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|population_estimate_rank =  
|population_estimate_rank =  
|population_estimate_year =  
|population_estimate_year =  
|population_census = 119,733,589
|population_census = 41.997 Billion
|population_census_year = 2021
|population_census_year = 2021
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|population_density_km2 =  
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|footnotes =         Holdings of the [[Zharr|Greater Kaldana Territories]], of the [[North Korinon]]
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<center> https://i.imgur.com/nda6WJH.gif </center>
<center> https://i.imgur.com/nda6WJH.gif </center>

'''Welcome''' to the fact-book dossier on The Sovereign Imperium of Machina Haruspex. We hope you will find all information you would like to know about our country here, and otherwise you can always send a communique through proper channels to that of the [https://www.europans.com/topic/5707-simh-foreign-relations-desk/ Ministry of Foreign Affairs].<br>
'''Welcome''' to the fact-book dossier on The Sovereign Imperium of Machina Haruspex. We hope you will find all information you would like to know about our country here, and otherwise you can always send a communique through proper channels to that of the [https://forum.nationstates.net/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=8210 Ministry of Foreign Affairs].<br>

'''The''' flag of the Haruspex is to portray what has happened and what will happen. The red shows the blood of the Haru that died protecting the Imperium. The black arrows and outline mean death of enemies that will spread like a plague. And the white outlines show the Haru spirit and honor. Another meaning for the white colors outlining the black arrows mean that the Haru are responsible for their enemies death.<br>
'''The''' flag of the Haruspex is to portray what has happened and what will happen. The red shows the blood of the Haru that died protecting the Imperium. The black arrows and outline mean death of enemies that will spread like a plague. And the white outlines show the Haru spirit and honor. Another meaning for the white colors outlining the black arrows mean that the Haru are responsible for their enemies death.<br>

'''The''' Haru are human, but they believe in ancient myth that they are not children of Adam and Eve, but rather Darklings, the Fae of old and have persisted this via religion and so on for the centuries since unification. Oberon and Titantania are known as the All Father and the All Mother, those that raised the first Darklings of yore from the Eurth itself, and grew them to be beings, before releasing them into the wurld at large, to earn their right to live or to die and fade away, such is the will of the countless ageless.<br>
'''The''' Haru are human, but they believe in ancient myth that they are not children of Adam and Eve, but rather Darklings, the Fae of old and have persisted this via religion and so on for the centuries since unification. Oberon and Titantania are known as the All Father and the All Mother, those that raised the first Darklings of yore from the Eurth itself, and grew them to be beings, before releasing them into the world at large, to earn their right to live or to die and fade away, such is the will of the countless ageless.<br>

'''From''' such dark denizen of the Eurth, the twisted imaginings of mankind's dreams, did forth the birth of the Haru come from these creatures. As their ancestors they hold homage to these creatures of mythos, those that became the Haru gods and goddesses, and so to do the torches of faith burn for that of the creators, the shapers of those they worship in turn. <br>
'''From''' such dark denizen of the fabled lands, the twisted imaginings of mankind's dreams, did forth the birth of the Haru come from these creatures. As their ancestors they hold homage to these creatures of mythos, those that became the Haru gods and goddesses, and so to do the torches of faith burn for that of the creators, the shapers of those they worship in turn. <br>

'''So''' the religion that the Haru have interwoven into their society, culture, daily lives, has them believing the major houses are descendants, bloodlines of this ancient race, of whom became the main gods of their faith, overlooking the hall of pantheons beneath them, of whom the Haru place their faith within.
'''So''' the religion that the Haru have interwoven into their society, culture, daily lives, has them believing the major houses are descendants, bloodlines of this ancient race, of whom became the main gods of their faith, overlooking the hall of pantheons beneath them, of whom the Haru place their faith within.
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==Past & Current Leaders==
==Past & Current Leaders==
[[Haru_leadership|Imperium Archive]]
[[Haru_leadership|Imperium Historical Archive]]

