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Kingdom of Nikolia
Kraljevina Nikolija
Królestwo Nikolskie
Coat of Arms of Nikolia
Coat of Arms
Motto: "Čast i Otadžbina" (Serbian)
"Honor i Ojczyzna" (Polish)
"Honour and Fatherland" (English)
Anthem: "Himna Kraljevine Nikolije"
Largest cityBeograd
Official languagesSirmian, Mazurian
Recognised regional languagesSloverti, French, Tarnogorian, Lisatian
GovernmentConstitutional parliamentary federal monarchy
• King
Aleksandar II of Nikolia
Branislav Jovanovski
LegislatureParliament of Nikolia
Council of Voivodeships
National Assembly
• Establishment of the Principality of Sirmia
• Establishment of the Empire of Nikolia
17 December 1677
• Total
3,059,600 km2 (1,181,300 sq mi)
• 2020 census
• Density
86.3/km2 (223.5/sq mi)
GDP (PPP)2019 estimate
• Total
$14.5 trillion
• Per capita
GDP (nominal)2019 estimate
• Total
$14.3 trillion
• Per capita
Gini (2019)Positive decrease 33.1
HDI (2019)Steady 0.925
very high
CurrencyNikolian kruna (Kr) (NKK)
Time zone(UTC)
Driving sideright
Calling code+645
ISO 3166 codeNIK
Internet TLD.nk

Nikolia (Serbian: Nikolija ; Mazurian: Nikolia), officially the Kingdom of Nikolia (Serbian: Kraljevina Nikolija; Mazurian: Królestwo Nikolskie), is a country on the Mederano Peninsula on the continent of Teudallum in western Astyria. It shares its southern border with Berique, Slovertia, Khyragus and ViZion and a maritime border with Woodstead in northwest and Great Nortend in the northeast. Carigrad is the capital city of Nikolia, while the largest city is Beograd.

Nikolia is 11th largest country in Astyria and the largest on its continent with a total area of 3,059,6002 km. Its population of 264,182,078 (2020) is mostly distributed along the coastal areas with a substantial population in central parts of the country along the river valleys. Nikolia is divided in 24 federal units known as Voivodeships. The official languages of Nikolia are Sirmian and Mazurian, while recognised minority languages are Sloverti, French, Tarnogorian and Lisatian

The earliest Slavic state on the territory of modern Nikolia, the Principality of Sirmia was founded in 276 AD by Prince Stanislav I and is considered by scholars as the first Nikolian state. In 512 AD, King Uroš I unified several Slavic statelettes and expanded the territories further south. The early kingdom was challenged by the Ethlorekoz from the east and Berique from the south, nevertheless, the territory expanded further east. The largest expansion of the Nikolian territory happened in 952 AD when Stefan I founded the Empire of Nikolia and relocated the capital from Vladimirovac to Carigrad and brought Christianity to Nikolia in 964 AD.

Throughout the Middle Ages, the Nikolian Empire was more or less a complex of duchies, principalities and free cities with a decentralised elective monarch to which vassalised subjects had to provide allegiance. In 1415 Emperor Stanislav I started to unite subjects of the Empire and place them under his direct rule, which triggered War of the Crowns between the Imperial subjects, the Kingdom of Moravia and the Kingdom of Mazuria. After winning the war that lasted nearly 14 years, King Bolesław I of Mazuria was elected as new Emperor, during whose reign the Empire was renamed to Commonwealth of Nikolia-Mazuria and was vastly reformed: the territories of the Empire were consolidated into Voivodeships, a legislative body composing of nobility from the Voivodeships was founded and the Imperial powers were expanded.

In 17th century, Voivodeships started gaining more and more power, distancing themselves from the throne in Carigrad, with numbers of nobility rising. The people revolted against the inequality between the Imperial subjects which eventually led to unification of the Commonwealth into the Nikolian Empire in 1677. Voivodeships were restructured, their powers were reduced, while the Imperial throne had greater influence over the Voivodeships governing. Several of the Voivodeships, primarily Mazurian ones revolted, but their revolt was extinguished by both the Empire and lack of support of their people.

Throughout the 18th and 19th century, Nikolia faced socio-economic improvement and industrial growth. Democracy was also on the rise, which led to several important events, such as the new constitution in 1790 which abolished feudalism, restructured the government and gave more influence to the parliament. At the start of the 19th century, southwestern Nikolia was invaded by Berique under the leadership of Emperor Longin Bernadotte which later led to development of the Nikolian Armed Forces which were lacking in military equipment and skills.

