Anniserian War

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Anniserian War
Israeli tanks advancing on the Golan Heights. June 1967. D327-098.jpg
Niserian tanks advancing on somethingsomething
DateApril 13 1963 - June 12 1967
Nise and western Sohar
Result Niserian Victory
Minor border adjustments along the blank river

Supported by:

Supported by:

Commanders and leaders
Nise Person Mac Person Mazeed el-Farran
30,000 (1963) 90,000 (1963)

The Anniserian War was a military conflict between Nise, Sohar, and their respective allies over the disputed XXX Valley lasting between April 1963 and June 1967. Fighting took place throughout Nise, as well as in western Sohar. Both nations recieved significant international support, with Sohar recieving military support from Kirenia, East Miersa, and Behera, while Nise was backed by Estmere and XXX. The conflict began on April 13, when Soharan troops crossed into Nise under orders to sieze oilfields in the area.

-Sohar launches massive offensive into Nise with AESE support, quickley conquers XXX Valley
-After strong initial successes in 1963-1964, Farran overplays his hand and attempts to conquer all of Nise
-Euclean military support begins flowing to Nise c. 1964, Nise able to turn back Sohar's advances, conflict stalemates
-Estmere establishes naval blockade of Sohar in late 1964, Sohar begins printing more money to finance war effort due to oil money drying up
-Resulting hyperinflation causes severe shortages, food riots force troops to be redeployed in cities
-Redeployment gives Nise crucial opening to break through Sohar's defenses, retaking the XXX valley and beginning an offensive into SW Sohar
-Farran forced to sue for peace under heavy pressure from his military advisers, status quo ante bellum

TBA: defeat is major humiliation for Sohar, causes beginnings of rift between Farran and the military, helps to lay the groundwork for beginnings of Soharan civil war


Progress of the War

Foreign Support