Child Simon

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The Child Simon
Member of Maradisoban Minor Panenthon
Modern Akannite Scriptბავშვი სიმონ
AffiliationFirst Generation Maradisoba
Second Generation Maradisoba (Disputed)
Ethnic groupAkannus

The Child Simon ( ბავშვი სიმონ ) is described as a symbol as a paragon of morality in First Generation Maradisoba. He is considered a Minor Maradisoban Idol and apart of the Maradsioban Minor Panenthon. Child Simon is only mentioned in the Solomonite Accounts within the Account of K'anaman Children, where he is depicted as the main character. Within the story, 250 K'anaman Children wander outside the K'anama Assembly after what all of them described to Solomon the Wise as a Divination. During their journey to Serenope, the Child Simon is considered to be their leader and as a paragon of light and morality. He is however, killed by an animal and impaled with an antler. The first consequence is an Endless night causing total darkness. The 250 children afterwards fall to depravity and barbarism. Afterwards the Child Simon ascends and ends the endless night. He leads them to Asatiani where the 250 children find Solomon the Wise. They confess their transgressions and their violations, and Solomon the Wise forgives them all.

There is much debate to the accuracy of the Child Simon, and his existence was debated by Second Generation Maradisoba. The Account of K'anaman Children is considered not to be Holy Text. Child Simon does not appear in any other Holy Texts and is only considered a minor figure as he never mentioned in any other text that was written by First Generation Maradisoba. Despite not being portrayed in historical texts, the Child Simon has been portrayed in both First and Second Generation Maradisoba in art, including statues and paintings. The Child Simon is depicted as a tall yet young boy with a single bucktooth and 8 golden whiskers. His clothing mainly consists of Akannite Traveler Garbs, however after his ascension, his garb is depicted as Maradisoban Holy Robes.

Certain members within Second Generation Maradisoba considered the Child Simon to be a real figure within the Minor Panenthon, including Metsnieri Onkelos and both K'vari Sabaphos Mepe Dositheus and Eudimas. The Child Simon is one of the many debated idols in Maradisoban canon. It is speculated by Metsnieri Onkelos that the Child Simon was actually the Prophet Callistratus as is described in the Demeteric Accounts in the Account of the Prophet of The Surami. The Prophet Callistratus had 8 golden whiskers and ascended after his Bond Formation with the Patriarch Abiathar. Beyond this there is no solid proof or any claims that the Child Simon is related or connected to anybody else.


The Child Simon was speculated to have been born in the middle of the Solomonite Era, 4 years before the arrival of the 100 Holy Akannus led by the Metsnieri Besarion and Metsnieri Eustace. His parents are unknown but are presumed to have not been wed. His birth would align with the end of the Account of the Nine Wandering Holy Women. Child Simon origin otherwise is unknown as no other text mentions anything similar to Child Simon, including texts from Sauromaces and Syraxia.

The physical description of him within the account were:

"კურთხევა შვილ სიმონზე. იგ მაღალი იყო, ის შვიდი თაღები იყო. ის შავი ბეწვისგან იყო. სქელი მტკიცე და ახალგაზრდა სხეული. მას ერთი გამორჩეული კბილი ჰქონდა და რვა ოქროსფერი ულვაში."
"K’urtkheva shvil simonze. ig maghali iq’o, is shvidi taghebi iq’o. is shavi bets’visgan iq’o. skeli mt’k’itse da akhalgazrda skheuli. mas erti gamorcheuli k’bili hkonda da rva okrosperi ulvashi."
"Blessings upon the Child Simon. He was high, he was of seven arches. He was of black fur. A thick resolve, and a young body. He had a single distinctive tooth and 8 golden whiskers."

In the Account of the K'anaman Children

Within the Account of the K'anaman Children, Child Simon isn't mentioned until the second chapter of the account, where he proclaims his name. During the second chapter, Simon steps on a pedestal and speaks to the 250 Children who followed,

"დამიმახსოვრე შვილებო, რადგან მე სიმონ ვარ. ჩვენ უნდა ვიმოგზაუროთ სერენოპი, რომ უპასუხოს მარადიზობას. გამომყევი, შვილებო. აქედან სერენოპამდე."
"Damimakhsovre shvilebo, radgan me Simon var. Chven unda vimogzaurot serenop’i, rom up’asukhos maradisoba. Gamomq’evi, shvilebo. Akedan serenop’amde.
"Heed me my children, for I am Simon. We must travel to Serenope, to respond to Maradisoba. Follow me, my children. From here to Serenope.

Simon lead the group into the East Forest of K'anama, where the children afterwards left. Simon slept separate from the other children, where he is called upon, having a Divination. He is granted the sign of his divination