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The Divine Kingdom
Flag of The Mutul
Seal of the Ilok'tab Dynasty of The Mutul
Seal of the Ilok'tab Dynasty
Anthem: Those who build houses and temples
The Divine Kingdom.
The Divine Kingdom.
CapitalK'alak Muul
Official languageMayan languages
Q'eqchi' language
Regional languageMore than 60 across 5 families
Ethnic groups
GovernmentAbsolute Monarchy
• K'uhul Ajaw
Jasaw Chan K’awiil V
• First Dynasty
1500 BCE
• Nakabe Revolt
400 BCE
• Xoox Dynasty
360 BCE
• First Ytza War
300 BCE
• Cho'ok conquest
300 CE
• Destruction of Uxme
450 CE
• Belfrasian Crusade
1256 CE
• Xuman Crusade
1295 CE
907,500 km2 (350,400 sq mi)
• 2017 estimate
• 2010 census
• Density
132/km2 (341.9/sq mi)
GDP (PPP)2016 estimate
• Total
• Per capita
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy (Calendar Round)
Driving sideright
Calling code+39
ISO 3166 codeMU

The Kingdom of Mutul is an Absolute Monarchy in Ajax ruled by the K'uhul Ajaw, Jasaw Chan K’awiil V of the Ilok’tab Dynasty. The Ilok’tab Dynasty is the last of a long series of dynasties, or kingdoms, sharing the glyph-name of “Mutul”, which indicate the royal and superior nature of the dynasty over the other existing kingdoms. It is surrounded by Kustakuna to the east, Sante Reze to the south, the Makria ocean to the west, and share a maritime border with Belfras to the north.

Mutul is a rising economy, known for its vast resources, numerous touristic locations, and for it's rich and very particular culture.

Despite or because of its long history, with known records dating back to 1500 BC, the Mutul society is still shaken by the crisis it had to endure during the past three centuries. The liberalisation of the economy, the contacts with foreign cultures, and the need of reforms and reflexions on the nature of the Mutul’s society in the midst of a succession of demographic crisis led to numerous vigorous contestations of the Divine King’s role in society (the more moderates of the movements wishing for a Constitutional, Parliamentary Monarchy) or even of its legitimacy.

After this tumultous 19th and 20th century, the Divine Monarchy is now a rising economy again. Despite high disparity in its economical situation, between some extremely rich cities and ports and vast sways of lands still considered “backwards”, the current K’uhul Ajaw (Jasaw Chan K’awiil V) continue the work of his father and grandfather to modernise and to transform the kingdom into a serious player on the international scene, having to handle a very traditionalist society (in its religions and practices notably) and the needs of the nation. While threats to its very identity have past away, tensions remains as the centralized government and royalty might be the only element holding the country together, as proven by its long history of the rises and falls of many dynasties.



First Dynasty

The ruin of Kaminyajulyu, the first capital of the Mutul.

Agricutural settlements in today Mutul date back as far as 3000 BC, but the first real cities only appear between 1500 and 1000 BC. 13 cities from this period show the characteristics considered central to the proto-mulul civilisation, such as a distinct architectural style and the use of proto-glyphs.

By 1000, the city of Kaminyajulyu became to dominant power in the region as the capital of the Papol’lunyu Dynasty. While the First Dynasty had no real control over the others states, they all respected them and paid tribute every year to Kaminyajulyu. They also sent their sons to be educated as hostages in the royal palace, and their daugthers to marry into the Papol’lunyu clan. Sometimes, the other Ajaw even made the trave to Kaminyajulyu themselves to participate in important religious ceremonies, adding another level of submission to the main dynasty.

The Paol’lunyu legitimized their dominion by their control of water and the vast infrastructures they built. Kaminyajuylu was at the center of a vast web of canals and aqueducts, used to deliver waters to the main settlements, to irrigate the cultures and to transports merchandises and goods from one settlement to another. Cotton was grown as well as maize; palaeobotanical research also has identified annonas, avocados, cacao, black beans, palm nuts, plums, and sapodilla. Jades and obsidian were mined and wood exploited.

During the second half of the Paol’lunyu Dynasty, the era of the Mayan Culture extended and new clans and tribes started to pay tributes to the Ajaw of Kaminyajuylu and to adopt their traditions and customs. At least five new cities with vast and complex religious and administrative centers were built. Of these, Nakabe became the new point of gravity of the Mayan culture, while the Paol’lunyu became weaker. The Nakabetian Revolution of 400BC saw the overthrowing of the Paol’lunyu, the destruction of most of Kaminyajuylu and the division of the Paolunyian Mutul between three competiting “Mutals” : Nakabe, Takalik Abak, and Izapak, dominated by the Second, Third, and Fourth Dynasties respectively. The period of war and of cultural change, notably in the role of the K’uhul Ajaw, “Divine King”, with vast centralization efforts by all dynasties.

Chaan Era (6th Dynasty)

The oldest known version of the "Heroic Twins" story date back to the 5th Dynasty.

The victory of the Nakabe Mutul over Takalik Abak after 50 years of war lead to the secret alliance between Izapak and the Yajaw (vassal) of Yux, who grew unruly after the ever more tyrannical practices of his master the K’uhul Ajaw of Nakabe. The rebellion of Yux, helped by Izapak and the recently defeated vassals of Takalik Abak. Nakabe was destroyed and Yux became its own Mutul with its own Dynasty, the Fifth, who after enough marriages with the Fourth Dynasty re-united the Mayan cities under the rule of Wabak'el Chaan, foundator of the Chaan (also known as the Sixth) Dynasty, in 320 BC.

Despite its 50 years long war, the Mutulese civilisation kept expanding through the use of mercenaries tribes that adopted Mutulese practices and cultures and introduced their own gods. Wabak'el Chaan restored the old canals systems and even built roads, new temples and many monuments celebrating the victory of his ancestors and the submission of the Mutul to the gods. The water control systems rebuilt and expanded and the bureaucracy reformed, the Mutul knew an explosion in term of demography and the colonisation of new territories through many wars with other cultures that were defeated, destroyed or forced to pay a tribute to the K’uhul Ajaw. This great period of expansion led to the construction of a new capital in 100 AD, Tumbenkaah, as to keep a better control over the colonies and recently conquered tribes and cities.

Chi'kin Era (7th and 8th Dynasties)

Xeochimilco was the original capital of the 7th dynasty.

This Xook Golden Age ended in 250 AD when the K’uhul Ajaw died and a conflict started between his sons to know who will succeed him. Mayanized tribes in the peripheral regions seceded from Tumbenkaah and created their own kingdom : the Chi'kin Mutul. The "Western Mutul" soon started to meddle in the business of its neighbors, and after marrying with one of the three pretenders daughters and numerous military victories against another, they officially entered the competition for the title of K’uhul Ajaw, a competition they will ultimately win, making the transition between the Sixth and the Seventh Dynasties in 300 AD.

