Government of Zhousheng: Difference between revisions

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{{Tree list}}
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*'''[[wikipedia:Legislature|Legislative]] (Congress)'''{{Hidden begin}}
*'''[[wikipedia:Legislature|Legislative]] (Congress)'''
**Zhoushi [[wikipedia:Lower house|Parliament]] ([[wikipedia:Lower house|Lower house]])
**Zhoushi [[wikipedia:Lower house|Parliament]] ([[wikipedia:Lower house|Lower house]]){{Hidden begin}}
***Office of Parliament Chairman{{efn|In most cases the parliament chairman is the same person as the Prime minister}}
***Office of Parliament Chairman{{efn|In most cases the parliament chairman is the same person as the Prime minister}}
***Coalition leadership{{efn|Position of parliament coalition leader exists only if the majority exists thanks to a coalition}}
***Coalition leadership{{efn|Position of parliament coalition leader exists only if the majority exists thanks to a coalition}}
**Zhoushi [[wikipedia:Upper house|Senate]] ([[wikipedia:Upper house|Upper house]])
**Zhoushi [[wikipedia:Upper house|Senate]] ([[wikipedia:Upper house|Upper house]]){{Hidden begin}}
***Office of Senate Chairman{{efn|The position of senate chairman can not be filled by the same person as the parliament chairman}}
***Office of Senate Chairman{{efn|The position of senate chairman can not be filled by the same person as the parliament chairman}}
***Coalition leadership{{efn|Position of senate coalition leader exists only if the majority exists thanks to a coalition}}
***Coalition leadership{{efn|Position of senate coalition leader exists only if the majority exists thanks to a coalition}}
*'''[[wikipedia:Executive (government)|Executive]] (Government)'''{{Hidden begin}}
*'''[[wikipedia:Executive (government)|Executive]] (Government)'''
**Government [[wikipedia:Cabinet (government)|cabinet]]
**Government [[wikipedia:Cabinet (government)|cabinet]]{{Hidden begin}}
***Office of Prime Minister
***Office of Prime Minister
***Ministry of Finance
***Ministry of Finance
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****Organ for net neutrality
****Organ for net neutrality
****Organ against cyberterrorism
****Organ against cyberterrorism
**Shadow [[wikipedia:Cabinet (government)|cabinets]]{{efn|Each political party/political opposition operates its own "shadow cabinet", that shows the structure if they were in power.}}
**Shadow [[wikipedia:Cabinet (government)|cabinets]]{{efn|Each political party/political opposition operates its own "shadow cabinet", that shows the structure if they were in power.}}{{Hidden begin}}
*'''[[wikipedia:Judiciary|Judicial]] (Courts)'''{{Hidden begin}}
*'''[[wikipedia:Judiciary|Judicial]] (Courts)'''
**[[wikipedia:Supreme court|High Court]] of Zhousheng{{efn|Judicial system is subservient to the [[Sekidean Union#Sekidean High Court|Sekidean High Court]]}}
**[[wikipedia:Supreme court|High Court]] of Zhousheng{{efn|Judicial system is subservient to the [[Sekidean Union#Sekidean High Court|Sekidean High Court]]}}
**Court for federal authorities
**Court for federal authorities{{Hidden begin}}
***[[wikipedia:Competition law|Anti-trust]] high court
***[[wikipedia:Competition law|Anti-trust]] high court
***Court against discrimination of minorities
***Court against discrimination of minorities
*'''[[wikipedia:Diplomacy|Diplomacy]]'''{{Hidden begin}}
**Foreign diplomatic office
**Foreign diplomatic office{{Hidden begin}}
***Office for maintaining of embassies
***Office for maintaining of embassies
***Office for condominium administration
***Office for condominium administration

Revision as of 11:29, 13 March 2021

Government uses a bicameral legislative system.

