This article belongs to the lore of Astyria.

Governor-General of Hindia Belanda

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The Governor-General of Hindia Belanda (Indonesian: Gubernur-Jenderal Hindia Belanda; Dutch: Gouverneur-generaal van Nederlands Indië) is the viceregal representative of the Hindia Belandan sovereign, Queen Anne-Charlotte II, in the Commonwealth of Hindia Belanda. The Hindia Belandan monarch is equally monarch of Noordenstaat, where she resides most of the time. In her absence, the Queen appoints a Governor-General to represent her and carry out all political and ceremonial duties in Hindia Belanda on the advice of the Prime Minister of Hindia Belanda. The Governor-General is appointed by the All-Party Joint Committee on Viceregal Appointments, a joint committee of the Dewan Deputi and the Dewan Bangsawan of the Parliament of Hindia Belanda. Governors-General serve five-year terms but there is no limit to their reappointments.

Since colonial times and independence, the office of Governor-General in Hindia Belanda has been a position of prestige and honour; the holder is viewed as the quasi-sovereign of the country. The position is perceived as the direct successor of the Anjani Emperors. This is reflected in the Governor-General's use of Anjanian Imperial titles, regalia and ceremonies, a practice that was adopted by colonial Governors-General. Upon acceding to the office, the Governor-General, their spouse and children, are conferred with honorifics that last for life.


Constitutional duties

Ceremonial duties



Company rule

Colony of Hindia Belanda

Independence to present day

See also