The Seventh Dynasties did not last long, as its third K’uhul Ajaw (326 - 353 AD) moved the capital from Xeochimilco to the newly built Uaxac Tz'am, definitively abandoning the “barbarian” culture his ancestors had preserved. From there, the Eighth Dynasty will expand it’s borders further and further, and built new systems of canals, roads, and infrastructures for the bureaucracy and the religious caste. One of the most notable achievement of the Eighth Dynasty was the forced cultural unification, particularly of the peripheral and vassals states, of the Mutul. Many wars and rebellions took place at the border between Uaxac Tz'am and other cities and tribes judged “barbarics” and the otherwise steady territorial and cultural spread of the Mutul abruptly halted, in exchange for a greater homogeneity in its culture and its justice system.

The Eigtht Dynasty came to an end during the XIth century crisis when a combination of factors (epidemies, droughts, poor harvests, revolts…) led to the death of the last Chi'kin K'uhul Ajaw and of his sons and inheritors, sparkling a civil war among its nephew and cousins.

K'iche Era (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th Dynasties)

The K'iche were reknown for their warlike traditions.

Despite climatic conditions becoming more clement, the war didn’t stop. With the weakening of the Mutul military presence on its borders, most of its fortress and water control systems fell to the Q’umarkaj Kingdom (named after its capital), a tribal federation led by the Numa K’iche Dynasty. Using the political division of the Mutals, the Q‘umarkaj kingdom expanded quickly and its leader established itself as the new K’uhul Ajaw and numbered as the Tenth Dynasty (the Ninth Dynasty was a fairly minor one with one Ajaw to its name).

After a short period of instability during which the Tenth, Eleven and Twelfth Dynasties (Numa K’iche, Tamub and Ilok’ab) quickly suceeded one another, the Mutul finaly found unity under the rule of Quiac Suund, second K'uhul Ajaw of the Ilok'tab dynasty, who moved the capital from Q'umarkaj back to Kalak'Muul, from where it was easier to supervise the kingdom.

The Belfrasian Crusade

<imgur thumb="yes" w="250" comment="An artist representation of the conflicts between the Latins and the Mutuleses.">8v8TZ2e.jpg?1.jpg</imgur>

In 1256, Jason V, Emperor of the Latins, managed to convince the Pope to send a crusade against the Benfrasse League. However, and to the surprise of most, the K'uhul Ajaw Tecuman declared itself protector of the old |Kustakuna colonies, and sent an army to Belfras to oppose the crusaders. The intervention of the Mutul in the conflict however renforced the religious aspect of the war, especially after the sacrifice of Valens Terentius and acts considered of senseless violences by the crusaders, confronted to a foreign conception of war and battles.

Ultimatey, very few cities rallied behind the Mutul and the expedition was forced to retreat to the Kalinagos islands. The battle of Kali'na was one of the last confrontation of the crusade and saw the defeat of the fleet led by Aulus Visellius which was unable to take over the fortified island, and was washed ashore by a violent storm. Most of the crusaders were either killed or captured and sacrified by the Mutulians.

The battle of Kali'na could have signed the failure of the crusade, as after it, the latins lacked the transports and the manpower to oppose a second Mutulian incursion in Belfras. However, Tecuman sent ambassadors to the crusaders, to negociate. The resulting treaty, known as the Treaty of Beikena, divided the Kustakuna in two. The colonies in Skraelingia would be under Latin supervision, while the Oxidentale colonies would join the Mutul.

The historians can only make suppositions about the reasons behind this sudden change of tactic by the K'uhul Ajaw. Theoretically, the manpower of the Mutul was far from depleted and a second expedition in Belfras was possible, especially after the victory at Kali'na. However, there is evidences of an important epidemy touching the Xuman Peninsula around AD 1260, and it is possible that Tecuman was too busy dealing with the situation at home to allow more men, time or funds to oppose the crusade. Expecting latins reinforcement to come before the epidemies ceased, which would give the edge to the Latium, it is possible that Tecuman prefered to settle for the current Status quo, making sure that as soon as the epidemy would end, he could take over the Runakunian colonies with ease and without opposition from the Latium.

The Xuman Crusade

The Belfrasian crusade was followed by a period of relative peace. After taking over the old Runakunian colonies, Tecuman was able to expand the Mutul eastward, profiting from the weakness of Kustakuna and the truce with the Latin Empire. 30 years after the Belfrasian Crusade, both the Mutul and the Latin Empire had recovered enough power in the region so that a war was inevitable.

Leon Aegidius, a greek-latin aristocrat with interests in Belfras, convinced the Emperor to take over the strait separating Skaelingia and Oxidentale and in general to deal a fatal blow to the K'uhul Ajaw. Both the Pope and the Emperor declared a Second Crusade upon the Mutul. With his efforts to gather the troops, the funds and the manpower to go through the Thalassan Ocean, Leon Aegidius became the leader of this expedition.

Despite initial success, the crusaders managing to land on the Mutul coast and establish a bridgehead for supply, the crusaders were soon cut from the rest of the world when the Mutulian troops managed to cut their supply line. The lack of intel on the Xuman Peninsula, it's infrastructures, settlements, water and food sources, proved to be fatal to the Latins, as it's only then they discovered that the Xuman Peninsula lack any kind of river and it's only sources of water are cenotes,all of which were either fortified or destroyed by the Mutul to deny water to the crusaders.

Of this crusade, only one survivor is known, as one of the missionaries was spared by the Mutulians and sent back to Belfras. Most of what we know about the rest of the expedition after the destruction of the bridgehead port is known from his testimony and the monuments built by the Yajaws to celebrate their victory on the Latins. Today, Leon Aegidius is considered by the Fabrian Catholic Church of Latium as a Martyr, like Valens Tarentus (who even became a saint) and Aulus Visellius.

The Kalinagos War

After 1404, the influence of the Latium over Skaelingia decreased, as the Imperial Power started to weaken because of a serie of revolts, revolution and wars in Belisaria.Once it became known, The K'uhul Ajaw Siyah Kak saw this as an opportunity to resume the expansion of the Mutul northward. Siyah sent ambassadors to Belfras, offering his support and protecitons to the Latins colonies in exchange of their loyalty. However and despite some minor families secretly switching side, no Belfrasian city joined the Mutul.

Seeing the absence of Latin response, Siyah prepared his fleet and choose the island of Kalinagos as a base of operation. In 1415, the Mutulian fleet started many raids on the Belfrasian coast. One year later, the Belfrasian islands were de facto under the K'uhul Ajaw control and the cities of Abdera and Kratas were under siege, while raiders got as far north as the island of Saimos.