In 1925, reign of Emperor Milan II, who adopted controversal fascist policies, ordered forced deportation of more than 200,000 Beriquois, Slovertians and Khyragusians from Nikolia and abolished the National Assembly in several occasions, was brought down by coup d'etat, led by his younger brother Petar IV. The December overturn, as the event is known in Nikolian history books, drastically reformed Nikolia: the Empire was replaced with Kingdom, the Monarch was stripped of most of its executive powers in turn creating the Government of Nikolia as principal executive body, the Parliament of Nikolia recieved broader legislative powers and the Constitution was amended.

Nowadays, Nikolia is a modern federal parliamentary monarchy and takes a high place in Astyria in economy, industry and culture. The Nikolian economy follows a social market socioeconomic model, with a mix of market economy and state interventionism ensuring fair competition and a strong welfare state.



Middle ages

Early modern era

Modern era

Great Astyrian War




Nikolia is a federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy with the government divided into legislative, executive and judiciary branches. The political system is laid out in 1925 Constitution which abolished the Empire, absolute monarchy, and democratised the country establishing a clear separation of powers and limited power of the monarch.

The executive power at national level is exercised by the Federal Government of Nikolia (Sirmian: Federalna vlada Nikolije; Mazurian: Rząd Federalny Nikolii) which consists of the Chancellor, proposed by the Monarch and appointed by the National Assembly, and its cabinet ministers.

The Chancellor and its cabinet are responsible for their actions before the Nikolian people through the National Assembly, which appoints and votes out the cabinet, including the Chancellor through a vote of no confidence.

The legislature of Nikolia take place in a bicameral parliament consisiting of an upper house, Council of Voivodeships, with 150 representatives from 20 Voivodeships of Nikolia with proportional representation and a lower house, National Assembly of Nikolia with 650 MP's elected on a four year term by means of universal suffrage (18 years minimum age) in a system of constituency voting.

Administrative divisions

Nikolia is a federal state and as such is composed of twenty constituent states known as Voivodeships (Serbian sing.: Vojvodstvo Mazurian: Województwo). According to the Nikolian Constitution and having historical roots in how the Nikolian state formed, certain political topics are exclusive responsibility of the central government, such as defense and foreign affairs, while some responsibilities are either shared by Voivodeships and the central government (healthcare, taxes, economy and trade, social services, education and job training) or are exclusive responsibility of Voivodeships (culture, infrastructure, ecology, agriculture). Voivodeships represent and defend their interests at federal level through the Council of Voivodeships and changes at the federal level require their consensus. Voivodeships are further divided into counties (Serbian sing.: Županija Mazurian: Powiat), which are in turn divided further into municipalities and cities.

Voivodeship Capital city
in English in Sirmian or Mazurian
Moravia Moravija Carigrad
Cerevia Cerevija Adaševo
Dumbrovia Dumbrovija Beograd
Mehedia Mehedija Homolj na Dunaju
Kalabia Kalabija Ister
Mur Mur Kataringrad
Sirmia Sirmija Vladimirovac
Vislovia Vislovija Ladovar
Venedia Venedija Nikolajevo
Kribia Kribska Botušin
Kalesia Kalesija Komarov
Nitria Nitrija Kavadarice
Ritenia Ritenija Rabrovac
Lisavia Lizavska Trebenj Gradec
Idria-Rumawia Idrija-Rumavska/Idria Rumawia Rakovica (Rakowice)
Wesolia Wesoła Zapetane
Srebrogóra Srebrogóra Złotów
Tarnogora Tarnogora Warta
Mazuria Mazury Katowice
Kuyavia Kujawy Legnica

Foreign relations





As of 2020, the total population of Nikolia is 264,182,078 inhabitants. The population density is 86.3/km2, with coastal areas more populated than central Nikolia. Nearly 68% of Nikolians live in urban areas. The largest city per population is Beograd, with 15,245,764 citizens, while nation's capital, Carigrad, has 5,191,690 inhabitants. Other larger cities are Katovice with 7,224,753 and Nikolajevo with 8,264,178 citizens.


Nikolian educational system is well developed and is developed in 5 levels. Education is available to every Nikolian citizen and it's free up to fourth level (higher education) in which only students that perform under certain criteria set by universities and faculties in Nikolia must pay for tuition.


Official languages in Nikolia are Sirmian and Mazurian, with Serbian being predominately used by authorities considering the number of native speakers (610 million). Mazurian, although constitutional language, is mostly used in voivodeships of Mazuria and Leszka where there are majority of speakers of that language.

Serbian and Mazurian in schools

Serbian language is obligatory subject in all schools in Nikolia, and is primary language in voivodeships Moravia, Podunavia, Travunia, Nitria, Venedia, Rutenia, Dubrovia and Vlachia. Mazurian language is obligatory subject in schools in voivodeships of Mazuria and Leszka where is taught as primary language, while in remaining voivodeships is seen as secondary language.


Nikolians are predominantly christians with approximately 570 million Orthodox christians and approximately 150 million Roman catholics. The remaining percentage of people include atheists, protestants and pagans.