'''Government Type''': Imperialist Military Autocracy
[[SIMH Government|Imperial Domain Authority]]<br>
[[Haru_Security_Services|Security Directorates]]<br>
[[SIMH Laandstrad]]<br>
[[SIMH Tiered Citizenship]]<br>

'''Ideological Stance''': Neo-Epicurean
==The City States==
'''Nation Leader''':
* '''Kira'Karn Elemmiire''' - The Empress, Matriarch of the Nation.
'''Senior Councilor''':
* '''Kaorin Huat Jargo Vlos''' - Advocate of the Emperess, Zero Circle - [HIS - Haru Intelligence Services]
'''Council of the Nine, Heads of Government, Advisory to the Empress''':
* '''Thei'de Kantra Velven''' -  Eighth Circle [MRAA - Ministry of Religious Affairs and Applications]
* '''Ajax Hur Elemmiire''' - First Circle [FTA - Ministry of Foreign Trade Affairs]
* '''Kaorin Renor Vlos Elemmiire''' - Second Circle [SCMCC - Military Command and Control], and the [NIRC - Northern Imperial Military Command]
* '''Tihun Xun''' - Fifth Circle [NCAC - Naval Command and Control]
* '''Yasa Elemmiire Orn II''' - Sixth Circle [IOESM - Industrial Oversight and Environmental Services Ministry]
* '''Sias Hu'yan''' - Third Circle [FAM - Foreign Affairs Ministry]
* '''Aria Hallas Zun''' - Fourth Circle [MTSM - Medical Technology Services Ministry]
* '''Ria Mel'Ana Velven''' - Seventh Circle [ECC - Imperium Security Services]
* '''Beira Vek Elemmiire''' - Ninth Circle [SHPSM - Social, Health and Population Services Ministry]
* '''Vice-Lord Terak Ve'Elemmiire''' - Senior Diplomat of the Foreign Affairs Ministry, adjutant to Duke Sias Hu'yan. Serving as an intermediary between the Imperium Throne and that of the GHET.
'''National Council''':
* '''Kija Varis Zun''' - House Varis Zun - Commander of the 1st Legion, House Varis Zun
* '''Tiyu Havsu Bel'la Kyorl''' - Chief Information Officer, Haruspex International Armaments [HIA]
* '''Tizar Hiy'Yan''' - Vice-President & Chief Operating Officer, Haruspex Aero Design [HAD]
* '''Dikan Yaro''' - Executive Minister, Ninth Circle [SHPSM - Social, Health and Population Services Ministry]
* '''Maori Hallas Velven''' - Executive Minister, Sixth Circle [IOESM - Industrial Oversight and Environmental Services Ministry]
* '''Tarte Yars''' - Executive Officer, Imperial Merchant Alliance, [IMA]
* '''Henno Gaius''' - Executive Officer, Fourth Circle [MTSM - Medical Technology Services Ministry]
* '''Hura Sa'Yao''' - Senior Advisor, City-State Residential Services Ministry, [CSRSM]
* '''Eula Vek Elghinn''' - Senior Advisor, First Circle [FTA - Ministry of Foreign Trade Affairs]
* '''Ruta Vek Elemmiire''' - Senior Diplomat, serving the needs for relations with Ateenia.
The government of the Sovereign Imperium is a borderline stratocracy, where military and civil governance go hand in hand. Citizens are encouraged and even required to work for the government for a certain period of time, whether it be in the armed forces or in civil governance. The government of the Imperium is widely accepting of all races, creeds, and ethnicities, though this attitude is born more out of a practical need than an altruistic one.
The Imperium is divided into multiple city-state/regional commissariats that govern large swaths of the Imperium's territories. These governing bodies act as smaller replicas of the imperial government and have provided the Imperium the flexibility and capability to govern such a large population spread across the Eurth.
The Imperium's commissariats are separated by 2 different distinctions:
Executive power in the Sovereign Imperium is held by the Council of the Nine, a coalition of nine nobles of various government service and high ranking military leaders, each of whom also acts as the head of one of the government's departments. Acting as the head of the state and the Council of the Nine is the Senior Councilor, a first among equals who has special powers that were created to allow the Council to act quicker and more decisively in times of emergency, as well as being the most trusted advisor to the throne. Senior Councilors are elected for twenty-year terms, though this can be shortened or lengthened depending on extraneous circumstances.
