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Kingdom of Aquila
Regnum Aquilae
National Coat of Arms
Motto: Christus Vincit, Christus Regnat, Christus Imperat
Anthem: Laudes Regiæ
Location of Aquila (in green) in Southern Euclea (in light grey)
Location of Aquila (in green) in Southern Euclea (in light grey)
Largest cityAelia
Official languagesHigh Aquilian (Ceremonial, Liturgical and Scholarly Language)
Recognized languagesLow Aquilian
Ethnic groups
Aquilian (95.0%)

Vespasian (4.2%)

Other (0.8%)
GovernmentParliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
Gregorius XXXIII de Aquila
Ioannes de Aquila
June 29th, 500
• Vassal of Florena
• Etrurian Occupation
• Constitution Promulgated
December 27th, 1940
268.8 km2 (103.8 sq mi)
• 2015 estimate
• Density
3,422.6/km2 (8,864.5/sq mi)
GDP (PPP)2017 estimate
• Total
$30.978 billion
• Per capita
GDP (nominal)2017 estimate
• Total
$19.920 billion
• Per capita
Gini (2017)42.3
HDI (2017)0.883
very high
CurrencyFlorin ()
Driving sideright
Calling code99
Internet TLD.aql

The Kingdom of Aquila (High Aquilian: Regnum Aquilae) is a small island Kingdom in South Euclea in the world of Kylaris. The Kingdom itself is very old, being over a millennia and a half old, boasting one of the long continuous governments in the world. It monarchs are also part of the oldest dynasties in the world, with the male line, the House of Aquila​, ruling for the entirety of the Kingdom's existence, and being a Solarian Patrician family before that. The Kingdom was founded in 500 AD when St. Gregorius I united the warring families of the island and was crowned by the Pope himself. Since then, his descendants have still ruled, and a close friendship with the Papacy throughout all of its history. It is a country known for its traditional people and culture, deeply rooted in tradition and in faith, with Catholicism still holding great sway over the government and population. Change is slow, as the populace greatly values their way of life and traditions, which they see as immemorial. As the winds of change blow, however, this old and rooted country continues to weather the storm. Aquila is a founding member of the Association of Euclean States.


The name Aquila is the name which was given to the island and its chief settlement by the Solarian conquerors, given because most of the island was given to the Aquila family. Although this was the name of the family which would retain control of the island for the years to come, it also translates in Solarian and High Aquilian to "Eagle". For this reason, the eagle has always been associated with the island, being its national symbol and animal. This was no less augmented by the fact that the island is the largest nesting ground for several species of eagles, as well as the fact that its patron Saint, Saint John, converted the people of the island and dwelt there the last years of his earthly life.


Early History

The history of Aquilia dates back long before the Kingdom was founded. The first people to settle in Sardinia during the Continental Euclea, especially peoples from modern day Etruria, and eventually established a civilization there which came to be known as the Gradian Civilization. This civilization would come to dominate the island, and formed a civilization focused around isolated communities. Not much else is known about the civilization; most of their settlements were used by later civilizations and thus their ruins disappeared, and the civilization kept no written records that have been found as of yet. Archeological finds in recent years have lead to increased knowledge of what their structures may have been like. Sometime during the second millennium BC, Clesonan traders from the city state would discover the island. Seeing it as a valuable place from which they could trade, they established a presence on the island. Around 1,200 BC, the Clesonans invaded the island with full force in order to wrest control of the island from the Gradians. The effort was largely successful, and the Gradian civilization was largely wiped out, although settlements still remained in the in the northwestern parts of the island, as well as the forests of Volunsena. With the establishment of Clesonan presence on the island, the island became a trade center around the Solarian Sea.

Around 900 BC, Artiot traders and later settlers would also arrive on the island, settling in the modern areas of Sennia and Aelia. The last of the Gradians would be driven deep into the forests of Volunsena, where they would remain until they were eventually absorbed into the Solarian civilization. Several Artiot and Clesonan attempts to take over the Gradians would end in failure. However, they would continue to develop the lands they did have. In 589 BC, forces from Carcosa would arrive on the island to take it over. The Artiot and Clesonan Civilizations on the island could not stand together to fight, and were each subdued one by one by Carcosan forces. The island would remain under Carcosan forces until 442 BC, where an invasion by a group of Vicalvii from the mainland drove out the Carcosan garrisons and established their own presence on the island and intermingling with the Artiot, Carcosan and Clesonan peoples. For the next century, the island would remain independent.

The Solarian Empire

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Julius Aquila Gregorius, Solarian Patrician, Consul, and first Documented Founder of the House of Aquila

The island was very close to the heart of the Solarian Empire, and thus was one of the first places in its conquest. The Solarian Republic overpowered the islanders and conquered the island in 333 BC. Consul Julius Aquila Gregorius, a member of the Patrician Aquila family, led the conquest and gained much of the island as personal land, giving both the name to the island and its central city. The island, not being of great wealth or strategic value, seemed trivial. Many other Patricians laughed at his attempts; seeing it as a political folly; and this was true, with the Aquila family falling into obscurity for the remainder of the Republic and only minor players at best during the Empire; however, the island remained in the hands of the Aquila family. The Solarian conquest brought order, structure, and the Solarian language. It soon became a core province of the Republic and later Empire and was known for its loyalty and lack of rebellion. Over the course both the Republic and the Empire, a nearly 750 year span, the island became solidly Solarian, uniting the different cultures which each had an influence on the island. It soon became a core province of the Republic and later Empire and was known for its loyalty and lack of rebellion. The Aquila family remained quiet, unambitious, and content, allowing them to survive the turbulent times of the late Republic. During the Empire, in exchange for his support of the Emperor, the Aquila family was given hereditary governorship of the island.

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St. John, the "Beloved Disciple", Apostle, Evangelist, Bishop

During the later part of first century, the John the Apostle came to the island and evangelized it. Almost the entire island accepted Catholicism, including the Governor and his family. St. John, after his attempted execution by the Solarians miraculously failed, would be exiled to the island. Here he would finish his Gospel and his Apocalypse until his natural death. He was succeeded by his disciple St. Polycarp, who was the second Bishop of Aquila and an important Church Father. For the most part the loyalty of the island to the Emperor gave it special exception from the persecutions that happened throughout the rest of the Empire, however, this would not last forever. Despite the family and island’s steadfast loyalty to the Emperor, Emperor Diocletian stripped the Aquila family of their governorship and drove the family into hiding and led to the martyrdom of St. Ioannes Aquila. Many Christians across the island were persecuted and killed; however, soon after, Christianity was legalized and brought stability back to the island, although the Aquila family was not restored to power.