But despite receiving tributes from minor cities willing to escape the raids, and the destruction of settlements loyal to the latins, the Mutulians ultimately failed to win support from the local populations and ruling cast. The defeat at the battle of Kratas also revealed the weaknesses of the Mutulian fleet, and started a serie of naval engagements that ended with the total victory of the Belfrasian marine. One of the last event of the war was the destruction of Abdera by the Mutulians armies before they retreated to the islands, definitively abandoning the mainland to the Latins.

Following the retreat of the K'uhul Ajaw and his armies, the Belfrasians were free to try to reclaim the islands occupied by the Mutul. The conflict continued this way for a year before a peace treaty was signed in Agios Audrikini. Siyah Kak returned the occupied islands to the Belfrasians and the situation returned to the statu quo anta bellum.

The K'uhul Took Uprising and the wars of religion

The Divine Spear (K'uhul Took) was a religious sect in Chik'ini Nahuakab' who claimed itself to be christian. During the middle of the 17th century, the sect had enough power and influence over the Chik'ini Nahuakab' region that its leader, Chaj Ajnabi proclaimed the creation of the Thrice Blessed Kingdom, of which he took leadership under the name of Icchauhtli. Chaj Ajnabi saw himself as the little brother of Jesus and the one who was to free the Nahuas and the Mutulians in general from the tyranny of the K'iche "demons".

A year after the start of the rebellion, in 1641, the Thrice Blessed Kingdom was in full control of Chik'ini Nahuakab' and had outposts in the Huaxte Nabikab', the Katunbi' and the Ajihlo regions. The popular success of the Bless Kingdom came from the relative lack of integration of the Nahuas populations in the Mutul, especially since the end of the Cho'ok Dynasty and the takeover of the Divine Kingdom by the K'iche tribe.

The example of the Blessed Kingdom was followed by cities at the border with Kustakuna, who proclaimed themselves as christians, refuted the divine nature of the K'uhul Ajaw and united themselves in the League of our Savior. These wars of religion happened in a context when the royal power was weakened by multiple seasons of bad weather, leading to lesser food production that required the full attention of the bureaucratic machine of the K'uhul Ajaw, which was himself secretly unable to rule because of his poor mental health.

In 1650, ten years after the first rebellion, the Thrice Blessed Kingdom failed to take hold of the "Great road of the Cho'ok" at the battle of Chakbi', which stoped their expansion. Better harvests and Janab Chak, the warmaster of the Mutul, managing to secure for himself the position of regent after years of intrigues and court politics, tipped the war in favor of the Mutul. His son B'utz K'ak' took over the Eastern Armies and led the Mutulians forces in a four years long campaign that ended with the capture and destruction of Muab, the capital of the Blessed Kingdom. The temples, which had been desacralized by the Divine Spear, were purified and used for the sacrifice of the ten thousands prisoners the Mutulians had made during their campaign. It took five other years to trully defeat the uprising, as B'utz K'ak' refused to accept the surrender of the last bastions of the Blessed Kingdom, and started a campaign of mass extermination of the rebels, similar to those the rebels had led against the pagans and loyalists before.

Meanwhile, the Prince-heir of the Mutul, Janab'Pakal The Wise, led an army against the League of Our Savior. Despite his harsh repression of the rebels and the destruction of multiple cities who refused to surrender, Janab'Pakal accepted to let rebellious cities to rejoin the Mutul if they abandoned their christian faith, returned to the polytheist cult, payed double taxes for a period of 10 years. Multiple leaders of the rebellion were also forced to sacrify themselves so that Janab'Pakal would spare their cities.

By 1660, the Mutulian wars of religion were over. Both Janab Chak and Janab'Pakal the Wise became the strongmen of the Divine Kingdom, while the K'uhul Ajaw Nikte' V was slowly dying. While some awaited a conflict between the two men, Janab Chak prefered to secure his position by allying the Prince-heir and letting his daugther marry him. A generation later, the daugther of B'utz K'ak' married the first son of Janab'Pakal, forever making sure that the Warmasters and his family wouldn't become an ennemy of the Ilok'tab Dynasty.

Och K'ak

Sante Reze Civil War

19th Century

Sajalob War

Tsuru-Mutulese Wars

Second Bandhaśēka Rebellion

20th Century and Modern Days


A typical scene of the Nik'ajal highlands.

The Mutul is a vast country with a great diversity of biomes and environments. Despite this, it is often broadly generalized into five "bioregions" which had great consequences on the human populations of these lands.

The Xaman Peninsula is the northernmost bioregion of the Mutul. The peninsula is the emerged part of the Xaman Platform, and is composed of carbonate and soluble rocks, being mostly limestone although dolomite and evaporites are also present at various depths. The whole of the Xaman Peninsula is an unconfined flat lying karst landscape. Sinkholes, known locally as cenotes, are widespread in the northern lowlands. Because of its Karstic nature, the Xaman Peninsula is almost entirely void of rivers but is the host of most of the country's oil reserve.

The Western bioregion is commonly refered as the Cho'ok Volcanic Belt. It is a volcanic belt that covers most of the Cho'ok Administrative Region. Several of its highest peaks have snow all year long, and during clear weather, they are visible to a large percentage of those who live on the many high plateaus from which these volcanoes rise. It was formed by the collision between the Oxidentale and Skraelingia plates.

The central regions of Mutul are mostly comprised of the Nik'ajal mountains. These relatively old mountains predate the apparition of volcanism in the Cho'ok Belt, and are an expansion of this long mountain range. The Nik'ajal highland are the birthplace of the Mutulian civilization.


The Mutul includes a diverse range of habitats from alpine heaths to tropical rainforests, and is recognised as a megadiverse country. Because of the continent's great age, extremely variable weather patterns, and long-term geographic isolation, much of Oxidentale's biota is unique and the Mutul is no exception to the rule. Many of these animals have played important roles in the fabrication of the Mutulese culture.

Drawing of a B'alamb.

B'alamb : this species was and still is a symbol of power and strength. In the religion of the Chibcha people of eastern Mutul, the B'alamb was considered a sacred animal and during their religious rituals the people dressed in B'alambob skins. In Western Mutul, the Olmec—the most influential culture of this region—developed a distinct "were-B'alamb" motif of sculptures and figurines showing stylised jaguars or humans with B'alamb characteristics. And in the city-states that will become the Mutul, the B'alamb was believed to facilitate communication between the living and the dead and to protect the royal household.

A reconstitution of an extinct Terror Bird species.