The National Council, consisting of lower ranked nobles, military officers, merchants and so on, has been criticized as being largely ceremonial. While the National Council, in theory, has the power to create and modify laws, in practice, they act as a rubber stamp for laws that the Council of the Nine has already decided to pass. There are very few instances in the Sovereign Imperium's history where the National Council did not agree with the Council of the Nine.
The Sovereign Imperium acts as a hereditary led autocracy, however, many opposition parties exist as approved alternatives and are allowed to function within the National Council. Not much is known about the approval process, with the exception that any opposition parties must remain subordinate to the nation's interest.
===The City States===
[[Haru_city_states|The Haru City-States]]
[[Haru_city_states|The Haru City-States]]
==Tiered Citizenship==
Perhaps the most unique aspect of the Imperium's government is the tiered citizenship structure. As citizens become more effective and useful members of society, their citizenship tier can rise, granting them more rights and privileges. A popular punishment for minor crimes is the reduction of a citizenship tier, which can restrict their freedom of speech, freedom of movement, and countless other details of daily life that go as far down as the amount of water allotted to a citizen's showers each month. Frequently, such verdicts come paired with specific criteria for the reinstatement of a citizen's tier.
These Tier levels compare to contemporary economics/living standards as of current.<br>
Despite the Haru penchant for authoritarian/autocracy of a sort, it’s still mostly a meritocracy. People will go up and down in tiers multiple times in their life. You’re not destined for poverty, but you’re not going to stay at a high level just because you’re born there. <br>
'''Productivity earns your place in this system.'''<br>
* '''0:''' Dissident.<br>
* '''1-3:''' Varying degrees of criminal or incarceration tiers.<br>
* '''4-5: Basic income.''' But with universal healthcare and military conscription this is more than likely a place everyone’s been at some point. So there’s no shame in being here, only staying here. Non-skilled labor is in this category.<br>
* '''6-8: Lower middle class to middle class.''' Educated-skilled workers, clerks, military enlisted, and the like. Probably a good portion of the population.<br>
* '''9-11: Upper middle class.''' A level to aspire to, maybe two houses, a few luxuries. Tradesmen, craftsmen, educators, senior military enlisted, professionals.<br>
* '''12-13: Upper class.''' Small business owners, junior officers, junior politicians, bankers. <br>
* '''14-16: Court class.''' Imperial nobles, senior military officers, politicians, corporate leaders, minor celebrities.<br>
* '''17-18: High class.''' Minor house lords, high ranking military, high ranking politicians, captains of industry, well known athletes and artisans.<br>
* '''19-20: Regent class.''' Major house lords, heads of major corporations, occasional war veteran military leader. Etc.<br>
* '''21-24: Royal class.''' These people are so few in numbers (across the entire imperium's territories) that they spend the resources to not be noticed. And arguing if someone’s on tier 21 or 25 is considered rude anyway. They have the financial power to control entire city-states, perhaps multiples of such and tend to self police themselves for the good of the nation. The common citizen may have heard of “the 21 Club” but probably couldn’t name a single member.