Wars of the Great Families

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St. Gregorius I, founder of the Kingdom of Aquila

The Solarian Empire would collapse in 426, and with it the island fell into turmoil. After the Empire fell, the island fall into a period of interspersant warfare and competing factions for nearly 75 years. Most of the warfare occurred between the seven great families of the island, which had been governors or patrician families of the Empire. Each family controlled part of the land on the island, which would become the Seven Duchies of the island. Despite the intermittent warfare, the island still remained mostly at peace, as most of the wars fought during this time were not full wars, but series of skirmishes and small battles, and thus no side was able to make lasting, successful gains. Thus, most people were not affected by the wars, and so despite being in conflict, a great deal of the Solarian way of life was preserved. Although a great deal was preserved, the fighting between the families and their supporters would lead to the rise of the feudal system on the island. House Aquilia, the oldest and proudest of the Houses, was ever dominant during the wars, assisted by the House of Cornelia. However, their claim of control of the island was sorely contested by the other three factions- the House of Sennia, whose head had been governor at the time of the Empire’s collapse, supported by House Aelia; the Houses of Lucilia and Priscia, who formed an alliance to maintain their interests, and the House Volunsena, who remained fiercely independent. The wars remained inconclusive until the last decade of the fifth century.

Upon the premature death of his father, Gregorius de Aquila took control of the House of Aquila and its land and possessions in 493, at a mere eighteen years old. Seeking to take advantage of his youth, The Southern families, House Lucilia and Priscia, decided to wage war and to seek to destroy their greatest rival. The army marched to the gates of Aquila, where Gregorius and the forces of Aquila and Cornelia met them on the field of battle. The Battle of Aquila, as it was called, was the greatest battle which was fought during the Wars of the Great Families. Gregorious achieved a stunning success, crushing the combined army of the Southern Houses and capturing their heads. Rather than executing them, however, he pardoned them, if they would swear allegiance to him and to his successors; they happily accepted. Even though Gregorius was now even more powerful, he bid his time, as the other Houses were now on guard. His opportunity came five years later, when House Sennia failed, and the last living member died in 498. Various families strived for control of the lands of the Sennia; Gregorius chose to support a House loyal to him, House Viridia, and with his support they controlled the Sennian lands. With their major ally now gone, House Aelia swore allegiance to him as well. House Volunsena, seeing that the rest of the island had been united by Gregorius, finally capitulated and swore allegiance in August of 500 AD, after a year of stubborn resistance. This having been accomplished, asked for the Pope to officially put an official end to the crisis. The Pope happily accepted and proclaimed and crowned Gregorius as “Rex Aquiliae”, solidifying his rule over the island officially, on December 27th, 500, the feast of St. John the Apostle.

Early Kingdom

With the coronation of King Gregorius, the island entered a time of peace and stability. Over time, the island developed its own culture and language over time, although keeping Solarian in use in its liturgies and academia and as the official language of the Kingdom. The Kingdom defended itself from invasion, such as the Vespasian invasion in 750, under King Ioannes V. Ioannes managed to save the city of Volunsena from destruction in the Battle of Volunsena, though he and his son were slain in the ensuing battle, leading to his brother Paulus taking the throne. The relationship with the Papacy would be maintained throughout the centuries. The Kings remained fierce allies of the Popes and supported the Papacy whenever it was threatened by external, or internal, threats. In exchange for Papal Support, it also sometimes acted as the temporal protector of the Papacy, such helping to protect the city of Solaris from a Salamic attack in 846, halted by the great commander, King Leo I, who defeated the Salamic army, although it was three times his size, in the battle known as the Lion’s Victory. In retaliation, Salamic forces raided the Kingdom itself in 850, although Leo’s son, Leo II, stymied this is as well, even though not without heavy loss. These battles effectively halted Salamic conquest in Euclea for centuries. The Kingdom continued to grow, as much as an island of its size could.

The island remained at peace mostly, only needing to fight when attacked, or with the occasional internal struggle. Most notable of these was the Aelian Revolt, in which House Aelia rebelled against the Crown in 973. Ioannes VII swiftly defeated the rebellion, stripped House Aelia of its titles, and sent them into exile. In 993, with the support of House Visellia, the Dukes of Sennia, the last member of House Aelia, Albertus the Black, returned with an army, claiming Kingship of Aquila. In the Battle of Gisae, Albertus captured and murdered King Ioannes VI. His thirteen-year old son succeed him. Despite winning against the King, the other Duchies rallied behind the young Ioannes VIII, horrified at the Regicide. Albertus’s claim was further undermined when he was excommunicated, the Pope siding firmly with Ioannes. Most of his army disbanded his cause, and the Visellian Dukes fled into exile; seeing all was lost, Albertus chose to fight to the last. Hopelessly overwhelmed, Albertus’s host was crushed at the Battle of Forano by the boy-King and his regent, Dux Ioannes V of Cornelia. Albertus was slain, and with him died House Aelia.

First Succession Crisis

The great-great grandson of Ioannes VII, Gregorius X, ruled for nearly eleven years. However, as he continued to get older, he remained childless. People nervously anticipated as he declined in health without a legitimate heir. In the summer of the year 1077, Gregorius’s wife Claudia was pregnant. However, the night this was announced, the King was mysteriously murdered, along with his wife and his unborn child. This caused calamity and uproar throughout the Kingdom. At first the blame was laid on the closest male relative of the House of Aquila, Petrus. Petrus firmly denied any responsibility, but still bid his claim for Kingship, being by law the lawful heir. However, King Gregorius’s cousin, the child of his aunt Maria, Josephus de Pasidenia, also laid claim to the throne. Taking advantage of this situation, two great-great-great grandsons of King Petrus VI, Leo and Ioannes, pressed their claim as members of House Aquila, aiming for a joint Kingship. Petrus’s claim was supported by the Duchies of Sennia and Cornelia, while Aelia and Volunsena supported Jospehus, and Lucilia and Prisicia supported Leo and Ioannes.

Despite retaining the most power, Petrus had to fight a two-front war, still managing to defend his lands from the other claimants. The war quickly became a stalemate, and by 1080 Leo and Ioannes found their troops running low on supplies and morale. Leo murdered his brother and framed it on Petrus, and claimed to his army that as the true descendent of Leo the Great he would lead them to victory. This inspired the army to march to Aquila, where at the gates Petrus crushed the army. Leo was killed in the battle, and the Southern Duchies were brought back in line. Josephus refused to back down, however, even after the Pope supported Petrus’s Kingship in 1082 and Petrus retook Aelia in 1083. For two more years Josephus stubbornly held out in the forests of Volunsena, although the Duke no longer supported him, and his following grew smaller and smaller. In 1085, Josephus was finally captured. He confessed to orchestrating the murder of King Gregorius with his mother, who had died several years prior. He was executed, and finally Petrus was crowned as Petrus VIII.

