Haru Security Services

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Various levels of the security apparatuses operating within the mainland of the Imperial Domain, North Korinon and the semi-autonomous colonial holding of Greater Kaldana.

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kahanym Bumelehk Canjelac(kBC - "General Policing Services") First in the line of public security and services Serves as the Imperum's through a variety of security apparatus's and is tasked with maintaining order in Imperium city-states, wards, and districts accordingly. The following services are also further divided into the following:

  • Sihelebym Bumela ("Municipal Police") - the uniformed police officers who patrol the streets and respond to emergency calls etc.
  • Ehjacdekydeja Canjelac ("Investigative Services") - the plain clothes detective branch, responsible for investigations. For instance, if a car is broken into, the Sihelebym Bumela will respond, secure the car, notify the owner etc, and then hand the case over to Ehjacdekydeja Canjela for investigation.
  • Neud Luhdnum ("Riot Control") - Uniformed units of the Sihelebym Bumela used when additional manpower is required, for example during political demonstrations.
  • Ledo-Cdyda Ehjacdekydeuh Pinayi ("City-State Investigation Bureau") - The City-State Investigation Bureau is directly subordinate to the Ministry of the Interior, supervises police operations aimed at preventing and investigating criminal offences, and coordinates investigations involving more than one person.
  • Fydan Calinedo Vunla (FCV) - The river police for patrolling rivers, lakes and harbours.
  • Cbaleym Vunlac Nacbuhtanc (CVN) - The SWAT teams of the municipal police.
  • Yidusudeja Calinedo Canjelac ("Automotive Security Services") - The highway patrol or motorway police in the Imperium, often time denoted by their city-state representations.

Esbaneis Calinedo Canjelac (ECC - "Imperium Security Services") Next in the hierarchy of security services, generally the most seen of the higher security status levels, also the most prolific overseas The ECC is tasked with the detection of actual or potential enemies of the Imperium's leadership and the neutralization of this opposition. To fulfill this task, the ECC has created an organization of agents and informants throughout the Imperium and throughout occupied territories. The organization consists of nearly a hundred-thousand full-time agents and an unknown number of informants. The ECC is mainly an information-gathering agency.

The ECC is divided into two offices, the Ehdaneun-ECC and Aqdaneun-ECC.

The Ehdaneun-ECC is responsible for intelligence and security within Imperium and is divided into the following sub-offices:

  • Department A (Law and Legal Structures)
  • Department B (Race and Ethnic Matters)
  • Department C (Cultural and Religious Matters)
  • Department D (Industry and Commerce)
  • Department E (High Society)

The Aqdaneun-ECC is the civilian foreign intelligence agency of the Imperium and is divided into the following sub-offices:

  • Department A (Organization and Administration)
  • Department B (Espionage in the Occidental Region)
  • Department C (Anti-Espionage Matters)
  • Department D (Foreign Neutralization & Espionage in the Argis Region)
  • Department E (Logistics)
  • Department F (Technical Matters)