* '''25: Imperial class.''' Emperor or Empress, they're associated family members named as possible successors should the House and bloodline they represent, be chosen to lead the nation. The lives of the Imperium are at their mercy and control, as are the choices of where to lead them.
==Judicial branch==
Tribunal of Atonement (Supreme authority of the Tribunal is appointed by the monarch after designation by the council; all other officers of the Tribunal are appointed by the council)
==The Laandstrad==
Houses major and minor within the imperial domain.
'''Mainland Major Houses, Pure Bloodlines''':
Mzil Velven.png|Mzil Velven
Buki Elghinn.png|Buki Elghinn
Bel'la Kyorl.png|Bel'la Kyorl
RenorElemmiire.png|Renor Elemmiire
tagnikzun.png|Tagnik Zun
Jargo Vlos.png|Jargo Vlos
HKE.png|Kalinka Elemmiire
renor vlos.png|Renor Vlos
* '''Mzil Velven''' -  One of the oldest houses in the imperium. Foundation of the Imperial Army.
* '''Buki Elghinn''' - Almost as old as the Mzil Velven, created during the foundation of Prathen.
* '''Bel'la Kyorl''' - Involved in governing the imperial territories, from humble beginnings as a farming collective.
* '''Renor Elemmiire''' - Has had more emperors and empresses then any other Laandstrad member house in the history of the Haru.
* '''Tagnik Zun''' - Founded in the oldest city, Chel'de Yorn.
* '''Jargo Vlos''' - First House to be created after the Renor Elemmiire came into being.
* '''Kalinka Elemmiire ''' - Born of Ajax Hur Elemmiire and Queen Ena of Ateenia
* '''Renor Vlos''' - Created after the marriage of a Renor Elemmiire main bloodline noble and a daughter of the Jargo Vlos bloodline within the city-state of Taganrog early 1700's.
'''Mainland Minor Houses''':
Varis Zun.png|Varis Zun
Varin Zun.png|Varin Zun
Vlos Zun.png|Vlos Zun
Hallas Zun.png|Hallas Zun
Grail Zun.png|Grail Zun
Vek Elghinn.png|Vek Elghinn
vekelemmiire.png|Vek Elemmiire
hallaselemmiire.png|Hallas Elemmiire
hallas velven.png|Hallas Velven
* '''Varis Zun''' - A relatively new splinter line to the main Tagnik Zun.
* '''Varin Zun''' - A relatively new splinter line to the main Tagnik Zun.
* '''Vlos Zun''' - Mostly based in Kaldana. Formed in the early 1990's as the colony was founded.
* '''Hallas Zun''' - Widespread splinter line that can be found in Yaris, Tambov, Prathen, and Belaya City-States.
* '''Grail Zun''' - Founded in Tiksi during the 1950's.
* '''Vek Elghinn''' - Founded in Tambov city-state, in or around the mid 1930's.
* '''Vek Elemmiire''' - Founded in Ulan-Ude, a prestigious splinter of the main Renor Elemmiire, has existed since the early 1700's.
* '''Hallas Elemmiire''' - Founded in Yaris in the 1970's, has received praise numerous times over the years as stoic defenders of the nation.
* '''Hallas Velven''' - Also from Yaris, founded within the last century.
'''Kaldana Splinter Houses''':
kericzun.png|Keric Zun
* '''Keric Zun''' - A relatively new splinter line to the main Tagnik Zun. Has claimed Veska Township within the Zharrian Frontier as its territorial home.
'''Disavowed Houses''':
Sargtlin.png|House Sargtlin
sargtlinvelven.png|House Sargtlin Velven
* '''Sargtlin''' - The main line came into existence right as Ulan-Ude was being built in the 1600's, yet was banished from being noted as a house within the central imperial domain due to the majority of its leadership siding with the false emperor and inciting insurrection in the Northern Territories.
* '''Sargtlin Velven''' - Once an honorable and of note splinter bloodline to the Mzil Velven, founded in the start of the 19th century, this house fell to corruption and acts of treason against the imperial throne during the days of Ji'Mar.