Terror Birds : Phorusrhacids are an important clade of large carnivorous flightless birds that were the largest species of apex predators in South America during the Cenozoic era. Despite the fact most of their larger representants were largely extinct by the time of the modern era, the latins reported that the Mutuleses armies still used Terror Birds from 1 to 2 meters tall in-lieu of wardogs and some of the last sight of individuals more than 2 meters tal happened during the Belfrasian Terror Wars. Carnivorous, fast runners, hunting small and large prays alike, the Terror Birds, called Sajal Mutob in Mutli were prized trophies after a hunt, and this since at least the Paol'lunyu Dynasty as proven by the mural paintings in the ruins of Kaminyajunlyu. Today, most species of Phorushacids either still live in the protected Mutulese jungles and forests, or are raised for their meat and feathers used in the Mutulese fashion industry. Some of its smallest species are often pets in Mutulese households, and many species have been raised for war purposes, gambling matches, or for races.

White-tailed deer : , also known as the whitetail or Sakal Neh is a medium-sized deer native of both Oxidentale and Norumbia. They are very common in the Mutul and have been part of the local diet since forever. Recently farms have been developed to answer the high demand in venison by the Mutuleses, and deer meat is common all thourough the country. Despite this, the Sakal Neh is still common in the wild, and hunts are regulary organized to control its population, who might otherwise cause damages to the farmlands and other human environments.

A Tzabcan.

snakes : The Mutul possess a wide diversity of snakes. In the Xuman alone, more than 200 species of snakes are recorded to date, with 18% of them endemic to the area. The Xuman Neotropical Rattlesnake, also known in Mutli as Tzabcan, is one of the holy animals of the Mutul, closely associated to the Royal Family and temples often have columns carved in the form of this snake. In Mutuleses traditions, Tzabcanob are said to be bringer of rains and messengers of Chaac. The venomous but shy K'an pok, the feared Chac can, and the truly dangerous Taxinchan, are other endemics species of the Mutul.

birds : The Terror Birds are not the only members of the Aves clade in the country. In fact, the lack of great mammals in Oxidentale means that the marsupials and the birds are occupying ecological niches that are not free for them in the rest of the world. Counting the different species of Sajal Mutob, more than 2000 species of birds are recorded in the Mutul. Bird-hunting is one of the oldest activities of the Mutuleses peoples and is depicted in many legends, the Heroic Twins were bird hunters, and in numerous mural painting be it of palaces or of graves. Even today, bird hunting is, one way or another, considered a passtime in rural Mutul, even if the Divine Throne as put in place many rules and restriction to regulate this activity and better protect the biodiversity of the country. Turkey and poultry in general are at the base of the Mutulese diet and the Mutul is one of the world's largest producer of poultry.

A Thalassian crocodile.

crocodiles : the Thalassian crocodile is a species of crocodilian found in the Neotropics, with populations in both southern Belfras, the West-Thalassian Islands and the Mutul. In the latter, It's habitat consists largely of coastal areas. It is also found in river systems, but has a tendency to prefer, not merely to tolerate, some level of salinity, resulting in the species congregating in brackish lakes, mangrove swamps, lagoons, cays, and small islands. It's large presence in saline water means that many coastal settlements in the Mutul have a temple dedicated to the animal, and he's a common sacrifice during religious ceremonies. Today, some crocodilians cults raise Thalassian crocodiles specifically to serve as sacrifices, and otherwise finance large campaigns for the protection of the animal.

turtles : both sea turtles and freshwater turtles are present in the Mutul. like the crocodiles and sharks, they are commonly venerated and sacrificed in water-related temples and cults. Turtles carapaces were often used as musical instruments by Mutuleses peoples. The turtle is an important symbol in today's cults, as it represent resurection and rebirth. Since antiquity, local legends tell the stories of gods using shells or turtles carapaces as home, but only in the later dead gods are depicted coming back to life.

Drawing of two Chaknob.
A Spider monkey.

Chakni : Resembling a humpless camel with a short trunk, though it is not closely related to them, Macrauchenia also called Long Nose (Chakni) in Mutli, is an herbivore living out of tree leafs and long grass. It's main defense mechanism is its great speed and ability to outrun its predators, like the B'alamb or Terror Birds. It ability to twist and turn at high speed have enabled it to evade pursuers. An herd animal, Chaknob have been some of the first animals to be raised as livestocks in Oxidentale, primarily for their wool, especially in mountaineous areas where they also help transporting equipment. As they were not useful to the populations living in the jungles, domesticated Chaknob were introduced to the Mutul only after the K'iche established their dynasties during the 13th century.

Monkeys : Oxidentale monkeys are the five families of primates that are found in the tropical regions of the continent. Callitrichidae, Cebidae, Aotidae, Pitheciidae, and Atelidae. The five families are ranked together as the Ceboidea. In the Mutul, the two most important species of monkeys in the Mutul, both in presence and culturally are the Spider Monkey and the Howler Monkey, called respectively in Mutli Batz and Max. Both of these species are strongly linked to scribes, artists, and artisans in Mutulese religion and traditions, and are considered holy animals.


The official glyph of the Divine Kingdom.

The Mutul is an absolute monarchy in which all legislative, executive, and judiciary power ultimately rests in the hands of the hereditary K'uhul Ajaw.

Jasaw Chan Kawiil is the head of state and also directly controls the foreign affairs and defence portfolios. The K'uhul Ajaw has absolute power and issues laws by decree.

The K'uhul Ajaw has no system of checks and balances, and thus no separation of powers. All power is concentrated in the Divine King, who is also chief of staff of the armed forces and chairman of the Central Bank. All legislation have been promulgated through royal decrees. The K'uhul Ajaw appoints judges, and can grant pardons and commute sentences.No political parties or national elections are permitted.

Outside of the Ilok'tab, participation in the political process takes the form of the royal family consulting with the various Ch'ob, the religious authorities and members of important commercial families on major decisions. This process is generally not reported by the media.

By custom, all citizens of full age have a right to petition the king directly through the traditional Ch'ob. Local Ch'ob may send their demands directly to the Divine Throne who then promulgates orders or delegate the demand to more regional entities, like the Yajaw or the Batab, or refuse them.

Legal System

The administration of justice is highly personalized, with limited due process protections, especially in political and security-related cases. The Constitution of 1840 is supposedly the cornerstone of the Mutulian legal system and it operates as a constitution for the country. It was last amended in 1998.


The Mutul has a mixed economy with abundant natural resources, active in agricultural, mining, manufacturing and service sectors. The agricultural sector in particular as recently known an important growth rate because of the demand for bio-fuel in Sante Reze, which meant the latter started to import more foodstuff and farming products. The country has been expanding its presence in international financial and commodities markets, and has become one of the largest car market in the world. Major export products include electrical equipment, automobiles, ethanol, textiles, footwear, iron ore, steel, chocolate, and venison.

Free Cities

The title of "Free City" (Sipam Tinimit) is the equivalent of a Special economic zone in the Mutul. It is given by the K'uhul Ajaw under the form of a serie of privileges granted to the city. These Free Cities, implemented during the second half of the rule of Jasaw Chan K'awiil IV played a major role in the economical devellopment of the Mutul during the 80s and 90s and continue to this day.