Golden Age of Aquila

Aquila’s Golden Age is measured by two bounds- two Succession Crises. With the triumph of Petrus VIII in 1085, the Kingdom would again return to internal peace. It was during this period which Aquila flourished, becoming the Bastion of Catholicism that would remain throughout the coming centuries. When the Pope called the Crusades to aide the persecuted Christians in the Holy Land, the Aquilians were the first to answer his call, and the last to be driven out of the Holy Lands. The Aquilan Kings themselves would take up the Cross and go on Crusade, most famously St. Gregorious XIII, the “Crusader King”, and the man who brought back many relics and artifacts before Adunis was reconquered. When Christendom was divided in Schism, the Aquilians were the strongest supporters of the Solarian Pope. It was during this time native of the island, Saint Dominic, would found the Ordo Praedicatorum, or the Order of Preachers, also known as the Dominican Order, an order known for their mission to preach the Gospel and to fight heresy, which would give rise to their prominence in the Middle Ages. The University of Aquila was founded in 1091, the first institutes of higher education in Euclea which would pave the wave for other institutes in the future, . Although it could never compete with other Euclean universities in terms of the other studies, it was and still is renowned for its Theological and Philosophical studies, being the premier place to study Catholic, in particular scholastic, Theology and Philosophy. St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Bonaventure, St. John of the Cross, St. Albert the Great and St. Peter Canisius would at some point or another would study or teach there for a time. Aquila also became renowned for its crafts in anything Ecclesial- Vestments, Stained Glass, Sacred Vessels, Hymnals, Missals, Bibles- Aquilia took Catholicism seriously, and the crafts that were made were renowned for their beauty. Also many of the great

Second Succession Crisis

However, the period soon came to an end with the Second Succession Crisis. Stephanus IV reigned for nearly 22 years but failed to produce an heir. In his forty-second year, having been beset by illness, he signed into will his desire to make his closest male relative, Petrus his uncontested heir, which was the legal precedent that had been set. However, Stephanus’s III’s illegitimate son, Leo, the King’s half-brother, who commanded the royal legions of Aquila, secretly plotted to stage a coup to place himself on the throne. In 1333, Stephanus finally died. Before the King’s body was cold, Leo made his claim for the throne, invading the palace. Petrus and his supporters, after hearing of foul play and seeing the advancing legion, fled to Cornelia, with the King’s will. Leo seized the capital however, and quickly consolidated control of it, killing any of Petrus’s supporters still left. When the Archbishop of Aquila refused to coronate him, he imprisoned him. Leo then wrote to the Pope, asking him to crown him King. The Pope refused to support this; and openly supported Petrus; however, Leo was aided by Paulus, another member of House Aquila, who promised to support him in exchange for co-Kingship. Even with this, none of the other Duchies supported the pretenders.

Leo’s skill as a commander was great. He defeated a coalition of the Duchies supporting Petrus in 1334 at the Battle of Many Tears, where the Dukes of Sennia and Prisicia were slain, the Duke of Volunsena captured, and Petrus’ host was crushed and scattered. The supporters of Petrus would fall back, unable to make a counterattack, only able to defend their lands as best they could. Duke Simon VII of Prisicia slain, his young son Simon VIII became Duke. Because of the Duke’s young age, Leo picked Prisicia as his first target. He quickly advanced to the city and overwhelmed the remainder of the Prisician forces. Simon VIII sued for peace and offered to surrender in order to save the lives of his people. Leo used this opportunity to enter the city unopposed. However, he turned on Simon, and attacked him while he was vulnerable. Leo and his legions sacked the city, and then slaughtered every remaining member of House Prisicia, ending the ancient house. The Slaughter of Prisicia, as it became known, shook the roots of Aquila to the core, and laid the foundation for just how bloody the coming war would be. After establishing a puppet to rule the shattered Duchy, Leo advanced upon Lucilia; however, his troops were tired, and Lucilia was ready for the attacks. Thus for several years a stalemate was reached. This seemed to be a disadvantage for Leo; as more time gave Petrus and his supporters more time to prepare. By 1340, Leo made his move, attacking the Duchy of Sennia by surprised, and rather than have his lands sacked, Duke Christophorus capitulated, begging for mercy. Leo accepted the offer, though he still had the entire family brutally murdered. However, Petrus led a coalition against Leo, this time in the Battle of Vengeance. Petrus’s forces won the day, and Leo was slain on the field, although Paulus managed to retreat with the bulk of his army.

From then on, the war turned in favor of Petrus. He reclaimed Sennia and all of the crownlands except the city of Aquila, which was held by Paulus and his forces, although his son Paulus the Younger held the majority of his forces in Prisicia. The siege would last nearly three years, although finally Petrus’s forces were able to seize the city in 1344. Paulus fled to Prisicia, sending his son into exile. Paulus continued stubbornly fighting, although eventually he was also cornered in Prisicia. By 1350, Paulus agreed to surrender. However, he used the conference to kill King Petrus, although he was slain in the process. Pius, Petrus’s son, would finally reunite the war-torn island, and began the process of rebuilding from the destruction. Eventually Paulus the Younger would repent of his actions and came back of his own free will the following year. Rather than execute him, however, Pius chose to forgive him, and Paulus joined the Dominicans. With this, the most devastating war in Aquila’s history was finally over.

Early Modern Period

After the Second Succession Crisis finally ended in 1351, Aquila rebuilt itself and kept on going. However, things were not the same as they had been before, and for the next centuries Aquila would be a background figure. Although the fighting had taken many lives, and many things were lost, for the most part, the Aquilan way of life continued onwards as usual. The coming of the Renaissance brought a new age of art and music to the Kingdom. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina was from Aquila, and his compositions would form some of the best polyphony music in history and also was an important development in Liturgical Music. Great artistic works were added to the old churches of Aquila, and Aquila is still known for its beautiful Churches, some directly Solarian, built during the Empire; some built in the Solarianesque style, some built in the Gothic style, and in later centuries some were even built in the Baroque style. Aquilians put a great deal of their time and treasure to the Church; and Aquila became full of beautiful churches. However, what differentiated the Aquilian renaissance from their Euclean counterparts was that the Aquilian Renaissance was vastly more ecclesial than secular; this is partially because, at least according to the Aquilians, they had never even lost their Solarian roots, seeing themselves as a direct continuation of Solaris.

For this reason, and the fact that the Faith among the people of Aquila was thriving during this time period, the Amendist Revolutionaries failed to reach the hearts of the people, and really took no root in the island. The island remained staunchly Catholic, grounded in their Apostolic Tradition. The Aquilians also happily adopted the Tridentine reforms, as they already celebrated the Solarian Rite. However, by this time, continuing in its own way, Aquila fell behind the rest of Euclea technologically. Aquila remained stable, it remained fairly unchanged from year to year, even as the rest of Euclea began to change and grew more unstable. The “Enlightenment” in particular never really happened in Aquila, nor did any major ideological shift happen.

