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=== First Republic ===
=== First Republic ===

The formal independence of the country was internationally recognised in 1855 during the Treaty of XXX which ended the [[Amethian-Tengarian War]] and [[Kashubian Revolution]] This treaty, however, prohibited Kashubia from uniting with other Kashubian regions by placing  the provinces of [[Rynbik]] and [[Lusatia]] under Amethian occupation. This would prove a constant source of tension in coming years.
The Republic's early years saw foreign investment, combined with wise economic policies, dratically improve the standard of living for many citizens. Industrial investments, especially in the coal and iron rich regions of the Viery highlands, formed the foundation of Kashubia's domestic industry.
Under the direction of President de Voron in the 1870s, a number of social and political reforms made Kashubia a beacon of liberalization among absolutist regimes.
In 1915, Kashubia fought the [[Lake Mis War]] and in the [[First Kashubian-Vedmedian War]]. Though losing the former and fighting the latter to a stalemate, it gave the Kashubian army and nation vital experience for the [[Great War (Kylaris)]]

=== The Great War ===  
=== The Great War ===  

Revision as of 23:50, 6 January 2021

Republic of Kaszuby
Republika Kaszuby
Республика Кашубия
Flag of Kashubia
Emblem of Kashubia
Motto: Síla, Svoboda, Solidarita
"Strength, Freedom, Unity"
Anthem: To The Allegiant Ones
Topographical relief map with major cities.
Topographical relief map with major cities.
and largest city
Ethnic groups
Kashubian 56.7%

Lemovicans 29.1%
Tengarian 8.7%

Other 8.7%<
GovernmentUnitary parliamentary republic (1919–1930)
Unitary presidential constitutional republic
• President
Antonin Jaskowski
Sovereign State
• Independence
• Constitution
• Total Land
265,171.42 km2 (102,383.26 sq mi)does not include inland lakes
• Water (%)
• 2020 census
• Density
[convert: invalid number]
GDP (PPP)2020 estimate
• Total
$408.465 billion
• Per capita
CurrencyKoruna (KOR)
Time zoneUTC-1 (Menghean Southwestern Time)
Date formatyyyy-mm-dd; CE(AD)
Driving sideright
Calling code+25

Kaszubya (/Ka-shU-bya/ in English), also known as Kashubia is a sovereign nation in central-coastal Kylaris. It is bordered by Vedmed to the north; Amathia to the east; Tengaria to the south, and Yavorstrana to the west. Kashubia's capital and largest city, Kralovice, is situated on the eastern shores of Lake Min. Though possessing a unique language and culture, Kashubia was a part of the Empire of Tengaria until its fall following the Great War (Kylaris), after which Kashubia gained its independence. It has a population of 14.8 billion, and an economy centered around agriculture, manufacturing, and mining.




Early History

Settlement in the area called Kashubia for the last 1,000 years started by the end of the Glacial Stage, some 13,000 years ago. Archeological traces have been found of various cultures during the Stone and Bronze Age, Baltic peoples, Germanic peoples during the Iron Age and, in the Dark Ages, West Slavic tribes and Vikings. Starting in the 10th century, early Kashubian rulers united the region.

Kingdom of Kashubia

The basis for the development of a Kashubian state was laid by the XXX dynasty, which had been preeminent since the 10th century. The conversion of Duke Mieszko I to Christianity paved the way for Kashubia to become a member of the family of Orthodox kingdoms. In 1000, the Empire of Arciluco officially recognized Kashubia as a sovereign duchy. In 1025, Duke Vaclav I the Brave was crowned King of Kashubia, marking the starting date for a Kashubian Kingdom, though for long years the Kashubians were ruled not by Kings but by Dukes.

Equestrian heraldic of king Stefan III of Kashubia.

The King ruled the country in his own responsibility but was expected to respect traditional customs of the people. The succession to the rule was not legally restricted by primogeniture. All sons of the King or Duke had the same rights of inheritance, and the one that in some way proved the strongest succeeded to the throne.

Duke Stefan III, who reigned from 1102 to 1138, tried to end the repeated struggles between various claimants by setting the government of Kashubia on a more formal footing. In the Testament of Stefan III, he divided his lands into five Duchies and distributed them among his sons, and promised the Burghers and landowning nobles of the regions special privliges. This document is widely considered to be the world's first constitution.

To ensure unity, he established the consultation agreement, which stated that the king would be elected from the sons of the King by the Estates of the realm (Clergy, burghers, and nobility, respectively). To this end, it was decided that the landing of royal sons would be done only during succession, and would give authority over a predetirmined split of the 'Korunapřistane', or "Crownlands."

While the senorial part almost always fell to that member of the Dynasty that happened to be senior, the other four Duchies were inherited in the usual way among the descendants of the King's sons. These provisions were soon broken, however, with the various Dukes trying to gain the position of King for themselves. The provisions, meant to ensure unity fragmented the country even further and resulted in a decline of monarchical power.

Iconoclast Wars

Starting around 1385, priest and scholar Hynek Kapil denounced what he judged as the corruption of the Orthodox Church. Most controversially, Kapil declared that the worship of icons against the will of God, and that man should worship God alone, and not images or iconography of him. His preaching was widely heeded in Kashubia, and provoked suppression by the church, which had declared many of Kapil's ideas heretical.

In , Ecumenical Patriarch Alexander III convened a cardinal council to resolve other religious controversies. Kapil went to the Council, under a safe-conduct from Alexander, but was imprisoned, tried, and burned alive as a heretic on 6 July 1408. This greatly enraged the nobility and local population of Kashubia, who were largely in favor of church reform, and led the King of Kashubia, Vaclav I, to form an alliance with Ravnia. Following almost 20 years of extremely tense relations and minor religious conflict, at Alexander III's request, the Duchy of Pavatria and the Empire of Tengaria declared war on the Kingdom of Ravnia and the Realm of Thorns in 1409, aiming to restore the original Episemialist Church to absolute authority in Western Euclea. They were supported by other minor states.