Various kind of maize are cultivated in the Mutul, with colors ranging from yellow to blue.

According to the census, there are 12 millions farmers in the Mutul, about 10% of the total population. There are currently 5 millions registered farms representing a total of 250 millions cultivated hectares. The vast majority of farms are private, family owned farms. About 75% of the cultivated area is used for food crops. The most important crops in the Mutul are the agriculture. Other crops cultivated in every farms dedicated to food production are the sweet potato, the Chaya plant, Avocado, and Cassava.

The Mutul is the world largest cocoa producer. Cocoa is produced in dedicated farms with strict quality control and an extensive label system certifying the origin and the quality of the cocoa beans and then of the chocolate. 3% of the total cultivated areas in the Mutul are dedicated to the production of cocoa and there are more than three hundred registered kind of chocolate products in the country.

Turkeys on pasture at an organic farm

Many other kind of fruits and plants, such as tomato, chili peppers, breadnut, guava, Soursop, mammee apple, papaya, pineapple, vanilla, epazote, Achiote, annatto seed, canella, root beer plant, garlic vine, redbrush lippia, and allspice, agave. cotton fields are common in central and western Mutul.

The Divine Kingdom is also an important producer of poultry, with production ranging from industrial battery cages to free-range when raised in small farms alongside other animals and crops. Poultry in the Mutul are raised for their meat, eggs, but also for their feathers and even leather. turkey, chicken, duck, and pigeons are all commonly raised, but there are also species of the Terror Birds family that are raised for the quality and beauty of their feathers.

The country is the largest supplier of farm raised venison, with an estimated stock of 10 millions deers that are raised for their meat, but also for their skin, fur, antlers, and velvet.

Energy and minerals ressources

Mineral resources are the "nation's property" (i.e. public property) by constitution. As such, the energy sector is administered by the government with varying degrees of private investment.

Energy production in the Mutul is managed by the state-owned companies, the Commission for Energy Distribution and Mut-Ektaha.

Mut-Ektaha, the public company in charge of exploration, extraction, transportation and marketing of crude oil and natural gas, as well as the refining and distribution of petroleum products and petrochemicals.

The Mutul has an abundant potential for hydroelectric power production due to its considerable river network and mountainous terrain. Most of the total hydroelectric capacity is situated in the southeast and west of the country. Geothermal energy is also exploited in the western mountain range. Together, hydroelectric and geothermal electrecity represent 40% of the Mutul's production.

Exploitation of the biomasses is also being promoted by the [[Commission for Energy Distribution], with for example, bagasse, being exploited for their energy, producing close to 2,500 MWh per year, allowing for some sugar and rhum factories to be autonomous energy-wise. The Divine Throne support a certain number of program to allow for the production of electricity and other form of energies from agricultural wastes.

Industry and Manufacturing

A Bolon Ek'inob electric sport car charging before a race

Among the most important industrial manufacturers in the Mutul is the automotive industry, whose standards of quality are internationally recognized. The automobile sector in the Mutul differs from that in other developing nations in that it does not function as a mere assembly manufacturer. The industry produces technologically complex components and engages in some research and development activities, notably with Rezeses industries, in the domain of electric and hybrid cars.

Numerous Rezeses companies have been operating in the Mutul since the end of the 20s, soon to be followed in the 60s and 70s by ArthuristansLatins and other Belisarians enteprises, but also Tsurushimans and Tarsans consortiums. . Given the high requirements of components in the industry, many factories and equipment and parts suppliers have emerged around these big local and foreigns manufacturers. In the town of Kimi Keklob alone, 70 industrial part-makers cluster around the local car manufacturer.

The most important representative of the Mutulese car industry is Manich 5 Mawin a manufacturer of trucks, busses and military vehicles that is notably known for its line of electric busses and is generally considered a pioneer of electric public transports. There are many other enterprises, producing cars, trucks, and all sort of vehicles both for the Mutulese market and for export.

the Mutul share with the rest of Oxidentale a long history of auto racing and many Mutuleses enterprises possess a racing team, or more. The Divine Kingdom is notably home of the Ek' Xak'in race track, which is often in use by the many prestigious Oxidentaleses or even worldwide competitions. Ek Xak'in is also the "home city" of Bolon Ek'inob, a car producer famous for his hybrids vehicles. the Royal and Divine Automobile Show of K'alak Muul is the most important annual event of the Mutulese Automotive Industry and is held every 18 Kank'in.

An important part of the Mutulese industry is dependent on the production of parts and equipments for the Rezeses markets and consortiums. For example, the Conglomerate Ch'ob Tasil possess Oxaja, is the largest producer of bottles and soda cans for Rezeses products. The Ch'ob Tasil is also famous for its production of Tequila and other alcoholic beverages.


A Rezese high definition LCD assembled under OEM contract in the Mutul

The electronics industry has grown enormously within the last two decades. The Divine Kingdom is one of the largest electronic industries in the world, behind Tsurushima, Sante Reze, Belfras, and X. The Mutulese electronic industry is dominated by the manufacture and OEM design of mobile phones, circuit boards, semiconductors, electronic appliances, communications equipment and LCD modules. Currently electronics represent 20% of the Mutul's exports. The Mutul is especially famous for its batteries, battery packs, and other devices of which the Rezeses and Tsurushimans markets have a great demand for.

The success and rapid growth of the Mutulese electronics sector is driven primarily by the relatively low cost of manufacturing and design in the country; its strategic position as a major consumer electronics market coupled with its proximity to both the large Belfrasians and Sante Rezeses markets. Government support is visible in the form of low business taxes, simplified access to loans and capital for both foreign multinational and domestic startup tech-based firms; and a very large pool of highly skilled, educated labor across all sectors of the tech industry.

There are almost half a million students enrolled in electronics engineering programs with an additional 100,000 electronics engineers entering the workforce each year. From the late 1990s, the electronics industry began to shift away from simple line assembly to more advanced work such as research, design, and the manufacture of advanced electronics systems such as LCD panels, semiconductors, printed circuit boards, microelectronics, microprocessors, chipsets and heavy electronic industrial equipment.


The textile industry in the Mutul is still an important sector of the country's economy, despite having lost in proeminence since the 19th century. The Mutul is one of the world largest producer of cotton and more than 50% of the textile industry is cotton based. But since the 20th century, synthetic fibres are taking a more proeminent role in the industry, notably since the early 21th century with the offshoring by many Sante Reze enterprises of their productions of Nylons, Acrylic and various Polyester fibers. In 2003 there has been incidents in factories producing Artificial silks as many workers were seriously harmed by the carbon disulfide used to produce the textile, which was one of the important triggers of the 2003 riots.