Pereramonic Wars

The Pereramonic Wars which shook all of Euclea ended up involving Aquila. When the Emperor of the Florens Nèstor Pereramon attacked the States of the Church during his Etrurian Campaign in 1713. King Ioannes XIII immediately raised his banners in order to protect the Papacy and the Holy City of Solaris. Mustering the Auilian legions, his banners, and as many volunteers as he could, he headed for the Solaris. Once he got there, he began preparing the defenses of the city against a possible attack. It was not long before Nestor's army reached the city. It was clear that the stouthearted but clearly outnumbered and outmatched Aquilian forces would not be able to hold the city against the powerful Florean army. Although Ioannes and his men willing to die fighting the Floreans to protect the Pope, the Pope did not wish to cause more bloodshed and the destruction war would bring to the city and likely repercussions that would be put on the Kingdom of Aquila. Rather, the Pope chose to surrender to the Florens, and so Ioannes put down his arms. After entering the city, Nestor demanded that Ioannes swear fealty to him. For the sake of his people and fighting a war he could not win, he gave in.

For the next 15 years, the Kingdom would be vassals to the Florean Empire. However, they were left mostly to themselves, except for the fact that Aquila's legions were often used in Florena's wars abroad. Ioannes XIII would die in 1718, and was succeeded by his brother Gregorius XXVI. After the Battle of Samento, Gregorius received permission from the Pope to have his oath to the Floren Emperor dissolved. As minor signers of the Treaty of Savona, their protests to the Papacy not regaining its former lands fell upon deaf ears. However, Aquila itself remained mostly unchanged from the war, even as neighboring countries increased in power.

Aquilian Civil War

As the years progressed, the old system of Royal power and the nobility began to shift as time pressed by. As the eighteenth century progressed, it was clear that conflict would arise, although nobody knew when. That spark came upon in 1792 when Dux Titus III of Sennia, supported by Aelia, Volunsena, and Prisicia, as well as many other nobles, demanded that King Paulus VIII give more power to the nobles and strip the Church of power and allow the nobles to control the Church. King Paulus refused this, saying that even he had no authority to control the Church, and that the King would always support God and his most holy Church above human desires for power. This angered the nobles who then captured the King and threatened him with death if he did not comply. Paulus said that he would gladly die for his Faith, and so was killed by the angry nobility, who then attempted to take over the government. However, Paulus’s son Leo took command of the Royal Legions and drove the forces of the nobles out of the city, killing or capturing a few. This began the Civil War, as different nobles chose different sides to support.

The war proved to be confusing, as different levels of Lords fought each other but had to deal with both higher and lower nobles. However, by 1794, the confusion had been settled, and the war was almost decided. Leo’s forces quickly overwhelmed any noble force they encountered, and quickly began to restore order to the country. The war would officially end in 1795 when the Pope promulgated a bull that said that what the nobles were trying to do (usurp the power of the Church) was unjust and commanded them to cease fighting. This effectively put an end to the war. This was the last major conflict the Kingdom would participate in or see on its soil. It was not as long or bloody as the succession crises, and it resulted in an ultimate victory for the monarchy and the church, with the monarchy retaining supreme legal authority over the entire Kingdom and the Church still retaining its own sovereignty and power in the Kingdom. However, the nobility still retained their titles and prestige, eventually which lead to the unique system which Aquila has, in which nobility still rules, but under the service of the King and his ministers.

Post Civil War Aquila

After the brief but bloody Civil War, Aquila settled into another long period of peace, one that is still ongoing. After several years of rebuilding, things more or less remained fairly stable throughout the beginning of the nineteenth century. This stability would come to be cherished by the people of Aquila. When the Industrial Revolution came around to Aquila, it would not bring too great of a change to Aquila's lifestyle. Despite the urban areas of Aelia and parts of Aquila becoming industrialized, most of the country remained for the most part unchanged. However, it was during this time that serfdom finally faded out of existence, with nobles gradually become administrators of the land on which they ruled. Even factory workers would retain all Sundays, Holy Days and other feasts off from working, and several Royal Edicts for care of industrial workers, especially made in conjunction with Papal documents about workers, would keep the populace for the most part happy and spare Aquila of the Revolutions that would plague the Euclean continent. Over time, however, liberalism would begin to spread through the Kingdom, but only really ever found root in the Duchies of Aelia and Sennia. This would lead to the Uprising of 1894, when leftists attempted to begin a revolution, and actually did for several days, and rather than being crushed, were persuaded to stand down by the Archishop of Aquila himself, and the revolutionaries were allowed to return home in peace. What kept the Kingdom mostly stable was the widespread influence of religious orders specifically aimed towards helping and educating the poor, and whereas in other countries vocations began to die off, as the population grew more people entered religious life.

Etrurian Occupation and the Constitution of 1940

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King Gregorius XXXII, whose long reign oversaw the Great War and the Promulgation of the Constitution

Aquila slowly and gradually began the process of modernization during the nineteenth century, although it was slow and methodical, unlike the rapid modernization of other countries, and even with the technilogical changes, Aquila never underwent the major paradigm shifts the other countries underwent as well. Aquila would actually host the first Mytikas Games in 1898, and would found the International Hockey Tournament. With the outbreak of the Great War in the 1920s, Aquila would remain firmly neutral, as it had no wish to get involved in an international war. In 1930, however, Aquila's neighbor, Etruria, sent armies and invaded the Kingdom, intending to occupy it. They would retain troops there for the duration of the war and for several years after its end. However, the occupation was very light, and actually helped to insulate the island for most of the war from foreign influence. The Etrurians, under international pressure, left in 1936, leaving Aquila once again fully independent. However, with the rise of the Euclean Community and the growing spread of liberalism throughout the world left King Gregorius XXXII concerned. Aquila became one of the founding members of the Association of Euclean States in order to protect itself from the growing power of the E.C. Still concerned with international distrust, on December 27th, 1940, King Gregorius promulgated a Constitution for Aquila, which established the Senate of Aquila and formally codified the government as a Constitutional Monarchy. The Constitution was initially widely unpopular, and it took a long time for people to grasp that the King implemented it in order to protect the Kingdom from foreign intervention.

Modern History

After the Promulgation of the Constitution, Aquila's greatest contention point was not even political, but spiritual. After the Second Tibernum Council concluded in the 1960s, Aquila was the only country in the world that did not adopt the New Missal or the “Spirit of Tibernum II” changes, but rather implemented the Council’s changes as written. Some of the liberal international bishops took this issue to the Pope, but upon investigation and defense from the Aquilan theological community, the Church officials realized that they had actually implemented the Council, the Pope quietly gave them an indult to celebrate the Traditional Mass, and Pope Augustine XII would later confirm the right to attend the Traditional Mass for the universal church in the document Summorum Pontificum. Because the changes that plagued other countries did not happen and liturgical abuse was rooted out, the Church in Aquila would not suffer the devastating demographic effects on the Church, especially to religious orders. For the remainder of the twentieth century, Aquila slowly but surely grew in peace and prosperity. Being the country with the some best preserved historical buildings, from Solarian Villas to Medieval Churches, Aquila's tourism business began to thrive. It stood out for its unique Catholic culture and history, and the seeming paradox that despite changing it never seems to really change.


