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The Rihan Republic
Rheilhhu Rihanha
Flag of Rihan
Coat of arms of Rihan
Coat of arms
Motto: "En Partrayar Diien Talla Siun'na Rheilhhu"
Anthem: D'Teelis
Map of the Rihan Republic
Map of the Rihan Republic
StatusIndependent State
and largest city
Official languagesRihanh
GovernmentAristocratic authoritarian oligarchy
• Praetor
Morror Kassus
• Proconsul
Enellis Vellon
LegislatureThe Senate
• D'Vatta
• Total
342,320 km2 (132,170 sq mi)
• 2019 census
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
$613.37 billion
• Per capita
Gini (2019)61.9
very high
HDI (2019).699
Currency𐆖 Chak (RRC)
Time zoneUTC -6
Driving sideright
Calling code+40
Internet TLD.ri

The Rihan Republic is an aristocratic authoritarian oligarchy located on the continent of Aurelia along the Apnex Sea. Rihan is 342,320 km² in area, located between latitudes 19º and 22.5ºS and between longitudes 97º and 93ºW. The Republic is home to 33.44 million people. The capital and largest city of the Republic is Dartha. The land of Rihan is home to a range of unique flora and fauna found nowhere else in the world including the Mogai, the Ter'ak, and Y'gora Tree. The Rihannsu people were originally a client people of the Tagmatine Empire before they were forced into self-exile for philosophical differences. They are known to be a xenophobic, clan-based people who harbor an aggressive and devious nature. This has proliferated into the core of the Republican government system, making its politics a dangerous game of intrigue, shifting alliances, and murder. It has also reflected in their recreational activities including fights in the arena and games of strategy and logic.

[Edit] The Republic has stood for over 675 years and over the years, expanded its territorial holdings and bolstered its slave population who are essential to the nation's economy. Expansionist policies eventually brought Rihan into conflict with a mid-sized Aurelian state called Enolia. Both nations fought for ten years which ended in an embarrassing defeat and tens of thousands of lives lost. After twenty years of self-imposed isolation and slow reconstruction, the Republic has reemerged on the world stage -- at a moment of intense political instability and economic inequality. Rihan is currently led by Praetor Morror Kassus.


Origins and Client of the Tagmatine Empire

The Rihannsu originated as a nomadic people, residing in the Europan East. They migrated west after being pushed from their initial lands by other such tribes. Their leaders would spur the people to cross the plains and across the steppes before appearing on the shores of the Raga Sea on Akiiyru's coast. Over this time, they had fought dozens of other tribes, taking their resources to keep the horde moving. While many would label these people as nightmarish people, they were eager learners and observers, taking what would benefit them in the long run as a people with them in their onward journey, a theme that would be replicated later on in their history. It was in the early 1100s when the Rihannsu had gained an understanding of basic naval construction from a seafaring tribe on the sea's edge. After constructing a rudimentary fleet, the horde would sail across the Raga and landed opposite the steppes in the lands of the Tagmatine Empire.

Kristoforos V (1128-1145) was the first to have a Rihannsu bodyguard (Tagmatine: Optimatoi, Rihanh: D'klamorairi Rhiyrh), due to the fact that his own hold on the throne was questionable after he had inherited the Tagmatine throne through his uncle from the Kommenoi dynasty. Seeing as he could not trust other natives or any established family who might assert its superior, he chose the Rihannsu to back up his claim. The Rihannsu gained settled status in the Empire upon his rise to power. The existence of the bodyguard would carry over to his successors, Kommodus I and Honorios II over three generations. As a settled people, the Rihannsu lived in isolated communities in the southern reaches of the Tagmatine Empire. Many Rihannsu were farmers and craftsman. They eagerly involved themselves in absorbing as much of the Aroman culture, language, and knowledge as they could. This led to a small, but well-versed, group of philosophers and intellectuals, the most important of whom was Tellus. The Tagmatine-Rihannsu relationship would soon sour.