Zhoushi National Government

Ʒөшinƌka Narodƞi Vөdчina
Logo of the government
Polity typeFederal Parliamentary Democracy
ConstitutionConstitution of the Federal Republic of Zhousheng
Legislative branch
NameNarodƞi Kongres
Meeting placeHouse of the Federation (Kandan)
Upper house
NameNarodƞi Senat
Presiding officerIgor Ȝemlin (LDΛPƷ), Senate Chairman
Lower house
NameNarodƞi Parlament
Presiding officerƷofijє Brunila (ƷZP), Parliament Chairman
Executive branch
Head of State
CurrentlySergej Napiчu (Nonpartisan)
Head of Government
CurrentlySamuel Чubakov (LDΛPƷ)
NameVөdчiny kabinet
Current cabinetThird LDΛPƷ Government
LeaderSamuel Чubakov (LDΛPƷ)
Judicial branch
NameSөdniƌky zbor
Najvysoky sөd
Chief judgeJindꝛiȝ Kripkin
Proꞇimonopolƞi sөd
Chief judgeVlađimir Divokov


  • Legislative (Congress)
  • Executive (Government)
    • Government cabinet
      • Office of Prime Minister
      • Ministry of Finance
        • Comission for the coordination with the Sekizone
        • Budget comission
      • Ministry of Defence
      • Ministry of the Interior
      • Ministry of Foreign Relations
      • Ministry of Federal Relations
      • Ministry of the Enviroment
      • Ministry of Labor and Welfare
        • Anti-trust office
        • Copyright office
      • Ministry of Autonomies
      • Ministry of Justice
      • Ministry of Education
        • Free speech comission
      • Ministry of Trade
      • Ministry of Culture
      • Ministry of Transport
      • Ministry of Health
      • Ministry of Agriculture
        • Comission for GMO
        • Comission for sustainability
      • Ministry of Research
      • Ministry of Energetics
      • Ministry of the Cyberspace
        • Organ for net neutrality
        • Organ against cyberterrorism
    • Shadow cabinets[e]
  • Judicial (Courts)
    • High Court of Zhousheng[f]
    • Court for federal authorities
      • Anti-trust high court
      • Court against discrimination of minorities
  • Diplomacy
    • Presidency
    • Foreign diplomatic office
      • Office for maintaining of embassies
      • Office for condominium administration
      • Office for intersekidean relations
  1. In most cases the parliament chairman is the same person as the Prime minister
  2. Position of parliament coalition leader exists only if the majority exists thanks to a coalition
  3. The position of senate chairman can not be filled by the same person as the parliament chairman
  4. Position of senate coalition leader exists only if the majority exists thanks to a coalition
  5. Each political party/political opposition operates its own "shadow cabinet", that shows the structure if they were in power.
  6. Judicial system is subservient to the Sekidean High Court

Political parties & movements

As of now, Zhousheng officially registered 12 parties which did run for the latest (parliamentary) elections (2020) in all regions of Zhousheng, from which 10 managed to get their representation in the Parliament (that is getting >1% in the elections).

Political Party Shortcut Ideology Seats Main political goal
Lower Upper
Liberal Democratic Party of Zhousheng LDΛPƷ Liberal 98 29 Establishment of a liberal democratic Sekidean Federation
Zhoushi Green Party ƷZP Green politics 63 32 Achieving net 0 emissions by 2035, banning of non-renewable energy by 2050
Party for Better Tommorows ZALEZI Liberal conservatism 12 34 Decentralization & Debureaucratisation of the administration
Social Democratic Party of Zhousheng SDPƷ Social democrat 16 10 Expanding of the social programs, making more governmental programmes
Zhoushi Patriotic Party ƷVP Right-libertarianist 11 6 Direct democracy on the issues of international politics
Zhoushi Conservative Party ƷKP Neoconservatist 9 5 Setting Laissez-faire capitalism into the constitution
The Right Movement PRAH Authoritarian conservatist 8 4 Leaving the Sekidean Union and establishment of full-scale isolationism
Religious Teocratic Party NTP Christian nationalist 5 1 Setting Kaȝin Christianity as the national religion, banning of non-christian religions
Zhoushi Communist Party KPƷ Dictatorship of the proletariat 4 0 Re-establishment of the Council State regime
New Evolution Party NE Identitarianism 2 0 Leaving of the Sekidean Union, establishment of a fascist dictatorship
The Party of Preah PAPRI Kammist nationalism 0 0 Setting of Kammism as a national religion, limitation of other religions
Party of Justice PS-PHN Haldenian separatists 0 0 Haldenian independence, breakup of Zhousheng