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Map of the seven Duchies of Aquila

Aquila is the dominant island in the Bay of Aquila, sharing a maritime border with Etruria to the north, and west and the Solarian Sea to the southeast. The island is fairly hilly, with most of the island consisting of rolling hills, with mountainous regions to the west of the island and towards the central-eastern region, the Vale of Aquila in the centre of the island, and the flat plains at the south of the island. Aquila is one of the smallest countries in Euclea as well as in all of Kylaris, being only larger than the Ecclesiastical State of Tibernum.

The Duchy of Aquila, the center part of the country, is bordered by mountains to the to the west, and is centered around the Vale of Aquila, the fertile and protected plain that is formed between the two mountain ranges that formed the central part of the Kingdom. The western Duchy of Sennia is mountainous and hilly, having a rugged coastline, leaving it to be the most sparsely populated of all the Duchies. The eastern Duchy of Lucilia has the eastern mountains, but the mountains, not as close to the coast as Sennia’s, are followed by a gradual incline to the sea. The fertile plains of Prisicia dominate the southern part of the island, and comprise much of the Duchy itself. The gradual hills of Cornelia and Aelia, as well as Aelia’s prime position on the coast as the primary traditing city, have lead these areas to be much more urbanized than the other regions of the country. The forests of Volunsena to the North are deep, dark, and rough, mostly untouched by the passage of time.



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King Gregorius, Thirty Third of His Name, in 2015
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Prince Ioannes de Aquila, brother of the King and Chancellor of the Kingdom

The government, under the Constitution of 1940, is a Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy. The Government is headed by the King himself, but only through the Grace of God. The King nominally wields all executive, legislative and judicial power. However, with the passing of the Constitution, the King has gives legislative power to the Senate of Aquila. However, the King still has the authority to pass laws, known as “edicts” if passed unilaterally (though the King actually making laws in modern day is very rare). Assisting him in his executive power is the Council, a collection of advisors who advise the King in different matters and help to preform executive functions. The King also appoints all Justices, or Iudices. The King also reserves the right to dismiss any Senator, or too dismiss the entire Senate but this has only happened twice, both times because the Senators in question were tried and convicted for crimes which warranted their dismissal. Because the Constitution was signed into effect by the King, the King has sole prerogative to amend or abolish the Constitution. The current King, Gregorius XXXIII, has been King since 2005.

The Senate of Aquila is a legislature of 100 men elected by the populace. It is headed by the Chancellor, who is appointed by the King. Senators serve lifelong terms, and elections are held in the Duchies only if one resigns or dies. Of the seven Duchies of Aquila, each Duchy gets 14 representatives, with the exception of Aquila, which has 16 representatives. The Senate primarily deals with legislation, although all must be signed by the King, otherwise they do not take effect. In order for proposed legislation to pass, it must have a simple majority. The Chancellor may only vote in case of a tie. Th rest of the time, he is in charge of running the daily affairs of the Senate. The current Chancellor is Prince Ioannes de Aquila, who has been Chancellor since 2010.

The Royal Council, or Concilium Regae, assists the King in enforcing the laws of the land. It is far older than the Constitution, and has remained greatly unchained. It consists of seven members, each with different duties and responsibilities. Six are appointed by the King; only one is not. The Archiepiscopus is always the reigning Archbishop of Aquila; he is in charge of managing the spiritual affairs of the realm, as well as ensuring that the Church always has a voice close to the King's ear. The current Archiepiscopus is Cardinal Pius de Aquila, the King's paternal uncle. If the Archiepiscopus is not available, he may appoint another Bishop or member of the Clergy to advise in his stead. The Chancellor, besides running the Senate, is second in governance only to the King; he acts as a representative of legislative affairs to the Council. The Praeco was originally the herald of the King, a very prestigious position. However, over the years the position eventually became the administrator of foreign affairs, although nominally he still is the herald of the King, and fulfills that role at every coronation even to this day. The current Praeco is Dux Francescus IV de Cornelia, the King's lifelong friend and a respected diplomat. The Constabilarius, or Constable, is the King's advisor in military matters. Although the King has final command over all Royal or levied forces, more often than not it is the Constabilarius which manages them. The current Constabilarius is Paulus de Aquila. The Dispensator is in charge of the treasury. He manages all financial affairs of the realm. The current Dispensator is Dux Claudio de Sidonia, the longest serving on the council, and a seasoned veteran of fiscal affairs. The Atriensis is the chief steward of the realm, in charge of overseeing the King's household and all internal affairs of the Kingdom. The current Atriensis is Baro Ignatius de Raolla. The Actuarius was originally the chief scribe for the King, but now also attends to the King at all times, being his right-hand man.

While the national government is run by the King and his ministers, local governance is controlled by the nobility. Under the King, six Dukes control the different Duchies of the Kingdom; the King himself controls the Duchy of Aquila, which is also known as the Crownlands. Under each Duke (and the King, in his capacity as Duke) are the Domini, or Lords, which control smaller area of jurisdictions. Under each Dominus are the Barones, or Barons. There are also Equites, or Knights, which serve under the different levels of nobility in different capacities and can even hold land. Nobles have almost full control over the lands they rule, provided that they follow the laws of the Kingdom; and each can have their own local laws, provided that they are just and do not violate the natural law. Each noble may have an army; however, in cases of war the noble armies are supposed to rally behind the armies of the King. Nobles try their own people, however, subjects have the right to appeal to a higher level. The highest judge is the King himself.

Royal Council
Office Incumbent Term began
Archiepiscopus Cardinal Pius de Aquila February 12, 2009
Chancellor Ioannes de Aquila January 20, 2010
Praeco Dux Francescus IV de Cornelia July 29, 2016
Constabularius Paulus de Aquila April 1, 2004
Dispensator Dux Claudio de Sidonia December 15, 1986
Atriensis Baro Ignatius de Raolla July 2, 2007
Actuarius Eques Decius de Cornelia September 11, 2013

Political Parties and Elections

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  Royalist Party: 38 seats
  Catholic Party: 28 seats
  Catholic Democrats: 21 seats
  Patrician Party: 9 seats
  Progressive Party: 1 seat

Different Political Parties seek to pass legislation favorable to their ideologies through the Senate of Aquila. The first parties began to form in the late 18th century with the outbreak of the Civil War- those who supported the Monarch against those who supported the Nobility. These would be considered the Kingdom's first political parties- the Royalist Party and the Patrician Party. Before the passing of the Constitution, these factions worked to influence the Royal Court in order to get what they wanted. The other parties would begin to emerge later as time went on, addressing different issues- the Catholic Party working to promote Catholicism in the political sphere, the Catholic Democrats promoting worker's rights from a Catholic perspective and the Progressives to promote social and economic liberalism. These, as well, as the extremist parties the Aquilian National Front and the Aquilian People's Party would have a presence in Aquila by the time the Constitution was signed in 1940.