The Departure

For many years, the Rihannsu Bodyguard protected the Emperors, their positions unassailable. The high point in Rihannsu-Tagmatine relations occurred during the reign of Honorios II (1197-1199) who was supportive of the Rihannsu people. But there was a ticking time bomb: both the current Emperor and their predecessors knew their bodyguards were largely non-religious and they argued with their advisors and members of the clergy that such disconnect allowed them to fulfill their duties without getting involved in court intrigue. However, despite predictions in 1199, Honorios II dies and a scramble for the throne occurs. It is also at this time that Tellus publishes his treatise that calls out the state Iconclastic Church: saying that praising a single being over the greater strength and duty of the people was a means of oppression.

The work itself was considered seditious and one of the claimants to the throne, Ioannes, uses his writing to whip up religious differences, uniting the various other factions behind him, resulting in him taking the throne. Within 2 years, Ioannes IV would dissolve the bodyguard unit, and with backing from the Church patriarchs, takes steps to remove the Rihannsu from the Empire altogether. The heads of the various Rihannsu clans gather and unanimously agree that they must leave the Empire. They immediately begin constructing a vast flotilla of ships along the Raga coastline. As the fleet is being hastily built, Tellus composes an expansive vision of what would become D'era, the guiding principles of the Rihannsu people. His vision spreads quickly throughout the people. Six months into Ioannes IV's reign, he orders the Imperial forces to remove them. As the Imperial Army marched south to confront their once-client people, the Rihannsu board their fleet, departing the Empire forever. Tellus, onboard the last vessel to leave the shore, stares at the fading horizon and is said to have played a tune of rage on his string instrument. The Rihannsu departure is marked to have occurred in 1202.

Geography and Climate

The land of Rihan is lush, humid, and full of abundant vegetation. The capital, Dartha, lies at the mouth of the Sherdek River and the Apnex Sea. The river valleys are fertile for agriculture. The Aihai, the flat plain dominated by Dartha and its surrounding communities, is considered the 'breadbasket of the Republic'. Rihan is blessed with many rivers including the Sherdek, the Relgath, the Gend'eroth, the Terelex, the Andrack, the Korex, the Thalek, the Gansar, the Belsanra, and the Nelrek. While much of the land is made up either humid forest, small rolling hills or pleasant flatlands, there is a single mountain chain that crosses the land from northeast to west: the D'Kalla. The highest peak is Mount Al'kathel. Rihan's average temperature sits around 23 to 27 °C (73 to 81 °F) though it can drop to as low as 13 °C (55 °F) or as high as mid-30's °C. The Rihannsu measure of temperature is the Ankhian (ex 12 units = 35 °F). During the hot summer months, the Praetor retreats to his residence in the cooler Valley of Chula. The Valley has some of the best vistas in the entire country. Rihan is a coastal state 342,320 km² in total area and is located between latitudes 19º and 22.5ºS and longitudes 97º and 93ºW.


Flora and Fauna

The Ra'tar

Rihan is home to a rich ecosystem that is rich with hostile and predatory creatures. The land is known for its renowned avian species: the predatory raptor or Ra'tar and the Mogai Eagle, the symbol of the Republic. In the Forests of Allerash, one can find the Raal, a type of bear; the Akaana, a type of boar; and the Thrai, a member of the wolf family. But its the vast jungle of Rihan where some of the most vicious of animals lurk. A predatory feline, the Ter'ak, is native to the areas outside Vendras. This animal possesses unusually large ears and eyes, with fur ranging from chocolate brown to fawn. It is fearless and can attack entirely unprovoked on passers-by who stray too far from protected trails. The Ter'ak weighs 50 kilograms and is about a meter long. Another animal similar to the Ter'ak is the Syrinx, which is far more widespread across the land. Aristocrats across the land demand the furs of both animals to both wear and hang on the walls of their villas. Those not captured for their pelts are put into the arena to be used in blood sports. The jungles are also home to venomous snakes including the Moliok and the Trelka. On the wide open plains, docile Kerosh graze on tikrit.

The Kerosh

Even though the land is home to many vicious wild animals, the Rihannsu have managed to domesticate several animals. The predominant animal of labor and food are the Hlai, the Travit, and the Drabhik. These are found on farms across the fertile plans. Many nobles and wealthy landholders maintain stables of fine stoic Fvai. For pets, many have set'leths or Seldraks, the latter both as loyal friends and fierce guardians. For those wanting something graceful, there is always the Scavandra swan who populate many a pond in the gardens of elite individuals.