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The sovereignty dispute over the lands of ''Zharr, Ishakor'', and the Midlands known in the Imperium as the "''Western Territories''" and in the Occident known as " ''Marmakite Territories''," occupied by the nomadic tribes in 1980, now administered by independent factions and claimed by Machina Harusepx, remains the primary sticking point to signing a peace treaty formally ending hostilities; Machina Haruspex's unilaterally declared exclusive economic zone in the Ranke Sea, the site of intensive hydrocarbon prospecting. The latest incidents include the annexation of the ''Northern Territories (Beautancus)'', and the seizure of ''North Korninon''.
'''Machina Haruspex Domestic Statistics'''<hr>
Government Category: Sovereign Imperium<br>
Government Priority: Law & Order<br>
Civil Rights Rating: Average<br>
Political Freedoms: Few<br>
Income Tax Rate: 34%<br>
Sales Tax Rate: 13%<br>
Corporate Tax Rate: 18%<br>
Major Industries: Arms Manufacturing, Heavy Ore/Mineral Mining, Hydrocarbon Mining, Textiles, Synthetic Fluids, Light Industrial Commodities.<br>
'''Machina Haruspex Market Statistics'''<hr>
Gross Domestic Product: $1,621,352,402,181.25<br>
GDP Per Capita: $11,497.660<br>
Unemployment Rate: 5.39%<br>
Consumption: $328,141,912,145.92<br>
Exports: $486,728,667,136.00<br>
Imports: $158,586,754,990.08<br>
Trade Net: $79,293,377,495.04<br>
'''Machina Haruspex Government Spending Breakdown:'''<hr>
Administration: $1,448,724,210,006.75<br>
Government Waste: $172,628,192,174.50<br>
Social Welfare: $40,003,867,252.50<br>
Healthcare: $42,436,210,500.34<br>
Education: $108,436,210,103.68<br>
Religion & Spirituality: $61,726,300.20<br>
Defense: $133,104,505,102.06<br>
Law & Order: $123,104,505,102.06<br>
Commerce: $141,846,905,200.81<br>
Public Transport: $94,948,968,400.27<br>
The Environment: $3,223,567,912.38<br>
Social Equality: $56,461,726,300.20<br>
===Ethnic groups===
Race: Haru-Dakat (Homo seelie sapien)
Dualism. Two faith types, that of 'Tyng Sudran' and 'Dra Crehehk Cuh' are used to form the chosen religion of the Haru-Dakat people.<br>
'''God of Light, Goddess of Night, Goddess of Between'''<br>
Interim, The Pair that Unite: '''Tyng Sudran:''' God of Knowledge & '''Dra Crehehk Cuh:''' Goddess of Wisdom<br>
Minor gods/goddesses wise, there's Time, Crafting, Technology, Harvest, Fertility, War, Strength, Honor, Cunning, Wisdom, Spirits (not to be confused with the following as it pertains to drinking), Spirit, Law, Justice, Vengeance, Revenge, Death, Legionary. There are quite a few of them.<br>
1. Zeboim: Goddess of the Sea<br>
2. Inyambo, daughter of Zeboim: Goddess of Harvest (Specifically Fish/Assorted Ocean life)<br>
3. Sudika: God of Justice<br>
4. Apisa: Goddess of Justice<br>
5. Aeacus: Judge of Honor<br>
6. Aeneas Judge of Honor<br>
7. Afudohwe: Judge of Death<br>
8. Tikele: Judge of Death<br>
9. Agenor: Judge of Spirit<br>
10. Ntikuma: Goddess of Law<br>
11. Nankonh: Goddess of Revenge<br>
12. Sobe: Goddess of Vengeance<br>
13. Palmares: Goddess of Fertility<br>
14. Alcek: God of Fertility<br>
15. Yeta: God of Harvest (Specifically Grains)<br>
16. Nyame: Goddess of Harvest (Specifically Fruits)<br>
17. Mwin: God of Harvest (Specifically Vegetables.)<br>
18. Thoth: God of the Hunt (Animals of the Forests)<br>
19. Phion: Goddess of Strength<br>
20. Arcas: God of Strength<br>
21. Calais: God of War<br>
22. Chirona: Goddess of War<br>
23. Chrysaor: Goddess of Battle<br>
24. Cycnus: Goddess of Time<br>
25. Danus: God of Time<br>
26. Epaphia: Goddess of Crafting<br>
27. Mnon: God of Crafting<br>
28. Eosi: God of Technology<br>
29. Iasi: Goddess of Technology<br>
30. Nelea: Goddess of Creation (A daughter of Palmares)<br>
31. Peiri: Goddess of Romance (daughter of Palmares and Phle)<br>
32. Phle: God of Creativity<br>
33. Plarex: Muse of Writing<br>
34. Theria: Muse of Entertainment<br>
35. Thelin: God of Coin, and Cunning<br>
36. Yasna: Goddess of Trade, and Spirits<br>
37. Yagir: God of Brewing<br>
38. Feht: Goddess of Wind, (Pilots favorite)<br>
40. Panyi: God of Currents (Wind, breezes, etc)<br>
41. Feaenyun: God of the Legionary (God of soldiers, warriors etc)<br>
42. Krepek: Judge of the Passing<br>
43. Krelia: Judge of the Passing<br>
0 Currently