With the promulgation of the Constitution in 1940, the first and only full election would take place. In the first election, the Royalist and Catholic parties would emerge dominant, and ever since then the Senate has been dominated by the two parties, with both parties alone always having enough Senators to maintain a majority in the Senate. Both parties share mutual interests, and are able to work together to pass things favorable to both. They would form the "Conservative bloc" of the Senate, along with the Patrician Party and the Aquilian National Front (AFN). The Conservative bloc is largely monarchist, and are firm supporters of Traditionalism and Social Conservatism. However, the Patricians and AFN differ from the larger parties of the bloc, however, but have never had the numbers to oppose them even when joining with the liberal bloc.

The main opposition parties soon became the Catholic Democrats and the Progressives, though they could never unseat the Royalist-Catholic dominance. Together with the Aquilian People's Party (AFP) they would come to form the liberal bloc, pushing for increasing the influence of democracy in the government. The larger party, the Catholic Democrats, remains socially conservative, while the AFP and the Progressives are socially liberal. Thus Aquila's politics remain firmly socially conservative and heavily influenced by Catholicism.

Since Senators have life terms once elected and elections take place for individual seats only after the death, resignation or dismissal of a Senator, change is slow, and it is hard for major change to happen at once. Every since the first Senate was elected in 1940, the Royalists and the Catholics would be dominant in the Senate, the two parties combined never losing a majority in the Senate. Historically there has never been a vacancy of more than 3 seats at a time in the Senate. This changed in May 2018, when 13 members of the Progressive Party were found guilty of bribery and misconduct and dismissed by the Senate, which, combined with the death of another Senator, left 14 seats open for an election. This further crippled the Progressive Party, when combined with two members joining the Catholic Democrats saw them lose 15 seats total and be reduced from sixteen seats to one.

Generally, voting tends to be along geographic lines, with different parties faring well in different Duchies. The Royalist Party has strongholds in Aquila and Cornelia, the Catholic Party is popular in Lucilia and Prisicia, the Progressive Party is popular in Aelia, the Catholic Democrats have a strong presence in Sennia, and the Patricians have a presence in Volunsena.

Foreign Relations and Military

Aquilian Legionaries Marching in Dress Uniform

Aquila has amicable relations with most powers, but does not really have any major involvement in foreign affairs. It remains mostly to itself, although it does not fear to work with other nations, just as long as their way of life is preserved. For this reason, Aquila remains a strong opponent of pan-Eucleaism and globalism, wanting to keep its national sovereignty, religion. The Kings of Aquila still remain to this day staunch allies of the Papacy. It's neighbor, Etruria, has had a rather concerning history with Aquila, giving the occupation during the great war and the overtaking of the Papal State; however, Aquila tries to be friendly, although the rising trends of populism are concerning to many Aquilans. Most relations with other countries have to do with emigrants, mostly missionaries, priests or religious; Aquila's booming numbers as compared with the rest of the world's decline have lead many to go to foreign countries to spread the Gospel or to continue the order. In addition to this, Aquila has served as a safe harbor for exiled royals, nobles, Catholics, monarchists, traditionalists, reactionaries, and others.

Aquila has not had a need for a large army, having fought its last major war over 2 centuries ago. Aquila has a unique practice among the nations, where the entire army is not nationalized. Rather, each noble has his own army, although generally these are very small, acting mostly as peacekeepers. The King's army, or the royal army is the largest, and is de facto the national army, but the Royal Army is very small compared with other nations. The King has the prerogative to call his vassal's banners or to call a draft, yet again this had not happened in over 2 centuries. However, despite this system, Aquila also has the longest standing army in history. After the fall of Solaris, a total of three Solarian legions moved to Aquila for its relative stability- Legio I Aquila, Legio VI Gemella, and Legio XII Victrix. Keeping the structure of later Solarian legions, these legions came to serve the King of Aquila and have done so since 500. They are generally kept set at 3,000 men; so the Royal Legions, that still remain to this day generally have 9,000 men, and they are the elite of Aquila's troops, heavily drilled and trained. Besides the Royal Legions, the King has a distinct Royal Army, although this is not. Aquila does not have a large air force or navy, and both of these are very small. Equipment-wise, Aquila falls far short of the modern world, lacking a solid force of tanks, using fairly outdated equipment, having no long range missiles, and only defensive artillery.


Ethnic Groups

Not much known is known about the ethnicity of the island before the Solarian conquest, except that the people were of South Euclean origin. However, after the conquest, the Solarians would inhabit and mix with the native population. The island would remain ethnically Solarian for the duration of the Empire; however, by the time of the Empire's fall the island would become its own ethnicity, Aquilian. Every since, the vast majority of the island has been ethnically Aquilian. This is a unique ethnicity, though it is closely related to the other Solarian branch-ethnicity, Vespasian, and has a similar appearance to them. The gene pool is one of the smallest in the world, as Aquila is a small Kingdom with little immigration. Most migrants tend to be of Vespasian origin, though there are small communities from Coius and the Asterias. It is one of the most ethnically "pure" nations in the world, with 96.1% of the population being ethnically Aquilian, but not due to governmental action, but rather because of its tiny size and a low rate of immigration.


Knowledge of Foreign Languages
Language Percentage

There are two major native languages on the island, both comprising the Aquilian language, though they are vastly different. “High” Aquilian is almost exactly equivalent to medieval Solarian, and stems from the language that was brought by the Solarian conquerors. It remains the official language of the Kingdom. However, only a fraction of the population actually speak it, and it is really only used as an academic language, used for official titles, functions, and Catholic liturgies (which is equivalent to the traditional Solarian liturgies). All government functions are exercised in it, however, including all official proceedings in the Senate and all official speeches from the Monarch. The unofficial but commonly used language of “Low” Aquilian is the most common language throughout the island. It is akin to “High” Aquilian in different ways, though still it is different, due to the passage of time and the natural progression of language. Most Aquilians speak it in day to day affairs. This language came from the introduction of Solarian to the peoples of the island, and how it mixed in with language of the natives, and as it progressed over time. There are different dialects throughout the island, however the island is not really big enough for there to be a major distinction. Most “Low” Aquilian speakers can understand other speakers of different dialects. Most Aquilians can also speak several foreign languages, the main ones being Vespasian due to it's close proximity and Estmerish because of its international importance, and a significant portion can speak Gaullican and Lusitan, as most schools help teach foreign languages.


Solarian Catholicism is the official and almost universal religion of the Kingdom of Aquila. It permeates all aspects of society, and is so deeply intertwined with the culture that it is now virtually inseparable from it. Aquila is well know for its very religious and devout populace; a 2015 survey found that 71.2% of Aquilians value religion as their top priority. Nearly every citizen is Catholic, with 98.7% of the population identifying as Catholic although to differing degrees. Nearly every community has a Church, and nearly everyone goes to Mass regularly. Aquila has a stunningly high Mass attendance rate, with nearly 94.2% of Catholics going to Mass every Sunday, and nearly 47.6% attending Mass daily. This dwarfs most of the developed world, and young people often choose to remain in the Church. The leader of the Church in Aquila, the Archbishop of Aquila, currently Cardinal Pius de Aquila, holds a prestigious office, both inside the Kingdom as a permanent member of the Royal Council and oftentimes the Archbishop holds important offices within the Church. Many have been elected Pope.

