List of states with nuclear weapons (Astyria)
Eight sovereign states have publicly announced successful detonations of nuclear weapons in Astyria. Seven are considered to be nuclear-weapon states under the terms of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). In order of acquisition of nuclear weapons, these are Kobolis, Blackhelm Confederacy, Aquitayne, Caprica, Nikolia, Dungeyland, Khyragus, and Belka. Of these, three are members of the EATA and two are members of ATO.
Other states that possess nuclear weapons are Belka, and the Red River Free State is supposed to possess nuclear weapons as well.
The only state that formerly possessed nuclear weapons is Valkea.
Arimathea pursued an independent development programme between 1954 and 1961, but ultimately abandoned the project without ever building a nuclear weapon.
Country | Warheads
First test | NPT status
CTBT status
Delivery methods
| ||
Total | Deployed | Date | Site | |||||
Aquitayne | 500 | 200 | 1956 | Actlpacinarcticadian Ocean | Party | Signatory | Nuclear triad | 120 |
Belka | a lot | a lot | 1970? | Water | Non-Party | Non-Signatory | Nuclear triad | number |
Blackhelm Confederacy | a lot | a lot | 1950? | Paradise City | Party | Signatory | Nuclear triad | 1,100 |
Caprica | a lot | a lot | a year | a place | Party | Signatory | Nuclear triad | a number |
Dungeyland | a lot | a lot | 1950? | a place | Party | Signatory | Nuclear triad | a number |
Kobolis | a lot | a lot | 1950? | water | Party | Signatory | Nuclear triad | a fudge ton |
Khyragus | a lot | a lot | a year | a place | Party | Signatory | Nuclear triad | a number |
Nikolia | a lot | a lot | a year | a place | Party | Signatory | Nuclear triad | a number |
States formerly possessing nuclear weapons
Valkea pursued research into nuclear weapons beginning in the 1950s, which intensified after a naval skirmish taking place in the Rombergian Sea in 1958. In 1971, Valkea tested its first nuclear device in the White Sea, with an estimated yield of 22 to 25 kilotons.