In the waters of the Apnex Sea, Osol fish can be found in abundance. Giant Mollusks are netted and eaten as a delicacy by the nobility. Other shellfish are consumed. Some enjoy caviar from the Fressenor whale of the White Sea. Rihan's rivers are home to piranha-like fish called Kharah. The Praetor has a school of such fish in a deep pond within the Palace complex and some leaders in the past have not hesitated to throw insubordinate staff members into it to make a point.

Much of the flora is widespread across Aurelia but some cultivable plants including oliva, kheh, tivish, and vareet have been domesticated for consumption or for textiles. Some fruits have been altered for eating. One type of tree, the urukan, can be found across Rihan, particularly in the Forest of Allerash. Another predominant tree is the Shera. In the humid forests, plants such as the Vadaso, the Pirek, and the poisonous Melanth can be found in considerable quanities. There is also the Lagga flower and the Wagi bush.


Rihan's government is structured upon the quintessential concept of a Republic, though not in the sense recognized around the world. The powers and responsibilities for each level of government are defined in the Constitution (D'Vatta) though what is written on paper does not always play out as intended in reality.

The Senate


Supreme power, according to the D'Vatta, lies with the Senate (Deihuit), made up of 300 Senators (Deihu) from a range of aristocratic families, military leaders, or those with considerable wealth. The Senate appoints its own members. Many seats have been held by the same family for generations. There are many committees that are focused on individual policy areas. The most important in the chamber is the eleven-member Continuing Committee. It is an executive board made up of all branches of government to determine consensus on policy. There are numerous political coalitions that exist within the chamber representing the spectrum of political opinion in the country including:

  • Jardian (pro-military and territorial expansionism)
  • Jol Tan (law and order)
  • Suketh (slow expansion, involvement in international affairs and alliances, domestic issues)
  • Nej'ahar (economic growth)

Membership within the coalitions are constantly in flux and a member siding with one group on a specific matter may not be with them on another. The Senate appoints a Proconsul and Vice-Proconsul to run the day-to-day affairs of the Senate. They are typically members of different coalitions as part of an arrangement within the chamber. Each coalition is led by a consul who has a seat on the Continuing Committee.

The Praetor

The Praetor (Fvillha) is the Head of State. They have broad powers, including supreme command of the Republic's armed forces, the authority to interpret laws and enforce them, and the sole authority to inflict the death penalty, but the Senate retains the absolute power to enact laws. The only check the Senate has on the Praetor is the ability to remove them from office by a three-fourths vote. Praetors are considered the very embodiment of the nation's ideals of honor, accomplishment, and discipline. Due to the extreme danger that is associated with Rihannsu politics, it is not uncommon for Praetors to suffer abbreviated terms of office in comparison to other heads of government. To ensure their protection, the men and women of the Praetorian Guard (Morairi ih'Fvillha) are always by their side.

The Assembly

Although the Senate has supreme power and appoints its own members, the public has a mechanism to voice the concerns and needs of the common people through the Assembly (ætheaa). As defined in the Constitution, all citizens are members of the Assembly. Resolutions are brought forward, debated, and voted on by secret ballot. Those that receive a majority of support are elevated to the Senate for their consideration.

The Judiciary

The Judiciary is overseen by the Praetor. The system of justice assumes the individual charged is guilty of the crime unless proven otherwise. Many procure the services of well-skilled intercessors (lawyers) to represent them in the courtroom. There are a wide variety of courts, each focused on a different area of law. The highest court in the Republic is the High Tribunal which consists of twelve judges. All judgments of this court are final, and there are no appeals. Kolar Marrus is the chief magistrate who presides over the High Tribunal.

Sentences can range from simply paying a fine to imprisonment, hard labor, or death. Only the Praetor can condemn an individual to death. Executions are done publically. Individuals have the right to make a statement before the sentence is carried out.

Local and Provincial Government

Governments of the many cities and provinces of the Republic do not have much power no matter how close they are to the heart of the government in Dartha. The Senate and the bureaucracy often override orders of the local governments without notice. In turn, the local governments take their frustration out on the local people by adding to their already high taxes. This does not mean that the local governments are all well run; some of the city and provincial governments allow situations like roads and local services to reach extreme severity before actually handling them, and even then, take more time than necessary finishing the job. Provincial governors are appointed and recalled by the Senate. Local councils (Ekhiel) and mayors (Maiori) are elected directly by secret ballot by the residents of the respective municipality.