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Solarian Catholicism is practiced by almost universally.

The society itself is structured around Catholicism. Per tradition the King is crowned by the Pope himself. The government historically and presently is always keen to support the interests and needs of the Church, and participates actively in it. Many feast days are celebrated as public holidays, and it is illegal to do most work on Sundays. Churches are almost always full or at least well attended. Huge crowds are often seen on Corpus Christi and other Eucharistic feasts, packing the streets for long Eucharistic processions. Scores of men and women enter priestly or religious life. Whereas around the world religious orders have begun to die out or decrease in size and there is looming concern of a priest shortage, Aquila continues to have many join orders and the priesthood. Many Aquilians who do this end up going off to foreign countries to serve parishes, monasteries and convents that would otherwise be closed. It is a bastion of Traditional Catholicism, still practicing the Old Solarian Rites before the Second Tibernum Council. It is also the world’s premier leader on Scholastic and Catholic theology and philosophy, it being it’s primary study and interest, which attracts a foreign students to come study in Aquila.

Aquila's faith traces back from the very early days of the Church, and was converted to Catholicism by and later was the exile location of St. John, the first Bishop of Aquila. Another famous Church Father, St. Polycarp, would also be Bishop of Aquila and a major force for the early Church. The island remained strongly Catholic in spite of Solarian persecutions, and retained its Catholicism through the fall of the Solarian Empire. St. Ioannes de Aquila, the last Solarian Governor of Aquila from the Aquila family, would die a martyr during the persecutions. The first King and founder of Aquila was a Saint, St. Gregorius I, and his successors still rule the Kingdom of Aquila to this day. The Kingdom throughout its history would be consistently strong with the Faith; 8 Monarchs and 2 other Royals would be canonized, more Saints than any other family and more than any other rulers of countries. The Kingdom would flourish during the Middle Ages, producing great works for the Church, and being the place where the Order of Preachers were founded under St. Dominic. St. Peter Canisius, St. John of the Cross, St. Camillus and St. Philip Neri would be other Saints who were from Aquila.

It is worth noting that while Catholicism is the official religion of Aquila, there are no legal restrictions on other religions or mandatory practicing of the faith. There are rules in place, such as that women must haves heads covered in a Church and that men must remove any head coverings when entering a Church. Many organizations will have mandatory spiritual events, including government functions, but no one is required to fully participate. There is no official or sanctioned persecution of other religions. There are some other faiths or no faith practiced by a small proportion of immigrants and citizens of the island, but the percentage is statistically negligible. Most immigrants who come from different religions often choose (of their own free will) to convert in order to assimilate.


A group of Camillian Brothers who take care of the sick

Unlike most other developed nations, Aquila has no public healthcare system. Healthcare across the country is instead run by private institutions and Religious Orders. Generally those that can pay choose private healthcare, while religious orders take care of people who can not afford to pay. However, there are set measures in place to prevent people from freeloading off of free medical care; and the hospitals generally decide these things on a case by case basis. Most medical programs across the country are well-equipped and staffed, and are similar in development to other developed countries, though medical research and breakthrough is not as strong as it is in other countries. The government provides stipends to religious hospitals that are in financial need, however, other than that, there is no public interference in healthcare. Aquila does not force anyone to have healthcare or pay for other's healthcare, however, the wealthy will often have voluntary programs to sponsor people who cannot afford their own healthcare.

The most dominant medical religious order in Aquila are the Camillians, or the Clerics Regular, Ministers to the Sick, founded in 1582 by St. Camillus, who founded the Order to take care of the sick and needy of Aquila. They quickly grew and have maintained a presence for nearly five centuries within Aquila. They have their own hospitals and facilities, and are do a great deal of work for the poor and needy. There are three main sections of the order; religious priests who take care of the spiritual needs of the sick and dying, the main group of religious brothers who take care of the sick, and a smaller but still prominent group of sisters who carry out the same task. Although they are based out of Aquila, there are thousands across the world who take care of the sick and the dying. They are known for the distinctive red cross they wear on their habits, and can be found anywhere from highly developed cities to impoverished war zones. There are other religious orders as well, such as the Sisters of Charity, which also run hospitals.

Unlike most of the developed world, abortion, contraception, and euthanasia are all strictly forbidden and regulated by government. However, Aquila has one of the most advanced systems for pregnancies and childbirth, as Aquilians tend to have large families. Beacuse of this, Aquila has Euclea's highest birth rate and the highest in the developed world, having a Total fertility rate score of 4.57. Aquila has one of the lowest unexpected pregnancy rate in the world; and does not have a major problem with aids or other STDs, because premarital sex and adultery only happen very rarely.


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The St. Thomas Aquinas Courtyard of the University of Aquila

Aquila has a proud tradition in education. During the Solarian period, education followed the traditional Solarian style, being informal and based upon private tutoring. However, a great many manuscripts were written and left on the island. After the fall of Solarian Empire, the island's stability became one of the best places where the great Monasteries and Churches were able to preserve records. Aquila's faithful support of the Church helped these institutions significantly, and many records were able to be preserved from antiquity. Schools were run to train clergy from the earliest days of the Kingdom. Thus the clergy and monastics and nobility were literate while the general populace were not. These schools later extended to become larger scale Cathedral and Monastic Schools, and eventually led to the foundation of the first establishment of higher education in Aquila and in Euclea.

The University of Aquila was founded in 1091, and remains the oldest university still in operation. This would eventually pave the way for other institutions of higher education across the rest of Euclea, and eventually the world. Despite Royal patronage of the University, the educational landscape would continue to be dominated by the clergy of the Catholic Church. Over the course of the centuries, the University of Aquila was known for its superb theological and philosophical education, and at different times had St. Peter Canisius and St. John of the Cross educated there and had St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Bonaventure and St. Albert the Great as teachers. The school is still in operation, being very prestigious while remaining purposely small; which each of the closely regulated 7,500 seats being contested for every year.

As time went on, eventually religious orders began to establish schools to teach Faith to the lower citizens, and local parishes would begin to follow in their example later. These schools would flourish and grow, and it allowed for the poor and needy who could otherwise not afford an education the chance to get one. These worked so well that Aquila never found the need to establish a public school system; rather everything has remained private or religious. Almost all parish and most religious schools require payment of tuition; however, for those who cannot afford it, there are religious orders which run schools and will help teach those in need.