Timing of elections

President: Every 4 years
Senate: Every 2 years ⅓ of the senate is replaced in a vote
Parliament: Every 4 years
Regional and municipal: Every 3 years

Process of elections

Elections are held for 36 hours. Voting rooms open at 7AM PMT on Friday and close on 7PM PMT on Saturday (6AM to 6PM PST). People can vote in the voting rooms (every municipality must have at least one voting room. In larger cities, there must be a minimum of one voting room per 10,000 people), by post (voters recieve special ballots with multiple watermarks and then they send a latter to a dedicated place by post (voting letter have purple stripe on them and are required to be delivered in less than 24 hours after the rooms close) or by a electronic device (voters enter their ID with their national passport into a specialised voting app and cast their vote from their home. Vote can be changed during the period of voting).

No campaign time

5 days before elections, it is prohibited to air political campaign rallys, do those rallys or spread any advertisement concerning the elections. 3 days before elections, media are prohibited from posting last-minute public opinion polls. Those rules are put in place to ensure, that there isn't a last-minute propoaganda push that can sway people's emotions and not their rationality.

Congress (Legislative)

Senate (Upper house)

Zhoushi Senate has 99 seats, which are distributed proportionally per votes, but only third of the seats are replaced every 2 years and votes are offset by 2 years (meaning that it takes a minimum of 6 years to completely change a senate). Political party can get 45 seats max, ensuring the need for coalition to control the parliament.

Color Name of the Political Party Nick used by the Political Party Political direction Number of seats Opposition/coalition/unaffiliated
Liberal Democratic Party of Zhousheng Liberals Liberal centre-left 29 Coalition
Zhoushi Green Party Greens Eco-centric centre-left 32 Coalition
Party for Better Tommorows ZALEZI ("Za Lepшє Zitꝛky" in Zhoushi) Industrial centre-right 12 Coalition
Social Democratic Party of Zhousheng Social Democrats Populist mid-left 10 Unaffiliated
Zhoushi Patriotic Party Lagovci (based on the party leader Vladimir Laga) Populist mid-right 6 Opposition
Zhoushi Conservative Party Conservatives Conservative right 5 Unaffiliated
The Right Movement Rightenists ("Pravaƞi" in Zhoushi) Far right 4 Opposition
Religious Teocratic Party Teocrats Teocratic far right 1 Unaffiliated

Parliament (Lower house)

Zhoushi Parliament has 250 seats, which are distributed proportionally per votes.

Color Name of the Political Party Nick used by the Political Party Political direction Number of seats Opposition/coalition/unaffiliated
Liberal Democratic Party of Zhousheng Liberals Liberal centre-left 98 Coalition
Zhoushi Green Party Greens Eco-centric centre-left 63 Coalition
Party for Better Tommorows ZALEZI ("Za Lepшє Zitꝛky" in Zhoushi) Industrial centre-right 34 Coalition
Social Democratic Party of Zhousheng Social Democrats Populist mid-left 16 Unaffiliated
Zhoushi Patriotic Party Lagovci (based on the party leader Vladimir Laga) Populist mid-right 11 Opposition
Zhoushi Conservative Party Conservatives Conservative right 9 Unaffiliated
The Right Movement Rightenists ("Pravaƞi" in Zhoushi) Far right 8 Opposition
Religious Teocratic Party Teocrats Teocratic far right 5 Unaffiliated
Zhoushi Communist Party Communists Marxist far left 4 Opposition
New Evolution Party NE (sometimes called "ȠE" to parody it as a negative) Technocratic far right 2 Opposition