Joint Productions

A car assembly line in the Mutul

While many foreign companies simply install wholly owned factories in the Mutul, a number of foreign companies have set up semi-independent joint venture companies with Mexican businesses to manufacture and design components in the Divine Kingdom. These companies are independently operated from their foreign parent companies and are registered in the Mutul. These local companies function under Mutulese law and retain a sizable portion of the revenue. These companies typically function dually as in-company OEM development and design facilities and manufacturing centers and usually produce most components needed to manufacture the finished products. ome of these subsidiaries have grown to expand into multiple branches effectively becoming autonomous conglomerates within their own parent companies.




Religious Demographics of the Mutul
  K'uhul Chichob (85.0%)
  Other religion or no faith (10.0%)

K'uhul Chichob, the Holy Prophecies, is the official state religion of the Mutul, with the K'uhul Ajaw as the official head of the church, and all citizens are required by law to be of this faith. The country still not use the gregorian calendar, instead using the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar for civic purpose and the Calendar round for religious events and national holidays.

Because of religious restrictions, Mutli culture lacks any diversity of religious expression, buildings, annual festivals, and public events. No churches, temples, or other "non-Mutulese" houses of worship are permitted in the country. Proselytizing by non-Aj K'uhun (non believers) is illegal and conversion to another religion results in the lost of citizenship.

Human sacrifices are officialy legal in Mutul under specific conditions, and as such the decision can only be taken freely and by the would-be sacrificed-person himself. As such, celebrations like the Year Bearing Matches of Pitz. All sacrifices made without the consent of the "victim" are considered null and void. Only an individual marked with the Wayeb can be sacrified against his wish, and this mark is reserved to those who commited a blood crime, an illegal sacrifice, or stole from the deads. Archaic laws in the Mutul make legal the sacrifice of "those who took the arms against the Mutul" but such laws have never been used since 1841. Other laws also declare illegal human sacrifices made to gods non-recognized by the Divine Throne.

Ethnics groups

the genealogy of the mayan languages. The official language of the Mutul, the Mutli belongs to the "Ch'ol proper" branch.

The Mutul is ethnically diverse; with people of several ethnicities being united under a single national identity, with more than 40 officialy recognized ethnic groups, most of which have their own languages, such as the K'iche or the Nahuatl. The overarching term "Mutun" is a collective designation to include the peoples that share some degree of cultural and linguistic heritage; however, the term embraces many distinct populations, societies, and ethnic groups that each have their own particular traditions, cultures, and historical identity. About 80% of the total population of the Mutul consider themselves of "Mutun" heritage. In the east another important family are the Chibchan peoples with 10 officialy recognized ethnies part of it. In the west, important ethnies are the Nahuas, Nuu Davi, Ben 'Zaa, Hinatho, Totonac, and Olmecs.

The official criteria recognized by the Divine Throne to distinguish one's ethnicities is the language. Census performed by the Divine Throne make the distinction between the Native Language and the Everyday Language. The most spoken language in the Central Region is the Ch'ol language, followed by its relatives of the Cholan branch : the Ch'orti language, Ch'olti' language, Chontal language, and the K'ol. Other widely spoken languages, especially in the urban areas of northern and western Mutul where Mutun-speakers settled during the multiple expansions of the Divine Realm include Tzotzil and Tzeltal.



<imgur thumb="yes" w="250" comment="An example of traditional Mutulese architecture">kzQ0uTb.jpg</imgur> A unique and intricate style, the tradition of Mutulese architecture spans several thousands of years. Often, the buildings most dramatic and easily recognizable as Mutuleses are the stepped pyramids. These pyramids relied on intricate carved stone in order to create a stairstep design. Each pyramid was dedicated to a deity whose shrine sat at its peak.

As Mutuleses cities spread throughout the varied geography of Northern Oxidentale, the extent of site planning appears to have been minimal ; Old cities having been built somewhat haphazardly as dictated by the topography of each independent location. Mutulese architecture tends to integrate a great degree of natural features. For instance, some cities existing on the flat limestone plains of the northern Xuman grew into great sprawling municipalities, while others built in the Central Hills utilized the natural loft of the topography to raise their towers and temples to impressive heights. However, some semblance of order, as required by any large city, still prevailed. At the onset of large-scale construction, a predetermined axis was typically established in congruence with the cardinal directions. Depending upon the location and availability of natural resources such as fresh-water wells, or cenotes, the city grew by connecting great plazas with the numerous platforms that created the sub-structure for nearly all Maya buildings, by means of sacbeob causeways. As more structures were added and existing structures re-built or remodeled, the great Maya cities seemed to take on an almost random identity that contrasts sharply with other great cities such as {{wp|Teotihuacan| and its rigid grid-like construction. When they first conquered the Mutul, the Chik'in Dynasties tried to establish grid-like settlements, but apparently soon adopted the Mutulese method of city building, sometime mixing the two styles depending on the architects and local preferences and possibilities.

At the heart of the city exist large plazas surrounded by their most valued governmental and religious buildings such as the acropolis, great pyramid temples, and ballcourts. Though city layouts evolved as nature dictated, careful attention was placed on the directional orientation of temples and observatories so that they were constructed in accordance with Maya interpretation of the orbits of the stars. Immediately outside this ritual center were the structures of lesser nobles, smaller temples, and individual shrines: the less sacred and less important structures had a greater degree of privacy. Outside the constantly evolving urban core were the less permanent and more modest homes of the common people.

Classic urban design could easily be described as the division of space by great monuments and causeways. In this case, the open public plazas were the gathering places for the people and the focus of the urban design, while interior space was entirely secondary. But when a settlement was built on strategic locations for the control of tradelines or the defense of the borders, the urbanism was more fortress-like with defensive structures that lacked, for the most part, the large and numerous plazas.

The great cities of the Maya civilization were composed of pyramid temples, palaces, ballcourts, sacbeob (causeways), patios and plazas. Some cities also possessed extensive hydraulic systems or defensive walls. The exteriors of most buildings were painted, either in one or multiple colours, or with imagery. Many buildings were adorned with sculpture or painted stucco reliefs.

<imgur thumb="yes" w="250" comment="K'alak Muul Acropolis">6Cdm2nk.jpg</imgur> Palaces and acropoleis : These complexes are usually located in the site core, beside a principal plaza. Mutuleses palaces consist of a platform supporting a multiroom range structure. The term acropolis, in a Mutulese context, refers to a complex of structures built upon platforms of varying height. Palaces and acropoleis are essentially elite residential compounds, being both the places from were the K’uhul Ajaw or his Yajawob rule their territories. They generally extend horizontally as opposed to the towering pyramids. Large palaces, can be fitted with a water supply, and sweat baths were often built within the complex, or nearby. rulers were sometimes buried underneath the acropolis complex. A palace generally has one throne room, except in some of the royal palaces in which case multiple throne rooms are present, with roles varying depending on the social norms and rituals of the dynasties who built them. Palaces are far more than simple elite residences, and only regional capitals possess active ones. When they no longer serve an administrative purpose, they are generally reconverted into museum, or holidays residences of the royal or a ducal family.