Statement of Rights

All citizens of the Republic have the following basic honorable freedoms as outlined in the Statement of Rights:

  • The right of procreation
  • the right to own property and to manage it as necessary
  • the right to commit honorable suicide
  • the right to commerce (subject to the needs of the Republic)
  • the right to present a defense in a publicly recorded trial, aside from a public defender, before the courts
  • the right to apprehend and charge as a private citizen, any criminal or enemy of the Republic, and
  • the right to bear arms, for defense or sign of status, in public and in private.

Foreign Relations

Rihan has a number of embassies and consulates throughout Eurth. Friendly relations exist with all members of the Aurelian League of which it is a founding member. Rihan is a member state of the UEL. Relations between the Republic and the Aroman successor states, Tagmatium the Tagmatine Empire and the Adaptus Adapton Empire, are tense. Rihannsu-Asgeirrian relations are declining due to escalating racial conflict against the Rihannsu minority on the island of Tikal. This puts the longstanding Shoren Agreement at risk of collapsing.


The Draao (Army), the Galæ (Navy), the Ralaaræsh (Air Force), the Krannsu (Special Forces), and the Morairi ih'Fvillha (Praetorian Guard) constitute the Rihan Republican Armed Forces. Their united objective is ensuring the territorial integrity of the Republic and defeating enemies who threaten the state's existence. While over 668,000 soldiers are on active duty, it is the obligation of every citizen to serve a mandatory term in the armed forces upon receiving their formal citizenship at age 20. The Praetor is the commander-in-chief of the military. Aishkurænd Rheilhhu Rihanha is the sole supplier to the Republican military.


The Phi'Tlaru is the elite intelligence agency of Rihan. It is highly-respected and feared throughout Eurth. Its purpose is to safeguard the Republic from within and beyond its borders using whatever covert (or overt) means necessary. The agency is led by a Chairman who is appointed by and is only answerable to the Praetor. They have a seat on the Continuing Committee. The current Chairman is Koval. Dissidents against the policies of the Republic are often known to "disappear".


The Rihan economy has never been as productive as others in the world due to the use of slaves in place of freemen, though this has changed somewhat since the implementation of the Iumnelai compromise under Praetor Aratenik. Over 60% of the economy is heavily controlled by the aristocratic and mercantile families, both its wealth and means of production. The main segments of the economy consist of agriculture and fishing, mining and metallurgy, consumer and industrial goods manufacturing, arms manufacturing, and financial services. There is a slew of small businesses and farms run by commoners but these are at a major disadvantage against those own by the aristocrats. All trade between the Republic and the wider world is only sanctioned by order of the Senate and operated through the Republican Trading Corporation. The Chak is the national currency.

Transport and Infrastructure

Due to Rihan's position as the crossroads of Aurelia, constant investment is made in the transport network. All provinces and major cities are connected by an extensive system of tolled highways. Major cities have large public transportation systems to move people around internally. Construction on the nation's first rapid transit system, the Dartha Metro is underway with planning for four more in Peldred, Rateg, Penvar, and Mereka in progress. To significantly reduce the high level of automobile travel some of Rihan's largest cities, the Republic is building the largest high-speed railway system in Aurelia.

The nation has two major international airports, Dartha Cliperian and Peldred Suretak. Both are hubs for the national airline, Havrær. As a coastal nation, transport by sea is important. The Ports of Be'Qai (Dartha) and Mirek move over 50 million tons of cargo every year.

46% of the Republic's energy is generated by power plants fueled by oil and natural gas. 54% is generated by renewables including solar, hydroelectric, and geothermal. Rihan is a signatory to the Laren Environmental Treaty and is committed to converting all energy generation to sustainable sources by 2040. Cælis is responsible for all power generation and distribution.

Water Supply and Sanitation
The Rihannsu gained knowledge of building and maintaining water and sewer systems in the latter years of their federated status within the Tagmatine Empire. Recognizing the importance of providing clean drinking water, vast aqueducts and reservoirs were built, many of which are still functioning to this day. The oldest is the Sen'lanarc Aqueduct which delivers water from deep inland to Dartha. Aekhhwi'rhoi manages these systems in cooperation with local governments. Most trash is disposed of in landfills.