Science and Technology





Aquilian Woman in standard dress
Aquilian Man in standard dress

Dress across the Kingdom is mostly traditional. There are no legal restrictions to what people can wear, except women must have their heads covered in a Church and men must remove their hats in a Church. Most people tend to dress traditionally anyway, as modern clothing is not as popular. Women tend to wear long skirts and a blouse, combined with a head covering- most commonly, a veil. Alternatively long dresses are worn. However, most women who dress in more modern clothing and do not cover their heads all of the time still wear mantillas to Mass. Men tend to dress in buttoned shirts and pants, with a vest and, depending on the weather, a jacket. However, modern collared shirts and tie are not commonly worn, though it is more commonly worn than other forms of clothing, such as t-shirts and sweatpants. Farmers, miners, and other workers sometimes wear denim, but it is not commonly worn.


Fragment of the Gospel of St. John

The earliest form of literature of the Kingdom is part of the most famous work in all of history- the Bible. St. John would spend his exile on the island of Aquila, and would complete his Gospel, his three epistles, and his Apocalypse here. These famous works would be renowned throughout the entire world. This is also the most important literature of the island, with the entire island having a great devotion to St. John. Copies have been preserved and honored here, with an early fragments of John's Gospel dating to around the year 100. Also a few writings of St. Polycarp are preserved as well, and due to Aquila's rich connection to the past there is a large collections of old letters from the first millennia of Church History from the Fathers of the Church, from Popes, Bishops, and others; Aquila's archives are some of the most sought for treasure troves of wealth for historians and others. Writings by St. Dominic, St Thomas Aquinas, St. Bonaventure, St. John of the Cross, St. Albert the Great and St. Peter Canisius can all be found in Aquila. Aquila also has well kept records from the Solarian period, and a well documented history, remarkable because of the level of preservation that the Kingdom has practiced over the years (although much indeed has been lost, through war or other means). It is the emphasis on and the respect for Tradition, as well as the remarkable stability the Kingdom has had, that helped preserve these ancient sources into the present today.

Palestrina's Missa Papae Marcelli, one his most famous works


Aquila has a rich musical tradition, stretching back over a thousand years. It was in Aquila the thriving Church would first begin to truly develop chants of the Holy Texts of the Faith that were sung. This began with Aquilian Chant, a style of plainchant which, when merged with Gaullican Chant in the eighth century, would form Gregorian Chant. This would later spread throughout the rest of the Solarian Catholic world, becoming the standard in music until the reforms after the Second Tiberium Council. Chant would continued to be developed through the centuries, especially throughout medieval Aquila. During the Renaissance, music would see a major shift under the development of polyphony with Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, the Aquilian composer who would be renowned throughout Euclea for his works of Church music. Palestrina remained Aquila's most influential music authority for the next centuries; with most music being Ecclesiastical polyphony. However, religious instrumental music was also developed in the centuries to come. Opera and other secular works never really became popular in Aquila, however, in alternative the Oratorio, especially religious in nature. Modern music would not take hold in Aquila; however, Aquila is well known for its use of classic Gregorian Chant, and the popularity of other religious music. To this day, Aquila remains the leader in the composition of religious choral works, the most famous one being a setting of the Ave Maria.

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Aquila's national team, the Regales Flavi


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Aquila's national women's team, the Regales Flavae

The most popular and the national sport in Aquila is the sport of Field Hockey, also known as Bacularem, coming from the Solarian and High Aquilan word "baculum", or stick. It has ancient roots, with reliefs found from 500 BC, well before the Solarian conquest of the island, depicting a game being played with sticks. The game continued to develop, remaining popular throughout the Empire and through the Medieval and early Modern period. The game was always decentralized, only keeping a loose structure to it, until 1778, when the Baro Gregorius de Relvi formally codified the first set of rules for the sport, which soon became the standard for the sport. In 1872, several Aquilians formed the Bacularem Concilium Internationalem (BCI), or the Field Hockey World Commission, to oversee rules and to host tournaments, most notably the International Hockey Tournament, which began in 1916. It is very popular in Aquila, being commonly played and supported by most of the population. The only professional sports league in Aquila, the Aquila Bacularem Foedus, the ABF (formed in 1874), is a collection of teams from across the Kingdom, with a separate league, the Aquila Bacularem Foedus Feminae, or ABFF (formed in 1948), for women. For every international tournament or Mytikas Games, those selected to represent the Kingdom of Aquila are part of the Regales Flavi for men or the Regales Flavae for women, translating to the "Royal Yellows", due to the color of their yellow uniform. They frequently do well, with Aquila having more Laurels in the Mytikas Games and more BCI Tournament victories than any other one individual country. However, when it comes to other sports, Aquila is often lacking, with people only doing it for recreation. Aquila does have a professional football team, the Viri Regis, or the King's Men.

Public holidays

Date Name Holiday Notes
1 January Feast of the Circumcision of Christ Yes New Year's Day
2 January Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus Yes
6 January Epiphany Yes
12 January Feast of St. Gregorius XIII No
26 January Feast of the St. Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr Yes
2 February Candlemas Yes
13 February Feast of St. Petrus VIII No
17 February Feast of St. Linus Pius, Bishop and Confessor No
22 February Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter Yes
7 March Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas No
14 March Feast of St. Veronica de Aquila No
19 March Saint Joseph's Day Yes
25 March Feast of the Annunciation Yes
movable Thursday Maundy Thursday Yes The Thursday Easter Sunday
movable Friday Good Friday Yes The Friday before Easter Sunday
movable Saturday Holy Saturday Yes The Saturday Easter Sunday
movable Sunday Easter Sunday Yes First Sunday after the Ecclesiastical full moon that occurs on or soonest after 21 March
movable Monday-Saturday Ebdomada Alba Yes Week following Easter
movable Sunday Quasimodo Sunday Yes Sunday After Easter
movable Thursday Feast of the Ascension Yes 40 days after Easter
movable Sunday Pentecost Yes 50 Days after Easter
moveable Friday Feast of the Sacred Heart Yes 19 Days after Pentecost
16 April Feast of St. Gregorius I No
17 April Feast of St. Petrus I No
27 April Feast of Saint Peter Canisius No
26 May Feast of St. Philip Neri No
29 May Corpus Christi Yes
31 May Visitation Yes
24 June Nativity of John the Baptist No
29 June Feast of Saints Peter and Paul Yes
4 July Feast of St. Pius I No
13 July Feast of St. Ioannes XIV No
4 August Feast of St. Dominic Yes
6 August Feast of the Transfiguration Yes
15 August Assumption of Mary Yes
22 August Immaculate Heart of Mary Yes
8 September Nativity of Mary Yes
14 September Feast of the Cross Yes
25 September Feast of St. Lucia, Queen of Aquila No
12 October Feast of St. Ioannes X No
30 October Feast of St. Paulus VIII No
1 November All Saints' Day Yes
2 November All Souls' Day No
21 November Presentation of Mary Yes
Movable Sunday Feast of Christ the King Yes Last Sunday of October
21 November Immaculate Conception Yes
24 November Feast of St. John of the Cross No
9 December Feast of St. Ioannes de Aquila, Martyr No
24 December Nativity's Eve Yes
25 December Nativity Yes
26 December St. Stephen's Day Yes
27 December Feast of St. John Yes