Latest revision as of 13:04, 29 March 2024

Sovereign Imperium of Haruspex
Flag of Haruspex
Coat of arms of Haruspex
Coat of arms
Motto: Tido aynhc Jelduno, Jelduno ec Meva
Duty earns Victory, Victory is Life
Anthem: Imperial Anthem
CapitalChel de Yorn[1]
Largest cityPrathen
Official languagesHaru-Dakat
Recognised national languagesAnglish
GovernmentImperialist Military Autocracy
• Empress
Kira'Karn Elemmiire
• Advocate of the Emperess
Kaorin Huat Jargo Vlos
• Senior Minister of the Eighth Circle
Thei'de Kantra Velven
• Senior Minister of the First Circle
Ajax Hur Elemmiire
• Senior Minister of the Second Circle
Kaorin Renor Vlos Elemmiire
• Senior Minister of the Fifth Circle
Tihun Xun
• Senior Minister of the Sixth Circle
Yasa Elemmiire Orn II
• Senior Minister of the Third Circle
Sias Hu'yan
• Senior Minister of the Fourth Circle
Aria Hallas Zun
• Senior Minister of the Seventh Circle
Ria Mel'Ana Velven
• Senior Minister of the Ninth Circle
Beira Vek Elemmiire
LegislatureCouncil of the Nine
Imperial Council of Circles
Imperial Court of Advisory
• 2021 census
41.997 Billion
CurrencyHaru Credit[1]



Welcome to the fact-book dossier on The Sovereign Imperium of Machina Haruspex. We hope you will find all information you would like to know about our country here, and otherwise you can always send a communique through proper channels to that of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The flag of the Haruspex is to portray what has happened and what will happen. The red shows the blood of the Haru that died protecting the Imperium. The black arrows and outline mean death of enemies that will spread like a plague. And the white outlines show the Haru spirit and honor. Another meaning for the white colors outlining the black arrows mean that the Haru are responsible for their enemies death.

The Haru are human, but they believe in ancient myth that they are not children of Adam and Eve, but rather Darklings, the Fae of old and have persisted this via religion and so on for the centuries since unification. Oberon and Titantania are known as the All Father and the All Mother, those that raised the first Darklings of yore from the Eurth itself, and grew them to be beings, before releasing them into the world at large, to earn their right to live or to die and fade away, such is the will of the countless ageless.

From such dark denizen of the fabled lands, the twisted imaginings of mankind's dreams, did forth the birth of the Haru come from these creatures. As their ancestors they hold homage to these creatures of mythos, those that became the Haru gods and goddesses, and so to do the torches of faith burn for that of the creators, the shapers of those they worship in turn.

So the religion that the Haru have interwoven into their society, culture, daily lives, has them believing the major houses are descendants, bloodlines of this ancient race, of whom became the main gods of their faith, overlooking the hall of pantheons beneath them, of whom the Haru place their faith within.

Society & Culture

SIMH Society and Culture
Languages of the Haru
Haru Youth Services

Past & Current Leaders

Imperium Historical Archive


Imperial Domain Authority
Security Directorates
SIMH Laandstrad
SIMH Tiered Citizenship

The City States

The Haru City-States


Haru Imperial Legionary
Haru Imperial Navy
HIL Equipment
Ballistic Missile Development

Foreign Relations

(WIP. List of allies and partners. Membership of international organisations. Diplomatic rules and regulations. Brief overview of ongoing conflicts.)




  1. 1.0 1.1 Machina Haruspex (nationstates.net)