Rihan has a modern telecommunications network, with 99.97% of all households having access to high-speed broadband internet and 97.8% of all residents have access to telephone service, with 92.4% having landline phones, and 95.9% having cell phones, with the government operating a telephone numbering system, with the international dialing code of +40. These services, along with postal and media broadcasting, are all operated under the auspices of the Communications Ministry.

Natural Resources

Silicon, Iron, Tungsten, Titanium, Cobalt, Clay, Gold, Silver, Timber, Arable land, Fishing grounds, Hydropower, Geothermal Power

Society and Culture

The Rihannsu are see themselves as superior to others. They can come to trust, but only after a very long period of time. However, they do have a high curiosity for other peoples and that has helped break the ice in the way of international engagement. Rihannsu are very emotional, war-like, and absolutely dedicated to the virtues that define the way of D'era, a strict code of discipline, duty, and honor. Their culture follows a hard line of social and physical Darwinism. They have a spartan regard toward those that are not physically able or are mentally deficient. They will kill children that do not match the physical model of perfection. In spite of their cold outer shell, they are ardent supporters of family. The first virtue, devotion, is primarily one of family. Citizens of all class levels are given many incentives both economical and social to produce and cherish large families. Though they are stern, they are as capable of love.


For recreation, most play games such as D'elo, a game of sticks and stones that can be traced back to days prior to the Departure from the Tagmatine Empire. The people are fond of arena games where athletes of both genders show their prowess with weapons and fighting techniques. Nobles engage in honorable Vrelnec dueling (Vrelnecrek) both on their estates and in arenas of all sizes. Blood sports, like Ke'veshrek (a form of boxing) or Tyr’llryanniha (football) are extremely popular and are often broadcasted across the Republic. The Orventis Arena is the grandest of them all, located in Dartha; it can seat nearly 100,000 people. Toldak and Sildelo (kickboxers), and Delon Vekek (football) are some of the most notable athletes today.

The Rihannsu are major players of tactical and logic-based games including Latrunculo, Masaharis, Yelbrek, Parmen Chess, Voraant, Trayatik (dice game), Villrillu (cards), or Khariat (like Jenga). In the same vein, solving puzzles of all forms are popular. Though people may engage in simulated chess and similar games, people desire real opponents, and thus simulation is far less popular in Rihan. S'darha is one of the most important recreational activities the aristocracy partake in. It is an extremely intellectual game that involved the recitation of stanzas from great literature in order to support a given argument or statement. It is a combination of debating, rhetoric, declamation and trivia games. Many of the best S'darha masters have become the most influential Praetors in the Republic as it has helped them in dealing with the dangerous politics of the Senate. Additionally, many like to play a game of whits and riddles called Lhi. Rihannsu also relish nature and enjoy the beauty of it — most are avid hikers, riders, or mountaineers, spending their time exploring the Forest of Allerash or the Valley of Chula.

There are numerous festivals and events throughout the year but there are major four festivals that are state-recognized and are considered official holidays from work. Each of these festivals last five days.


Artistic abilities of the Rihannsu show the softer side of their personality, balancing a fierce warrior ethic with the sensitivity of an artist. Sculpting (traditional and more avant-garde Tillion), pottery (Satul), and carvings are the most popular mediums. Rihannsu painters perform to paint in three-dimensions. Notable artists include Raban Parthok, Dorin Zhagan, Estrak, Thraka, and Azeraik. While less common, scroll painting (a mix of calligraphic writing and light painting) has a long tradition in the Rihannsu culture.


Music in Rihan is diverse from military marches espousing loyalty to classical compositions. The Rihannsu are known to play several unique instruments. The eolh iarr'voi is a form of clarinet, the Ryrill is a string instrument that has been featured in Rihannsu music long before the people's stay in the Tagmatine Empire. A Levroc is a three-leveled piano. Other instruments include systra bells, drums, and horns. Tevar Setek is known for his classic symphony entitled 'Passion.' There is also the classical composer, Franjhot, who is beloved for his series of poetic levroc ballades.