Final Stand of Valcav V, by Simon Janecek

Disorder broke out in various parts of Kashubia, and drove many priests from their parishes, famously by throwing them from windows. Almost from the beginning the Kapilites divided into two main groups, though many minor divisions also arose among them. Under the leadership of Vaclav V, the Kashubians were initially successful at throwing back the Tengarian invaders. This success continued until 1412 with the death of Vaclav V and the end of the Sedlacek dynasty in battle. Following his death, Kashubia was overrun and occupied by Tengaria, who put a relative of the Tengarian monarch on the throne of Kashubia.

As Part of the Tengarian Empire

Upon the death of Vaclav V, the Kashubian estates elected (under duress) the Tengarian prince and heir-apparent XXX as king. In 1435, upon the death of the Tengarian King, XXX was crowned King of Tengaria, which he made his primary title. From then on, Kashubia was relegated as a nominal part of the Tengarian Empire.

Though legally required to consult the Kashubian Diet, the Tengarian Emperor did not do so for almost a century, and despite Kashubia’s status as a kingdom under the empire, the Emperor ruled it as little more than an auxiliary province. The Tengarians rarely, if ever, consulted local nobles, and as a result put down a number of minor inssurecctions between 1600 and 1800.

The Kashubian Diet was reconvened in 1825 to handle the dire financial needs of the Tengarian Empire. This allowed for the legal formation of political parties, of which a number formed. The most prominent was a liberal party that emerged and focused on Kashubian autonomy, Obrana Naroda (National Party), which grew to also aspire for the end of serfdom within the Tengarian Empire. Though the Emperor made declarations promising reform and national autonomy, these promises were soon reneged once Tengaria recovered from her financial woes, and the Tengarians quickly banned Obrana Naroda’s official activities. Despite the imprisonment of its leaders and the banning of its publications, the party remained active underground, and proved a crucial force in the 1852 revolution.

Kashubian Revolution

On 29 January 1852, mass demonstrations in Kralovice enabled Kashubian reformists to push through a list of 9 demands, called to history as the Nine Points Delcaration. Under governor Jan Szyechenyi, the Tengarian royal viceroy in Kashubia was dethroned, and a national republic was proclaimed.

In April of 1852 the Kashubian Parliament proclaimed and enacted a constitution, which promised equal citizenship to anyone living in Kashubia regardless of ethnicity. Many non-Kashubian ethnics gained the coveted highest positions within the Army, like General Yuri Maklovich, an ethnic Soravian who became a national hero through his command of the 3rd Kashubian Army Corps.

The Tengarians responded to the demands and subsequent dethronement by mobilizing their armed forces. The Kashubians were met with early defeats, being crushed in early battles due to a chronic shortage of artillery, training, and officers.

International aid from Amethia turned the tide, with Renat de Voron, a Kashubian noble of Amethin descent, taking command of the Kashubian army. de Voron, who had served in the Amethian army, reorganized his forces under Amethian standards and using Amethian weaponry - in open battle in March 1853, he defeated the Tengarians and routed their host at the Siege of Kralovice.

Following the Kashubian victory at Kralovice, the Amethian Empire declared war on Tengaria. In December of 1853, peace was signed, and Kashubia was granted independence.

First Republic

The formal independence of the country was internationally recognised in 1855 during the Treaty of XXX which ended the Amethian-Tengarian War and Kashubian Revolution This treaty, however, prohibited Kashubia from uniting with other Kashubian regions by placing the provinces of Rynbik and Lusatia under Amethian occupation. This would prove a constant source of tension in coming years.

The Republic's early years saw foreign investment, combined with wise economic policies, dratically improve the standard of living for many citizens. Industrial investments, especially in the coal and iron rich regions of the Viery highlands, formed the foundation of Kashubia's domestic industry.

Under the direction of President de Voron in the 1870s, a number of social and political reforms made Kashubia a beacon of liberalization among absolutist regimes.

In 1915, Kashubia fought the Lake Mis War and in the First Kashubian-Vedmedian War. Though losing the former and fighting the latter to a stalemate, it gave the Kashubian army and nation vital experience for the Great War (Kylaris)

The Great War

The Tengarian Empire entered into the Great War on the side of the Grand Alliance and Soravia. From the beginning of the war, Tengaria faced two enemies on two fronts- Ravnia to the West and Amathia to the East.

Soravian Occupation

Sostava War

Second Republic

The Republic is Kaszubya's modern-day state, founded after the Sostava War.



Lake Min

The coastal highlands of Lake Min in the background and the town of Gdinya in the foreground.

Black Mountains

Cloud-covered slopes of the Black Mountains in northern Kaszuby.

The Black Mountains dominate Kaszuby's northern and western frontiers. The mountains, named for the slate and obsidian that dominate their slopes, are both naturally hazardous and resource rich. The primary range forms an arc throughout Central and southeastern Patrium. Roughly 1,500 km (932 mi) long, the range stretches from the XXX, to Kaszuby's eastern frontier, and down to the southern Patriumonic coast. The highest range within the Carpathians is known as the Tatra mountains in northern Kaszuby, where the highest peaks exceed 2,600 m (8,530 ft).

Zelenamoriya Foothills

Lake Min and Lake Sivash


Land use



Constitution and Law

Administrative divisions


Foreign Relations








who gives a flying fuck