Reconstitution of Kaminyajunlyu Triadic Pyramid.

K'uh Nahob : A K'uh Nah is a religious structure often raised on platforms, most often upon a pyramid. The earliest temples were probably thatched huts built upon low platforms. By the Khaan Dynasty, their walls were of stone, and the development of the corbel arch allowed stone roofs to replace thatch. By theend of said dynasty, temple roofs were being topped with roof combs that extended the height of the temple and served as a foundation for monumental art. The temple shrines contain between one and three rooms, and are dedicated to important deities. Generally, freestanding pyramids are shrines honouring powerful ancestors.

E-group are a particular arrangement of temples that are relatively common in the Mutul. They consisted of three small structures facing a fourth structure, and were used to mark the solstices and equinoxes. Due to its nature, the basic layout of an E-Group is constant. A structure was built on the west side of a plaza; usually a radial pyramid with stairways facing the cardinal directions. It face east across the plaza to three small temples on the far side. From the west pyramid, the sun is seen to rise over these temples on the solstices and equinoxes.

E-groups are generally compared with Belisarian Cathedrals, as they often are the most important religious monuments of a city. During the Holhun Lak’atunab, many E-groups were built, generally associated with vast abbey-like complexes, in association with vast libraries, observatories for various celestial objects, and Monkey Game’s courts.

consisting of a dominant structure flanked by two smaller inward-facing buildings, all mounted upon a single basal platform, Triadic Pyramids are other perls of Mutulese traditional architecture. No securely established forerunners of Triadic Groups are known, but they may have developed from the eastern range building of E-Group complexes,and are already being built during the Paol'lunyu dynasty. Oral traditions says that the triadic structure is a representation of the resurection of the Tonsured Maize God, accompanied by two other deities, supposed to be the Maya Hero Twins.

ballcourt : Most of the ancients ballcourts have been abandoned since the codification of the Pitz rules, as ballcourts tended to vary greatly in size and shape. Most of these monuments are today touristic attraction, sometime used as public plazas, or theaters. See the sport section.

Sweat baths : Originally, Sweat baths were for the Mutuleses a way to perform ritual purification, sweating out impurities and cleaning the bodies and the mind alike. They had an important role in traditional Mutulese medecine, and to this day public sweat baths are still in important part of all cities, with more wealthy inhabitations having their own, privates sweat baths. Similar to sauna, most sweat baths are today part of larger complex along with gymnasiums and swimming pools.


A collection of traditional Mutuleses masks.

Dance has always been a central component of social, religious, and political endeavors for the Mutuleses people. In Mutulese religion, Dance served many functions such as creating sacred space, closing the gap between here and the otherworld, and releasing the dead from the grasp of Xibalba.

Ancient Mutuleses dances were often characterized by transformations of human beings into supernatural (god like) beings by means of visionary trance. Once in this state of mind the participants were transformed into their wayob or soul companions. These soul companions were depicted through the masks and the costumes people wore in the dance.

The distinction between the humans and supernatural beings was never sharply made during the Paol'lunyu and Chaan Dynasties. Through dance, people became gods and gods became people even if it were only for a moment. More than just acts of civic pride or piety. Dances were considered to be direct connections to the otherworld.

This antic style of dancing, generally nicknamed the “Wayob Dances”, was very public in nature and often involved the whole community, from kings to commoners, during religious festivities. This gave birth to the practice of specialized dancers, re-creating events and past histories, and generally serving as “vessels” for the gods, re-enacting their past deeds and exploits. These public dances became their very own art : Mutulese theatre.

Theatrical plays really became popular during the Numa K’iche Dynasty. Was often played the Life and Death of K’iche Achi, telling of the hero's capture, trial, and ultimately sacrifice, by the kingdom of Rabinal. These acts are still played today, during various religious festivals, and are a staple of the “Classical K’iche Theatre” style : based around cycles, the dances and even the text are repetitives, with minor changes each time, with lots of back-and-forth between the two princes, of the Rabineb and of the K’iche. dancers move in circle, with the two princes in the middle.

More recent and representative of the “Neo-Classical Mutli Theatre” style, the series of plays retelling the stories of the Hero Twins and their journey through Xibalba. The Hero Twins stories were and are still some of the most populars in the Mutul and the better known worldwide, but this representation of them was under many Belisarian influence, with the introduction of acts, different scenes, while keeping more tradition Mutuleses elements. The repetition and cyclic theme is still present, albeit smaller, as many of the action of the Twins echoes those of their father and uncle, and resurrection is also a central theme, along with the cycles of life and death through which all creatures goes.


A game of Pitz

The most popular sport in the Mutul is the Pitz, a game traditional to the Mutli culture that as been played in the country under various ruleset since it's apparition in the Olmec Bassin. The most popular ruleset is the Hip-Ball version and is played in mesoamerican ballcourt, religious structures built primary for this sport. Other version, played with racquets, bats and batons, handstones, and the forearm, at times in combination, are also popular but don't have the same cultural phenomenon as the Hip-Ball version.

Games were played between two teams of players. The number of players per team has been fixed at 6 since the codification of the sport in 1898. Originally, ,the game could be brutal and there were often serious injuries inflicted by the solid, heavy ball. Since the changes in the official ruleset, the ball became lighter, limiting the number of injuries outside the context of Day Bearing Games, special games held at specifics dates with traditional balls, and concluded with the ritual sacrifice of the loosing team's captain.

The game resembles a net-less volleyball, with each team confined to one half of the court. The ball is hit back and forth using only the hips until one team fails to return it or the ball leaves the court. Points are lost by a player who let the ball bounce more than twice before returning it to the other team, who let the ball go outside the boundaries of the court, or who try and failed to pass the ball through one of the stone rings placed on each wall along the center line. Points were gained if the ball hit the opposite end wall, while the decisive victory was reserved for the team that put the ball through a ring. However, placing the ball through the ring is a rare event, as they are set 6 meters off the playing field.


A kilo of Chawu.

The Three Sisters is the nickname given to the three staple of Mutulese cuisine : maize, squash, and beans. Among the three, maize is the central component of the diet, and figure prominently in Mutulese mythology. It is used and eaten in many way, but is always nixtamalized. It is generally transformed into masa for the preparation of other dishes.

The most common meal during most of Mutulese history was the Chawu, a type of thin, unleavened flatbread, used to wrap other ingredients, such as beans or meat. It is still to this date the most consumed meal in the country. Another important food made from corn is K'abawu, a dish which is steamed in a corn husk or banana leaf. The wrapping is discarded before eating. K'abawu can be filled with meats, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, chilies or any preparation according to taste

Maize gruel, generally served with onions, turkey, or chili powder, is the main dish of the Mutulese dinner.

