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Republic of Satavia
Hennish: Republiek Satavia
Estmerish: Republic of Satavia
Flag of Satavia
Anthem: Kan a'n Soudrys
Location of Satavia, in Green, in Asteria Inferior
Location of Satavia, in Green, in Asteria Inferior
and largest city
Port Hope
Official languagesDupowek, Estmerish
Recognised national languagesSatavian Estmerish (Unoffical)
Ethnic groups
By race:
  • 65% White/Euclean (or of Euclean descent, paticularly Estmerish and Hennish)
  • 14% Native/Indigenous
  • 11% Black/Bahian (or of Bahian descent)
  • 7% Mixed (paticularly of Coian descent)
  • 3% Others
GovernmentParliamentary Republic
• Governor
Arthur Livingstone-Scott
Jago Elliot
LegislatureParliament of Satavia
County Court
Commoner's Court
• Colonisation by Hennehouwe (Establishment of the Hoop Kolonie)
March 1677
• Total
663,130 km2 (256,040 sq mi)
• 2018 estimate
GDP (nominal)2015 estimate
• Total
$462.2 Billion
• Per capita
Gini (2015)Negative increase 44.3
HDI (2015)Increase 0.761
CurrencySatavian Guilders (SAT)
Time zoneUTC+ 11 (Satavian Standard Time)
Driving sideleft
Calling code+47

Satavia, officially the Republic of Satavia (Hennish: Republiek Satavia), is an Island Nation in Western Asteria Inferior, and shares Maritime Borders with Nuvania. Satavia consists of the Satavian Isles and the Patrick Islands, an autonomus dependency of Satavia. The capital and largest city is Port Hope, which had previously been known as Hope Town.


Historical Etymology

Satavia's former name, The Hope Dominion (previously The Hoop Colony, and untill 1747, the Hoop Kolonie) derrived from the name of Satavia's biggest river, the River Hope, known by the Dupowek natives as the Avon, translated as River. The river's fertile banks lead to the settler's calling it the Rivier-Hoop, which also lead to the main settlement, situated at the mouth of the river, being called Port Hope.

Modern Terminology

Satavia is derrived from a Muisc-Dupowek first name (now extinct), Sátiva, which means 'beautiful'. First used by Kingdom of Satavia in 1900, following the February Coup, Satavia became the name of the modern-day Republic of Satavia. In Dupowek, the country's name is Dupowek - God's Land. Before Sotirianity's introduction following the Native-Pierre Agreement, the Dupowek were believed to have worshiped a pantheon of the Gods, with one "Myghtern a'n Duw", or "King of the Gods" in Estmerish. A large percentage [TBD Number] of Satavia still remains religious.



Satavia has been contiuously occupied by humans since the palaeolithic era, with Satavia now being infamous for it's unusual rock structures, like the neolithic [TBD], or literally, 'TBD'.

The stones at TBD have stood since the early neolithic era. It's exact usage and purpose is unknown, and the rocks used are Granite

Satavian natives, namely the Dupowek, are believed to have had relatively little contact with other humans. The first known contact was with the Muisca, a tribe native to modern-day Nuvania. Historians argue about how they arrived in Satavia, given it's seperation from Nuvania in the form of the Satavian Channel.

The term 'Dupowek' as a name for the entire Island was first used in 87 BCE enscribed on ancient stones called 'Kedhel Men', translated literraly as 'Tale Stone'.

Hennish Hope

 • First settled by the First Hennish Republic in 1548 (in the form of various trade companies), but was picked up officialy by the Sotirian Commonwealth in 1649, marking the official beginning of Colonisation by a Euclean power.
 • First settlement established at modern-day Peter's Point. The first settlement is now abandonned, most of it lying in ruins.
 • Satavia was called the Hoop Kolonie, though often referred to as the Hennish Hope in the modern day.
 • Hennish Hope is a loose term that included the Hoop Kolonie and the Dupowek (name change being considered as the language is currently just a stopgap) Protectorate.
 • Following Estmerish-Hennish war, colony transfered to Estmere with Nuvania in 1747
 • becomes Flamian Asteria (Nuvania + Satavia) at some point (clarification needed)

Estmerish Hope

 • Becomes Estmerish Asteria (Nuvania + Satavia), untill 1778, when they are split into the Hope Teritory and Nuvania
 • In 1782 becomes Hope Colony, or the Estmerish Hope
 • Nuvania achievs home rule 1811, pressure builds to grant home rule to Satavia, which is achieved in 1816, five years later.
 • No envolvement in the War of the Arucian
 • Nuvania's suprise decleration of independence causes shock waves in Satavia, having effectively just lost biggest trade partner. This causes the Satavian economy to tumble, something that would not recover untill after the end of the Great Collapse, whereas Nuvania's would boom
 • Satavian leaders hesitent to addopt independence
 • Finally agree on deal with Estmere to gain independence, and on 1st Jan 1900, Satavia gains independence.
 • Monarchy? Need to discuss with Lore Team regarding the possibility of a 30 year long monarchy, if so would their be a refferendum or would that be the agreement reached with Estmere? Estmerish member of the royal family?

Great War

 • Need to check Satavia's involvement (possibly prommised money?)

February Coup

 • Only if the Monarchy exists

Satavian Civil War

 • IF monarchy exists, started by monarchist opposition in the late 70s (or earlier?)

Republic of Satavia (2nd Satavian Republic)

 • Current Republic

Recent History





Electoral System

Administrative Divisions


Foreign Affairs & International Standing