2023 Makko Oko coup d'état

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2023 Makko Oko coup d'état
Part of the Ashgate Scandal
Date11 November 2023; 15 months ago (2023-11-11)
Emperor's Imperial Palace
Opposh, Makko Oko
GoalsRemoval of the current Emperor Conall Solis and establishment of a new Emperor
Resulted inCoup failed, many killed and arrested
Parties to the civil conflict
5,000 extremists
1 government official
2,860 total security officials
1,550 extremists
1 government official
10 monarch security officials
2,000 military soldiers
850 palace security officials

On November 11th, 2023, the Minister of Energy, Infrastructure & Environment Rochelle Vangelis launched a coup d'état on the Empire of Makko Oko that failed after 3 hours of intense fighting. Rochelle had put together a group of disgruntled citizens found through contacts and through the prison system with Rochelle using their influence to have some of the protestors from November 4th freed. The group had amassed up to 5,000 men, and a tactical plan had been established as to how to execute it perfectly. They had determined that then was the only moment to do it, and the right time to do it. The aim was to remove Emperor Conall Solis from the throne and let a new Emperor take their place after the events of Ashgate.


Before the coup

A radiation poisoning outbreak had occurred and the government was trying to contain it and stop the fatalities. Unfortunately, on October 14th, 2023, almost a month before the coup, the Minister of Health Danika Hicks said something that would start the Ashgate Scandal. A couple days later, she was successfully impeached by the Emperor's Law Council on a 13-2-8 vote, with the two neutral votes being the Minister of Diplomatic Affairs and the Minister of Energy, Infrastructure & Environment.

The scandal led to a massive protest at the palace on November 4th, 2023 that would see 10,000 people chanting "Disclose or Abdicate" at the building and the Emperor. A petition with over a billion signatures said the same thing. Over 5,000 were arrested that day.

The coup

After the protests were over, about 2 weeks of silence from the government was in effect, and it appeared as if the citizens didn't care as much after the first day. The anger was slowly going away and being forgotten. One cabinet minister, Rochelle Vangelis, did not forget, however and they saw the need for a new Emperor. Reports on the coup state that Rochelle had no co-conspirators, although they had amassed an army of 5,000 strong. Due to the government forbidding news on the coup, there are conflicting reports on what happened that day and when it officially begun. Officials internally from all departments aren't sure when it started.

At the time, both the Minister of Justice and Minister of Internal Security were in their own personal offices at the palace, with the other ministers at their government building or elsewhere. A redacted report from the Ministry of Defense stated that the Minister of Internal Security was found dead with a gunshot round to the heart, with their phone on the floor.

Emperor's Lockdown

The situation got severe enough to call for the first palace lockdown in the history of the Empire, according to accounts by confidential informants. Emperor Solis was taken to an undisclosed location until the situation at the palace was handled. A highly redacted NSS report stated that "[...] the Emperor was shot at from behind with multiple pistol rounds from [REDACTED]. NSS agents quickly subdued [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. They were [REDACTED]". The Emperor lived, and then later returned to the palace and gave a national address to the people.


Investigations and arrests

Rochelle Vangelis

Rochelle Vangelis was indicted the day after the event on charges of treason, conspiracy to commit treason, inciting an insurrection against the state, one count of serious murder and attempted murder of government or military officials. Rochelle had been identified by the Minister of Justice Sara Mauer as having shot and killed the Minister of Internal Security Miguel Kellison in redacted reports released in January 2025. All court hearings were privately held, with only court filings being made public at the time. The case was quiet with little pieces of information leaking out once in a while.

On December 10th, 2023, five days after the Anti-Terrorism Act took effect, Rochelle's indictments were amended to include the new charges of "encouragement of terroristic acts", conspiracy to commit terrorism and terrorism. The Emperor's Court threw out the conspiracy of terrorism charge citing in a later released report: "There is no action or precedent that establishes multiple separate charges for the same offense". On April 3rd, 2024, Rochelle Vangelis was convicted on all charges and was sentenced to death, as sought after by the state. The prosecution had petitioned the court for an immediate execution order but got denied by the court. They were then imprisoned awaiting execution, however Rochelle appealed the verdict later that month, suspending the execution until further notice.

The appeal of the verdict hedged on the basis that Rochelle was being charged with crimes that were nonexistent at the time of the offense. The Appellate Court of Appeals in Rochelle v. Makko Oko ruled against the appeal, stating: "There is historical reasoning behind pre-crime indictments of offenders. Some crimes avail themselves through concepts that would have been illegal had human nature thought of it. Humans make mistakes, and henceforth why this practice exists." Rochelle appealed to the Supreme Court seeking to overturn the ruling by the Appellate Court. They ruled on September 14th, 2024 against Rochelle, stipulating in the ruling: "None of these crimes will be overturned, and to do such would inflict harm upon our very body, and upon our laws."

A final appeal to the Inspectorate's Court was denied, and he was ultimately executed by firing squad on February 20th, 2025.

Low-Level Members

See Also