapear or be kidnapped.

Port cities that have ports on the Eastern Great Ocean & not on the Gulf of Prema such as Sneha, Ksitija, Phuliraheko, and Rama'ilo are areas that face constant human trafficking and smuggling. These are areas that also see constant syndicate wars as syndicates had divided territory as well as disorganized crimes and shootouts in the areas. Mainly because these ports serve as easy places to get weapons from abroad, especially in Sneha and Rama'ilo.

New Suryodaya, the political capital of the nation is also ridden with criminal syndicates, mainly politically affiliated with larger corporations and lower parts of the government, Suryasta, the city next to Suryodaya that shall become the economic capital of the nation is also plagued with organized crimes. These two cities face such as assassinations, bid rigging, blackmail, bookmaking, contract killing, drug trafficking, extortion, fraud, human trafficking, loansharking, match fixing, money laundering, murder, racketeering, securities fraud, and infiltration of legitimate businesses.