Literature and Theatre

Literatary and theatrical writings are centered around the importance to the state, the people, their history, and the guiding principles of D'era. Many of the most important pieces written are historical epic poems and dramas depicting the Departure and the Arrival in Rihan. These are composed by Japell and Dezrai. Another notable poet is Krinas. Some of the most important literary works include Amarcan's Axioms, the Contemplations of Landar the Elder, the Taer'thaiemenh by V. Raiuhes Ahaefvthe, Na Temhsah'urri by Reanas, Na Temyytæra, and D'hwæl. Rihannsu philosophical works are also respected, including those written by Vorkan Trov.


Rihannsu architecture is centered around the use of high arched ceilings, domes, and fashioned concrete. City planning places importance on broad, sweeping colonnades, tall buildings, and a unified geometric design with civic buildings at the geometric center of every city. Roads and buildings are designed to be imposing. The use of Kedossian marble can be found in the building of many important structures including the Hall of State. One of the most notable architects is Kundarak. It is rare to find a civic building, whether a Septum or a government office building, without awe-inspiring statues of past Praetors or legendary war heroes.

Food and Drink

Rihannsu cuisine is centered around the exotic, the sweet, and the bitter. They are notable for their elaborate bread (Vix Vivax) and pastries baked from grains cultivated on the Great Plains. The other notable grain they grow is vareet for kali-fal, a strong ale. Bread is served with every meal. Farmers grow an array of fruits and vegetables, including aiyeh lettuce, gresh, Ihor berries, caral fruit, Ihiet fruit, sali, tehirla mushrooms, telhlke peppers, and tolekrya. Vineyards across the Republic tend the grapes which are made into wine. Ranchers rear travit and hlai, both of which form the crux of meats consumed. Due to Rihan's extensive rivers and coastline, fish like Osol, and oysters like iyhori also form a major block of the national diet. Many meals consumed revolve around stews like Checca, Oshi, or viinerine which predominately eaten in the military. Ihul, a pot roast consisting of Hlai is popular. The aristocracy indulges on delicacies like Aafvun'in'hhui (mollusk soup), aged travit steaks, kheia caviar, a fuschia-colored cheese called dubyhl, and brandies. Eggs are a common breakfast food for all people. Nobles also eat a dish called feiiha (a stuffed mixed meat and cheese pastry dish). For sweets, the big desert is sesketh but no one will say no to decedent chocolate (soah). Beyond the beverages listed, some others drank include carallun, tarka, tork, and iyo tea.

The Emblem

Seal of the Rihan Republic.png

The emblem of the Republic is 'the Mogai Eagle.' It is a symbol of military might and honor, displayed everywhere, symbolizes civilian pride in the state. All Rihannsu swear oaths upon the Eagle, and defacing the symbol is a serious offense. The inspiration for the emblem comes from the predator avian that flies over the Rihannsu' adopted homeland. This bird is known to carry its eggs in its talons, which artists represented as the Senate and the People. The bird itself is spread in an aggressive posture, representing the glory and majesty of the Republic.


The Way of D'era is the official 'religion' of the Republic. It's not as much a spiritual calling - it's a unifying political ideology of duty to the Whole. The Way was formulated during the final days of the Rihannsu living the Tagmatine Empire when its founder, Tellus, seditiously condemned the Iconoclastic Orthodox Church and said that adherence to a single being over the greater strength and duty of the people was a means of oppression. D'era calls upon all Rihannsu to follow the teachings of obedience, discipline, and loyalty to each other. The center of D'era is in Dartha's Central Septum where a statue of Tellus stands for all to reflect upon his words. The Way is led by the Pontix, Lucian Tamok. D'era priests are paid by the state. Septums of D'era are located in every Rihannsu community.

Praxani: Rites of Passage

Rihannsu progress through their lives under a structure of rites that related to the four virtues of D'era. These are:

  • D'navassa - The Great Beginning
  • Nimaz - Naming
  • D'sora - 5th Birthday
  • Phi'lasasam - The Education
  • Plyanazi - Formal Citizenship
  • Serona - Mandatory Military Service (5 years)
  • So'rdaz - Marriage Union
  • Charozzah - Passing
  • Latta - Death (upper class individuals are buried in family tombs in the Rikolet [the Great Graveyard] while lower-class individuals are mostly cremated)

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