Regional Constitution of Txotai

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The Regional Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Txotai is the basic governing document of the region of Txotai in northwestern Namor.

The constitution was approved by the Txotai's Provisional Assembly prior to the establishment of the Txotai AR. It went into effect starting December 1, NMR 2355 - the same day the AR was established.

Versions of the regional constitution exist in Namorese, Luziycan and Geadish - the three official languages of the AR.


In an effort to develop a harmonious society in Txotai and enhance its relationship with the greater Namorese nation of which it is a part of, we - the people of Txotai - do introduce the Regional Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Txotai.


Article 1

The full name of the region is the Autonomous Republic of Txotai; the short name is "Txotai" or "Txotai, Namor." Any other name is devoid of legitimacy.

Article 2

The Autonomous Republic of Txotai is an autonomous republic of the People's Republic of Namor and is therefore an integral part of the territory of Namor. This will always remain so.

Article 3

The regional capital of Txotai is Kusef. Txotai consists of eight prefectures (Arnata, Kaltan, Kirklund, Korkino, Kovdor, Lagania, Loxi and Miassa) and one municipality (Kusef).

Article 4

Txotai's regional flag is a triangle consisting of the colors white, blue and green. White represents the mountains, blue represents the river, and green represents the land. In addition, a yellow star is situated on the white triangle and symbolizes unity between ethnic groups and classes.

Article 5

The official languages of Txotai are Namorese, Luziycan and Geadish.

Article 6

Txotai has a representative democratic system with full separation of powers and other aspects that define the said system.

Article 7

The Head of State is the executive authority of the Autonomous Republic and is responsible for approving legislation passed by the Regional Assembly, conducting relations with the central government and executing regional laws. The Head of State is elected by the Regional Assembly every five years. He must be at least 40 years old, be a resident of the Txotai AR and a Namorese national in order to be eligible for election. Elections for Head of State are held two days after elections for the Regional Assembly. The winner of the election is subsequently confirmed as the Head of State by the central government as stipulated in Article 25 of the national constitution.

Article 8

The Regional Assembly is the main legislative body of the Txotai AR, responsible for the passage of legislation for executive approval and collection of revenue. It consists of 85 members, five elected by the people of Kusef and the remaining 80 elected by the people of the eight prefectures, with 10 members representing each prefecture. All members of the Assembly must be at least 35 years old, a resident of Txotai and a Namorese national.

Article 9

The Regional Court is the regional judiciary and is responsible for interpreting regional law, handling violations of the law within the region and examining the constitutionality of government measures. It is made up of five justices who are appointed by the Head of State and approved by the Regional Assembly. They serve for the duration of the Head of State's time in office.

Article 10

As a transitory measure, the Provisional Assembly will elect the first Head of State and function as the Txotai AR's first Regional Assembly before yielding to a directly elected legislature in the NMR 2360 regional election.

Article 11

The people of Txotai enjoy all rights guaranteed to all Namorese in the national constitution.

Article 12

As an autonomous republic, Txotai may exercise all powers granted to autonomous republics under Article 25 of the national constitution, including the possession of a distinct taxation and transportation system. It is not obliged to pay revenue to the central government except under extraordinary circumstances.

Article 13

Should the government believe it necessary to directly consult the public on an issue, it may call a referendum. A referendum must be approved by the Head of State and Regional Assembly, and it can be binding only if over 50 percent of the electorate takes part.

Article 14

An amendment to the Regional Constitution must be approved by at least three-fifths of the Regional Assembly (the equivalent of 51 members) and a majority of voters in a referendum in which at least half the electorate must take part.

Article 15

Taking into account the various attempts, covert or overt, by the Luziycan regime and its accomplices to sabotage Txotai's democratic process, the regional government reserves the right and responsibility to protect the public from said attempts through the passage of appropriate legislation.