Flag of Lecistan

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NameMòdri ë Złoto (Blue and Gold)
Dwafarwa (Bicolor)
UseCivil and state flag, civil and state ensign
DesignA horizontal bicolor of yellow and blue.

The Flag of Lecistan (Lec: fana Lekkëbë) is the official state, civil, and war ensign of Lecistan. Designed as a compromise between royalists and republicans in the wake of the Second Lecistani Civil War, it is the third flag to be used by the Grand Duchy as the country's national flag.



List of flags

National flags

Flag Date Use
File:LecistaniFlag.png 2016-present Civil and state flag and ensign

Military flags

Flag Date Use
File:GrandDuchyEnsign.png 1947–present Ensign and war flag
File:GrandDuchySpecialForcesEnsign.png 1954–present Flag of the Royal Special Forces

Personal standards

Flag Date Use
File:GrandDukeFlag.png 1947–present Standard of the Grand Duke
File:GrandDuchyPresidentFlag.png 1965–present Flag of the President
File:GrandDuchyGGFlag.png 2015–present Flag of the Nevan Governor-General
File:LecistanSecFlag.png 2015–present Flag of the Secretary for Lecistan

Regional flags

Flag Date Use
File:BrznyFlag.png XXXX-present Flag of Brzny
File:GornoDzlaszioFlag.png XXXX–present Flag of Górno Dzlasziô
File:HajbateFlag.png XXXX–present Flag of Hãjbatë
File:JelenikFlag.png XXXX-present Flag of Jelénik
File:KoniczenaFlag.png XXXX–present Flag of Kòniczëna
File:LutorowoFlag.png XXXX-present Flag of Lùtórowo
File:RicérzówFlag.png XXXX-present Flag of Ricérzów
File:SzimongoczFlag.png XXXX-present Flag of Szimóngôcz
File:UchojFlag.png XXXX-present Flag of Ùchòj

Historical flags

Flag Date Use
File:TribalLecFlag.png c. 850-1082 Possible standard of the Chiefdom of the Lecs.
File:CrusaderLeciaFlag.png 1355-1475 Banner of the Archbishopric of Símóníso.
File:KumiegaFlag18762.png 1876-1879 The "Kùmiéga Flag". Flag of the State of Lecistan. States "For my homeland and yours, I will not rest."
File:ArchduchyFlag.png 1927-1945 Flag of the semi-autonomous Archduchy of Lecistan.
File:PRLecFlag.png 1945-1946 Flag of the People's Republic of Lecistan.
File:RepublicLecistanFlag.png 1945-1947 Flag of the First Lecistani Republic.
File:OldGrandDuchyFlag.png 1947-1963 First flag of the Grand Duchy of Lecistan.
File:GrandDuchyFlag.png 1963-2016 Second flag of the Grand Duchy of Lecistan.
File:LecNatSocFlag.png 2015-2015 Flag of the Lec Social Republic.
File:LecistanFlag.png 2015-2016 Flag of the Second Lecistani Republic.

Political party flags

Flag Date Use
File:SLdNZT flag.png 2015–present Flag of the Lecistani Front for a New Technocratic Order.
File:KRNFlag.png 2015–present Flag of the National Republican Party.
File:LecNacSocCommFlag.png 2016–present Flag of the National Socialist Community of the Lecistani Nation.
File:UNdPLflag.png 2015–present Flag of the National Union for the Resurgence of Lecistan.
File:PFPFlag.png 2015–present Flag of the Party for Freedom and Progress.
File:RallyFlag.png 2015–present Flag of the Rally for Lecistani Sovereignty.
File:KRSFlag.png 2015–present Flag of the Revolutionary Socialist Party.