Both atole and pozole are liquid-based gruel-like dishes that are made by mixing ground maize with water, with atole being denser and used as a drinking source and pozole having complete big grains of maize incorporated into a turkey broth. Though these dishes can be consumed plain, other ingredients were added to diversify flavor, including chili peppers, cacao, wild onions and salt.

Chocolate: The Mutulese people are the first people to have discovered and cultivated the cacao plant for food. The cocoa beans were ground up mixed with chili peppers, cornmeal and honey to create a drink called Kakawchaj that only the rich and noble could drink. To this day the drink is still made and used as a stimulant mood enhancer and during ceremonies, as either a holy beverage, especially during marriages, or as a sacrifice to the gods. The Kakawchaj is generally served unsweaten, except during the guests of marriages or of various receptions, with a frothy texture.

Toasted cacao beans at a chocolate workshop.

It's only recently that the Mutul started to produce its own chocolate. Traditionaly, Rezeses, and then Belfrasians, Latins, or Arthuristans traders would buy the cocoa beans to be transformed back in Belisaria and Scipia. During the 19th century, Mutuleses discovered this chocolate and some started to produce it themselves, modifying the recipe to better suit the local tastes. Today, the Mutul is home to more than 300 kind of chocolates and products derived from cocoa beans.

Avocado/Guacamole: Originating from central and southern Mutul, Avocados became a reliable food in Mutli cuisine. The Avocado tree is very reliable in subtropical climates and a very versatile product that can be incorporated in cuisine in many ways. As such it became a staple of Mutli cuisine.

Cassava : While it must be cooked properly to detoxify it before it is eaten, Casava is another important part of the Mutulese diet. The root of the sweet variety has a delicate flavor and can replace potatoes. It can be made into a flour that is used in breads, cakes and cookies. With the Three Sisters, it is one of the most cultivated aliments in the country.

chicken breast in adobo with a side of chayote, mushrooms, corn and chile ancos.

Poultry : Turkey meat has been eaten by Mutuluses people since antiquity and was the main source of animal protein in their diet. However it wasn't the only kind of poultry used : some species of Terror Birds were raised for their meat. To this day Sajal Mutom is the meat used to replace other kind of poultry during festivities and celebrations, while chicken also became common in daily dishes as an alternative to turkey.

Chaya : The Mutulese Spinach, is a popular leaf vegetable, similar to spinach as its nickname implies. The leaves should be cooked before being eaten, as the raw leaves contain a high content of toxic hydrocyanic acid. Up to 5 raw leaves can be eaten a day. Easy to grow, It is tolerant of heavy rain and has some drought tolerance. Leaves can be harvested continuously as long as no more than 50% of the leaves are removed from the plant, which guarantees healthy new plant growth.

Chaya is a good source of protein, vitamins, calcium, and iron; and is also a rich source of antioxidants. Traditionally leaves are immersed and simmered for 20 minutes and then served with oil or butter. Cooking for 20 minutes or more will render the leaves safe to eat. Along with maize-gruel, Chaya is part of the day-to-day diet of the poors in the Mutul.

The Mutuleses cultivate many other kind of fruits and plants, such as tomato, chili peppers, breadnut, guava, Soursop, mammee apple, papaya, pineapple, sweet potato, vanilla, epazote, Achiote, annatto seed, canella, root beer plant, garlic vine, redbrush lippia, and allspice, agave.

seafood being griled.

seafood : in coastal areas, maritime resources are regulary exploited, including fish, lobster, shrimp, conch, and other shellfish. Seafood became more common thourough the country in the past centuries, and are often present at social event, cooked with various spices, plants, and sauces. Surprisingly, even if it wasn't as common, seafood was already present on the tables of rich inland households, Archaeological evidence supported this as a diverse set of marine resources were found from subsistence and ceremonial contexts at Izapak. Stingrays, grunts, sea catfish, and parrotfish were brought to the site and transported while still alive. The important transportation network, based on roads and canals, maintained by the various Dynasties, allowed such trade to be relatively common and safe.

Venison escalope cooking in sauce.

deer : For most of their history and especially in the central regions, deer have been hunt for their meat, making it one of the most common meat in the Mutul after poultry. After the industrial revolution, hunting for savage deers became uncommon, until it seemed it would dissapear from the Mutuleses plates. But to answer the demand for venison from the appearing middle class, and of Belisarians Traders for pelts and antlers, the Divine Throne helped the creation of deer farm. Today, deer meat is a relative affordable food with 3 millions deer raised, and is even exported thourough the world. However, fear of Chronic wasting disease as lead to more strict controls on the industry, raising the prices.

A glass of Pulque.

Alcoholic drink : distillation arrived in the Mutul only after the Belisarians arrived in Norumbia. Prior to this, the Mutuleses could only produce alcoholic beverage through fermentation, which is still commonly use in the industry. The most famous Mutli beverage is the the Balche, made from the bark of a leguminous tree, Lonchocarpus violaceus, which is soaked in honey and water, and fermented. It was at first produced as an offering to the gods and consumned during important events and ceremonies. Today, it's a common drink, with many variants. Xtabentun, another common drink, is an anise liqueur originating from the Xuman Peninsula region from anise seed, and fermented honey produced by honey bees from the nectar of xtabentún flowers. Rum, produced all thourough the eastern coastal region or imported from the Thalassian Islands, is generally added to the anise and honey mixture. Rum is one of the few beverages actually distilled in the Mutul. Pox is another liquor commonly drank or used for religious ceremonies, and is made of corn, sugar cane and wheat. Meanwhile, in the Weastern Provinces, the Pulque is consumed on almost every occasions. It is made from agave, like the other alcohol of the region : Mezcal, and Tequila. The latter is mostly exported to the international market, rather than made for local consumption.

Mutulese traditional ice cream.

Ice cream : the Mutul developed it's own tradition of frozen dessert. The lack of dairy products in the Mutulese culture led to the disparition of milk from the recipe or its replacement by egg yolk. The traditional method was based on pouring a mixture of snow and saltpetre over the exteriors of a container filled with syrup, lowering the freezing point to below zero. The K'iche had artisans specialized in the creation of ice cream and sorbet. When the K'iche conquered the rest of today Mutul, they brought with them this specific craftmanship. During the Vespasian Period, many different kinds of ice creams met and influenced each others inside the Mutulese Empire : from Tsurushima (Kakigōri, Benaajab (Kulfi), Iotopha (Faloodeh), Kadaria (Dondurma), Tarsas (Ice milk... the number of flavors notably greatly expanded, going from chocolate to coffee, from strawberry to red beams, and from mango to sweet corn. It's after learning the recipe for Meringue in Tarsas that a Mutulese artisan created its own variant of Spoom.

Fashion and design
